French Submitted Surnames

French names are used in France and other French-speaking regions. See also about French names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Chapelle French
Topographic name for someone who lived near a chapel from French chapelle "chapel" or from several places in France and Belgium called (La) Chapelle and variant of Lachapelle, Capelle, and Chappelle.
Chapin French, Spanish
From a reduced form of French eschapin or Spanish chapín, a term for a light (woman's) shoe; perhaps a nickname for someone who habitually wore this type of footwear or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a shoemaker.
Chapuis French
Occupational name from Old French chapuis "carpenter joiner" a derivative of chapuiser "to cut" (from Late Latin cappulare). Variant of Chappuis.
Char French
Name for someone who works as a carter, from French char "cart, carriage".
Chardin French
Meaning uncertain, possibly of Norman origin.
Charette French
Variant of Charrette. In some cases it may also be derived from the place name.
Chariot French
Means "cart" in French. Perhaps an occupational name for a cartwright or a carter.
Charisse French
Of unknown meaning. It was used as a given name in honour of American actress and dancer Cyd Charisse (1921-2008).
Charlet French
From the French given name Charlet, a pet form of Charles.
Charlier French, Walloon
Occupational name for a cartwright wheelwright from Old French charrelier a derivative of charrel "cart" a diminutive of char "cart carriage".
Charlot French
It's from the given name Charlot a pet form of Charles. Variant of Charles.
Charlotte French, English
From the feminine given name Charlotte.
Charmian English, French
from the given name Charmian
Charretier French
French form of Carter.
Charrette French
Derived from Old French char(r)ete "small cart", itself a diminutive of char "cart carriage".
Charrue French
French for "cartwright."
Chartier French
An occupational name for a carter from an agent derivative of Old French charette "cart".
Chase French
Topographic name for someone who lived in or by a house, probably the occupier of the most distinguished house in the village, from a southern derivative of Latin casa "hut, cottage, cabin".
Chasseur French
From French meaning "hunter".
Chastang French
Derived from Olde French castanh meaning "chestnut". Possibly a location or occupation name.
Château French
French cognate of Castle.
Châtelain French
from châtelain "lord (of the manor)" Old French chastelain (from Latin castellanus a derivative of castellum "castle") applied either as a status name for the governor or constable of a castle or as an ironic nickname.
Chatelaine French
A chatelaine is the mistress of a wealthy house or a castle.... [more]
Chaudron French
From french meaning "cauldron".
Chaumont French
Habitational name from any of numerous places called Chaumont "bald mountain" from the elements chals caux "bald" and mont "mountain" (ultimately from Latin calvus mons) for example in Cher Orne Jura Haute-Savoie.
Chauray French
Habitational name from Chauray a place in Deux-Sèvres, France.
Chauré French (Quebec)
Either derived from Old French chaurer "to warm up; to stir up" or a variant of Chauray.
Chaux French
French / Switzerland.... [more]
Chell French
Probably a respelling of the French habitational name Challe, from any of the various places so named from Late Latin cala ‘rock shelter’.
Chene French
Means "oak" in French. Perhaps it's named for someone who lived by an oak tree.
Chénier French
French surname which indicated one who lived in an oak wood or near a conspicuous oak tree, derived from Old French chesne "oak" (Late Latin caxinus). In some cases it may be from a Louisiana dialectical term referring to "an area of shrub oak growing in sandy soil" (i.e., "beach ridge, usually composed of sand-sized material resting on clay or mud... [more]
Chenier French (Cajun)
A sandy or shelly beach. Derived from the French word for wood, “chêne,” meaning oak.
Cherubin French, Polish
nickname from Old French chérubin and polish cherubin ‘cherub’, from ecclesiastical Latin cherubin.
Chery French
The name Chery is derived from the Anglo Norman French word, cherise, which means cherry, and was probably used to indicate a landmark, such as a cherry tree, which distinguished the location bearing the name.
Chevrier French
Occupational name for a goatherd from an agent derivative of chèvre "goat" (from Latin capra "nanny goat").
Chiasson French, English
French surname originally denoting someone from the the municipality of Chiasso in Ticino, Switzerland, located along the Swiss/Italian border.... [more]
Chiere French (Rare)
Possibly derived from the Old French chiere, from chier, meaning "dear, dearest".
Chopin French
French and English: nickname for a heavy drinker, from Old French chopine, a large liquid measure (from Middle Low German schopen "ladle"). The derived Old French verb chopiner has the sense 'to tipple’, ‘to drink to excess’... [more]
Choquette French
Altered spelling of French Choquet, a Picard form of Old French soquet, which was the term for a tax on wines and foodstuffs, hence a metonymic occupational name for a collector of such taxes.
Christophe French
From the given name Christophe.
Chrysanthe French
From the Greek Χρύσανθος (Chrysanthos), meaning "golden flower". This surname was first given to children found on October 25, the feast day of Saint Chrysanthos.
Clair French
From the given name Clair.
Claremont French
Means "clear hill" in French, from the Latin clarus "clear" and French mont "mountain", A cognate of Clairmont.
Claude French
From the first name Claude.
Claudel French
From the given name Claudel.
Clauss German, French
Derived from the given name Klaus.
Clavel French
Metonymic occupational name for a nail maker, ultimately from Latin clavellus "nail", but in some cases possibly from the same word in the sense "smallpox, rash". A fictional bearer is Miss Clavel, a nun and teacher in Ludwig Bemelmans's 'Madeline' series of children's books (introduced in 1939).
Clavell French, Catalan
The first documented records of the surname Clavell appear in Catalunya between 1291 and 1327. The word clavell traces back to the Indo-European words "kleu", later "klawo" meaning a metal tool. In Latin "clavus", it eventually became a surname "Clavell".
Clemenceau French
Derived from the French given name Clément. A notable bearer was the French prime minister Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929), who successfully lead France through the end of World War I.
Clerc French
Occupational or status name for a member of a minor religious order or for a scholar Old French clerc from Late Latin clericus from Greek klērikos a derivative of klēros "inheritance legacy" with reference to the priestly tribe of Levites (see Levy ) "whose inheritance was the Lord"... [more]
Cloud French
From the Germanic personal name Hlodald, composed of the elements hlod "famous, clear" and wald "rule", which was borne by a saint and bishop of the 6th century.
Coach French
Possibly an altered spelling of French Coache, from the Norman and Picard term for a damson, probably applied as a metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of plums.
Cochet French
Either from cochet a diminutive of coq "rooster" used as a nickname for a vain conceited or womanizing individual. Or possibly also a habitational name from (Le) Cochet the name of several places in various parts of France.
Coit Medieval Welsh, French, English
The surname Coit was first found in Carnarvonshire, a former country in Northwest Wales, anciently part of the Kingdom of Gwynedd, and currently is divided between the unitary authorities of Gwynedd and Conwy, where they held a family seat... [more]
Collard English, French
English and French: from the personal name Coll + the pejorative suffix -ard.
Collet French, French (Huguenot), French (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from a diminutive of French Colle, itself a diminutive of Nicholas.
Collin French
From Collin a diminutive of Nicolas. Variant of Colin
Collines French
French for "hillbanks".
Cologne French
Habitational name from a place in France called Cologne.
Colomb French
from Old French colomb "pigeon" (from Latin columbus) applied as a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of pigeons or doves... [more]
Colomban French
From the given name Colomban.
Colombe French
Either from the given name Colombe or a habitational name from a place in France named La Colombe... [more]
Combe French
Either a topographic name for someone living in or near a ravine from combe "narrow valley ravine" (from Latin cumba a word of Gaulish origin); or a habitational name from Combe the name of several places in the southern part of France of the same etymology.
Combès French
Either a topographic name from combe "narrow valley ravine" (see Combe ) or a habitational name from any of various places in southern France for example in Hérault named Combes.
Comeau French, French (Acadian), Louisiana Creole
French: from a Gascon diminutive of Combe.
Comeaux French (Acadian), French Creole
Variant spelling of French Comeau.
Commander Anglo-Saxon, French
From Middle English comander, comandor and comandour and also from Old French comandeor, all meaning "commander", "leader" or "ruler". The first recorded use of the name is through a family seat held in Somerset.
Comte French
Nickname for someone who worked for a count or for someone acting haughty from Old French conte cunte "count". French cognitive of Conte and variant of Lecomte.
Condom French
Regional name for someone who lives in a French province named "Condom".
Constance English, French
From the given name Constance
Constant French, Dutch, English
From the given name Constant or from the word "constant"
Corbin English, French
Derived from French corbeau meaning "raven," originally denoting a person who had dark hair.
Corday French
Either from the French word corde meaning "cord/rope/string", or from the Latin word cor meaning "heart." This was the surname of Charlotte Corday, the assassin who killed Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat during the French revolution.
Corder French (Anglicized, Archaic), English (American)
Linked to both English, French and Spanish origin. Cordier, Cordero, Corder- one who makes cord. Can refer to both the act of making cords (rope), cores of fire wood, or actual location names.... [more]
Cordier French
Given to someone who worked or made with cord and or strings from old French corde "string".
Cordonnier French
An occupational surname for a cordwainer or shoemaker, and derived from Old French cordouanier, literally meaning "cobbler".
Cormier French
French topographic name for someone who lived near a sorb or service tree, Old French cormier (from corme, the name of the fruit for which the tree was cultivated, apparently of Gaulish origin).
Cornu French
Means foolish in French variant of Le Cornu.
Corsaut French
Possibly a variant of Cossart.
Cossart English, French
From French, referring to "a dealer of horses" (related to the English word "courser"). This surname was brought to England in the wake of the Norman Conquest of 1066, and became one of the many Anglo-Norman words that made up Middle English.
Cotton English, French
English: habitational name from any of numerous places named from Old English cotum (dative plural of cot) ‘at the cottages or huts’ (or sometimes possibly from a Middle English plural, coten)... [more]
Cottrant French
Meaning unknown.
Cottrell English, French
First found in Derbyshire where the family "Cottrell" held a family seat and were granted lands by Duke William of Normandy, their liege lord for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings, 1066CE... [more]
Coulombe French
Variant of Colombe and Colomb.
Coulon French
From Old French colomb "pigeon" (from Latin columba) used as a metonymic occupational name for a breeder.
Courcel French
Variant of Courcelles.... [more]
Courcelles French
The name of several places in France, Belgium and Canada. In Middle French the word courcelle was used to describe a "small court" or a "small garden". The word is derived from the medieval Gallo-Romance and Gallo-Italian word corticella, which was formed from the Latin word cohors, meaning "court" or "enclosure", and the diminutive –icella.... [more]
Couric French
Originally a nickname given to a short person, derived from Middle Breton corr, korr meaning "dwarf, midget". A well-known bearer of this surname is the American journalist, television host and author Katie Couric (1957-).
Court English, French, Irish
A topographic name from Middle English, Old French court(e) and curt, meaning ‘court’. This word was used primarily with reference to the residence of the lord of a manor, and the surname is usually an occupational name for someone employed at a manorial court.... [more]
Courtier French, Medieval French, Medieval English
French: habitational name from places called Courtier (Seine-et-Marne, Aples-de-Haute-Provence), Courtié (Tarn), or Courtière (Loir-et-Cher). ... [more]
Courville French
Derived from either of two communes in the departments of Marne and Eure-et-Loir in France. It is named with Latin curba villa, denoting a settlement in the curve of a road.
Cousin English, French
Nickname derived from Middle English cousin and Old French cosin, cusin meaning "cousin".
Cousins French
"Relative" in Old French.
Covert English, French
The surname is probably topographical, for someone who either lived by a sheltered bay, or more likely an area sheltered by trees. The formation is similar to couvert, meaning a wood or covert, and originally from the Latin "cooperio", to cover... [more]
Cozart French
Variant of Cossart.
Crepeau French
From the Latin word, crispus, meaning "curly hair".
Crete French
French (adjectival form Crété ‘crested’): nickname for an arrogant individual, from Old French creste ‘crest (of a hill)’ (Late Latin crista), used with reference to the comb of a rooster... [more]
Crispin English, French
From the Middle English, Old French personal name Crispin.
Croix French
French cognate of Cross.
Crozier English, French
English and French occupational name for one who carried a cross or a bishop’s crook in ecclesiastical processions, from Middle English, Old French croisier.
Culvért French, English, Irish
English version of the Old French, Culvere. Means Peaceful and Mildest of tempers.
Cushing English, French (Anglicized)
Altered form of Cousin, or an Americanized spelling of Cauchon. The English actor Peter Cushing (1913-1994) was a famous bearer of this name.
Cuvelier French, Walloon, Flemish
Occupational name for a Cooper derived from an agent in Old French cuve "vat tun". Also found in the Netherlands.
Cyprien French
From the given name Cyprien.
Cyr French
From the Latin personal name Quiricus or Cyricus, Greek Kyrikos or Kyriakos, ultimately from Greek kyrios 'lord', 'master'.
D'abbadie French, English, Occitan
Means "of the Abbey" from the Occitan abadia. Variants Abadia, Abbadie, Abadie, Abada, and Badia mean "Abbey".
D'abbeville French
Means "of Abbeville" Abbeville is a commune in France. Takes its name from Latin Abbatis Villa meaning "Abbot's Village".
Dagenais French (Quebec)
Denotes a person originally from the prefecture of Agen in southwestern France.
Dagot French
Derived from the Old French word "fagot", meaning "bundle of firewood". This was likely given as an occupational surname to a gatherer or seller of firewood.
Daigle French
Referred as a habitual name (someone from L’Aigle) in Orne.
Dallaire French (Quebec)
From the given name Allaire, an older form of Hilaire.
Dalmas French
Surname Dalmas was first found in Limousin. Literally means "of the sea."
Damas French
French form of Damascus. Famous bearer Léon-Gontran Damas (1912-1978) was a French poet and politican from French Guiana, cofounder of the Négritude Mouvement and author of the collection "Black Label".
d'Amboise French
Denoted a person from Amboise, a commune located in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France.
Dame French, English
From the old French dame, "lady" ultimately from Latin domina, "mistress".
Dameron French
Nickname for a foppish or effeminate young man, Old French dameron, a derivative of Latin dominus "lord", "master" plus two diminutive endings suggestive of weakness or childishness.
Damian French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Polish
From the medieval personal name Damian, Greek Damianos (from damazein "to subdue"). St. Damian was an early Christian saint martyred in Cilicia in ad 303 under the emperor Domitian, together with his brother Cosmas... [more]
Damien French
From the given name Damien
D'Amour French
Patronymic from Amour, this name was a nickname for an amorous man or a love child.
Damour French
Variant of D'Amour.
Dancy French, English
Denoted a person from Annecy, France.
Dano French
Perhaps an altered spelling of French Danot or Danon, from pet forms of Jourdain or Daniel.
Danser German, French, English
German: variant of Danzer. Altered spelling of English Dancer.... [more]
D'aoust French
D'Aoust, denotes someone from Aoust(e) in France. Aouste is situated in the Ardennes department (Champagne-Ardenne region) in the north-east of France at 29 km from Charleville-Mézières, the department capital... [more]
D'arcy English, French, Norman
Originally a Norman French surname, meaning "from Arcy"... [more]
D'artagnan French, Literature
Surname given to a person from Artagnan, France. It is also used by Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, the captain of the Musketeers from the novel, "The Three Musketeers".
Daudet French
Not available.
Daughtry English, Norman
English (of Norman origin) habitational name, with fused French preposition d(e), for someone from Hauterive in Orne, France, named from Old French haute rive ‘high bank’ (Latin alta ripa).
Dauphin French, Haitian Creole
From the given name Dauphin a medieval form of Delphinus.
Dauphiné French
habitational name from the Dauphiné region of southeastern France.
D'aurevalle French (Archaic)
This medieval surname literally means "from Aurevalle". Aurevalle can refer to any of the three French communes that are nowadays known by the more modern spelling Orival. All of them ultimately derive their name from Latin aurea vallis meaning "golden vale" or "golden valley".
D'auréville French
Variant spelling of D'aureville.
D'aureville French
This surname literally means "from Aureville". Aureville is a commune in southwestern France, which was established in late medieval times. It derives its name from Latin aurea villa or villa aurea which literally means "golden country-house, golden farm" but of course later came to mean "golden village".
D'aurevilly French
Variant form of D'aureville. A known bearer of this name was the French novelist Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly (1808-1889).
Dauterive French
Originally denoted a person hailing from any of the various places in France called Hauterive. This surname is no longer found in France. A famous fictional bearer is the character Bill Dauterive from the American animated series King of the Hill, starting 1997.
Davet French
Possibly derived from the given gave David.
Dawley English, French, Irish
"From the hedged glade" Originally, D'Awley (probably from D'Awleigh).... [more]
D’bailleu Picard
This indicates familial origin within the commune of Bailleu.
D'coolette French
Not known. A Character from Sonic The Hedgehog, Has This name.
De Bailleul Picard
Parisianized form of D’bailleu.
Deberry French
Habitational name for someone from Berry-au-Bac in Aisne, France.
DeBevoise French
Denoted someone from Beauvais, a city and commune in the Hauts-de-France region in northern France.
Deblois French
French surname meaning "From Blois", a town in Mid-Western France. The origins of the surname started back in the 1600s when a man named Grégoire Guérard traveled to Flanders (Now Belgium) and immigrated to New France (Now Canada) in 1658... [more]
De Brún Irish, French
Derived from Brun, meaning brown in French
De Bruyne Dutch, French, Flemish
Derived from Middle Dutch bruun meaning "brown", referring to hair colour or complexion. A famous bearer is Belgian soccer player Kevin De Bruyne (1991-).
Debs French
From the given name Debus, a variant of Thebs or Thebus, which was an altered short form of Mattheus. This was borne by American union leader Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926).
Debussy French
This surname dates back to the Middle Ages. Unknown meaning.
Decazes French
The surname Decazes was first found in Gascony (French: Gascogne), an area of southwest France bordering Spain, that was part of the "Province of Guyenne and Gascony" prior to the French Revolution, where the family held a family seat in ancient times.... [more]
De Champagne French
Meaning "Of Champagne" in French.
De Clermont French
Means "of the bright hill" from the French de meaning "of" and clair, cler 'bright', 'clear' + mont 'hill'
Dedeaux French
Meaning uncertain. Probably a habitual surname for someone from Deaux in Gare.
Deford French
Variant of Dufort meaning "son of the strong" from French de-, "of" and fort, "strong". Notable namesake is author Frank Deford.
De Forest French
Alternative spelling of Deforest.
Deforge French
This is a surname of French origins. Introduced into England after the famous Invasion and Conquest of 1066, it is residential, but also possibly occupational. It is a surname which in its different forms is widely recorded heraldically, and particularly in the French regions of Brittany and Normandy... [more]
Defrain French
Variant of Frain combined with the French de "from".... [more]
De Gaulle French
Meaning uncertain, but it is thought to be of Dutch origin, possibly a French cognate of Van Der Walle, De Walle and/or De Waal... [more]
Degelos Jewish (Rare), French
Most probable origin - Jewish adapting French sounding names... [more]
De La Boulaye French
This indicates familial origin within the Bourgignon commune of La Boulaye.
De La Chaumette French
Name for someone from one of several places in central France named La Chaumette; or someone who lived on a chaumette, a high, arid plateau with little vegetation. The term is a diminutive of chaume "bare land", from a specialized sense of Latin calmus "calm, unruffled".
Delacour French
Probably based off the term "de la cœur", meaning "on the court".
Delafoy French
From Old French de la foy meaning "of the faith". This is probably a name given to a cleric or a very pious person among the French Catholics.
Delagardelle French
Habitational name for someone from Lagardelle, a place in Haute Garonne.
Delage French
From the dialect word age "hedge" for someone who lived by a hedge or from the various places in France called L'Age.
Delahaye French, Walloon
Variant with fused preposition de "from" of Lahaye. This surname is also found in the Flemish part of Belgium.
Delalande French
French surname, pronounced /dølalɑ̃də/, which means "from the moor", "from the heath". Famous bearer Michel-Richard Delalande (1657-1726), French baroque composer and organist nicknamed "the Latin Lully", changed its spelling in "de Lalande" in order to give it aristocratic looks.
De La Montagne French
Means "of the mountain" in French.
Delannoy French, Flemish, Walloon
From the various locations in northern France and Belgium called Lannoy with the element de "from".
Delaplaine French
Means "of the Plain" in French