Submitted Surnames with "tailor" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword tailor.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cestare English (American, Modern)
There is a similar name, Sastre, which is the Spanish form of the surname Sarto, meaning "tailor." The name CESTARE is phonetically similar to Sastre and could be a derivative of that name.... [more]
Chait Jewish
Jewish occupational name derived from the Hebrew word חייט‎ meaning "tailor".
Croitoru Romanian
Croitoru is a Romanian-language surnames derived from the occupation of croitor, meaning "tailor".
Dikici Turkish
Means "tailor, sewer, stitcher" in Turkish.
Hayat Hebrew
Means "tailor" in Hebrew.
Krajca Czech
Means "tailor".
Krajčír Slovak, Czech
Means "tailor" in Slovak and Czech.
Krautschat German (East Prussian)
Derived from Prussian-Lithuanian kraucźius (kriaučius in Standard Lithuanian), meaning "tailor".
Kriaučiūnas Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian kriaučius "tailor" combined with the patronymic suffix -ūnas.
Nater German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle High German nâtaere "tailor; furrier".
Panjaitan Batak
Derived from Batak panjait meaning "tailor, sewer".
Portnyagin Russian
Derived from Russian портняга (portnyaga), a colloquial nickname derived from портной (portnoy) meaning "tailor, clothier".
Sartain French
Means, "Tailor".
Schreur Dutch (Dutchified, Rare)
Comes from two places; one from the German word stemming from "schrien", or "shout", and two from the Dutch word stemming from "schreuder", or "tailor".
Snyder Dutch, English, German, Yiddish, Jewish
Means "tailor" in Dutch, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.... [more]
Tailleur French
French for "tailor."