Italian Submitted Surnames

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Primavera Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Means "spring (the season)" in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Príncipe Italian, Spanish
From principe "prince, heir" (Latin princeps, genitive principis, from primus "first" and capere "to take"), applied probably as a nickname for someone who gave himself airs and graces or for someone in the service of a prince.
Priore Italian
from Italian priore "prior" either a nickname or occupational name which probably most often originated as a metonymic occupational name for a servant of a prior or some important lay dignitary... [more]
Prisco Italian
From the given name Prisco
Procida Italian
Habitational name from Procida, one of the Flegrean Islands off the coast of Naples in southern Italy.
Procopio Italian
Italian (Calabria) and Greek (Prokopios): from the personal name Procopio, Greek Prokopios, from pro ‘before’, ‘in front’ + kopē ‘cut’, actually an omen name meaning ‘success’, ‘prosperity’ but as a Church name taken to mean ‘pioneer’ as it was the name of the first victim of Diocletian's persecutions in Palestine in AD 303... [more]
Proia Italian
From the name of a place in Italy. The meaning is uncertain, but it might be derived from Greek πρωία (proía) "morning".
Proietti Italian
From Latin proiecto "abandoned, thrown away", given to foundlings and children abandoned at orphanages. The name may have been taken from la ruota dei proietti, or "foundling wheel", that some orphanages and religious institutes in Italy installed for infants to be anonymously abandoned in.
Prometta Italian
Promise (prometto), feminine.
Pucci Italian
Patronymic derived from the medieval given name Puccio.
Puddu Italian
From Sardinian puddu "chicken" (compare Podda).
Pugina Italian
Most likely derived from the feminine form of the Italian word pugno which means "fist".
Puglia Italian
habitational name from Apulia (Italian Puglia) in southeastern Italy. Variant of Pugliese.
Puglisi Sicilian
Southern Italian variant of Pugliese.
Pugno Italian
The Italian family name Pugno is considered by scholars to be of nickname origin. While the majority of surnames that are derived from a sobriquet or nickname reveal to us some aspect of the physical appearance of the initial bearer of the name or may allude to a characteristic of this person, other nickname family names make reference to a particular piece of clothing or favorite article or indeed a favorite color of the bearer of the name... [more]
Pulcifer Italian (Anglicized, Rare)
Possibly a variant of the surname Pulsipher.
Puleo Sicilian
origin- common name found in Palermo in Scicily
Pulsipher Italian (Anglicized)
from the nickname meaning "handsome man" of a member of the Italian Pulci family who settled in England around the time of the Norman conquest
Pulsoni Italian
Probably from Latin pulso "to beat, to strike".
Pupillo Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Pupillo.
Purpura Italian
A nickname for someone associated with the color purple.
Quaresima Italian
Means "lent" in Italian.
Quattrociocchi Italian
From quattro ciocchi, "four logs of wood" in Italian.
Quercia Italian (Rare)
From the Latin quercus "oak".
Quinto Aragonese, Spanish, Catalan, Italian
Habitational surname for a person from a place called Quinto, for example in Zaragoza province. However, the high concentration of the surname in Alacant province suggests that, in some cases at least, it may derive from the personal name Quinto (from Latin Quintus denoting the fifth-born child or Catalan quinto "young soldier").... [more]
Racioppi Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian racioppu meaning "cluster of grapes", hence presumably a metonymic occupational name for someone who sold or produced grapes.
Rafaniello Italian
Probably from Italian ravanello "radish", probably given to someone who grew or sold radishes, or perhaps resembled one in some way.
Raffaele Italian
From the given name Raffaele.
Ragonesi Italian
Meaning: People Of Aragon
Ragosta Italian
from aragosta "lobster" used for a shell-fisherman or otherwise as a nickname for someone thought to resemble a lobster in some way.
Ragusa Italian
Habitational name from Ragusa in Sicily, or from the ancient city of Dubrovnik on the Dalmatian coast of Croatia (Italian name Ragusa).
Raia Italian, Sicilian
Either a topographic name from Sicilian raia ‘smilax’ (a climbing shrub), or else derived from Sicilian raja meaning ‘ray’, or ‘skate’ (the fish), presumably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish or a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman or fish seller.
Randazzo Italian
Habitational name from a place in Catania called Randazzo. Possibly from a derivative of the personal name Rando.
Raniero Italian
From the given name Raniero
Rapino Italian
From the name of two municipalities in Abruzzo, Italy. It could also be a nickname for a barber, derived from Italian rapare meaning "to crop, to shave, to scalp".
Rapinoe Italian (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Rapino. American former soccer player Megan Rapinoe (1985-) bears this name.
Rappa Italian, Sicilian
from Sicilian rappa meaning ‘bunch, cluster’ or Italian rappa meaning ‘lock, quiff’, which was presumably applied as a nickname with reference to someone’s hair.
Rassi Italian
Comes from the Italian rosso, meaning "red".
Rau Italian
From a local variant of the personal name Rao, an old form of Ralph.
Reale Italian
From reale "royal", either an occupational name for someone in the service of a king or a nickname for someone who behaved in a regal manner.
Reali Italian
Variant of the surname Reale, which stems from reale "royal", either a name for someone in the service of a royal or a nickname for someone who behaved in a regal, aristocratic manner.
Rebuffo Italian
Possibly from the medieval given names Rebuffo or Robufus. Alternately, may derive from a nickname based on rabuffo "rebuke, scold".
Recchia Italian
Nickname from a reduced form of orecchia "ear".
Recchio Italian
Probably a shortened form of orecchio "ear".
Reginatto Italian
nato means "born" in italian... [more]
Remigio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Remigio
Remini Italian
Famous bearer: Actress and Scientology critic Leah Remini.
Renardo Italian
Italian variant of Reynold
Renda Italian
Possibly a derivative of Lorenzo.
Renna Italian
Variant of Renda.
Restivo Italian
From an Italian nickname derived from the dialectal word restivu meaning "uncommunicative, reserved".
Ricardo Italian, Spanish
From the given name Ricardo
Riccardo Italian
From the given name Riccardo
Ricciardi Italian
From the given name Riccardo.
Riccio Italian
From Italian riccio meaning "curly". This was originally a nickname for someone with curly hair.
Ricer Italian
means "search " in italian
Richie English (Rare), Italian
Diminutive form of Richard. It could also have been a nickname for one who was rich or wealthy, or, in Italy, a variant of Ricci... [more]
Righetti Italian
Means "son of Righetto" a pet form of the personal name Rigo.
Rigo Italian, Catalan
From the given name Rigo a short of any of the given names Rigoberto, Arrigo, and Federigo.
Riina Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian rijina meaning "queen".
Rinato Italian
means "reborn" in italian
Rino Italian
From the given name Rino.
Riola Italian
Regional variant of Riolo.
Ripamonti Italian
From ripa "bank, shore" and monte "mountain".
Rispoli Italian
A patronymic from a derivative of the given name Rispo, which is probably of Germanic origin. Alternatively, it could be a variant of Ruspoli, which is of unknown origin.
Rita Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan
From the female personal name Rita, a reduced form of MargharitaMargaret’, chosen in particular in honor of a 15th-century Italian saint who bore the name in this form.
Ritacco Italian
Probably a derivative of Rito, a masculinized form of the female personal name Rita.
Rivabella Italian
Derived from the Italian word riva meaning "bank (shore, riverbank, lakebank)" (from Latin ripa) and bella meaning "beautiful"... [more]
Rizza Italian
Variant of Rizzo.
Rizzotti Italian
Variant of 'Rizzo', which means 'curly haired'
Rizzuto Italian
From Sicilian rizzutu "curly-haired".
Roascio Italian (Rare)
Derived from Roascio, the name of a municipality in the province of Cuneo in the Piedmont region of Italy. The meaning of the municipality's name is uncertain, but since it is located in Piedmont and known as Roass in the Piedmontese language, the etymological origin of the name is most likely Piedmontese... [more]
Roasio Italian
This surname originates from the Piedmont region of Italy. It is most likely derived from Roasio, which is the name of a municipality in that same region. The meaning of the municipality's name is uncertain, but since it is located in Piedmont and known as Roaso in the Piedmontese language, the etymological origin of the name is most likely Piedmontese... [more]
Rodia Italian
Habitational name from Rodia, a locality in Messina, Sicily.
Rodino Italian
Possibly from the medieval Latin name Rodinus, or Germanic Hrodhari, from hroþi "fame, glory" and Hari "battle".
Romana Catalan, French, Italian, Polish, English (Rare), German, Hungarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Belarusian
From the feminine form of the Latin personal name Romanus, which originally meant "Roman".
Romani Italian
Patronymic or plural form of the personal name Romano.
Romeo Italian
From the given name Romeo.
Romie Italian
From a diminutive of Roman or its derivative names.
Ronchetto Italian
Italian: diminutive from a variant of Ronco .
Rondelli Italian, English, French
From the medieval name "Rondello" derived from French "rondel" meaning "go around, round" or "rondel", a French old nickname for a round, plump man.
Roppolo Italian
Perhaps a derivative of Roppo, a given name of Germanic origin.
Rosano Italian
rosa meaning pink. Could also be indicative of a location known for or possessing roses.
Rosati Italian
Variant of Rosato.
Rosi Greek, Italian
Greek: Metronymic from the female personal name Rosa 1, or alternatively a variant of Rosso.... [more]
Rossetti Italian
Patronymic derived from the given name Rossetto (see Rosetto).
Rosso Italian
Derived from the Italian word rosso meaning "red". It was used as a nickname for people with red hair or that used to wear in red.
Rota Italian
Means "wheel" in Italian, from various place names.
Rotunno Italian
From Neapolitan rotunno "round, rotund".
Rovere Italian
From rovere "oak".
Roviaro Italian (Modern)
From northern Italy
Rubino Italian
The surname Rubino derives from the name Rubino, in turn originated from the Latin term "Rubeus" (red) with evident reference to the well-known precious stone. It is thought that originally the surname was attributed to the physical characteristics of having red hair, however, the origin of the surname Rubino from the Hebrew term "Ruben" which meant "son of providence", or even from the apheresis of the name "Cherubino".
Rubiu Italian
From Sardinian runiu "red", cognate to Rubio.
Rucci Italian
Patronymic from the personal name Ruccio, from a short form of various pet names formed with this suffix, as for example Gasparuccio (from Gaspari) or Baldassaruccio (from Baldasare).
Ruffalo Italian
Variant spelling of Ruffolo. A famous bearer is American actor Mark Ruffalo (1967-).
Ruffolo Italian
Derived from the given name Ruffo, an Italian form of Rufus.
Ruggero Italian
From the given name Ruggero
Ruotina Italian
Means "wheel" in Italian. This meant that a bearer of this surname was a wheel maker.
Rusconi Italian
From Italian rusca, "splinter, sliver of wood".
Russi Italian
Variant of Rossi.
Rutigliano Italian
From the name of a town located in Bari Province of Apulia, Italy.
Ruvolo Italian
From Sicilian ruvolo "sessile oak".
Sabatini Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Sabatino.
Sabatino Italian
From the given name Sabatino.
Sabato Italian
From sabato "Saturday".
Sabino Italian
From the given name Sabino
Sablone Italian
From Latin sabulo "coarse sand, gravel".
Saccà Italian
From Arabic سقى (saqa) "to give water", a nickname for a water carrier.
Saccavino Italian
Possibly from French sac à vin "drunkard".
Saccente Italian
Nickname from medieval Italian saccente "wise".
Saco Italian
There are several possible derivations for the Saco surname: the Saco name evolved from an old Tuscan personal name, Saccus; it came from the word "sacco" meaning "a sack," and was an occupational name for a maker of sacks or bags; it was a habitational name taken on from the place named Sacco in Salerno province.
Saetta Italian
Means "lightning" in Italian.
Saffioti Italian
From the place name Punta Safò, a settlement in Briatico.
Saladino Italian, Sicilian
Either from the personal name Saladino from Arabic (see Saladin ) or a nickname from this name denoting a bully or tyrant... [more]
Salemi Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from a place so called in Trapani.
Salerno Italian
Southern Italian habitational name from the city of Salerno in Campania.
Salgari Italian, Venetian
Meaning unknown.
Salierno Italian
Possibly denotes someone from the city Salerno.
Sallas Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, Galician, Portuguese, Aragonese, Asturian, Romanian, Greek
Either a variant of Salas or Sala, or else a nickname from Arabic, Turkish, or Persian salli meaning "broad, wide, large, tall".
Salomone Italian
From the given name Salomone the Italian form of Solomon.
Salussolia Italian, Piedmontese
Originally denoted a person from Salussola, a comune (municipality) in the province of Biella in Piedmont, Italy.
Salvatore Italian
Derived from the Italian masculine given name Salvatore, which in turn was derived from the Italian noun salvatore meaning "saviour, rescuer"... [more]
Sammartino Italian
From Italian san (apocopic form of santo ("saint") + Martino ("Martin").
Sandano Italian
San means "saint" in Italian, but I don't know what the... [more]
Sanfelippo Italian
Italian (mainly Sicily and southern Calabria): habitational name from any of several places so named for a local church or shrine dedicated to St. Philip, in particular San Filippo del Mela in Messina province.
Sanfilippo Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from any of several places called with reference to a local church or shrine dedicated to Saint Philip specifically San Filippo del Mela in Messina province San Filippo near Reggio Calabria.
San Giorgio Italian
“Saint George.”
San Giovanni Italian
Means Saint John in Italian
Sanguinetti Italian, Judeo-Italian
From Sanguinetto, the name of two places in Genova and Verona provinces.
San Pietro Italian
Means Saint Peter in Italian.
Santamaria Italian, French, Spanish
Italian and French cognate of Santamaría as well as a Spanish variant.
Santangelo Italian, Sicilian
Either habitational name from any of numerous places especially in the south named with reference to a local shrine or church dedicated to Saint Angel (Italian Sant'Angelo) as for example Sant'Angelo a Cupolo (Benevento) Sant'Angelo a Fasanella (Salerno) Sant'Angelo all’Esca and Sant'Angelo a Scala (Avellino) Sant'Angelo d'Alife (Caserta) and Sant'Angelo del Pesco (Molise)... [more]
Santas Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Possibly a nickame for someone born on All Saint's Day.
Santi Italian (Latinized, Archaic)
Santi is a surname of Christian inspiration and it means Son of Santo (Saint). It also has a second meaning in plural that is Santos (Saints). Santi is a last name that comes from Piedmont (northern Italy)... [more]
Santino Italian
Derived from the given name Santino.
Santora Italian
Feminine variant of Santoro.
Santorum Italian
Variant of Santoro. A notable bearer is former American Senator Rick Santorum (1958-present).
Sanzio Italian
Meaning: Holy or Blessed.
Sapienza Italian
It means "knowledge" in Italian.
Saragat Italian
Meaning unknown, perhaps a variant of Sarago. The surname of a former Italian president.
Sarago Italian
From Italian sarago "fish".
Sard English, French, Spanish, Italian
In the book surnames of the United Kingdom: A Concise Etymological Dictionary by Henry Harrison and Gyda (Pulling) Harrison 1912 - Reprinted 1996. The Sard surname (which has been in England, Italy and Europe for a long time) is defined thus on page 136.... [more]
Sarda Italian
From the feminine form of Sardo or from sarda "large sardine" either a nickname or occupational name for selling sardines.
Sardella Italian
From sardella "sardine" used as either an occupational name for a fisher or seller of sardines or a nickname for a thin person.
Sardina Italian, Spanish, Galician
From sardina Galician sardiña "sardine" used for someone as a catcher or seller of the fish or a nickname for a thin person.
Sardo Italian, Catalan
Ethnic name from sardo "Sardinian".
Sardone Italian
Augmentative of Sarda or Sardo "the big Sardinian". in the central and southern Adriatic region from sardone "anchovy".
Sarracino Italian
From Neapolitan sarracino, meaning "Saracen", a term used to refer to a variety of ethnic and religious groups, including a nomadic people from Sinai, Muslims, and pirates from the Mediterranean.
Sartori Italian
Variant of Sarto, through Latin Sartorius.
Sassu Italian
From Sardinian sassu "stone".
Savelli Italian
It could derive from the Sabelli (ancient Italic tribe), pre-Roman population, or from toponyms such as Savelli di Norcia (PG) and indicate the origin of the founder.
Savino Italian
From the given name Savino.
Savio Italian
Italian nickname given to a wise, sage man. Saint Dominic Savio is a well-known bearer of this surname.
Savoia Italian (Archaic)
A Italian royal court name.
Sbaraglia Italian
From sbaragliare "to defeat, to overcome".
Scafata Italian
Possibly denoting someone from the Italian town Scafati, from Latin scapha "skiff, light boat". Alternately, may be from Italian scafare "to husk peas", either literally referring to someone's occupation, or from the figurative meaning of "to make more confident; alert, shrewd".
Scaglietti Italian
The name of an Italian coachbuilder, with one of its famous customers being Ferrari when it doesn't want a design from Pininfarina.
Scaglione Italian
Derived from scaglione meaning "stallion’s canine tooth" (an augmentative form of scaglie meaning "canine tooth", from Old French escaillon meaning "horse’s tooth"), presumably a nickname for someone with exceptionally large teeth.
Scala Italian, Greek
Habitational or topographic name from any of various places named with scala, "ladder", "steps", "wharf".
Scali Italian
Habitational name from Scali in Piedimonte Etneo, Sicily. From greek skali, "step", "terrace".
Scali Italian
Variant of Scala.
Scalia Italian
Habitational name derived from Scalea in the province of Cosenza, deriving ultimately from medieval Greek skaleia meaning "hoeing".
Scanagatta Italian
Probably means "cat killer", from Italian scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and gatto "cat", with the figurative meaning of "cheat, scoundrel". (Compare Pelagatti)... [more]
Scanarotti Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly a nickname given to a boastful person.
Scanavacca Italian
Possibly an occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and vacca "cow".
Scanavino Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly related to scanalare "to cut a groove, to plough" and vino "wine".
Scannabissi Italian
Possibly from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and biscio "snake". Alternately, the first element may be from an archaic form of zanna, "tooth (of an animal)".
Scannadinari Italian (Rare)
Taken from the Italian scanna meaning "slaying" and dinari meaning "money" in the plural form. Therefore, killer of money.
Scannapieco Italian
Occupational name for a butcher, from scannare "to slaughter, to cut the throat of" and piecuro "sheep, lamb".
Scannella Italian
Possibly from Italian scannellare "to channel, to cut a groove", itself from Latin scamnum "ridge (of earth formed by plowing)".
Scarano Italian
Means "marauder, bandit".
Scarcella Italian
From Italian "scarcella", a dessert enjoyed during Easter from the Italian region of Apulia.
Scarduzio Italian
From the Italian verb scardare, meaning to husk a hazelnut or chestnut. Possibly a metaphor for a sculptor who 'husked' a sculpture from stone.
Scarlata Italian
Feminine variant of Scarlato.
Scarlato Italian
Occupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, From Sicilian scarlatu "scarlet".
Scarlatti Italian
Meaning ‘Scarlet’.
Scarselli Italian
From scarsella "purse", a type of bag hung around the neck to keep money in. Possibly indicated a wealthy person.
Scatena Italian
From scatenare "to provoke, stir up, unleash", probably a nickname for a troublemaker.