BalfagerGothic, Medieval Portuguese Name of a Visigoth noble family (around the 10th century) from the Iberian Peninsula (current northern Portugal), meaning "bold spear"; they descent from the Balti dynasty.
BirnieScottish Part of the clan MacInnes from the Scottish highlands. It was originally the name of a church (Burn-nigh) which became Birnie or Birney.
ChastangFrench Derived from Olde French castanh meaning "chestnut". Possibly a location or occupation name.
CintronSpanish Spanish form for the french "Citroen". Original from Puerto Rico.
CoppenhaverGerman Americanized spelling, probably originally spelled Kopenhaver or Koppenhaver. Means "owner of a hill".
DriggersAmerican Corruption of the Spanish surname Rodriguez. Originated in 17th century Virginia as a former slave by that surname was integrated into free society.
El-qasesArabic It means "the narrative (which refers to the title of a chapter of the Quran)".
El-shafeiArabic It means "the intercessor (which refers to the Prophet of Islam, who will hopefully intercede on one's behalf before God on the day of judgement)".
FafardFrench Possibly derived from the french 'fard' meaning 'made-up' or 'make-up'. This is in a theatrical sense and does not imply lying. Very possibly a derivation form a theatrical occupation
FanningIrish The roots of the name are unclear. It seems the name is Native Irish Gaelic. It is thought to be derived from the Gaelic name Ó Fionnáin which means "fair".
FantauzzoItalian From the medieval word "fante," meaning infant or child.
FeuerhahnGerman Feuerhahn comes from the Old High German words (fivr) meaning "fire" & (hano) meaning "cock".
FitchScottish The name fitch is of anglo-saxon decent, it refers to a person of iron point inrefrence to a soldier or worrior it is derived from an english word (Fiche) which means iron point the name started in county suffolk
GinebraSpanish From the Spanish word ginebra, meaning "gin," possibly ultimately from the Latin iuniperus, meaning "juniper."
HeinbokelGerman (Hein) is a short form of the name Heinrich, (the German form of the name Henry) & Bokel is a place name in Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein & North Rhine-Westphalia.
HirsekornGerman Hirsekorn - millet grain - seems to be of Jewish origin
HombergGerman The surname Hamberg could be derived from it.
HuarangaIncan Possibly refers to the Inca administrative "unit of a thousand households"
KatopodisGreek It cames only from the greek island lefkada, its by the word meaning is "Downfoot" nut actually it means The guy who run away
McgillicuddyIrish The surname McGillicuddy comes from the Irish Mac GiollaMochuda, meaning 'son of the devotee of St. Mochuda'. It's part of the O'Sullivan sect and comes from the West part of Ireland in county Kerry... [more]
O'preyIrish From the Irish Gaelic Á Preith or Ó Preith meaning "of the cattle spoil".
PapaccioItalian The root papa comes from the Greek language, whose Italian translation is literally "priest", but during centuries this was also a term of respect, and this is due to the active influence of Greek and Byzantine culture in southern Italy and specifically in Naples... [more]
PicoSpanish meaning beak of a bird, or peak of a mountain in spanish... [more]
PlantEnglish An occupational surname for a gardener.
SilbermanGerman, Jewish Variant of Silber, with the addition of Middle High German man meaning "man" or Yiddish man meaning "man".
ŠmigiæSerbian It is old Serbian surname.It's origins are probably from Kosovo.
SzmandaPolish Polish pronunciation is "sh-MAHN-dah" and Hungarian pronunciation is "s-MAHN-dah".
TakamitsuJapanese "Taka" is high or tall, "Mitsu" is light (as in sunlight, lightbulb). This is a rare family name in Japan. It was created by a family within that last century, but strangely enough a couple other families with no blood relation have showed up with that surname within the last 20 years in the Japanese phonebook.