Serbo-Croatian Submitted Surnames

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Demić Демић Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from Turkish demir, meaning "iron".
Depikolozvane Croatian
Derived from Italian del piccolo Zuan, meaning "of little Zuan".
Deroko Croatian
Croatian variant of "de Rocco".
Desimirović Десимировић Serbian
Means "son of Desimir".
Đilas Ђилас Serbian
Derived from đilas (ђилас), a rare word meaning "jumper, runner".
Dim Croatian
Derived from dim, meaning "smoke".... [more]
Divjak Croatian, Serbian
From divjak meaning ''savage''.
Djordjević Ђорђевић Serbian
Alternate transcription of Đorđević.
Djukanović Montenegrin
Alternate transcription of Đukanović.
Djurović Montenegrin, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Djuro".
Dobrić Добрић Serbian
From Serbo-Croatian dobro, meaning "good, kind".
Dobrilović Добриловић Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Means "son of Dobrilo".
Đokić Ђокић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Đoka".
Đoković Ђоковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Đoka".
Dolic Долић Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Turkish
Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian (Delić): patronymic from Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian delija, an occupational name for a cavalryman of the Ottoman Turkish army and also a nickname for a hero, from Turkish deli ‘mad, brave’.
Dominiković Croatian
Means "son of Dominik" in Croatian.
Đomlija Ђомлија Croatian, Serbian
Dragaš Драгаш Serbian
Dragases Greek, History, Serbian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Serbian surname Dragaš. This was the surname of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos, who took her mother's surname, Helena Dragaš, as his second last name
Dragojević Драгојевић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Dragoje".
Dragomirović Драгомировић Serbian
Means "son of Dragomir" in Serbian.
Dragun Polish, Croatian, Slovak, Bosnian
Slavic cognate of Dragon.
Dragutinović Драгутиновић Serbian
Means "son of Dragutin".
Drapšin Драпшин Serbian
Dražeta Дражета Serbian
Derived from the name Dražen.
Dražić Дражић Croatian, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Draža".
Drenović Дреновић Serbian
Drešević Montenegrin
Habitational name for someone from Drešaj, Montenegro.
Drljević Дрљевић Montenegrin, Serbian
Drobnjak Дробњак Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Drobnjaci are a historical tribe and region in Montenegro.
Đščić Serbo-Croatian
Lol totally a made up name
Dubljević Montenegrin
Derived from dublje (дубље), meaning "deeper".
Duboković Croatian
Derived from dubok, meaning "deep."
Dugonja Bosnian
This surname is used at: Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Novi Pazar.
Đujić Ђујић Serbian
Đukanović Ђукановић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Đuka".
Dundović Croatian
Patronymic of the Ragusan word dundo meaning "uncle" or "gentleman" and originating from the Latin word dominus (meaning "master" or "sir").
Đurišić Ђуришић Serbian
Đurković Ђурковић Serbian
Đurov Croatian
Means "Đuro's son" in Croatian.
Đurović Ђуровић Serbian
Derived from the forename Đuro.
Đženanić Bosnian
That Means "Son Of Jenan" In Bosnian
Eminović Bosnian
Means "son of Emin".
Erić Ерић Serbian
Faraguna Croatian, Italian
Derived from Istro-Romanian fară gună, meaning "without a shepherd's goat-skin cloak".
Felder German, Croatian
Derived from German feld, meaning "field".
Ferhatović Bosnian
Means "son of Ferhat".
Filagic Serbian, Croatian
Probably derived from the Turkish word aga. Agas were the Sultan's regents.
Filipčić Croatian
Derived from the forename Filip.
Francuski Француски Serbian
From Serbian Francuski meaning French.
Frfalanović Фрфалановић Serbian
Furjan Croatian
Derived from Florijan.
Gačević Гачевић Serbian, Montenegrin
Gadžo Bosnian
It is assumed that Gadžo derives from the old-Indian gārhya ("domestic") and means farmer, villager, head of the house or husband.
Gajda Гајда Serbian, Croatian, Czech
A slavicized variant of the German surname, Geidl. This was most notably used by Radola Gajda, a Czech military commander and politician who slaviczed his name from Rudolf Geidl.
Gajić Гајић Serbian
Galić Галић Croatian, Serbian
Galijašević Bosnian
Means "galley worker" or "man from Gaul".... [more]
Galovac Croatian
Possibly originates from a village, castle and/or lake in Croatia with the same name.
Gambiraža Croatian
Croatian variant of Gambirasio.
Gašpar Croatian, Slovene, Czech, Slovak
From the given name Gašpar.
Gašparić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Gašpar".
Gavran Гавран Croatian, Serbian
Means "raven".
Glasnović Croatian
Derived from glasno, meaning "loud".
Gligorijević Глигоријевић Serbian
Means "son of Gligorije".
Gluhak Croatian
Derived from gluh, meaning "deaf".
Gluhek Croatian
Derived from gluh, meaning "deaf".
Godinjak Bosnian
From Bosnian godina, meaning "year".
Gogić Гогић Serbian
Gojković Гојковић Serbian
Serbian patronymic surname, derived from the masculine given name Gojko.
Golubić Голубић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Golub.
Golubovec Croatian
From golub meaning ''pigeon''.
Gotovina Croatian
Derived from gotovina, meaning "cash".
Grabar Croatian
Derived from grabiti, meaning "to grab".
Građankić Bosnian (Rare)
Derived from "građan" meaning "citizen" in Serbo-Croatian.
Grajçevci Грајчевци Kosovar, Albanian, Serbian
Originally indicated a person from a place named Greiçec in the town of Suva Reka in Prizren, Kosovo. In Serbian it is called Grejčevce.
Grajqevci Грајкевци Kosovar, Albanian, Serbian
Variant of Grajçevci.
Granov Jewish, Bosnian
Habitational name from Granov, Ukraine.... [more]
Graovac Граовац Serbian
Grbavac Croatian
Derived from grbavo, meaning "bumpy" or "hunchbacked".
Grbović Грбовић Serbian
Grdinić Montenegrin
Derived from grdan (грдан), meaning "ugly".
Gregurić Croatian
Possibly patronymic, meaning "son of Gregor" or "son of Grgur".
Grgurić Croatian
Means "son of Grgur".
Grinfelder Croatian
Derived from German grün, "green", and feld, "field".
Grozdanović Гроздановић Serbian
Means "son of Grozdan".
Grujić Грујић Serbian
Grujičić Грујичић Serbian
Gudelj Гудељ Croatian, Serbian
Guli Uzbek, Kurdish, Persian, Urdu, Pashto, Albanian, Bosnian
Derived from Persian گل (gol) meaning "flower" or "rose". It is sometimes borne by Georgians and Armenians of Persian descent.
Gusinjac Bosnian
From Gusinje, the name of a town in the Plav municipality of Montenegro where Bosniaks form a regional majority
Guta Bosnian
Possibly a mispronunciation of the Bosnian word for the verb "gutati" (to swallow) or "guta" (swallowing).
Gvozdenović Гвозденовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Gvozden".
Habibović Bosnian
Means "son of Habib".
Hadžiabdić Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage" and Arabic-derived عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant", added with the patronymic element -ić.
Hadžijunuzović Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage", combined with the given name Junus and the patronymic element -ić.
Hadžimuhamedović Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage", combined with the Bosnian given name Muhamed and the patronymic element -ić.
Halilović Bosnian
Means "son of Halil".
Halimović Bosnian
Means "son of Halim".
Halužan Croatian, Slovene
Habitational name for someone from Haloze, a region in Slovenia.
Hamidović Bosnian
Means "son of Hamid 1".
Hamzagić Bosnian
Means "son of Hamza".
Hamzić Bosnian
Means "son of Hamza".
Harambašić Харамбашић Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Derived from harambaša (харамбаша), which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
Haramija Croatian
Derived from harambaša, which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
Hasančić Bosnian
Means "son of Hasan".
Hasandjekić Bosnian
Possibly derived from "son of Hasan".
Hasanović Bosnian
Means "son of Hasan".
Hercigonja Croatian
Derived from Herzogin, a German title meaning "duchess".
Herco Bosnian
Derived from Herceg.
Herek Croatian (?), Polish (?)
Unsure but read it’s Croatian but I also heard Polish
Hladika Croatian
Possibly derived from hladno, meaning "cold".
Hofman mu Polish, Czech, Slovene, Croatian, Slovak
Derived from German Hoffmann.
Hrvatin Croatian, Slovene
From Croatian and Slovene Hrvat meaning "Croat, person from Croatia".
Hrženjak Croatian
Habitational name for someone from places starting with "Hržen-".
Husamović Bosnian
Means "son of Husam".
Huseinović Bosnian
Means "son of Husein".
Husejinović Bosnian
Means "son of Husein".
Husejnović Bosnian
Means "son of Husejn".
Ibričić Ибричић Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ibro" in Serbo-Croatian.... [more]
Ignjatović Игњатовић Serbian
Means “son of Ignjat” in Serbian.
Imamović Bosnian
Means "son of the imam", from Arabic إِمَام (ʾimām) referring to a Muslim leader.
Ivačević Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivaci Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivačić Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivakić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivaković Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivan Croatian, Slovak
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanac Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanagić Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančan Croatian
Means "son of Ivan".
Ivančec Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanček Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančev Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančević Croatian
Means "son of Ivan".
Ivančić Croatian
Patronymic from the personal name Ivan.
Ivančićević Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančin Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančir Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivančok Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanda Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivandić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivandija Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanec Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanek Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanešić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanetić Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanic Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanić Croatian
Means "son of Ivan" in Croatian.
Ivaniček Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivaniš Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivaniš.