Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keywords bright or light or shining or radiant or white.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Wajsbort Jewish
Yiddish meaning "White beard"
Weisenburger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of numerous places named Weissenburg "white fortress".
Weisfeld German, Jewish
topographic name from a field name composed of Middle High German wiz "white" and feld "open country". Cognate of Whitfield.
Weishaupt German
Nickname for someone with white hair from Middle High German wiz "white" and houbit "head". German cognate of Whitehead.
Weishuhn German
Derived from Middle High German wiz meaning "white" and huon meaning "hen, fowl", hence a metonymic occupational name for a poultry farmer or dealer, or perhaps in some instances a nickname.
Weisman German, German (Austrian), Jewish
A German surname meaning "white man"
Weißmüller German
from Middle High German wiz "white" and mulin "miller" an occupational name for a miller who produced white flour which was produced as early as the 14th century.
Weissmuller German
Translates to "White Miller".
Whitby English
English surname which was from either of two place names, that of a port in North Yorkshire (which comes from the Old Norse elements hvítr "white" (or Hvíti, a byname derived from it) combined with býr "farm") or a place in Cheshire (from Old English hwit "white" (i.e., "stone-built") and burh "fortress").
Whitehorn Scottish
A locational name from Whithorn near Wigtown, from Old English hwit "white" and ærn "house".
Whiting English
Derived from a patronymic surname, created from the Old English personal name Hwit, meaning "the white one."
Whitlam English
From a medieval nickname for a mild-mannered person (from Middle English whit "white" + lam "lamb"). This surname is borne by Australian Labour politician Gough Whitlam (1916-), prime minister 1972-75.
Whitley English
This surname is derived from a place name composed of Old English elements hwit meaning "white" and leah meaning "clearing, grove."
Wibisono Javanese
The name ꦥꦶꦱ꧀ꦗꦶꦢꦺꦴꦏ (Wibisono) is a Javanese surname that is derived from two words: "wibi," which means "clarity" or "bright," and "sono," which means "essence" or "core." Together, the name represents someone who is bright and clear at their core, someone who is true to themselves and radiates positivity.
Wicherek Polish, English
Means "a light, gentle breeze", or figuratively, "an unruly strand of hair". It is a diminutive of the Polish word wicher, "strong wind".
Wijayasiri Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty".
Wijesiri Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty".
Wijesiriwardana Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" combined with श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty" and वर्धन (vardhana) meaning "increasing, strengthening, growing".
Wimalasiri Sinhalese
From Sanskrit विमल (vimala) meaning "clean, pure" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty".
Winford English
English location name meaning "from a white ford or water crossing" or "from a meadow ford".
Wit Dutch
From Dutch meaning "white".
Witt German
Either from the given name Wittigo or from Middle Low German witte "white", a nickname for a pale person or someone with white hair.
Wittenbach German (Swiss)
Toponymic name meaning "white stream" in German.
Wittgenstein German, Jewish
Denoted one who came from the Wittgenstein castle in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, derived from Old High German witt meaning "white" and stein meaning "stone"... [more]
Wynn Welsh
Derived from the given name Gwynn, itself from Welsh gwyn meaning "white, fair; blessed".
Xayaseng Lao
From Lao ໄຊ (xay) meaning "victory" and ແສງ (seng) meaning "light".
Yoshimitsu Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck" and mitsu means "light".
Yukimitsu Japanese
雪 (Yuki) means "snow" and 光 (mitsu) means "light, radiance".
Zohar Hebrew
Derived from the the given name Zohar meaning "light, brilliance" in Hebrew.
Zyk Russian, Belarusian
A Russian name now found in Belarus and other areas around "white Russia". Literally translates to the Russian word "beetle". It's pronounced "Z'ook" and has taken on other forms of spelling, such as; Zuck, Tzook, Shyk, etc.
Zzoha Arabic
Probably from the given name Zoha, which means "Morning light"