This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Tovaryshka_Anya.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
PanibudlaskaUkrainian, Russian (Rare) From the Cossack nickname, derived from the Ukrainian vocative phrase пані, будь ласка! (pani, bud laska!) meaning "Lady, please!".
PankivUkrainian Possibly a variant of Panchenko or from Ukrainian пані (pani), meaning "lady, respected woman, mrs.".
PanzerGerman Metonymic occupational name for an armorer from Middle High German panzier "mailcoat" (Old French pancier "armor for the stomach, body armor" from Late Latin).
PobedonostsevmRussian Derived from Russian победоносный (pobedonósnyj) meaning "victorious, triumphant". Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827-1907) was a Russian jurist and statesman who served as an adviser to three Russian emperors.
PohranychnyymUkrainian Means "on the border", from Ukrainian границя (hranytsya), meaning "border", and the prefix по- (po-), meaning "by, on, in, to". Denoted to a person living near a border.
PoroshenkoUkrainian From Ukrainian порох (porokh) meaning "(gun)powder, dust", used as an occupational name for someone who made or sold gunpowder. A notable bearer is the former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko (1965-).
PrigozhinmRussian From Russian пригожий (prigozhiy), meaning "beautiful, pretty". Prigozhin was the last name of Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner PMC until 2023 when he died in a plane crash... [more]
PrytulyakUkrainian From Ukrainian притуляк (prytulyak), meaning "refugee" in Ukrainian, literally "shelter person, person who seeks shelter". It is not the common term for a refugee (біженець, bizhenets').
RozanovmRussian From Russian роза (roza), meaning "rose". Denoted to a person living by a rose patch.
RozenbergYiddish (Russified) A form of Rosenberg used for Cyrillic script languages. Aleksandr Rozenberg is the (as of 2024) current prime minister of Transnistria.
RozhdestvenskiymRussian From Russian рождественский (rozhdestvenskiy), meaning "Christmas (adjective)".
RozhkoUkrainian, Russian From Ukrainian and Russian рожок (rozhok), a diminutive form of the word "horn" in both langauges.
RuskykhUkrainian, Russian (Ukrainianized) Means "a Russian", from Ukrainian руський (rus'kyy) "Russian". It can also derived from the Russian word русский (russkiy), with the same meaning.
RuusEstonian Ruus is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kruus" meaning "mug", "shingle" and "ballast". Possibly derived from "rüüs" meaning "frilled".