Ornamental Submitted Surnames

Given Name   Occupation   Location   Nickname   Ornamental   Other
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aak Estonian
Aak is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "aaker", meaning "acre".
Aam Estonian
Aam is an Estonian surname meaning "cask" or "tun".
Äär Estonian
Äär is an Estonian surname meaning "border" and "boundary".
Aare Estonian
Aare is an Estonian masculine given name and surname meaning "treasure".
Aarelaid Estonian
Aarelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "treasure islet".
Äärismaa Estonian
Äärismaa is an Estonian surname meaning "edge/border land".
Äärmaa Estonian
Äärmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "border/boundary land".
Äärt Estonian
Äärt is an Estonian surname meaning "edge".
Aasa Estonian
"Aasa" is an Estonian surname meaning "wild".
Aasala Estonian
Aasala is an Estonian surname meaning "wild/meadow area".
Aasjõe Estonian
Aasjõe is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea water".
Aaskivi Estonian
Aaskivi is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea stone".
Aaslaid Estonian
Aaslaid is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea islet".
Aasmets Estonian
Aasmets is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow forest".
Aastalu Estonian
Aastalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lea/meadow farm".
Aavik Estonian
Variation of Estonian haavik "aspen forest".
Aaviste Estonian
Aaviste is an Estonian surname relating to "aspen".
Abog Visayan
Literally "dust" in Cebuano
Ådahl Swedish, Finland Swedish
Combination of Swedish å meaning "river, stream, creek" (Old Norse á) and dal meaning "dale, valley" (Old Norse dalr).
Adi Hebrew (Rare)
Means "jewel; ornament" in Hebrew, this is more common as a given name than a surname.
Aed Estonian
Aed is an Estonian surname meaning "garden".
Aedma Estonian
Aedma is an Estonian surname derived from "aed", meaning "garden", or "aedmaasikas" meaning "strawberry".
Aedviir Estonian
Aedviir is an Estonian surname meaning "garden line/stripe".
Aer Estonian
Aer is an Estonian surname meaning "oar".
Agan Estonian
Agan is an Estonian surname meaning "chaff".
Agarmaa Estonian
Agarmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "busy/industrious land".
Ahl Swedish
Derived from Swedish al "alder tree".
Ahlborn Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and -born, a Swedish surname suffix derived from German geboren "born".
Ahlin Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and the common Swedish surname suffix -in (ultimately derived from Latin -inus, -inius "descendant of").
Ahlqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and quist an old spelling of kvist "twig".
Åhman Swedish
Variant of Åman.
Aho Assyrian
Assyrian surname of unknown meaning.
Ahven Estonian
Ahven is an Estonian surname meaning "perch" (fish; genus "Perca").
Aia Estonian
Aia is an Estonian surname meaning "horticultural".
Ainumäe Estonian
Ainumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "single mountain".
Ait Estonian
Ait is an Estonian surname meaning "granary" and "outbuilding".
Aixin Chinese, Manchu
A Sinicised variant of Aisin.
Åkerlund Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish åker meaning "field" and lund (Old Norse lundr) meaning "grove".
Åkerström Swedish
Combination of Swedish åker (Old Norse akr) meaning "field" and ström (Old Norse straumr) meaning "stream".
Akiiki Tooro, Nyoro, Alur, Acholi
The pet name of Elizabeth of Toro.
Alajõe Estonian
Alajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region water".
Alakivi Estonian
Alakivi is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region stone".
Alamaa Estonian
Alamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "field/area land".
Alamäe Estonian
Alamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region hill/mountain".
Alamets Estonian
Alamets is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region forest".
Alaoja Estonian
Alaoja is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region creek".
Alasalu Estonian
Alasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region grove".
Alasoo Estonian
Alasoo is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region swamp".
Alatalu Estonian
Alatalu is an Estonian surname meaning "area farm/farmstead".
Alaväli Estonian
Alaväli is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region field".
Alavee Estonian
Alavee is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region water".
Alin Swedish
Variant of Ahlin.
Aljand Estonian
Aljand is an Estonian surname derived from "paljand" meaning "outcrop" and "locality".
Aljas Estonian
Aljas is an Estonian surname. It is a corruption of "haljas" meaning "green" and "verdant".
Allik Estonian
Means "water source, spring" in Estonian.
Allikas Estonian
Allikas is an Estonian surname derived from "hallikas" meaning "grayish".
Allikivi Estonian
Allikivi is an Estonian surname meaning "source/wellspring stone".
Allikmaa Estonian
Allikmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Allikmäe Estonian
Allikmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "wellspring hill".
Allingu Estonian
Allingu is an Estonian surname related to "allikas" meaning "(water) spring".
Allmägi Estonian
Allmägi is an Estonian surname meaning "under/below mountain".
Allsaar Estonian
Allsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "below/under island".
Allsalu Estonian
Allsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "below grove".
Alm Swedish
Means "elm" in Swedish.
Almblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and blad meaning "leaf".
Almgren Swedish
Composed of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and gren (Old Norse grein) meaning "branch".
Almlöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and löv (Old Norse lauf) meaning "leaf".
Almog Hebrew
From the given name Almog, means "coral" in Hebrew.
Almqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and kvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".
Altmäe Estonian
Altmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "from below hill".
Altmets Estonian
Altmets is an Estonian surname meaning "below forest".
Altnurme Estonian
Altnurme is an Estonian surname meaning "(from) below pasture/meadow".
Alumaa Estonian
Alumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation land".
Alumäe Estonian
Alumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation hill/mountain".
Alunurm Estonian
Alunurm is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation meadow".
Alusaar Estonian
Alusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation island".
Aluvee Estonian
Aluvee is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation water".
Åman Swedish
Combination of Swedish å "creek, river, big stream" and man "man".
Amiama Spanish
Translating to “Love Love” and meaning to love loving and being happy with helping others ... [more]
Anarov Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Derived from Persian انار (anâr) meaning “pomegranate.”
Angerjas Estonian
Angerjas is an Estonian surname meaning "eel".
Ångström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ånga "steam" and ström "river, current, stream". A notable bearer was Swedish physicist Anders Ångström (1814-1874), one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy... [more]
Änn Estonian
Änn is an Estonian surname meaning "skua/jaeger" (bird species: Stercorarius parasiticus).
Annast Estonian
Annast is an Estonians urname possibly derived from "anna" meaning "give".
Apa Samoan
Best known as the surname of KJ Apa.
Apellido Spanish (Philippines)
This likely originated as a surname taken by people who didn't have a surname and wrote "Apellido" (the Spanish for surname) when filling in an official form.
Apfelbaum German, Jewish
Means "apple tree" in German.
Apóstol Spanish (Rare)
Means "apostle" in Spanish.
Apostol Spanish (Philippines), Romanian
Means "apostle" in Romanian and is an unaccented form of Apóstol in Filipino.
Appel German, Dutch, Jewish, Yiddish
From Low German Appel, Middle Dutch appel, or Yiddish epl "apple", an occupational name for a grower or seller of the fruit. As a Jewish surname, it is generally ornamental rather than occupational.
Arak Estonian
Arak is an Estonian surname meaning "arrak (an alcoholic liquor typically distilled from the sap of the coconut palm or from rice)".
Aran Japanese
From 亜 (a), a phonetic character, and 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid."
Argaman Hebrew
Means "crimson" in Hebrew.
Argyros Greek
Means "silver" in Greek.
Ärmpalu Estonian
Ärmpalu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "härmas" ("frosty") and "palu" ("sandy heath/heathy woodland").
Armväärt Estonian
Armväärt is an Estonian surname meaning "blessing/grace worth".
Arukask Estonian
Arukask is an Estonian surname meaning "silver birch" (Betula pendula).
Arukuusk Estonian
Arukuusk is an Estonian surname meaning "fir/spruce meadow".
Arulaid Estonian
Arulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow islet".
Arumaa Estonian
Arumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow land".
Arumäe Estonian
Arumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland hill/mountain".
Arumets Estonian
Arumets is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland/dry upland meadow forest".
Arunurm Estonian
Arunurm is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland meadow".
Aruorg Estonian
Aruorg is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland/meadow valley".
Arupõld Estonian
Arupõld is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland field".
Arusaar Estonian
Arusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/grassland island".
Arutee Estonian
Arutee is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland road".
Aruvald Estonian
Aruvald is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland parish".
Aruväli Estonian
Aruväli is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow field".
Aruvee Estonian
Aruvee is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow water".
Asaidori Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 浅井取 (asaidori), assigned letters to Iwami dialect アサイドリ (asaidori) meaning "elaeagnus".
Ashraf Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Ashraf.
Åslund Swedish
Combination of Swedish ås "ridge, esker" and lund "grove".
Asp Swedish
Means "aspen tree" in Swedish.
Asplund Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Swedish asp "aspen" and lund "grove".
Asusaar Estonian
Asusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "resident (of) island" ("island dweller/resident").
Atup Visayan
Literally "roof" in Cebuano
Aul Estonian
Aul is an Estonian surname meaning "long-tailed duck" (Clangula hyemalis).
Aumees Estonian
Aumees is an Estonian surname meaning "gentleman".
Ausmaa Estonian
Ausmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "honorable land".
Axén Swedish
Combination of ax, a Swedish word for the fruiting body of a grain plant, and the common surname suffix -én.
Azmoun Persian
Means "test exam" in Persian.
Bacca English
Origin: English (Norman origin).... [more]
Bäcklund Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "brook, stream" and Lund "grove".
Backlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish backe "hill, slope" and Lund "grove".
Bäckstrand Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "stream" and strand "shore".
Bäckström Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "brook, small stream" and ström "stream".
Backström Swedish
Combination of Swedish backe "slope, hill" and ström "stream".
Bago Cebuano
Derived from malabago and maribago, the Cebuano name for the Hibiscus tiliaceus plant.
Baierl German (Sudeten)
From a pet name of Baier.
Balaod Visayan
Literally "law" in Cebuano
Banai Iranian, Persian
Derived from the Hindu goddess Banai, the second wife of Khandoba.
Baron Jewish
From German or Polish baron or Russian барон (baron) meaning "baron". In Israel the name is often interpreted to mean "son of strength" from Hebrew בר און‎ (bar on).
Barvinok Ukrainian
Means "periwinkle" in Ukrainian.
Beckius Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "small stream, brook" and the common surname suffix -ius.
Belladonna English (Rare), Popular Culture
Named after an extremely poisonous plant (Atropa belladonna; also known as the deadly nightshade). One fictional bearer of this surname is Blake Belladonna, a main character from the popular web series RWBY.
Bergh Swedish, Dutch
Variant of Berg.
Bergholtz Swedish, German (Rare)
Possibly a variant of German Bergholz which is either a derivative of Berchtold or from a topographic name meaning "birch wood"... [more]
Bergin Swedish
Derived from Swedish berg "mountain" and the common surname suffix -in.
Berglin Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain" and the surname suffix -in.
Bergmark Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain, hill" and mark "land, ground, field".
Berkut Russian, Ukrainian
A variant of Berkutov. This is also the name of the former Ukrainian riot police.
Berkutov m Russian
From Russian беркут (berkut), meaning "golden eagle".
Berlinerblau German, Jewish
Means “Prussian blue” in German. A notable bearer of this surname is Jacques Berlinerblau, a professor of Jewish civilization, and Stefania Berlinerblau, an American anatomist and physician.
Bernheim Jewish
From the Germanic elements bern meaning "bear" and heim meaning "home".
Bernthal Jewish
Ornamental name derived from the Yiddish given name Ber meaning "bear" and German thal meaning "valley". A famous bearer is American actor Jon Bernthal (1976-).
Biedermann German, Jewish
nickname for an honest man from a compound of Middle High German biderbe "honorable" and man "man". Jewish surname adopted because of its honorific meaning from German bieder "honest, upright" and mann "man".
Bier German, Jewish
from Middle High German bier "beer" German bier Yiddish bir a metonymic occupational name for a brewer of beer or a tavern owner or in some cases perhaps a nickname for a beer drinker.
Bihan Breton
Bihan means small in Breton.
Birch English, German, Danish, Swedish (Rare)
From Middle High German birche, Old English birce, Old Danish birk, all meaning "birch". This was likely a topographic name for someone living by a birch tree or a birch forest... [more]
Birke Low German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Birk. Perhaps a shortened form of any of various Danish and Norwegian surnames beginning with Birke-, for example Birkeland and Birkelund ("birch grove").
Birne English, German, Jewish
Means "pear" in German, making it the German equivalent of Perry 1, perhaps originally referring to a person who harvested or sold pears... [more]
Birnenbaum Jewish
Means "pear tree" in German.
Bituon Visayan
Literally "star" in Cebuano, related to Tagalog Bituin
Björkqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish björk "birch tree" and qvist, an obsolete spelling of kvist, "twig".
Björnberg Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish björn meaning "bear" and berg meaning "mountain".
Blatt German, Jewish
Ornamental name derived from German blatt and Yiddish blat meaning "leaf", or a topographic name for someone who lived at a farm on a ledge on a mountainside, derived from Middle High German blate meaning "flat surface, ledge, plateau".
Blaustein German, Jewish
Ornamental name from German blau "blue" and Stein "stone", i.e. lapis lazuli.
Bleiberg Jewish, German
Means "lead hill" in German. Can be a toponymic name, likely from a place involved in lead mining, or an ornamental name.
Blitzer German, Jewish
Variant of Blitz. from German blitzer "lightning" (Middle High German blicze) presumably a nickname for a fast mover.
Blomkvist Swedish
Variant of Blomqvist. Mikael Blomkvist is a fictional character in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series.
Blomstrand Swedish
From Swedish blomma (Old Norse blóm) meaning "flower" and strand (Old Norse strǫnd) meaning "beach, sea shore".
Blond French
Nickname from Old French blund, blond meaning "blond, fair-haired", a word of ancient Germanic origin.
Bloomingdale Jewish (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Blumenthal or its Dutch cognate Bloemendaal.
Bloomstrand Swedish (Anglicized)
Possibly an anglicized form of Swedish Blomstrand.
Bluestein German
The surname Bluestein is an Anglicized surname and translates as blue stone.
Blumenberg Jewish
Ornamental name composed of German Blume "flower" and Berg "mountain, hill".
Blumenfeld German, Jewish
habitational name from any of several places called Blumenfeld or Blumenfelde, derived from the elements bluomo "bloom, flower" and feld "field"... [more]
Bluth German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from Middle High German bluot, German Blüte ‘bloom’, ‘flower head’. ... [more]
Bobeck Swedish, German, Jewish, Slavic
A respelling of the Swedish Bobäck, an ornamental name composed of the elements bo meaning "farm" and bäck meaning "stream".... [more]
Bock German, Upper German, Jewish, English
Altered spelling of German Böck (see Boeck) or Bach 1.... [more]
Bodén Swedish
Probably a combination of Swedish bod meaning either "small shop, boutique" or "shed, shack", and the common surname suffix -én.
Bodin Swedish
Swedish bo "dwelling, home" or bod "small shop, boutique, shed, shack" combined with the common surname suffix -in.
Bolaño Spanish
Is a Hispanic surname derived from the spanish word for "stone cannonball" or "stoneshot".
Bolnavu Romanian
From Romanian bolnav meaning "sick, ill".
Bonaiuto Italian
Derived from the Medieval names Bonaita or Bonaiutus or also from the Medieval Italian bon meaning "good" and aita meaning "help"... [more]
Bonnefoy French
The name is derived from the French words bonne, meaning good, and foi meaning faith.
Borén Swedish
Combination of an unknown first element and the common surname suffix -én (originally from Latin -enius "descendant of"). Also possible habitational name derived from places named with Bor-, such as Borås, Borensberg, and Borlänge... [more]
Božikov Croatian
From božikovina, meaning "holly".
Brännström Swedish
Combination of Swedish bränna "to burn" and ström "stream".
Branting Swedish
A combination of Swedish brant "steep hill" and the suffix -ing. A famous bearer was Hjalmar Branting (1860–1925), Prime Minister of Sweden in the 1920s.
Brattén Swedish (Rare)
Composed of the personal name Bratt and the common surname suffix -én (ultimately from Latin -enius "descendant of").
Braunstein German, Jewish
Ornamental name composed of German braun "brown" and stein "stone".
Brink Low German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish
Means "village green" or "hill, slope, edge of a field or steep place". As a Swedish name, it’s ornamental.
Brister English
From old English to break stone.
Brodén Swedish
Likely composed of Swedish bro "bridge" and the common surname suffix -én (ultimately derived from Latin -enius).
Brolin Swedish
Composed of Swedish bro "bridge" and the common surname suffix -in.
Bryzgalov m Russian
Derived from Russian "брызг (bryzg)" meaning spray.
Bubanja Montenegrin
Derived from bubanj, meaning "drum".
Buonamico Italian (Anglicized)
Di Martino Buffalmacco was a widely renouned painter in Italy cities in Florence, Bologna, Pisa although his work was not known to survived the Great Fire of Italy back in the late 1300 hundreds he was widlely known for asummed work as The Three Dead- Three Living, The Triump of Death, The Last Judgement, The Hell and the Thebasis.... [more]
Byberg Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish and Norwegian by "village" and berg "mountain".
Bylin Swedish
A combination of Swedish by "village" and the suffix -in, derived from Latin -inus, -inius "descendant of"
Bylund Swedish
Combination of Swedish by "village" and lund "grove".
Bystedt Swedish
A combination of Swedish by "village" and German stedt "home, place".
Cadlawon Visayan
Literally "dawn" in Cebuano.
Caferoğlu Turkish
Means "son of Cafer".
Cagandahan Filipino, Tagalog (Hispanicized)
Derived from Tagalog kagandahan meaning "beauty".
Cahana Jewish (Rare, Archaic)
Jewish surname, originally of Eastern European Ashkenazi origin, found in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova. Currently a relatively common surname in Israel. Aramaic equivalent of Cohen.
Cahulogan Filipino, Tagalog (Hispanicized)
Derived from Tagalog kahulugan meaning "meaning".
Calagahan Filipino, Tagalog (Hispanicized)
Derived from Tagalog kahalagahan meaning "importance".
Cañosa Filipino
It is derived from the word 'Caña' meaning 'reed'. Born as a surname in before World War I, it is a newly formed family name built by Angelo Cañosa and his 2 siblings, formerly his birth surname is Caña when he and his siblings migrated to Agusan when they are wanted by the Spanish Authorities as they were berdugos(Killing Spanish allies)in their native place, Minglanilla and by rowing boats, they landed in Mindanao and he, Angelo Caña and his two siblings changed their family name into Cañosa... [more]
Cañusa Filipino (Hispanicized, Modern, Archaic)
Cañusa is the only variant of the family name of Cañusa. Used by the descendants of Ortillo Cañosa and Eulalia Cañosa in Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
Casilang Tagalog
Literally "One you are born with" in Tagalog.
Castañón Spanish
Possibly derived from Spanish castaño, meaning "chestnut tree". Alternatively, it may be derived from castañón, which is the Spanish word for the kippernut plant (species Conopodium majus).
Cedergren Swedish
Combination of Swedish ceder "cedar" and gren "branch".
Cederqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish ceder "cedar" and kvist "twig, branch".
Čekić Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from čekić (чекић), meaning "hammer".
Ceretti Italian (Tuscan), Medieval Italian (Tuscan)
The surname Cerri is derived from the Italian word cerro, which means bitter or Turkey oak. Often Italian local surnames bore the prefix "di", which signifies emigration from one place to another.... [more]
Chmara Polish
Derived from proto-slavic *xmara meaning "dusky"
Chrysovergis Greek
The one of the "golden rod".From the Greek words for gold: chrysos (χρυσός), and rod: verga (βέργα).
Cicvara Serbian
Derived from cicvara (цицвара), meaning "gruel", a type of food.
Čizmadija Croatian
Possibly derived from čizma, meaning "boot".
Cocker English, German (Anglicized)
Originally a nickname for a bellicose person, from Middle English cock "to fight". Also an anglicized form of Köcher.
Collin Swedish
Either a combination of an unknown first name element (possibly derived from a place name) and the common surname suffix -in, or a variant of German Colin.
Corbeanu Romanian
Derived from Romanian corb, itself originally from the Latin corvus meaning "raven" (bird).
Cronholm Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish krona (from Latin corona) meaning "crown" and holme (Old Norse holmr) meaning "small island".
Cupru Romanian
Means "copper" in Romanian.
Cvijetić Serbian, Croatian
Means "little flower".
Dahlby Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and by "village".
Dahlén Swedish, Norwegian
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and the common surname suffix -én.
Dahlgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and gren "branch".
Dahlin Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and the common surname suffix -in.
Dahlqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and qvist "twig, branch".
Dahlström Swedish
Derived from Swedish dal "valley" and ström "stream".
Dalin Swedish
Variant of Dahlin.
Dantschler Jewish Legend
Swiss Austrian Jewish name for acrobats, dancers, and minstrels
De La Luna Spanish, Filipino
Means "of the moon" in Spanish.
Del Rosario Spanish
Del Rosario, in Spanish and Italian languages, and do Rosário in Portuguese language (English: of the rosary) is a surname that has as its etymology, the Latin preposition, "de" meaning "of the" and the Latin noun "rosarium", meaning "rosegarden" or "garland of roses" but in this case, takes the meaning of "rosary", the Roman Catholic devotion to the Virgin Mary... [more]
De Maria Portuguese (Brazilian), Italian
Means "of Mary" in Portuguese and Italian.
Demegawa Japanese
From Japanese 出 (de) "out", 目 (me) "eye" and 川 (kawa) "river".
Demsky Polish, Jewish
Derived from Polish dab and demb meaning "oak", which is either a habitational name from a place with the same name or an ornamental name with reference to the tree and its qualities of strength and durability.
D’épernon French
Shortened form of the title duc d’Epernon, or "Duke of Épernon". Épernon is a place in Eure-et-Loir, France.
De Rozen Dutch (Archaic, ?), Jewish
Means "the roses" in Dutch, likely an ornamental surname.
Destine Haitian Creole, French (Rare)
From French Destiné, originally a nickname meaning "destined".
Diamant Jewish
Derived from Yiddish דימענט (diment) meaning "diamond".
Diamantis Greek
Derived from the Byzantine Greek word διαμάντιν (diamántin), itself from the Italian diamante (Late Latin diamas), ultimately from the Ancient Greek word ἀδάμας (adámas) meaning "diamond".
Diamond Jewish
Americanized form of a Jewish surname, spelled in various ways, derived from modern German Diamant, Demant "diamond", or Yiddish dimet or diment, from the Middle High German diemant (via Latin from Greek adamas ‘unconquerable’, genitive adamantos, a reference to the hardness of the stone)... [more]
Discipulo Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish discípulo meaning "disciple."
Dorn German, Jewish, Flemish
Means "thorn" in German. Given as a habitational name to someone who lived near thorn bushes, or as an ornamental name.
Dorsainvil Haitian Creole
Ornamental name derived from French d'or meaning "of gold" combined with saint "holy" and vil "settlement" (the Haitian Creole spelling of French ville).
Dubov Russian
Meaning "oak tree".
Dumagit Visayan
Literally "to swoop" or "to snatch" in Cebuano. Related to Dumaguete, capital of the province of Negros Oriental.
Dux German (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
From Latin dux, meaning “duke”.
Ebisu Japanese, Japanese Mythology
This name most likely comes from the god Ebisu, his name being spelled in numerous ways, one of them being 戎 (ebisu) meaning "arms" or 蛭 (ebi, hiru) meaning "leech" and 子 (ko, su) meaning "child, sign of the rat"... [more]
Eckland English (Rare), Norwegian (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate), Swedish (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Possibly a variant of Ecklund. It might also be an anglicization of the rare Swedish surname Ekland or of a Norwegian name derived from several farmsteads named with eik "oak" and land "land".
Eckström Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Ekström. Ekström is often anglicized as Eckstrom.
Ecru French (?)
It means "unbleached" in French, but is used in English to mean brown.
Edelstein Jewish
Ornamental name derived from German Edelstein "gemstone; precious stone".
Edström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ed "isthmus" and ström "stream".
Eek Swedish, Norwegian
Variant of Ek.
Eek Estonian
Possibly a corruption of Estonian leek, meaning "flame" or "blaze". Or perhaps a corruption of the Swedish word ek "oak" (see Ek).
Eelmaa Estonian
Eelmaa is an Estonian surname derived from "eel" maening "fore" aand "maa" meaning "land".
Eelmäe Estonian
Eelmäe is an Estonians surname meaning "fore hill".
Eelsalu Estonian
Eelsalu is an Estonia surname meaning "fore grove".
Eenmaa Estonian
Eenmaa is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "salu" ("grove").
Eenpalu Estonian
Eenpalu is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "palu" ("sandy heath").
Eenpuu Estonian
Eenpuu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "puu" ("tree").
Eensaar Estonian
Eensaar is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "saar" ("island").
Eensoo Estonian
Eensoo is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "soo" meaning "swamp/marsh".
Eentalu Estonian
Eentalu is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "talu" meaning "farm".
Eesik Estonian
Eesik is an Estonian surname derived from "esik" meaning ""front" ad "vestibule" and "entry".
Eesmaa Estonian
Eesmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "(a)fore land".
Eespõld Estonian
Eespõld is an Estonian surname meaning "afore/ahead of field".
Eessaar Estonian
Eessaar is an Estonian surname meaning "fore island".
Efron Jewish
From a Biblical place name that was used for a mountain mentioned in Joshua 15:9 and a city mentioned in 2 Chronicles 13:19. It can also be considered to be derived from the given name Ephron.
Eha Estonian
Eha is an Estonian surname (and feminine given name) meaning "dusk"; from Estonian mythology.
Ehala Estonian
Ehala is an Estonian surname meaning "sunset glow/twilight area".
Ehn Swedish
Derived from Swedish en "juniper".
Ehrenreich German, Jewish, Yiddish
Jewish/Yiddish German ornamental surname meaning “Rich in honour”
Eichenbaum German, Jewish
German cognate of Eikenboom, from Middle High German eich "oak" and boum "tree".
Eichenlaub German, Jewish
Derived from Eichenlau, a topographic name from Middle High German eichen "oaks" and loh "forest clearing", reinterpreted through folk etymology as Eichenlaub, meaning "oak leaf".
Eichhorn German, Jewish, Belgian
German topographic name for someone who lived on or near an oak-covered promontory, from Middle High German eich(e) ‘oak’ + horn ‘horn’, ‘promontory’. German from Middle High German eichhorn ‘squirrel’ (from Old High German eihhurno, a compound of eih ‘oak’ + urno, from the ancient Germanic and Indo-European name of the animal, which was later wrongly associated with hurno ‘horn’); probably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the animal, or alternatively a habitational name for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a squirrel... [more]
Eisen German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for an ironworker or smith, or an ironmonger, from Middle High German isen ‘iron’, German Eisen. It may also have been used as a nickname, with reference to the strength and hardness of iron or to its color, while as a Jewish name it was also adopted as an ornamental name from modern German Eisen ‘iron’ or the Yiddish cognate ayzn.
Eisenberger German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of the several places called Eisenberg. As a Jewish name it is also an ornamental name.
Eisenstein German, Jewish
topographic name for someone who lived by a place where iron ore was extracted or perhaps a habitational name from a place called for its iron works. Jewish artificial compound of German isarn "iron" and stein "stone".
Ekberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and berg "mountain".