DamianFrench, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Polish From the medieval personal name Damian, Greek Damianos (from damazein "to subdue"). St. Damian was an early Christian saint martyred in Cilicia in ad 303 under the emperor Domitian, together with his brother Cosmas... [more]
DanielskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a place called Daniel or Daniele.
DankiewiczPolish From the Polish given name Daniel, using a nickname of the name Danusz.
DemskiPolish Refers to a dweller at, or near, an oak tree.
DemskyPolish, Jewish Derived from Polish dab and demb meaning "oak", which is either a habitational name from a place with the same name or an ornamental name with reference to the tree and its qualities of strength and durability.
DomanCzech, Slovak, Polish Derivative of the personal name Tomas, or Slavic, Polish name formed with 'doma' meaning home or domestic such as Domasław or Domarad, also shortened from the surname Domański.
DomańskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of various locations called Domanice or Domaniew, or places named with Doman.
DziałoPolish Derived from Polish działo "cannon" or "gun" as an occupational name metonymically. It can also be a nickname from Polish działać "to work", "to do", "to influence", etc.
DziałoszyńskiPolish Habitational name for a person from a town named Działoszyn.
DziałyńskiPolish This indicates familial origin within Działyń, Gmina Zbójno.
DziekanPolish Occupational name for "dean" from Polish dziekan.
DziencielskyPolish It is the surname of Chaya, a character in the movie Defiance played by Mia Wasikowska.
FaliszekPolish A notable bearer of this name is Chet Faliszek, an American videogame writer who has worked for companies like Valve and Bossa Studios, having been involved in the story writing for series such as Half-Life, Portal, and Left 4 Dead.
FalkowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a place called Falkow
FarionUkrainian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Rusyn (Rare, ?) Possibly from a Hutsul (Rusyn) dialectal word meaning "intriguer". Alternatively, it could be from the Greek headdress, of which's name derives from φάριο (phário), meaning "lantern, beacon"... [more]
FilipkowskiPolish Either a patronymic from the given name Filip, or a habitational name denoting a person from various places called Filipki (also derived from the given name) in Poland.
FlorkowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Florków in Częstochowa voivodeship, or Florki from Przemyśl voivodeship, both so named from Florek, a pet form of the personal name Florian.
FrankowskimPolish Habitational name for someone from any of the various locations named Franki, Frankowo, or Frankowa, all derived from Polish frank "franc, free"
FurmanPolish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish, Slovene, English, German (Anglicized) Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic), and Slovenian: occupational name for a carter or drayman, the driver of a horse-drawn delivery vehicle, from Polish, Yiddish, and Slovenian furman, a loanword from German (see Fuhrmann)... [more]
GąsiorPolish Means "gander (male goose)" in Polish. It was used as a nickname for a person who resembled a gander or as an occupational name for a keeper of geese.
GizaPolish Nickname from Old Polish and dialect giża meaning "hind leg of an ox or swine". It could also be applied as an occupational name for a butcher.
GogolUkrainian, Polish, Jewish Means "Common goldeneye (a type of duck)" in Ukrainian. Possibly a name for a fowler. A famous bearer was Nikolai Gogol.
GołąbPolish Nickname for a mild-mannered or peace-loving man, from Polish golab "dove".
GołańczPolish It denotes that a family originated in the eponymous Greater Polish town.
GóraPolish A Polish and Jewish name that means; ‘mountain’, ‘hill’, hence a topographic name for someone who lived on a hillside or in a mountainous district, or perhaps a nickname for a large person
GrabińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a settlement named Grabienice, Grabin, Grabina, Grabiny, etc.; ultimately from grab meaning "hornbeam" or, in the case of Grabienice, possibly from gręba meaning "hill".
GrodskyPolish, Jewish Altered spelling of Polish Grodzki, a habitational name from Grodziec or Grodzie, places named with gród ‘castle’, ‘fortification’ (cognate with Russian grad)... [more]
GronkowskiPolish Originally indicated a person who came from Gronków, a village in southern Poland.
GrońskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Grońsko in Greater Poland Voivodeship (named with the nickname Gron, Grono, from grono "bunch of grapes") or from Groń, the name of several places in southern, mountainous part of Lesser Poland (named with the regional word groń "ridge").
HassenfeldPolish, Jewish Notable beaters of this surname are the Hassenfeld brothers who founded the Hasbro, INC. an abbreviation of their surname and the word brother. Hasbro, INC. is an American multinational conglomerate with you, board game, and media assets, headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.... [more]
IwańskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Iwanie (now Iwonie), derived from the given name Iwan.
JabłonowskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Jabłonowo or Jabłonow, both derived from Polish jabłoń meaning "apple tree".
JackowskimPolish Habitational surname for someone from a village called Jacków, derived from a diminutive of Jacenty.
JaćmierskimPolish Derived from the name of the village Jaćmierz in Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Poland. The first known bearer of the surname was Fryderyk Jaćmierski, who lived in the end of XIV century.
JagiełłoPolish Originally from Old Lithuanian jotis and gaili, meaning "strong rider". This was the last name of the Polish King Władysław Jagiełło, who, along with his wife, started the Jagiellonian dynasty in the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
JastremskiUkrainian, Polish, Czech Derives from a Slavic surname and originates from western Ukraine. The term was initially used to describe either people from the East (Polish name) or people from the South (Ukrainian name). Jastremski is derived from the word jastrom, meaning 'easterner'.... [more]
JaszczukPolish Derived from Polish jaszczurka, meaning "lizard."
JavorskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of numerous places named Jawory or Jaworze, named with Polish jawor 'maple', 'sycamore'.
JaworekPolish Most likely comes from the last name Javorski meaning someone from "Jawor".
JurowskiPolish A surname referring to someone from Jurow, Poland.
JuskoUkrainian, English (American), Polish, Slovak The surname Jusko is both Polish and Ukrainian, but likely has Slavic Slovak origins. It may have come from the word "jus," which means "law" or "justice". It may come from a pet form of the names Just or Julian... [more]
KabacińskiPolish The surname Kabaciński is a habitational name for someone from a place called Kabaty, in Warszawa voivodeship. It is also a derivative of the nickname Kabat.
KaganekPolish, Jewish The surname Kaganek is of Polish or Jewish origin, and it is a diminutive form of the name Kagan, which is derived from the Hebrew word כַּהֵן (Kohen), meaning "priest." The name Kagan historically referred to individuals who were descendants of the Jewish priestly class.
KalinowskimPolish Name for someone from any of various locations named Kalinowa, Kalinowo or Kalinów, all derived from Polish kalina meaning "viburnum (a type of plant)".
KalitaPolish A polish surname meaning "money pouch" in old polish
KalleskePolish (Germanized, Rare) The surname Kalleske can be found among 40 telephone subscribers in Germany, in addition to the spelling Kaleske (about 39 times), with at least six namesake. Assuming that the normal spread of a family name is between 400 and 500 times this name is very rare... [more]
KapuścińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from the town of Kapuścin or Kapuścino, both named from Polish kapusta meaning "cabbage".
KarbowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Karbowo in Torun voivodeship, a place so named from Polish karbowy "overseer (of farm laborers)", from karbowac "to make notches", i.e. to keep records.
KarczewskiPolish habitational name for someone from Karczew, named with Polish karcz ‘stump’.