Serbo-Croatian Submitted Surnames

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ivanišević Иванишевић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ivan".
Ivanjac Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanjek Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanji Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanjko Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanjoš Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivankić Croatian (Rare)
Means "son of Ivan" in Croatian.
Ivanko Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivankovac Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanoski Macedonian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanšćak Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanšić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanuš Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanuša Slovene, Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanušec Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanušević Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivanušić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivas Romanian, Croatian
As a Croatian surname it is derived from forenames starting with Iv-, for example Ivan, Ivo 2, Ivica, etc.
Ivašić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivasić Croatian
Derived from Ivas.
Ivašković Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivasović Croatian
Derived from Ivas.
Ivatek Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivaz Serbian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivče Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčec Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivček Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčetić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčević Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčin Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Iveković Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivek.
Ivić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ivo 2".
Ivković Ивковић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ivko".
Jablanović Croatian
Derived from jablan meaning ''poplar''.
Jajčanin Јајчанин Croatian, Serbian
Derived from jaje, meaning "egg".
Jakić Јакић Croatian, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Jakov".
Jakov Croatian
Derived from the name Jakov.
Jakovljević Јаковљевић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Jakov".
Jakša Croatian
Derived from the forename Jakov.
Jakšić Јакшић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the forename Jakov.
Jakupec Croatian
Derived from the name Jakub.
Jakupović Bosnian
Means "son of Jakup".
Jambrečec Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrek Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambreković Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrišak Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrošić Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jandro Croatian
Derived from the forename Jandro.
Jandroković Croatian
Derived from the forename Jandro.
Janjić Јањић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from janje, meaning "lamb".
Jarić Serbian
Possibly derived from jarac meaning "goat".
Jeknić Montenegrin
Derived from jekanje (јекање), meaning "moaning, crying".
Jelavić Serbian, Bosnian
derived from the place name Jelav, one of the places in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Jelenković Јеленковић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from jelen meaning "deer."
Jelušić Croatian
The first ever appearance recorded to this date was even before the Turkish men (Ottoman) broke into the Kingdom of Croatia (around 13. century).... [more]
Jerak Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jeras Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerec Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerenić Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerić Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jeričević Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerkan Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerkov Јерков Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the forename Jerko.
Jerkovac Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Jerko.
Jerolimov Croatian
Derived from the forename Jerolim.
Ješić Јешић Serbian
Jevđević Јевђевић Serbian
Jevremović Јевремовић Serbian
Means "son of Jevrem".
Jevtić Јевтић Serbian
Jezdimirović Јездимировић Serbian
Means "son of Jezdimir".
Jocić Јоцић Serbian
Jokić Јокић Serbian, Croatian
Joksimović Јоксимовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Joksim".
Josipović Croatian
Means "son of Josip" in Croatian.... [more]
Jovanov Јованов Serbian, Macedonian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Jovan".
Jović Јовић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jovan".
Jovićević Јовићевић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Jovan".
Jovičić Јовичић Serbian
Means "son of Jovan".
Jovović Јововић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Jovan".
Jozić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jozo".
Junuzović Bosnian
Means "son of Yunus
Jurišić Јуришић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jure".
Jurjević Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Juraj".
Jusufović Bosnian
Means "son of Jusuf" in Bosnian.
Kadijević Кадијевић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from kadija (кадија), meaning "Qadi", a judge of a Sharia court.
Kajmak Croatian
Kajmak (or kaymak) is a dairy product from southeastern Europe and Central Asia.
Kalabić Калабић Serbian
Kalafatović Croatian
Derived from kalafat, meaning "caulker", a type of shipbuilder.
Kalaitović Калаитовић Serbian
Kalajdžić Калајџић Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
Kale Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kale, meaning "castle, fortress".
Kaleb Croatian
Possibly rom the name Caleb.... [more]
Kalinić Калинић Croatian, Serbian
Meaning unknown.... [more]
Kambolina Камболина Russian, Serbian
Kaminsky Камински Polish, Serbian
Variant of Kamiński.
Kapetanović Croatian, Bosnian
Occupational surname derived from kapetan meaning "captain".
Kapić Bosnian
Derived from kapa, meaning "hat, cap".
Karađić Карађић Serbian
Variant of Karadžić, and often its misspelling.
Karađorđević Карађорђевић Serbian
Derived from the nickname Karađorđe.
Karadžić Караџић Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian (?)
Derived from Turkish karaca, meaning "roe deer".
Karalić Каралић Serbian
Karamatić Караматић Croatian, Serbian
Karapandža Croatian (?)
Originally given to people by their then masters (Ottomans) as an insult. Meaning "dark witch".
Kareluša Serbian
Famous bearer of this surname is Serbian singer Jelena Kareluša (1978-)
Karlović Croatian
Means "son of Karlo".
Kašćelan Montenegrin
Derived from Italian castello, meaning "castle".
Kaštelan Croatian
Derived from Croatian kaštelan "castellan".
Kasunić Croatian
Possibly derived from the old Slavic word kazati, meaning "to order, to command".
Katalinić Croatian
Means "son of Katalin" in Croatian.
Katić Катић Croatian, Serbian
Kelava Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kel, meaning "bald".... [more]
Keyser Кейзер Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Macedonian, Jewish (Sephardic), Judeo-Spanish
Slavic and Sephardic surname from Sephardic Jews in Eastern Europe. Surname is derived from village of кизя (Kizya) in Galacia (Ukraine). Common throughout entire former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR/CCCP)... [more]
Kiš Киш Serbian, Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kış, meaning "winter", or Hungarian kis, meaning "small".
Klanac Croatian
Means "gorge, ravine, narrow pass".
Klarić Croatian, Slovene
From the given name Klara
Kljajić Кљајић Croatian, Serbian
Klobučar Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Occupational name derived from Serbian, Croatian and Slovene klobučar meaning "hatter" (a derivative of klobuk meaning "hat"), originally indicating a person who made, sold or repaired hats.
Klobuchar Slovene (Anglicized), Croatian (Anglicized), Serbian (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Klobučar. A notable bearer is the American politician, lawyer and senator Amy Klobuchar (1960-).
Kmet Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak
Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak status name for a type of peasant. In Slovenia this denoted a peasant who had his own landed property. In Serbia and elsewhere it was a status name for a feudal peasant farmer who cultivated the land of his lord instead of paying rent or doing military service... [more]
Knefac Slovak (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Uncommon surname from Burgenland, easternmost Austria.
Knez Slovene, Croatian
Derived from knez, meaning "prince".
Koepcke Коепцке German, Polish (Germanized, ?), Serbian (Germanized, ?)
North German (Köpke): from a Low German pet form of the personal name Jakob (see Jacob).... [more]
Kojadinović Којадиновић Serbian
Derived from the forename Kojadin.
Kojanović Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the forename Koja.
Kojašević Којашевић Serbian, Montenegrin
Kojić Serbian
Derived from the forename Koja.
Kojović Serbian
Derived from the forename Koja.
Kokotović Кокотовић Croatian, Serbian
From the Slavic word kokot meaning "rooster, cock".
Kolac Croatian
From kolac, meaning "(wooden) stake".
Kolarac Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarec Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarek Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarin Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarov Serbian, Bulgarian
An occupational surname derived from kolar, meaning "wheelwright".
Kolenović Montenegrin
Derived from koleno (колено), meaning "knee".
Koljenović Bosnian
Derived from koljeno, meaning "knee".
Kolovrat Russian, Croatian, Czech
A Kolovrat is a swastika-type Slavic symbol resembling a spinning wheel.
Komar Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Slovene, Belarusian (Russified)
Means "mosquito" in many Slavic langauges.
Komazec Комазец Serbian
Končar Slovene, Serbian, Croatian
Derived from konac meaning ''thread'', ''string''.
Koničanin Коничанин Serbian
Habitational name for someone from the village of Koniče, Serbia.
Konstantin Константин Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, German, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian
From the given name Konstantin
Konstantinović Константиновић Serbian
Means ''son of Konstantin''.
Koprivica Serbian, Croatian
A diminutive of kopriva meaning ''nettle''.
Korać Кораћ Serbian
Kordić Кордић Croatian, Serbian
Kostadinović Костадиновић Serbian
Means "son of Kostadin".
Koštunica Коштуница Serbian
Kotarac Котарац Serbian, Croatian
Derived from kotar, a type of district.
Kozar Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Slovene
Means “goatherd”.
Kraljević Croatian, Serbian
From kralj ''king'', means ''little king, prince''.
Kraljić Croatian, Serbian
From kralj ''king''.
Kramarić Croatian
Possibly a Croatian form of Krämer.
Kravar Croatian
Means ''cow herder''.
Krčmar Croatian
Derived from Croatian krčmar meaning "innkeeper, tavern owner, barkeeper", which is ultimately derived from Croatian krčma meaning "inn, tavern, pub".... [more]
Kremenović Кременовић Serbian
Derived from kremen (кремен), meaning "flint".
Kremic Bosnian (Rare)
Surname Kremić was used in early middle-ages, in Bosnia. It was used by royal and ordinary people. That surname is very rare today and it's almost extinct, but in the past it had very big influence.
Kresović Кресовић Serbian
Krivokapić Кривокапић Montenegrin, Serbian
Derived from krivo, meaning "wrong", and kapa, meaning "hat, cap".
Križanec Croatian
From Croatian križ, meaning "cross".
Krstajić Крстајић Montenegrin, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Krsto".
Krstanović Крстановић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from krst, meaning "cross".
Krstičević Croatian
Derived from krst, meaning "cross".
Krunić Крунић Serbian
Krznar Croatian
Means ''furrier''.
Krznarić Croatian
From krznar meaning ''furrier''.
Kujundžić Кујунџић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from kujundžija (кујунџија), meaning "silversmith".
Kuka Кука Albanian, Slovak, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, German, South Slavic
Albanian: from the old personal name Kukë (definite form Kuka), which is most likely of South Slavic origin, a cognate of the names in 3 below.... [more]
Kukac Croatian (Rare)
Means "insect, worm" in Croatian.
Kukić Кукић Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from kuka (кука), meaning "hook".
Kupina Croatian, Russian
The Croatian form is derived from kupina, meaning "blackberry". The Russian form is derived from Неопалимая купина (Neopalimaya Kupina), referring to the burning bush from the Book of Exodus.
Kutnjak Croatian
Derived from kutnjak, meaning "molar".
Lacković Лацковић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Lacko".
Lagundzin Serbian (Rare)
Believe also spelling as Lagundzija
Lalatovic Serbian
Possibly derived from the slavic word for "tulips", lale or from son of Lala (a nickname for Lazar)
Lapčević Serbian
Serbo-Croatian surname meaning "river" or "white". Likely from the river Elbe in Germany, which is called Labe and Laba in Slavic languages. Lab also having the meaning "white" in archaic Slavic (like the bird labud - swan).
Lastavec Croatian
From lasta meaning ''swallow''.
Lazović Лазовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Leković Лековић Serbian, Montenegrin
Lević Левић Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from levo, meaning "left".
Lipnjak Croatian
Derived from lipa meaning ''linden tree''.
Lišić Лишић Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Possibly derived from Albanian lesh, meaning "fur".
Ljubičić Љубичић Croatian, Serbian
Ljubojević Љубојевић Serbian
Means "son of Ljuboje".
Llapashtica Ллапасхтица Kosovar, Albanian, Serbian
Derived from the name of Kosovan villages named Llapashticë e Poshtme or Llapashticë e Epërme. It could also denote a person from Serbian villages called Donja Lapaštica or Gornja Lapaštica.
Lovrek Croatian
Derived from the name Lovro and its nickname, Lovrek.
Luburić Лубурић Croatian, Serbian
Lukačević Лукачевић Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian variant of Lukács.
Lukenda Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Luka".
Luković Луковић Serbian
Lutovac Лутовац Montenegrin, Serbian
Mađar Croatian
Derived from Mađar, Madžar, meaning "Hungarian".
Madžar Маџар Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Mađar, Madžar, meaning "Hungarian".
Maher Croatian
Colloquial term for "master".
Mahmutović Bosnian
Means "son of Mahmut".