MichalczewskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Michalczew.
MichałowskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Michałowice, derived from the given name Michał.
MichalskyPolish A variant of Michalski. "Polish and Jewish (from Poland): habitational name for someone from a place called Michale in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship or Michały in Masovian Voivodeship both named with the personal name Michał (see Michal ). Jewish (from Poland): patronymic from the personal name Michal." ... [more]
MiodownikPolish, Jewish The literal translation is "honey cake", from the Polish word/root surname miod, meaning "honey." An occupational surname to those in the honey business, mainly beekeepers and bakers.... [more]
MroczkowskiPolish Name for someone from any of various places called Mroczkowa, Mroczków or Mroczkowice, all derived from Polish mroczek meaning "house bat".
MrózPolish From a nickname for a white-haired man or alternatively for one of an icy and unsociable disposition, from Polish mróz "frost". Also can be from a short form of the personal name Ambroży
MrozińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of several places called Mrozy.
MrozowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Mrozowo in Bydgoszcz voivodeship, or from any of several places called Mrozy.
MuchaPolish, Slovak, Czech, Ukrainian Nickname for an irritating person or someone considered of no importance, from mucha "fly".
MurawskiPolish Name for someone from placed called Murawa or Murawy, both derived from Polish murawa meaning "lawn, green, sward".
MurkowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Murkowo.
MusickPolish This Polish and Czech surname was a name of two-fold origin. It was a name given to a peasant or vassal and was also a nickname from the Polish word 'musiec' meaning 'must'. It appears that the name derived from someone who had to take orders, perhaps from an overseer or lord of the manor.
NadolnyPolish, Jewish, Sorbian Topographic name from Polish nadól, Sorbian nadol "downwards", denoting someone who lived lower down in a village on a slope, or on relatively low-lying ground.
NagórnyRussian, Polish, Ukrainian Place name for someone from multiple cites of Russia named Nagornoye and Nagorny, itself derived from the The prefix Nagorno- that derives from the Russian attributive adjective nagorny (нагорный), which means "highland".
NapieralaPolish Nickname for an insistent person, from a derivative of napierac ‘advance’, ‘press’, ‘urge’.
NapierkowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a place called Napierki in Olsztyn voivodeship.
NaporaPolish Nickname for an interfering person, Polish napora, derivative of napierać meaning ‘to insist on somebody doing something’.
NarewskiPolish Possibly derived from the name of the river Narew. Surname associated with the Wieniawa coat of arms which dates back as early as the XIV century.
NeskyPolish Many Polish immigrants' names were shortened to Nesky, such as Nosrazesky, Wolinsky-a wide variety of names that had the letter N somewhere within and ended in sky or ski became "Nesky." There are also non-Polish Neskys in the U.S.
OżgamPolish (Polonized, Modern) The Polish surname Ozga, originating in the 15th century, derives from the Polish word "ozga," denoting a young tree or sapling, especially a willow. Variations such as "Ożga" reflect regional dialectal differences and linguistic shifts... [more]
PacynaPolish Unflattering nickname from paczyna meaning "clod", "brickbat", or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a boatman, from the same word in the sense meaning "oar", "rudder".
PaterDutch, German, English, Polish From Latin pater "father", used as a religious title for a priest in Roman Catholicism. Possibly used semi-literally for a man who worked in the church, or figuratively for a solemn or pompous man.
PowroznikPolish Derived from Powroźnik, a village in Nowy Sącz County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, southern Poland.
PoznanskiPolish, Jewish Habitational name from the city of Poznan in west-central Poland, or possibly from other places of this name, in Katowice and Siedlce voivodeships.
PrawdaPolish From the root Praw, meaning right. Prawda means "truth."... [more]
ProkuskiPolish Polish in origin with history in America since at least the early 1900s
ProrokPolish The meaning of prorok is prophet. It was the maiden name of my maternal grandmother. It is not a common name. Her family was from the southeastern part of Poland.
PrusinowskiPolish (Rare) Habitational name for someone from any of various Polish places called Prusinow, Prusinowo, or Prusinowice, named with the ethnic name Prus, meaning 'village of the Prussians'.
PrzespolewskiPolish This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages in Gmina Ceków-Kolonia: Przespolew Pański or Przespolew Kościelny.
RabsztyńskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Rabsztyn.
RachlynJewish (Rare), Polish (Rare), Brazilian (Rare) Rachlyn is a Jewish surname derived directly from polish "Rachman". This surname is very rare and apparently only few members in Brazil, descendants of Polish survivors of Holocaust.... [more]
RajkowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Rajki in Białystok voivodeship or Rajkowy in Gdańsk voivodeship.
RakPolish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Hungarian, Jewish Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Hungarian (Rák), and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): from Slavic rak ‘crab’, ‘lobster’, or ‘crayfish’. This was applied as an occupational name for someone who caught and sold crayfish, crabs, or lobsters, or as a nickname to someone thought to resemble such a creature... [more]
RomanskyCzech, Slovak, Polish, Russian In Czech and Slovak usage, it is a habitational name from Romanov, a village in central Bohemia. In Polish usage, it is a habitational name for someone from any of several places in Poland called Romany, named with the personal name Roman... [more]
RuszczakPolish From the verb ruszać with numerous potential meanings—"to move; to set out", "to shake; to waver", "to bother; to harass" or "to disturb someone else's belongings"—or from Rus meaning either "reddish-haired person" or "Ruthenian; Rusyn".
RuzickiPolish Ruzicki was first found in Polesie, inhabited by Ruthenians, called Polesians, of Ukrainian descent. One of the principal names of the area was the royal Clan of Poraj, of which the family name Ruzycki is a branch.
RybackiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Rybaki, derived from Polish ryba meaning "fish".
RybakPolish, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Jewish Means "fisherman" in some Slavic languages. Derived from the word ryba "fish". A famous bearer is Byelarusian-Norwegian artist Alexander Rybak (b. 1986) who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009.
SagorskyPolish, Russian It means literally "of the city/town Sagorsk". Sagorsk is a city near the Russian capital of Moskva. The ending of "sky" means "of". The "Sagor" part of the surname sounds to me like "za gor" which is "za gorod"... [more]
SaładajczykPolish A Polish surname consisting of 3 elements: sała or сала a word of East Slavic origin meaning "salo" or "slanina", daj meaning "give" and czyk meaning "son of". The name means "the son of the one who gives the salo".
SanockiPolish Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair)... [more]
SarnowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of the many places in Poland called Sarnowa, Sarnowo, or Sarnów, named with Polish sarna "roe deer".
SawickiPolish This indicates familial origin anywhere within a cluster of 3 Podlachian villages in Gmina Repki: Sawice-Dwór, Sawice-Wieś, or Sawice-Bronisze.
SewinaGerman, Polish The first available record of the Sewina family name is around 1620 in the province of Silesia, a mixed cultural region between Germany and Poland. Once part of the Prussian Empire and Germany. After World War Two, the area is now part of Poland... [more]
ShalakUkrainian (Rare), Polish (Rare, Expatriate) Probably from an old Ukrainian word or borrowed from old Polish ślak, variant of szlak, meaning "path, trail, route, way". Also an alternate spelling of Polish Szalak, used as a Cyrillic transliteration or foreign adaptation.