South Slavic Submitted Surnames

These names are used in regions that use South Slavic languages.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Todorovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Todorovski.
Todorovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Todor".
Tomaš Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian, German
From the given name Tomaš.
Tomašević Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomaš".
Tomičić Croatian
Variant of Tomčić. Derived from Toma 2.
Tomović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomo" or "son of Toma 2".
Tonković Croatian
Means "son of Tonko".
Topalov m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish topal meaning "lame (unable to walk)".
Topalova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Topalov.
Topolovec Slovene, Croatian
Several locations in Slovenia and Croatia bare the name "Topolovec".
Tot Serbian
Serbian variant of Tót.
Trajanoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Trajanoski.
Trajanoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Trajan 2".
Trajanov m Macedonian
Means "son of Trajan 2".
Trajanova f Macedonian
Feminine form of Trajanov.
Trajkoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Trajkoski.
Trajkoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Trajko".
Trajkov m Macedonian
Means "son of Trajko".
Trajkova f Macedonian
Feminine form of Trajkov.
Trajković Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trajko".
Travar Croatian, Serbian
Derived from travar, meaning "herbalist".
Traykov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Trayko".
Traykova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Traykov.
Trifunović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trifun".
Trifunovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Trifun".
Tsanev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Tsano".
Tsaneva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Tsanev.
Tsvetomirova Bulgarian
Patronym derived from the given name Tsvetomir.
Tuđman Croatian
Derived from Croatian tuđin meaning "foreigner, stranger". This was the surname of the first president of Croatia, Franjo Tuđman (1922-1999). He was also the ninth and last president of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, which was part of the former state of Yugoslavia.
Tufek Bosnian
From Turkish tüfek ''rifle''.
Ucar Croatian
1 Croatian, Serbian, and eastern Slovenian: ironic nickname for an autocratic person, from car ‘tsar’.... [more]
Udović m Croatian
Means "son of a widow" in Croatian, from Serbo-Croatian udova "widow".
Udovič Slovene
Slovene form of Udović
Udovich Croatian (Americanized), Slovene (Americanized)
Americanized form of Slovenian Udovič and Croatian Udović.
Ulak Bosnian
From Turkish ulak, "a messenger".
Urbanija Slovene
Likely derived from Urban.
Us Slovene (Rare)
Us is a Slovene Surname which in itself is a shortened version of the House Name Ušič,Meaning Son of Us. The surname may be linked the the slovene word Oves, which translates to "Oats", and may have been an occupational surname referring to someone who farmed Oats and or grains.
Valkov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Valko".
Valkova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Valkov.
Vašićek Croatian
Variant and often a misspelling of Vašiček.
Vasileska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Vasileski.
Vasileski m Macedonian
Means "son of Vasil".
Vasilevska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Vasilevski.
Vasilevski m Macedonian
Means "son of Vasil".
Vasiljević Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Vasilije".
Vasilov Bulgarian, Russian
Meaning "son of Vasil" in Russian and "from Bulgaria" in Bulgarian.
Vedriš Croatian
Derived from vedro, meaning "bright".
Velikov Bulgarian
Means "son of Veliko".
Velikova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Velikov.
Velkov m Bulgarian, Macedonian
Means "son of Velko".
Velkova f Bulgarian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Velkov.
Velkovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Velkovski.
Velkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Velko".
Veselinova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Veselinov.
Vidaković Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vidak or Vid''.
Vide Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Videc Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidic Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidič Slovene
Cognate of Vidić.
Vidkovič Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidojević Serbian
Means "son of Vidoje".
Viljevac Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Viljevo, Croatia.
Vincek Croatian
Possibly derived from the Croatian nickname for Vincent.
Vincetić Croatian
Derived from Vinko, Croatian form of Vincent.
Vladić Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vlad''.
Vlainić Croatian, Bosnian
Variant of Vlajnić or Vlajinić
Vojković Croatian
Means "son of Vojko".
Vojniković Bosnian, Croatian
Means "son of a soldier" in various Balkan languages.
Vovk Ukrainian, Slovene
Derived from Ukrainian вовк (vovk) meaning "wolf", also used in Slovenia.
Voytek Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian
Americanized spelling of the given names VOJTEK, Vojtech, Wojtek, all pet forms of the Polish given name Wojciech, or other Slavic cognates.
Vrabac Croatian
Means ''sparrow''.
Vrana Croatian
Means ''crow''.
Vrban Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrbančić Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrbanić Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrhovac Serbian, Croatian
From vrh meaning ''top, peak, summit''. Also a common place name.Bpхoвaц
Vrhovnik Slovene
From vrh meaning "top, peak, summit".
Vučević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vučić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Vuk".
Vučinović Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the given name Vuk, which also means "wolf".
Vučković Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujačić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujanić Serbian
Means "son of Vujan".
Vujčić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujičić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujisić Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from vuk (вук), meaning "wolf".
Vuk Croatian, Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukadinović Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukadin.
Vukan Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukašin Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukašin.
Vukčević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukelić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukićević Serbian
Means "son of Vuk".
Vukman Croatian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukmanović Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Vukman".
Vukov Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vuksan Croatian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vuksanović Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vulović Serbian
Vulović is the last name of Roki Vulović, a Serbian nationalist singer who lives in Bosnia.
Yankovic Slovene, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Polish
Americanized form of Janković, or perhaps Jankowicz.
Yankovich Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Americanized spelling of Janković or Jankovič.
Yasenov Bulgarian
Means "son of Yasen".
Yavorov Bulgarian
Means "son of Yavor".
Yelich Serbian (Anglicized, Rare)
Yelich is an Anglicized spelling of the last name Jelić.
Yovanovich Serbian
Anglicised form of Jovanović.
Yuliyanov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Yuliyan".
Yuliyanova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yuliyanov.
Yusein Bulgarian
From the given name Yusein.
Yuseinov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Yusein".
Yuseinova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yuseinov.
Žabek Croatian
From žaba, meaning "frog".
Zadravec Croatian, Slovene
Denotes a person living near the Drava river.
Zahirović Bosnian
Means "son of Zahir".
Zahornacky South Slavic (Americanized, Modern, Rare)
Zahornacky is the americanized version of name Zahornitski, meaning “The people from over the mountain”. The name has roots in Czechoslovakian and Polish decent.
Zajc Slovene
From zajec, meaning "hare".
Žavbi Slovene
The surname is mostly tied to prefession but can also be based off of certain personality traits or profession. It comes from the word "žavba", ointment, cream.
Zdravković Serbian
Means "son of Zdravko".
Zdravkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Zdravko".
Zec Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Slovene
Means ''rabbit''.
Zečević Serbian
Derived from zec, meaning ''rabbit''.
Zeković Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from zeko (зеко), meaning "bunny".
Zelenika Bosnian
Variant of Zelenka
Zelenović Serbian
Derived from Serbian зелен (zelen) "green".
Železnik Slovene
From the Slavic word "železo/zhelezo", meaning " iron", denoting to a person who worked with iron.
Žganjar Slovene
Often Americanized as Zganjar.
Zhekov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Zheko".
Zhelyazkova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Zhelyazkov.
Zidarić Croatian
From zidar meaning ''stonemason, bricklayer''.
Živanović Serbian
Means "son of Živan".
Živkov Serbian
Means "son of Živko".
Živkovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Živkovski.
Živkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Živko".
Žižek Slovene
Derived from žižek, meaning "black bug".
Zlatanov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Zlatan".
Zlatanova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Zlatanov.
Zlatanović Serbian
Means "son of Zlatan".
Zlatanovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Zlatan".
Zlatar Croatian, Serbian
From zlatar meaning "goldsmith" or "jeweler".
Zlatković Serbian
Means "son of Zlatko".
Zlatkovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Zlatkovski.
Zlatkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Zlatko".
Zlodej Slovene (Rare)
It is the euphemism (an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant) for the word "devil". Another variant of the surname is Slodej.
Zmajlović Croatian
From zmaj meaning ''dragon''.
Zoranić Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Derived from the male given name Zolan.
Zrnčić Croatian
Possibly derived from the Slavic element zrn, of unknown meaning.... [more]
Zrnić Serbian
Derivative of Serbian tribal name located in Ozrinići, Montenegro.
Zubčić Croatian
Possibly derived from zubić, meaning "small tooth".
Žugić Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from žuganje (жугање), meaning "whining, complaining".
Žuna Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Žunec Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Zupanc Slovene
Variant of Zupan.
Županović Croatian
Derived from župan, a noble and administrative title, the leader of a territorial unit called županija.
Zver Slovene, Russian, Croatian
Means "beast".