Croatian Submitted Surnames

Croatian names are used in the country of Croatia and other Croatian communities throughout the world.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ivašić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivasić Croatian
Derived from Ivas.
Ivašković Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivasović Croatian
Derived from Ivas.
Ivatek Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivče Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčec Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivček Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčetić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčević Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčić Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Ivčin Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivan.
Iveković Croatian
Derived from the forename Ivek.
Ivić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ivo 2".
Ivković Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ivko".
Jablanović Croatian
Derived from jablan meaning ''poplar''.
Jajčanin Croatian, Serbian
Derived from jaje, meaning "egg".
Jakić Croatian, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Jakov".
Jakov Croatian
Derived from the name Jakov.
Jakša Croatian
Derived from the forename Jakov.
Jakšić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the forename Jakov.
Jakupec Croatian
Derived from the name Jakub.
Jambrečec Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrek Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambreković Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrišak Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jambrošić Croatian
Derived from the forename Jambrek.
Jandro Croatian
Derived from the forename Jandro.
Jandroković Croatian
Derived from the forename Jandro.
Janjić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from janje, meaning "lamb".
Jelenković Serbian, Croatian
Derived from jelen meaning "deer."
Jelušić Croatian
The first ever appearance recorded to this date was even before the Turkish men (Ottoman) broke into the Kingdom of Croatia (around 13. century).... [more]
Jerak Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jeras Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerec Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerić Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jeričević Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerkan Croatian
Derived from the forename Jere, short form of Jeronim.
Jerkov Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the forename Jerko.
Jerkovac Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the forename Jerko.
Jerolimov Croatian
Derived from the forename Jerolim.
Jokić Јокић Serbian, Croatian
Josipović Croatian
Means "son of Josip" in Croatian.... [more]
Jović Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jovan".
Jozić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jozo".
Jurišić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Jure".
Jurjević Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Juraj".
Kadijević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from kadija (кадија), meaning "Qadi", a judge of a Sharia court.
Kajmak Croatian
Kajmak (or kaymak) is a dairy product from southeastern Europe and Central Asia.
Kalafatović Croatian
Derived from kalafat, meaning "caulker", a type of shipbuilder.
Kale Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kale, meaning "castle, fortress".
Kaleb Croatian
Possibly rom the name Caleb.... [more]
Kalinić Croatian, Serbian
Meaning unknown.... [more]
Kapetanović Croatian, Bosnian
Occupational surname derived from kapetan meaning "captain".
Karapandža Croatian (?)
Originally given to people by their then masters (Ottomans) as an insult. Meaning "dark witch".
Karlović Croatian
Means "son of Karlo".
Kaštelan Croatian
Derived from Croatian kaštelan "castellan".
Kasunić Croatian
Possibly derived from the old Slavic word kazati, meaning "to order, to command".
Katalinić Croatian
Means "son of Katalin" in Croatian.
Kelava Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kel, meaning "bald".... [more]
Kiš Serbian, Croatian
Possibly derived from Turkish kış, meaning "winter", or Hungarian kis, meaning "small".
Klanac Croatian
Means "gorge, ravine, narrow pass".
Klarić Croatian, Slovene
From the given name Klara
Klobučar Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Occupational name derived from Serbian, Croatian and Slovene klobučar meaning "hatter" (a derivative of klobuk meaning "hat"), originally indicating a person who made, sold or repaired hats.
Klobuchar Slovene (Anglicized), Croatian (Anglicized), Serbian (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Klobučar. A notable bearer is the American politician, lawyer and senator Amy Klobuchar (1960-).
Kmet Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak
Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Slovak status name for a type of peasant. In Slovenia this denoted a peasant who had his own landed property. In Serbia and elsewhere it was a status name for a feudal peasant farmer who cultivated the land of his lord instead of paying rent or doing military service... [more]
Knefac Slovak (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Uncommon surname from Burgenland, easternmost Austria.
Knez Slovene, Croatian
Derived from knez, meaning "prince".
Kojanović Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the forename Koja.
Kokotović Croatian, Serbian
From the Slavic word kokot meaning "rooster, cock".
Kolac Croatian
From kolac, meaning "(wooden) stake".
Kolarac Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarec Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarek Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolarin Croatian
Derived from Kolar.
Kolovrat Russian, Croatian, Czech
A Kolovrat is a swastika-type Slavic symbol resembling a spinning wheel.
Komar Комар Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Slovene, Belarusian (Russified)
Means "mosquito" in many Slavic langauges.
Končar Slovene, Serbian, Croatian
Derived from konac meaning ''thread'', ''string''.
Koprivica Serbian, Croatian
A diminutive of kopriva meaning ''nettle''.
Kotarac Serbian, Croatian
Derived from kotar, a type of district.
Kozar Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Slovene
Means “goatherd”.
Kraljević Croatian, Serbian
From kralj ''king'', means ''little king, prince''.
Kraljić Croatian, Serbian
From kralj ''king''.
Kramarić Croatian
Possibly a Croatian form of Krämer.
Kravar Croatian
Means ''cow herder''.
Krčmar Croatian
Derived from Croatian krčmar meaning "innkeeper, tavern owner, barkeeper", which is ultimately derived from Croatian krčma meaning "inn, tavern, pub".... [more]
Križanec Croatian
From Croatian križ, meaning "cross".
Krstanović Croatian, Serbian
Derived from krst, meaning "cross".
Krstičević Croatian
Derived from krst, meaning "cross".
Krznar Croatian
Means ''furrier''.
Krznarić Croatian
From krznar meaning ''furrier''.
Kujundžić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from kujundžija (кујунџија), meaning "silversmith".
Kuka Albanian, Slovak, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, German, South Slavic
Albanian: from the old personal name Kukë (definite form Kuka), which is most likely of South Slavic origin, a cognate of the names in 3 below.... [more]
Kukac Кукац Croatian (Rare)
Means "insect, worm" in Croatian.
Kukić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from kuka (кука), meaning "hook".
Kupina Croatian, Russian
The Croatian form is derived from kupina, meaning "blackberry". The Russian form is derived from Неопалимая купина (Neopalimaya Kupina), referring to the burning bush from the Book of Exodus.
Kutnjak Croatian
Derived from kutnjak, meaning "molar".
Lastavec Croatian
From lasta meaning ''swallow''.
Lević Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from levo, meaning "left".
Lipnjak Croatian
Derived from lipa meaning ''linden tree''.
Lišić Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Possibly derived from Albanian lesh, meaning "fur".
Lovrek Croatian
Derived from the name Lovro and its nickname, Lovrek.
Lukačević Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian variant of Lukács.
Lukenda Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Luka".
Mađar Croatian
Derived from Mađar, Madžar, meaning "Hungarian".
Madžar Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Mađar, Madžar, meaning "Hungarian".
Maher Croatian
Colloquial term for "master".
Majnaric Croatian
This name dates back prior to 1773 in the town of Delnice, in what is now modern day Croatia.
Malec Polish, Czech, Croatian, Slovene
a nickname derived from slavic word "maly", meaning small
Malin Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From the Serbian word мали meaning "small".
Mandžukić Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Famous bearer of this last name is Mario Mandžukić who is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Italian club Juventus and the Croatia national team.
Marciuš Croatian
Derived from the Roman name Marcius.
Marević Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Maro".
Marinac Croatian
From marinac, meaning "marine".
Markovina Croatian
Derived from the forename Marko.
Martinčević Croatian
Patronymic, means son of Martin.
Martinić Croatian
Means "son of Martin".
Matek Croatian
From the given name Matek.
Matko Croatian
From the given name Matko.
Matoš Croatian
Means "son of Mato".
Matošević Croatian
Means "son of Mato".
Matunec Croatian
Meaning - "mason" from Croatian màtūn, from Italian mattone meaning brick + agent noun -ec
Maurović Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mauro".
Mažuranić Croatian
Derived from mažuran, meaning "marjoram", a type of plant.
Medo Croatian
Derived from medo meaning ''bear''.
Mesarić Croatian
Derived from mesar, meaning "butcher".
Meštrović Croatian
Derived from the Croatian word meštar, a rare form of "master".
Mikulić Croatian
Means ''son of Mikula''.
Milan Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian
From the given name Milan, a derivative of names such as Bohumil and Miloslav, containing the Slavic elements mil or milu meaning ‘grace, favor, dear’.
Milanović Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Milan".
Miletić Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Mile''.
Milina Croatian, Serbian
passed down from generations
Milković Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic derived from the given name Milko, itself a diminutive of Slavic names containing the element milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Mišić Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mišo". Also, mišić (мишић) can be translated as "muscle".
Mitag Croatian
From german Mittag, redacted during WWII.
Mladić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from mlad/a (млад/а), meaning "young".
Mlinarić Croatian
Means "son of a miller".
Modrić Croatian
Famous bearer of this surname is Croatian footballer Luka Modrić.
Modrić Croatian
Derived from Croatian mȍdar meaning "blue", most likely used to refer to a person who wore blue clothes. It can also be a habitational name for someone from any of the various places called Modrić, Modrič, Modrići, Modrića, Modruš or Modřice in Croatia... [more]
Mohač Croatian
Croatian form of Mohácsi.
Moslavac Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Moslavina, a region in Croatia.
Musić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Patronymic from the personal name Musa, a pet form of the Biblical name Mojsije.
Nađ Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian variant of Nagy.
Nalis Croatian (Rare)
Meaning unknown. A famous bearer of this surname is Antun Nalis, aka Tonči Nalis, a post-World War 2 actor in Croatian and Yugoslav cinema in the 1950s and 1960s.
Novoselec Croatian
Derived from nov, meaning "new", and selo, meaning "village", so the possible meaning is "the one who's new to the village".
Novoselić Croatian
Derived from nov, meaning "new", and selo, meaning "village", so the possible meaning is "the one who's new to the village".... [more]
Ojdanić Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Ojdan".
Ostojić Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ostoja".
Palić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from paliti, meaning "to fire" or "to set on fire".
Paljević Montenegrin, Croatian
Derived from paliti (палити), meaning "to burn, to set of fire".
Panić Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian
Patronymic from the personal names Pane, Pano, Panteleon or Pankracij.
Pašalić Bosnian, Croatian
Derived from paša, meaning "Pasha", which was a high rank in the Ottoman political and military system.
Pauro Croatian, Istriot
Probably an Istrian form of Paro.
Pavelić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Pavel".
Pavlić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pavle".
Pejić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pejo".
Pera Croatian
Derived from Pero. Also means "feathers".
Peričić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Perica".
Peršin Croatian, Serbian
From Croatian peršin meaning "parsley," likely referring to a grower or seller.
Peruško Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Peruški, Croatia.
Petek Slovene, Croatian
Derived from petek "Friday".
Petriček Croatian
From given name Petar.
Petričević Croatian, Serbian
A patronymic derived from Petrič, a diminutive of Petar.
Pevec Croatian
From pevec meaning ''rooster''