Serbo-Croatian Submitted Surnames

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Majnaric Croatian
This name dates back prior to 1773 in the town of Delnice, in what is now modern day Croatia.
Majstorović Мајсторовић Serbo-Croatian (Rare)
Comes from word majstor meaning master.
Maksimović Максимовић Serbian
Means "son of Maksim".
Malec Polish, Czech, Croatian, Slovene
a nickname derived from slavic word "maly", meaning small
Malešev Малешев Serbian (Rare)
It is believed that the name derives from the name of a mountain.
Malin Малин Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From the Serbian word мали meaning "small".
Mandžukić Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Famous bearer of this last name is Mario Mandžukić who is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Italian club Juventus and the Croatia national team.
Manojlović Манојловић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Manojlo".
Marciuš Croatian
Derived from the Roman name Marcius.
Marević Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Maro".
Marinac Croatian
From marinac, meaning "marine".
Markovina Croatian
Derived from the forename Marko.
Marsenić Марсенић Montenegrin, Croatian
Martinčević Croatian
Patronymic, means son of Martin.
Martinić Croatian
Means "son of Martin".
Matejić Матејић Serbian
Means "son of Mateja 2".
Matek Croatian
From the given name Matek.
Matko Croatian
From the given name Matko.
Matoš Croatian
Means "son of Mato".
Matošević Croatian
Means "son of Mato".
Matovic Montenegrin, Serbian
Patronymic last name - descendants of Mato. Originally from Kotor, Montenegro.
Matunec Croatian
Meaning - "mason" from Croatian màtūn, from Italian mattone meaning brick + agent noun -ec
Maurović Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mauro".
Mažuranić Croatian
Derived from mažuran, meaning "marjoram", a type of plant.
Medenica Montenegrin
Derived from medenica, meaning "mead".
Medo Croatian
Derived from medo meaning ''bear''.
Mehović Bosnian, Montenegrin
Slavic version that might have developed from the Albanian surname Mehaj
Mesarić Croatian
Derived from mesar, meaning "butcher".
Mesaroš Месарош Serbian
Serbian variant of Mészáros, meaning "butcher".
Meštrović Croatian
Derived from the Croatian word meštar, a rare form of "master".
Mičev Мичев Serbian
Mićić Мићић Serbian
Mijatović Мијатовић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Mijat".
Mijović Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mijo".
Mikulić Croatian
Means ''son of Mikula''.
Milak Милак Bosnian, Serbian
Milan Милан Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian
From the given name Milan, a derivative of names such as Bohumil and Miloslav, containing the Slavic elements mil or milu meaning ‘grace, favor, dear’.
Milanović Милановић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Milan".
Milenković Миленковић Serbian
Means "son of Milenko".
Miletić Милетић Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Mile''.
Milina Croatian, Serbian
passed down from generations
Milisavljević Милисављевић Serbian
Means "son of Milisav".
Miljanović Миљановић Serbian
Means "son of Miljan".
Milković Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic derived from the given name Milko, itself a diminutive of Slavic names containing the element milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Milutinović Милутиновић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Milutin".
Minić Минић Serbian
Mirković Мирковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mirko".
Mišić Мишић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mišo". Also, mišić (мишић) can be translated as "muscle".
Misita Мисита Serbian
Mišković Мишковић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Miško".
Mitag Croatian
From german Mittag, redacted during WWII.
Mitić Митић Serbian
Mladić Младић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from mlad/a (млад/а), meaning "young".
Mlinarić Croatian
Means "son of a miller".
Modrić Croatian
Famous bearer of this surname is Croatian footballer Luka Modrić.
Modrić Croatian
Derived from Croatian mȍdar meaning "blue", most likely used to refer to a person who wore blue clothes. It can also be a habitational name for someone from any of the various places called Modrić, Modrič, Modrići, Modrića, Modruš or Modřice in Croatia... [more]
Mohač Croatian
Croatian form of Mohácsi.
Molnar Молнар Serbian, Croatian, Romanian
Variant of Molnár.
Momčilov Момчилов m Serbian, Macedonian
Means "son of Momčilo".
Momčilova Момчилова f Serbian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Momčilov.
Momčilović Момчиловић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Momčilo".
Morača Морача Serbian
Morača is a historical region in Montenegro.
Moravčević Моравчевић Serbian
Moslavac Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Moslavina, a region in Croatia.
Mrakić Мракић Serbian
Mrkšić Мркшић Serbian
Mujić Bosnian
Means "son of Mujo".
Mujović Bosnian
Means "son of Mujo"
Muminović Bosnian
Means "son of Mumin".
Musić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Patronymic from the personal name Musa, a pet form of the Biblical name Mojsije.
Mušicki Мушицки Serbian
Mustafić Bosnian
Means "son of Mustafa".
Nađ Нађ Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian variant of Nagy.
Nalis Croatian (Rare)
Meaning unknown. A famous bearer of this surname is Antun Nalis, aka Tonči Nalis, a post-World War 2 actor in Croatian and Yugoslav cinema in the 1950s and 1960s.
Nedić Недић Serbian, Croatian
Nedović Недовић Serbian
Nikčević Никчевић Montenegrin, Serbian
Nikitović Никитовић Serbian
Means "son of Nikita 1".
Nikodijević Никодијевић Serbian
Means "son of Nikodije".
Novaković Новаковић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Novak.
Novakovich Новаковицх Croatian, Serbian
Anglicised form of Novaković.
Novoselec Croatian
Derived from nov, meaning "new", and selo, meaning "village", so the possible meaning is "the one who's new to the village".
Novoselić Croatian
Derived from nov, meaning "new", and selo, meaning "village", so the possible meaning is "the one who's new to the village".... [more]
Novović Нововић Serbian, Montenegrin
Obrenović Обреновић Serbian
Obuća Bosnian
Derived from obuća meaning ''footwear'', denoting someone who made or sold footwear.
Ognjanović Огњановић Serbian
Means "son of Ognjan".
Ognjenović Огњеновић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Ognjen".
Ojdanić Ојданић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Ojdan".
Omerbašić Bosnian
Derived from Omer.
Omerbegović Bosnian
Derived from Omer and beg, a title of Turko-Mongol origin meaning ''chief'' or ''commander''.
Omerović Bosnian
Means "son of Omer".
Orahovac Montenegrin
Derived from orah (орах), meaning "walnut".
Oruč Bosnian
Derived from the Turkish Oruç.
Osmanagić Bosnian
Derived from Osman.
Osmanović Bosnian
Means ''son of Osman''.
Ostojić Остојић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ostoja".
Pačariz Bosnian
Derived from Turkish "paçariz" meaning "damage, difficulty, or mess" ... [more]
Pajić Пајић Serbian
Palić Палић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from paliti, meaning "to fire" or "to set on fire".
Palikuća Паликућа Serbian
Paljević Montenegrin, Croatian
Derived from paliti (палити), meaning "to burn, to set of fire".
Panić Панић Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian
Patronymic from the personal names Pane, Pano, Panteleon or Pankracij.
Pantić Пантић Serbian
Pantović Пантовић Serbian
Papaz Папаз Serbian
Pašalić Bosnian, Croatian
Derived from paša, meaning "Pasha", which was a high rank in the Ottoman political and military system.
Pauro Croatian, Istriot
Probably an Istrian form of Paro.
Pavelić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Pavel".
Pavićević Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Pavao".
Pavković Павковић Croatian, Serbian
Pavlić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pavle".
Pećanac Пећанац Serbian
Habitational name for someone from the village of Peći, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Pejanović Пејановић Serbian
Pejčić Пејчић Serbian
Pejić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pejo".
Pejović Пејовић Serbian (Russified, Modern)
Pejović is a Serbian surname. Mainly used in serbia. But also used in Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia
Peković Пековић Montenegrin, Serbian
Pera Croatian
Derived from Pero. Also means "feathers".
Perčević Перчевић Serbian, Croatian
Peričić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Perica".
Perišić Перишић Serbian, Montenegrin
Perović Перовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Pero".
Peršin Першин Croatian, Serbian
From Croatian peršin meaning "parsley," likely referring to a grower or seller.
Peruničić Перуничић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Perun". Perun was the Slavic god of lightning.
Peruško Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Peruški, Croatia.
Pesic Пешић Serbian
Petek Slovene, Croatian
Derived from petek "Friday".
Petriček Croatian
From given name Petar.
Petričević Петричевић Croatian, Serbian
A patronymic derived from Petrič, a diminutive of Petar.
Pevec Croatian
From pevec meaning ''rooster''
Pijade Пијаде Serbian
Pilipović Bosnian, Croatian
means "son of Pilip"... [more]
Piroćanac Пироћанац Serbian
Habitational name for someone from Pirot, Serbia.
Pletikosa Croatian
Derived from pletiti, meaning "to knit", and kosa, meaning "hair".
Pletikosić Croatian
Derived from pletiti, meaning "to knit", and kosa, meaning "hair".
Poljak Croatian
Means "Polish". It is a cognate of Polyak.
Poljaković Пољаковић Serbian, Croatian
Cognate of Polyakov.
Posavec Croatian
Denotes a person living in Posavina, an area that is adjacent or near the Sava river in Croatia.
Pravdić Croatian
Derived from pravda, meaning "justice".
Preradović Прерадовић Serbian
Princip Принцип Bosnian, Serbian
Probably derived from Latin princeps "leader, initiator, prince", which itself was ultimately derived from primus "first" and capere "to take". The surname may thus have originated as a nickname for someone with a princely appearance, or for someone who was the illegitimate offspring of a prince... [more]
Prodanović Serbian
Means "son of Prodan".
Prohaska Croatian
Croatian form of Procházka
Protić Протић Serbian
Pudar Пудар Bosnian
Puhar Пухар Serbian (Modern, Rare)
The last name of the contestant Mirjana Puhar from America's Next Top Model, who originally was born in Serbia. She died on February 24, 2015, aged 19 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Pulišić Croatian
Derived From puliš meaning "to smoke". It may refer to a smoker or someone who sells cigarettes.
Puntar Slovene, Croatian
Derived from a 19th century phrase that denoted someone who supported the unification of the Kingdoms of Croatia and Dalmatia within Austria-Hungary.
Purić Пурић Serbian, Croatian