Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the usage is Italian; and the length is 5.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abreo French, Italian
Abreo or its variant Abreu comes from the French Alfred (alf = Elf; fred = conseil). The meaning is wise counselor.... [more]
Aceto Italian
Variant of Accetto.
Alfeo Italian
From the given name Alfeo.
Amadi Persian, Romanian, Italian, Maltese
Variant of Ahmadi common in Romania and Italy. It is typical of Malta.
Amara Italian
Meaning bitter, unhappy or unfortunate.
Amici Italian
From the given name Amico.
Amico Italian
Means "friend".
Asaro Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian Àsaru. A comune in the Province of Enna, Sicily.
Avara Italian
Italian feminine form of Avaro.
Avena Spanish, Italian
A traditionally Spanish and Italian occupational surname for a "grain grower or merchant", or the Italian habitation surname for Avena, Calabria. Means "oats". From the Latin avēna meaning 'oats, wild oats, straw'.
Baffa Italian
The origins of this surname are uncertain, but it may be from Italian baffo "mustache", with the Latinate feminine suffix probably due to the influence of the word famiglia "family". Alternatively it may be Albanian in origin, of unexplained meaning.
Baldo Italian, Spanish
From the given name Baldo.
Balma Italian
Perhaps a topographic name from the dialect word balma meaning ‘grotto’, ‘cave’, ‘jutting rock’.
Balza Spanish, Belgian, Filipino (Hispanicized), Italian
Derivation (Belzer, Balzac, Balzer, etc.) of the given name Balthazar, meaning "one of the three wise men."
Bandi Italian
Derived from Late Latin Bandus itself from the Germanic band and the Latin banda, all meaning "sign, emblem, banner". It can also derive from the Italian word bando meaning "announcement" from the Germanic bann.
Barno Italian, Ukrainian, French, Ancient Aramaic, Russian
The surname Barno was first found in the north of Italy, especially in Tuscany. The name occasionally appears in the south, usually in forms which end in "o," but the northern forms ending in "i" are much more common... [more]
Becci Italian
Possibly derived from a dialectic form of vecchio "old", or from Celtic becci "beaks", perhaps indicating someone with a large nose.
Beffa Italian
Nickname for a practical joker, from Italian beffa "trick, prank".
Benni Italian
Means "son of Benno".
Berto Italian, Spanish
From the given name Berto.
Bimbo Italian
From Italian meaning "baby, child".
Bixio Italian
From an older form of Ligurian bixo "grey", a nickname for someone with grey hair.
Boffi Italian
Possibly from buffare "to blow, to be short of breath", or a related term meaning "bloated".
Bolle Italian
Means "bubbles" in Italian, derived from the singular bolla.... [more]
Bondi Italian
Derived from the given name Abbondio.
Bondy Italian (Americanized)
Americanized form of Bondi.
Borgo Italian
Borgo is an Italian surname, which means 'village' or 'borough'.
Bossi Italian
Variant of Bosso.
Bosso Italian
Derived from Italian bosso "box tree", probably applied as a topographic name but possibly also as a metonymic occupational name for a wood carver or turner.
Broin Italian
Italian and French form of or comes from Brown.
Bruni Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Bruno.
Buffa Italian
From Sicilian buffa, "toad". May alternately derive from Rebuffo.
Buffo Italian
Character in an Opera Buffa; clown, jester, comedian, buffoon.
Busco Italian
Variant of Bosco.
Butta Italian
Italian: from a short form of a compound name formed with butta- ‘throw’, as for example Buttacavoli.Italian: from an old German feminine personal name Butta.Italian: variant of Botta.
Cairo Italian
One who came from Cairo.
Calla Italian
Variant of Cala or Catllà.
Calvi Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Calvo. Habitational name from Calvi in Benevento province.
Campi Italian
Variant of Campo.
Capra Italian
From the Latin word capra meaning "nanny goat." This was a name originally borne by shepherds / goat herders.
Capri Italian
habitational name for someone from Capri the island in the Bay of Naples.
Capua Italian
Capua is a city and comune in the province of Caserta, Campania, southern Italy, situated 25 km (16 mi) north of Naples on the northeastern edge of the Campanian plain. Ancient Capua was situated where Santa Maria Capua Vetere is now.... [more]
Cardo Spanish, Italian
From cardo "thistle, cardoon" (from Latin carduus) either a topographic or occupational name for using wool carder thistles, or from the given name Cardo a short form of given names Accardo, Biancardo, or Riccardo.
Carlo Italian
From the given name Carlo.
Celio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Celio
Celso Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Celso.
Cerri Italian
From cerro "oak tree, Turkey oak".
Cerva Portuguese, Italian
"Cerva" means deer.
Cesco Italian
Derived from the given name Francesco.
Chila Italian
Italian form of Cheilas.
Chini Italian
Possibly a variant of Zini.
Chino Italian
Derived from the given name Gioacchino.
Cicco Italian
From a diminutive of Francesco.
Citro Italian
From Italian meaning "citrus fruit". Possibly an occupational name for someone who sells or raise any citrus fruit.
Cleto Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Cleto.
Cocco Italian
Possibly from Italian cocco, meaning "darling, favourite" or "hen's egg".
Collu Italian
From a dialectical form of Italian collo, meaning "neck" or "parcel, package".
Comim Italian
It mans waiter in italian.
Conte Italian
Means "count (a title of nobility)" in Italian.
Corio Italian
Variant of Coiro.
Corsi Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Corso.
Corso Italian, English (American), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Either derived from the given name Bonaccorso or taken from Italian and Spanish corso, denoting someone who lived in Corsica.
Corte Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese
From corte "court", applied as an occupational name for someone who worked at a manorial court or a topographic name for someone who lived in or by one.
Corvo Italian, Portuguese
From the given name Corvo
Cosca Italian
Topographic name from the Calabrian dialect word c(u)oscu "oak", also "wood".
Cosco Italian
Masculinized form of Cosca.
Cosmi Italian
Derived from the given name Cosmo.
Cosmo Italian
From the given name Cosmo.
Cossu Italian
Probably from Sardinian cossu "tub, trough, basin".
Cotto Italian
From Italian meaning "baked, cooked". Perhaps an occupational name for someone who worked as a cook or baker.
Craxi Italian
Variant of Crascì.
Crema Italian
From the name of a city in Lombardy, Italy, derived from Lombardic (an Old Germanic language) krem "small hill".
Crobu Italian
From Sardinian crobu "crow", or a place of the same name.
Cugno Italian
From Sicilian cugnu "wedge", indicating someone who lived on a hill or other topographical "wedge", someone whose occupation involved using an axe, or a person who was considered to be hard or angular in personality or appearance.
Cuneo Italian
Denotes someone from the province of Cuneo.
Cuomo Italian
Probably from a shortened form of Cuosëmo, a Neapolitan variant of the Italian male personal name Cosimo.
Curti Italian
From Neapolitan curto "short".
Danza Italian
The shortened stage-surname, from Iadanza, of American actor Tony Danza.... [more]
Da Pra Italian
A topographic name for someone from a meadow, from the northern variant of "prato" (meadow).
Defeo Italian
This surname is well known in popular culture as the surname of Ronald Defeo who murdered his family in the 1970s while they lived in Amittyville, NY. The surname may mean “Of Ugly”.
Della Italian, Spanish
Likely derived from the Italian and Spanish word della, meaning "of the".
Demma Italian
Matronymic derived from a contracted form of Italian d(e) Emma meaning "of Emma".
Deriu Italian
Means "of the river" in Sardinian.
Dessi Italian
Denoting someone from Sini, Sardinia, formerly called Sinu or Sii.
Diana Italian
From the female given name Diana.
Diddi Italian
Possibly a variant of Di Dio.
Di Dio Italian
Means "of God" in Italian.
Dileo Italian
Southern Italian Surname.
Dolce Italian, Sicilian
From the medieval name Dolce meaning "sweet, pleasant" derived from Latin dulcis.
Dolfi Italian
From the given name Dolfo a diminutive or short form of Germanic names that end with dolfo Adolfo, Gandolfo, and Rodolfo making it a cognitive of Dolph.
Donna Italian
Probably a matronymic, from the given name Donna meaning "lady, mistress" in classical Italian and "woman" in modern Italian. May alternately derive from a place name.
Dorsa Italian
Derived from the Albanian placename Durrës.
Evola Italian
Perhaps a topographic name from Italian ebbio, a type of plant known as danewort in English (genus Sambucus), itself derived from Latin ebullus; alternatively, it may have been a habitational name for a person from a minor place named with this word... [more]
Fabio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Fabio.
Fadda Italian
Possibly from fada "fairy, fate", or from Sardinian fadda "error", itself from Latin falla "mistake, failure, trick".
Falso Italian
Not much history is known for Falso however, it was common surrounding Napoli, Lazio, Latin, and Roma. It means False, phony, fake. Because of this, the surname has spread globally especially to United States of America and Brazil... [more]
Fanti Italian
Derived from the given name Fante, or another name containing the medieval element fante "child, boy".
Faria Portuguese, Italian
Faria is a Portuguese surname. A habitational name from either of two places called Faria, in Braga and Aveiro. ... [more]
Fauci Sicilian
Means "sickle" in Sicilian, originally an occupational name for a maker of sickles.
Fazio Italian
From a short form of the given name Bonifazio.
Fazzi Italian
Variant of Fazio.
Felli Italian
Possibly derived from a nickname based on fello "criminal; evil, wretched; angry; sad, gloomy".
Ferla Italian
Denoting someone from a town of the same name, from Latin ferula "stick, cane".
Fieri Italian
A notable bearer is American restaurateur and television host Guy Fieri (1968-).
Fiori Italian
Derived from the given name Fiore.
Floro Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
From the given name Floro.
Forte Italian
Italian word for "Strong"
Fredo Italian
From the given name Fredo.
Fucci Italian
From the plural of Fuccio, a short form of any of various personal names with a root ending in -f (as for example Rodolfo, Gandolfo) to which has been attached the hypocoristic suffix -uccio, or alternatively from a reduced form of a personal name such as Fantuccio, Feduccio.
Gaeta Italian
Derived from the town of Gaeta, in the province of Latina, in Lazio, central Italy. It can also derive from the given name Gaetano which shares its origin.
Gaita Italian
One who came from Gaeta in Italy.
Galea Spanish, Italian, Maltese
From Spanish galea "galleon, warship" presumably a metonymic occupational name for a shipwright or a sailor. Italian habitational name from Galea in Calabria.
Garau Italian
Possibly from a Sardinian modification of the given name Gherardo. Alternately, it may be from a Spanish surname derived from Basque garau "grain, wheat".
Gatto Italian
Derived from Old Italian gatto meaning "cat", ultimately from Late Latin cattus. This was a nickname for a person who resembled a cat in some way.
Gelso Italian
Means MULBERRY in Italian
Gessa Italian
Possibly a variant of Chessa. Alternately, may be from a Sardinian term for "mulberry".
Giann Italian
Variant of Gianni.
Giano Italian
From the given name Giano.
Gilca Romanian, Italian
Meaning unknown.
Gildo Italian
From the given name Gildo.
Gilio Italian
Tuscany. One variation of the surname Giglio meaning ""lily"". ... [more]
Gilli Italian
Patronymic form of the personal name Gillio, a vernacular derivative of Aegilius, which itself is a later form of the given name Aegidius.
Giove Italian
From Giove ("Jupiter") the name of the chief Roman deity perhaps a nickname for someone who habitually swore per Giove "by Jove". From Sicilian ggiòve iòvi "Thursday" applied as a personal name for someone born or baptized on that day of the week... [more]
Goffo Italian
From Italian meaning "clumsy, awkward".
Gorga Italian
Topographic name from Sicilian gorga, Catalan gorg(a) ‘place where water collects’, ‘mill pond’, ‘gorge’.
Gozzi Italian, Venetian
Meaning unknown.
Grano Italian, Spanish
from grano "grain" (from Latin granum) probably applied as a metonymic occupational name for a farmer or grain merchant.
Gucci Italian
Patronymic or plural form of the given name Guccio, a late medieval Italian diminutive of various names ending in go, such as Arrigo (via Arriguccio) or Ugo (via Uguccio)... [more]
Guido Italian, German
From the given name Guido.
Ienca Italian (Rare)
Allegedly derived from Italian giovenca "heifer". A heifer is a young cow that has not yet had a calf. Mount Jenca and Jenca Valley are located near Gran Sasso d'Italia in the Abruzzo region in Italy.
Jovon Italian
Possibly related to the Ancient Roman cognomen Jovian, ultimately derived from the name of the god Jupiter.
Laghi Italian
Possibly originated to denote someone from the Italian town of Laghi.
Laico Italian
Means that is not part of the Catholic Church.
Lanza Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Lance.
Lanzo Italian
Variant of Lanza.
Laura Italian
Either from the given name Laura or a topographic name from Latin laurea meaning "laurel".
Lauro Italian
From the given name Lauro
Lazio Italian
Named after the region called 'Lazio' of Italy.
Ledda Italian, Sardinian
Probably from the former Medieval town of Lella, in northern Sardinia. The transformation of -ll- into -dd- is common in Sardinian.
Lelio Italian
From the given name Lelio.
Libra Italian
Derived from the latin word 'libra' meaning "balance, weigh". It's probably a nickname for a deliberate or well-balanced person.
Lisci Italian
Probably means "smooth" in Italian, derived from the Italian liscio "smoothing", likely denoting a clean person.
Locci Italian
Possibly from the Spanish given name Eloche (see Elochius.
Lodde Italian
From Sardinian lodde "fox".
Losco Italian
Nickname from losco ‘sinister’.
Lotfi Italian
Italian: patronymic or plural form of the personal name Lotto .
Lucca Italian
A habitational name from Lucca Sicula in Agrigento province, Sicily, which was called simply Lucca until 1863. It was probably originally named with a Celtic element meaning ‘marshy.’
Lucci Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Luccio, a reduced form of a personal name formed with this suffix.
Lucía Spanish, Italian
From the feminine personal name Lucia, feminine derivative of Latin lux meaning "light".
Lucio Italian
From the given name Lucio.
Lusso Italian
From the given name Lucius, or possibly the toponym Santu Lussurgiu.
Machi Sicilian
Unexplained. It may be from the Albanian personal name Maqo. Derivation from a Greek name ending in -akis, which has been suggested, is implausible.
Macis Italian
From Sardinian maccia "shrub, thick bush, brush", or possibly denoting someone from the village Simax.
Macri Italian
Italian variant of Magro. It could also be a southern Italian nickname for a person who had long limbs or who was tall, derived from Greek μακρύς (makrýs) literally meaning "long, tall" (see Makris)... [more]
Macro Italian
Possibly a variant of Magro.
Madau Italian
From Sardinian madau "fold, enclosure for sheep".
Malfa Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from Malfa on the island of Salina (Messina). Variant of Lamalfa.
Malta Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
habitational or ethnic name for someone from the Mediterranean island of Malta (from Latin Melita Greek Melitē).
Manai Italian
From Sardinian mannai "grandfather, grandmother".
Mance Italian
Variant of Manco.
Mango Italian
Variant of Manco.
Mario Italian
There's a popular character named Mario, and his brother, Luigi. Together; they're the Super Mario Bros. They've been very popular since the 80's and came out with the greatest games throughout the 90's, 00's, 10's, and 20's.
Marte Spanish, Italian
From the given name Marte 2.
Marti Italian (Swiss), German (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from the given name Martin.
Massa Italian
A habitational name from any of the various places named Massa (for example, Massa Lubrense or Massa di Somma, both in the Metropolitan City of Naples, or Massa d’Albe in the Province of L'Aquila), which were all named from the medieval Latin word massa, meaning ‘holding’ or ‘estate’.
Matta Italian
From a feminine form of MATTO.
Mauri Italian, Catalan
From the given name Mauro.
Mauro Italian
From the given name Mauro.
Maxia Italian
Possibly from the dialectical term maxia "magic", or masia "farm, country house".
Melle Italian
Derived from the place name Melle in Cueno, Piedmont, northern Italy. It could also be derived from the given name Mello, a short form of diminutives ending with -mello (like Giacomello, a diminutive of Giacomo).
Menna Italian
Derives from the given name Mena 5.
Messi Italian, Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly from Italian messi meaning "messengers". A famous bearer of this surname is Lionel Messi (born 1987-), an Argentinian footballer of Italian descent.
Miano Italian
Habitational name from Miano in Naples, Parma, and Teramo; Miane in Treviso; or Mian in Belluno.
Miele Italian
It means "honey" in Italian.
Milan Italian, French
Habitational name from the Italian city of Milan (see Milano).
Miola Italian
Moffa Italian
From Italian muffa "mould, mildew, moss".
Monzo Italian
Possibly a variant of Monsu, which may be an occupational name for a cook, Calabrian munsu, or a nickname or title from Milanese monsu ‘sir’, ‘lord’, ‘gentleman’.