Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Tovaryshka_Anya.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Volnov m Russian
From Russian вольный (vol'nyy), meaning "free, willful".
Volokhov m Russian
From dialectal волох (volokh), an old term for a Romanian person.
Voloshchenko Ukrainian
Denoted to a Romanian, from Ukrainian Волощина (Voloshchyna) "Wallachia".
Voloshyn m Ukrainian
From Ukrainian волох (volokh), and old term that denoted to a Romanian person.
Vorobyov m Russian
From Russian воробей (vorobey), meaning "sparrow".
Voronov m Russian
Patronymic derived from Russian ворон (voron) meaning "raven".
Vorontsova f Russian
Feminine form of Vorontsov.
Voroshilov m Russian
From Russian ворошить (voroshit'), meaning "stir up, turn over".
Vostok Russian
Means "east".
Vovchko Rusyn
Rusyn variant of Vovk.
Vovk Ukrainian, Slovene
Derived from Ukrainian вовк (vovk) meaning "wolf", also used in Slovenia.
Voyennykh Russian
Means "military" or "relating to the military" in Russian.
Voyna Russian (Rare)
Means "war" in Russian.
Voynov m Russian
Variant of Voyna.
Voytenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Voytov.
Voytiv Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Voytov.
Vozdvizhenskiy m Russian
Means "from Vozdvizhenka".
Vrhovnik Slovene
From vrh meaning "top, peak, summit".
Vtorak Ukrainian, Russian
Derived either from Russian второй (vtoroy) meaning "second, other" or directly from dialectal Ukrainian вторак (vtorak) meaning "secondborn".
Vulović Serbian
Vulović is the last name of Roki Vulović, a Serbian nationalist singer who lives in Bosnia.
Vyarbitski m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Verbitskiy.
Vybornov m Russian
From Russian выборный (vybornyy), meaning "elective, electoral".
Vyborov m Russian
From Russian выбор (vybor), meaning "choice, option". It can also mean "election".
Vydrov m Russian
Derived from Russian выдра (vydra), meaning "otter".
Vyodrov m Russian
Variant of Vedrov.
Vyshnevyy m Ukrainian
From Ukrainian вишня (vyshnya), meaning "cherry".
Vysotskiy m Russian, Polish (Russified), Jewish
Derived from высота (vysota) meaning height, or a Russian form of Wysocki.
Warhol Rusyn (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of Varhola.
Warkentin m Russian (Germanized)
Germanised form of Varkentin. In Germany, the gender specification does not apply to the last name.
Wiens German
Patronymic from a short form of an ancient Germanic compound personal name beginning with wini "friend".
Wierzbicki m Polish
From Polish villages derived from wierzba, meaning "willow".
Wysocki m Polish
Possibly from Polish wysokość, meaning "height".
Xenakis m Greek
From Greek ξένος (xénos) "foreigner", or a patronymic from the given name Xenos, combined with the diminutive suffix -άκις (-ákis).
Yadov m Russian
Derived from "яд (yad)" meaning poison.
Yagoda Jewish (Russified)
Russified form of Iyeguda. It also means "berry" in Russian. This was the surname of Genrikh Yagoda, the head of the NKVD (1934-1936).
Yakemenko Ukrainian
Vasiliy Yakemenko was the chairman of the Nashi youth group in Russia.
Yakimets Russian
Derived from the given name Yakim.
Yakivenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Yakiv".
Yakovets' Russian, Ukrainian (?)
Derived from given name Yakov.
Yakymenko Ukrainian
From the given name Yakym.
Yanenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Yan 1".
Yanukovych Belarusian (Ukrainianized)
Yanukovych was the last name of the Ukrainian president from 2010-2014 who was overthrown during Euromaidan.... [more]
Yapontsev m Russian
Denotes to a Japanese person.
Yaremchuk Ukrainian
Means "son of Yarema".
Yaroshenko Ukrainian
Derived from a diminutive form of Yaroslav.
Yarovenko Ukrainian
Possibly from the given name Yaroslav.
Yasevich Belarusian
Possibly derived from ясна (yasna), meaning "clear" in Belarusian.
Yatsenko Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Yatsentiy.
Yatsenyuk Ukrainian
Another form of Yatsenko.
Yazvinskiy m Russian
From Russian язвина (yazvina), meaning "ulcer".
Yefremov m Russian
Means "son of Yefrem".
Yegin m Russian
Means "son of Yegor."
Yelizarov m Russian
Possibly from the given name Yelizaveta.
Yeremenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian cognate of Yeremeyev.
Yeremeyev m Russian
Derived from the given name Yeremey. Konstantin Yeremeyev was a Soviet journalist and military person.
Yermak Ukrainian, Russian
From the given name Yermak. Andriy Yermak is a Ukrainian politician and former film producer.
Yevchenko Ukrainian
From the given name Yevhen.
Yevdokimov m Russian
Means "son of Yevdokim".
Yevgenyev m Russian
Means "son of Yevgeniy".
Yevgenyevich m Russian
Means "son of Yevgeniy".
Yezhov m Russian
Derived from Russian word "ёж (yozh)" meaning hedgehog. Yezhov was the last name of Nikolay Yezhov, the leader of the Soviet NKVD from 1936-38 who is known for Yezhovshchina.
Yid Obscure
Yisrael Hebrew
Means "Israel" in Hebrew, from יִשְׂרָאֵל (Yiśrāʾēl).
Ymykov m Yakut
From Yakut ымыы (ymyy), meaning "crossbill (bird)".
Yosyfovych Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Iosifovich.
Yuchyugyayev m Yakut (Russified)
From Yakut үчүгэй (üchügey), meaning "good".
Yukhymenko Ukrainian
Means "child of Yukhym".
Yurchuk Ukrainian
Another form of Yurchenko.
Yurkaw m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Yurkov.
Yurkov m Russian
Derived from a diminutive form of Yuriy.
Yurovskiy m Russian, Polish (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Yurovsky. This was the last name of Yakov Yurovskiy, a notable Bolshevik. He led the execution of the Romanovs.
Yuryevich Russian
Means "son of Yuriy".
Yushchenko Ukrainian
Means "child of Yukhym". Viktor Yushchenko was the Ukrainian president from 2005 to 2010, and a major figure in the Orange Revolution.
Yushenkov m Russian
Possibly a variant of Yushko.
Yushin m Russian
Possibly a form of Yushko.
Yushkin m Russian
Variant of Yushko.
Yushko Ukrainian, Russian
From Ukrainian and Russian юшка (yushka), meaning "broth, juice from food". It can also mean "blood".
Yuskov m Russian
Possibly from the letter yus (юс, ѧ, ѫ, ꙛ, ꙙ) of the early Slavonic alphabets.
Zabrzyski m Polish
Possibly a habitational name from Polish za "beyond" and Czech brzy "early, soon"
Zafri Hebrew
From the name Ẓafār (Arabic: ظفار), also Romanized Dhafar or Dhofar, is an ancient Himyarite site situated in Yemen, some 130 km south-south-east of today's capital, Sana'a (Arabic: صَنْعَاء)... [more]
Zagrebnev m Russian
Means "from Zagreb". Zagreb the capital of Croatia.
Zajack Polish (Anglicized)
Possibly Anglicised form of Polish surname.
Zakharenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Zakhar".
Zaluzhnyy m Ukrainian
Means "meadow (adjective)".
Zaporozhchenko Ukrainian
Means "from Zaporizhzhya".
Zaporozhets Ukrainian
Means "a Zaporizhzhyan".
Zaporozhskiy m Russian, Jewish (?)
Means "from Zaporozhye".
Zaripov m Tatar
From the given name Zarip.
Zashchitnik Russian (Rare)
From Russian защитник (zashchitnik), meaning "defender".
Zaychenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Zaytsev.
Zazhigayev m Russian
From Russian зажигать (zazhigat'), meaning "light up".
Zazhivikhin m Russian
Probably from Russian заживить (zazhavit'), meaning "to heal".
Ždanovich Belarusian
Means "son of Zhdan".
Zdorovenko Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian здоров'я (zdorov ya), meaning "health".
Zelenov m Russian
From Russian зеленый (zelenyy), meaning "green".
Zelenskyy m Ukrainian, Polish (Ukrainianized), Jewish (?)
Ukrainian form of Zieliński. This is the surname of the current Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Zelentsov m Russian
A variant of Zelenov.
Železnik Slovene
From the Slavic word "železo/zhelezo", meaning " iron", denoting to a person who worked with iron.
Zelyonka Russian
Derived from Russian зелёный (zelyonyy), meaning "green".
Zemlin m Russian
Variant of Zemlov.
Zemlov m Russian
Derived from Russian земля (zemlya), meaning "land, earth".
Zemlyanov m Russian
From Russian земля (zemlya) meaning "earth, land, soil".
Zhdanov m Russian
Means "son of Zhdan".
Zhdanovych Ukrainian
Means "son of Zhdan".
Zhekov m Russian (Rare)
Means "son of Zheka".
Zhekov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Zheko".
Zhelannov m Russian
From Russian желание (zhelaniye), meaning "wish".
Zheltov m Russian
From Russian желтый (zheltyy) meaning "yellow".
Zhertvin m Russian
From Russian жертва (zhertva), meaning "victim".
Zhevzhyk Ukrainian (Rare)
Means "sparrow" in Ukrainian.
Zhidkov m Russian, Jewish
Derived from жид (zhid), a Russian derogatory for Jews.
Zhilov m Russian
From Russian жил (zhil), meaning "(he) lived".
Zhitnikov m Russian
Derived from житник (zhitnik), which denotes to a grain worker.