Serbo-Croatian Submitted Surnames

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Rađen Рађен Serbian
Radenković Раденковић Serbian
Means ''son of Radenko''.
Rađenović Рађеновић Serbian
Radenović Раденовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rade".
Radinović Радиновић Serbian
Means "son of Radin".
Radišić Радишић Serbian
Radmilović Радмиловић Serbian
Means "son of Radmilo".
Radolović Croatian
Possibly derived from rado lovi, meaning "glad to hunt".
Radonjić Радоњић Serbian, Montenegrin
Radosavljević Радосављевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radosav or Radoslav".
Radovan Радован Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Croatian
From the given name Radovan.
Radovanović Радовановић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Radovčić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rade".
Radović Радовић Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Radulović Радуловић Serbian
Possibly derived from rado lovi, meaning "glad to hunt".
Radunović Радуновић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Radun".
Rafailović Рафаиловић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rafail".
Rahmanović Bosnian
Means "son of Rahman" in Bosnian.
Raimond Estonian, Dutch, French, Croatian
From the given name Raimond.
Rajković Serbian
Means "son of Rajko".
Rakić Ракић Serbian
From Serbian "rak" meaning 'crab', 'lobster', or 'crayfish'. It can also mean 'cancer'.
Rakitić Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Famous bearer of this surname is Croatian footballer Ivan Rakitić.
Ranković Ранковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ranko".
Rapaić Рапаић Serbian, Croatian
Rašić Рашић Serbian
Rašković Рашковић Serbian
Rastoder Bosnian
Possibly derived from hrast, meaning "oak", and derati, meaning "tearing, to tear".
Ratković Ратковић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Ratko".
Redžepagić Bosnian
Derived from Redžeb, meaning "Rajab", the seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
Remenar Croatian
Means ''saddler''.
Rep Slovene, Croatian
Means "tail".
Repac Serbian, Croatian
means little tail
Repić Репић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from repa, meaning "turnip."
Ribar Croatian
Derived from ribar, meaning "fisherman".
Ribić Croatian
Occupational surname for a fisherman.
Ristoski m Macedonian, Croatian
Means "son of Risto".
Rizvanović Bosnian
Means "son of Rizvan".
Rođak Croatian
Derived from rođak, meaning "family relative".
Rodić Родић Serbian, Croatian
Possibly derived from roda (рода), meaning "stork".
Rokvić Роквић Serbian
Roso Croatian
Croatian variation of the Italian surname Rosso.
Rubin French, German, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak
Metonymic occupational name for a jeweler, from Middle High German rubn Old French rubi Slovenian and Croatian rubin Czech and Slovak rubín "ruby"... [more]
Ruscica Croatian (Americanized, Modern)
From a Croatian settlement Rušćica
Rustemović Bosnian
Means "son of Rustem".
Ružić Ружић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from ruža meaning ''rose''.
Sabadoš Сабадош Croatian, Serbian
Šabanović Bosnian
Means "son of Šaban".
Sabo Сабо Serbian, Croatian, Romanian
Variant form of Szabó.
Sabolić Croatian
Croatian form of Szabó.
Šabotić Шаботић Montenegrin, Serbian
Sadiković Bosnian
Means "son of Sadik".
Šafran Croatian
Means "crocus, saffron".
Šakota Serbian
From šaka, meaning "hand"
Šaraba Шараба Serbian
Šaranović Шарановић Bosnian, Serbian
Šarinić Croatian
Possibly derived from šareno, meaning "colorful".
Saska Croatian
Name given to someone from Saxony. From Croatian “saska” which translates to Saxony.
Savanović Савановић Serbian
Šćepanović Шћепановић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Šćepan".
Seferović Bosnian
Means "son of Sefer" in Bosnian.
Šegrt Шегрт Serbian
Derived from šegrt (шегрт), meaning "apprentice".
Sekulic Serbian
There is possibility that name come from latin word secolo, means century. Usual Serb end of surname is IC. All Serbs-Montenegrians, also small number of Croats who has that surname has origion from heart of Montenegro... [more]
Selimović Bosnian
Means "son of Selim".
Serdar Turkish, Croatian
Turkish form of Persian sardar, meaning "chief", "leader", "field marshal".
Sever Croatian, Slovene
From Proto-Slavic sěverъ meaning ''north''.
Sigur Croatian
Nickname from Croatian siguran meaning "secure, safe, certain".
Šijačić Шијачић Serbian
Sijarić Montenegrin
Derived from sijati (сијати), meaning "to sow".
Simatović Симатовић Croatian, Serbian
Šimenc Croatian
Derived from the forename Šime.
Simeunović Симеуновић Serbian
Means "son of Simeun" in Serbian.
Simić Симиц Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Means "son of Simo".
Šimičić Croatian
Šimičić comes from the name Šimun, which is the Croatian form of Simeon, which means flatter and/or listener.... [more]
Simović Симовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Simo".
Šimun Croatian
Derived from the forename Šimun.
Šimundić Croatian
Means "son of Šimun".
Šimunec Croatian
Means "son of Šimun".
Šimunić Croatian
Means "son of Šimun".
Šimunković Croatian
Derived from the forename Šimun.
Sinanović Bosnian
Means "son of Sinan".
Sindik Croatian
Derived from sindik, a type of lawyer or representative that existed in Dalmatia in the Middle Ages.
Sirar Сирар Serbian, Bosnian
Occupational name for someone who makes or sells cheese.
Škrelja Montenegrin
Montenegrin variant of Shkreli.
Škrijelj Bosnian
Derived from Shkreli, an Albanian tribe and region.
Sladoljev Croatian
Derived from slad, meaning "malt", and the -ljev suffix referring to "pouring".
Slavica Croatian
Derived from Slavic slava, meaning "glory".
Šljivančanin Montenegrin
Habitational name for someone from Šljivansko, Montenegro.
Slunjski Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Slunj, Croatia.
Smajlović Bosnian
Means "son of Smajl".
Šmigiæ Serbian
It is old Serbian surname.It's origins are probably from Kosovo.
Smiljanić Смиљанић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Smiljan".
Smokvina Croatian
Derived from smokva meaning ''fig''.
Šofranac Montenegrin
Derived from šafran (шафран), meaning "saffron".
Šojka Croatian
Derived from šojka meaning ''jay'' (the bird).
Sokić Croatian
Derived from Turksh sokak, meaning "street". The word is still used in Croatian meaning "little street, alley". Most people with this surname live in Cernik, Croatia.
Sokolović Bosnian
From sokol meaning "falcon", a nickname or an occupational name for a falconer.
Soldatović Солдатовић Serbian
Means "son of a soldier" in Serbian.
Soldo Italian, Croatian
Nickname from soldo "penny cent" also "military pay wage" (from Latin solidus "solid" the name of a gold Roman coin). From a short form of a compound personal name ending with -soldo such as Ansoldo... [more]
Šorgo Croatian
Derived from Slavic sorga "sorghum". This surname might've been given to someone who lives or work near sorghum plants.
Spajić Спајић Serbian
Špiljak Croatian
Possibly derived from špilja, meaning "cave".
Špoljarić Шпољарић Croatian, Serbian
Srdić Срдић Serbian
Sretenović Сретеновић Serbian
Means "son of Sreten".
Srna Croatian
Means ''doe''.
Stajić Стајић Serbian
Štajnfeld Штајнфелд Serbian
Serbian form of Steinfeld.
Stambolić Стамболић Croatian, Serbian
Stanić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Stanko".
Stanimirović Станимировић Serbian
Means "son of Stanimir".
Stanisavljević Станисављевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stanislav".
Stanojković Станојковић Serbian
Means "son of Stanojko".
Starčević Croatian
Means "son of an old man" from star "old".
Stijepović Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stijepo".
Stipančić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stipe" or "son of Stjepan".
Stipetić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stipe".
Stipić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Stipe".
Stjepanović Стјепановић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Stjepan".
Stojkov Стојков m Macedonian, Serbian
Means "son of Stojko".
Stojković Стојковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stojan".
Stražičić Croatian
Possibly derived from straža, meaning "guard".
Suljagić Bosnian
Means "son of Suljo".
Suljić Bosnian
Means "son of Suljo".
Sultanović Bosnian
Means "son of Sultan" in Bosnian.
Šuranji Шурањи Serbian
Šurbanović Шурбановић Serbian
Šuškov Croatian
Derived from šuškati, meaning "to rustle".
Švarc um Croatian, Czech
Croatian and Czech form of Schwarz.
Švarcer Croatian
Elaborated form of Švarc.
Svjetlanović Свјетлановић Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means "son of Svjetlan."
Tadejević Croatian
Means "son of Tadej".
Talija Талија Serbian
Talija... [more]
Tanasijević Танасијевић Serbian
Means "son of Tanasije".
Tasić Тасић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tasa".
Tatomirović Татомировић Serbian
Teklić Croatian
Derived from teklić, a rare form of the word "messenger".
Telišman Croatian (Rare)
Unknown origin, probably from the word "talisman"
Teodorović Теодоровић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Teodor".
Tešan Тешан Serbian
Tešanović Тешановић Serbian
Timotijević Тимотијевић Serbian
Means "son of Timotije".
Tišljar Croatian
Derived from Chakavian Croatian tišljar, meaning "carpenter".
Todorić Тодорић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Todor".
Todorovac Bosnian
Possibly related to Todorović, commonly used by Serbs.
Todosijević Тодосијевић Serbian
Means "son of Todosije".
Tomaš Томаш Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian, German
From the given name Tomaš.
Tomašević Томашевић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomaš".
Tomičić Croatian
Variant of Tomčić. Derived from Toma 2.
Tomović Томовић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomo" or "son of Toma 2".
Tonković Croatian
Means "son of Tonko".
Topić Топић Croatian, Serbian
Topolovec Slovene, Croatian
Several locations in Slovenia and Croatia bare the name "Topolovec".
Tošić Тошић Serbian
Tot Тот Serbian
Serbian variant of Tót.
Totic Тотић Serbian, Bosnian
Trajković Трајковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trajko".
Travar Травар Croatian, Serbian
Derived from travar, meaning "herbalist".
Trifunović Трифуновић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trifun".
Trivunović Тривуновић Serbian
Tuđman Croatian
Derived from Croatian tuđin meaning "foreigner, stranger". This was the surname of the first president of Croatia, Franjo Tuđman (1922-1999). He was also the ninth and last president of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, which was part of the former state of Yugoslavia.
Tufek Bosnian
From Turkish tüfek ''rifle''.