JegličSlovene "The Slovenian word for the Carniolan primrose." This name would likely have been given to people who inhabited the meadows of northwestern Slovenia where this flower is endemic.
JeknićMontenegrin Derived from jekanje (јекање), meaning "moaning, crying".
JelavićSerbian, Bosnian derived from the place name Jelav, one of the places in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
JelušićCroatian The first ever appearance recorded to this date was even before the Turkish men (Ottoman) broke into the Kingdom of Croatia (around 13. century).... [more]
KariFinnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]
KlobučarSlovene, Croatian, Serbian Occupational name derived from Serbian, Croatian and Slovene klobučar meaning "hatter" (a derivative of klobuk meaning "hat"), originally indicating a person who made, sold or repaired hats.
KmetSlovene, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak status name for a type of peasant. In Slovenia this denoted a peasant who had his own landed property. In Serbia and elsewhere it was a status name for a feudal peasant farmer who cultivated the land of his lord instead of paying rent or doing military service... [more]
KorenSlovene, Hebrew Koren is a surname which has multiple origins. Koren may be a variant of the German occupational surname Korn, meaning a dealer in grain. Alternatively, it may be a variant of the Greek female name Kora... [more]
KrčmarCroatian Derived from Croatian krčmar meaning "innkeeper, tavern owner, barkeeper", which is ultimately derived from Croatian krčma meaning "inn, tavern, pub".... [more]
KremicBosnian (Rare) Surname Kremić was used in early middle-ages, in Bosnia. It was used by royal and ordinary people. That surname is very rare today and it's almost extinct, but in the past it had very big influence.
KumanovBulgarian (Modern) Turkic origins, delivered from the Cuman people (Cumanov) who ruled the steppes around 12 century
KupinaCroatian, Russian The Croatian form is derived from kupina, meaning "blackberry". The Russian form is derived from Неопалимая купина (Neopalimaya Kupina), referring to the burning bush from the Book of Exodus.
LapčevićSerbian Serbo-Croatian surname meaning "river" or "white". Likely from the river Elbe in Germany, which is called Labe and Laba in Slavic languages. Lab also having the meaning "white" in archaic Slavic (like the bird labud - swan).
LlapashticaKosovar, Albanian, Serbian Derived from the name of Kosovan villages named Llapashticë e Poshtme or Llapashticë e Epërme. It could also denote a person from Serbian villages called Donja Lapaštica or Gornja Lapaštica.