GajdaSerbian, Croatian, Czech A slavicized variant of the German surname, Geidl. This was most notably used by Radola Gajda, a Czech military commander and politician who slaviczed his name from Rudolf Geidl.
GrajçevciKosovar, Albanian, Serbian Originally indicated a person from a place named Greiçec in the town of Suva Reka in Prizren, Kosovo. In Serbian it is called Grejčevce.
HadzhiyskimBulgarian Derived from Bulgarian хаджия (hadzhiya) meaning "pilgrim", ultimately from Arabic حَجّ (hajj).
HadžiabdićBosnian Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage" and Arabic-derived عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant", added with the patronymic element -ić.
HadžimuhamedovićBosnian Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage", combined with the Bosnian given name Muhamed and the patronymic element -ić.
HarambašićCroatian, Bosnian, Serbian Derived from harambaša (харамбаша), which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
HaramijaCroatian Derived from harambaša, which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.