Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword place.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aa Norwegian
Derived from aa, an obsolete spelling of Norwegian å "small river, stream".
Aaby Norwegian, Danish
From a place called Aaby or Åby, from Old Norse á "small river, stream" and býr "farm".
Aadland Norwegian
Derived from a place called Ådland, from Old Norse Árland "land by the river".
Aal Estonian
Aal is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "ala" meaning "field", "area" and "range".
Aamodt Norwegian
Combination of aa, an obsolete spelling of Norwegian å "small river, stream" and møte "meeting".
Aarelaid Estonian
Aarelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "treasure islet".
Aarhus Norwegian
Derived from any of the farms so named, from Old Norse á "river" and hús "house, farmstead".
Äärismaa Estonian
Äärismaa is an Estonian surname meaning "edge/border land".
Äärmaa Estonian
Äärmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "border/boundary land".
Aas Estonian
Aas is an Estonian surname meaning "lea" or "open grassy area".
Aasala Estonian
Aasala is an Estonian surname meaning "wild/meadow area".
Aasen Norwegian
Means "the ridge" in Norwegian. Definite singular form of Aas.
Aasjõe Estonian
Aasjõe is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea water".
Aaskivi Estonian
Aaskivi is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea stone".
Aaslaid Estonian
Aaslaid is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea islet".
Aasmaa Estonian
Aasmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy (lea) land".
Aasmets Estonian
Aasmets is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow forest".
Aassalu Estonian
Aassalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lea (open grassy area) grove".
Aastalu Estonian
Aastalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lea/meadow farm".
Aasum Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse aas "hill" and um "around".
Aavik Estonian
Aavik is an Estonian surname, a variation of "haavik", meaning "aspen forest".
Aaviksoo Estonian
Aaviksoo is an Estonian surname meaning "aspen forest(ed) swamp".
Abara Japanese
formed with 空 (a, sora) meaning "sky" and 原 (hara) meaning "field".
Aberline English (Australian, Rare, ?)
Possibly from a place name derived from Gaelic aber meaning "(river) mouth" and an uncertain second element.
Abernathy Scottish
A different form of Abernethy, which originally meant "person from Abernethy", Perth and Kinross ("confluence of the (river) Nethy"). This was one of the surnames of the Scots who settled in northern Ireland during the ‘plantation’ in the 17th century, and it was brought to the U.S. as the name of a Southern plantation owner.
Abeygunasekara Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit अभय (abhaya) meaning "fearless" combined with गुण (guna) meaning "quality, property, attribute" and शेखर (shekhara) meaning "crest, peak, top".
Abeysekara Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit अभय (abhaya) meaning "fearless" and शेखर (shekhara) meaning "crest, peak, top".
Abildgaard Danish
From Danish abildgård "apple garden".
Abildgård Danish (Rare)
Variant of Abildgaard, meaning "apple garden".
Abo Japanese (Rare)
阿 A ("Nook") and Bo for "Protect".
Abplanalp German, German (Swiss)
Topographic name for someone living high on a mountainside, from German ab- "below", "off" + Planalp "high, flat mountain-meadow".
Abukawa Japanese
From Japanese 虻 (abu) meaning "horsefly" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Abukumagawa Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 阿武隈川 (Abukumagawa) meaning "Abukuma River", a river that flows through the prefectures of Fukushima and Miyagi in Japan.
Aburada Japanese
Abura means "oil" and da means "field, rice paddy."
Aburata Japanese
Abura means "oil" and ta means "field, rice paddy".
Aburatani Japanese
Abura means "oil" and tani means "valley".
Acatecatl Nahuatl
From Nahuatl acatl "reed, cane" and tecatl "person; inhabitant of a place".
Accola Romansh
Derived from Medieval Latin accola "tenant; farmer", ultimately from Classical Latin accola "one who lives near a place; a neighbor".
Acevedo Spanish
Derived from Spanish acebedo meaning "holly grove", itself from acebo meaning "holly tree".
Achenbach German
Habitational name from places in Hesse and Westphalia named Achenbach, from the obsolete word Ach or Ache (from Middle High German ahe meaning "water", "stream") + Bach meaning "brook".
Ackerley English
Old English surname which came from a place name which meant "Oak meadow." See Ackley.
Ackerson English
From the middle english word "aker" meaning field, basically means "son of the field"
Ackley English
From an Old English surname: a place name which meant "Oak meadow". A variation of this is: "dwells at the oak tree meadow". ... [more]
Ackroyd English
Topographic name from northern Middle English ake "oak" and royd "clearing".
Acquaviva Italian
From an Italian place name meaning "running water, spring", literally "living water".
Acton English, Northern Irish
"Oak Town" in Old English. Parishes in Cheshire, Suffolk, Middlesex. There is also a place that bears this name in Ulster.
Adachihara Japanese
A means "leg, limb, step", dachi is a form of tachi meaning "stand", and hara means "plain". ... [more]
Ådahl Swedish, Finland Swedish
Combination of Swedish å "river, creek" and dal "valley".
Adney English
Habitational name from Adeney in Shropshire, named in Old English as Eadwynna ey "island of a woman called Eadwynn". English: from a Middle English pet form of Adam... [more]
Aed Estonian
Aed is an Estonian surname meaning "garden".
Aedma Estonian
Aedma is an Estonian surname derived from "aed", meaning "garden", or "aedmaasikas" meaning "strawberry".
Aedviir Estonian
Aedviir is an Estonian surname meaning "garden line/stripe".
Agam Hebrew (Modern)
Rare variant of the surname Agami, which came from the Hebrew name Agam, means "lake".
Agami Hebrew (Modern)
From the given name Agam, means "lake" in Hebrew.
Agarie Japanese
From Japanese 東 (agari) meaning "east" combined with 江 (e) meaning "creek, bay".
Agarmaa Estonian
Agarmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "busy/industrious land".
Agata Japanese (Rare)
(Agata) written as 県, means "prefecture, county, countryside, subdivision, district".
Agatsuma Japanese (Rare)
From 上 (aga) meaning "upper, top, above" and 妻 (tsuma) meaning "wife, spouse".... [more]
Agawa Japanese
阿 (A) means "nook, flatter, corner" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".... [more]
Agbulos Filipino, Ilocano
Means "to let go, to set free" in Ilocano.
Agrba Abkhaz
Most likely derived from Abkhaz агыруа (ā́gər-uā) meaning "Mingrelian, farm labourer, serf", historically used to refer to the Mingrelians, an ethic sub-group of the Georgians. Alternatively, it could be from Abkhaz агара (āgārā) meaning "to take" or "to bring"... [more]
Aguni Japanese
From the Japanese 粟 (a or awa) "foxtail millet" and 國 or 国 (kuni, guni or koku) "country."
Ahama Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 阿 (a), a phonetic character and 浜 (hama) meaning "beach; seashore".
Ahara Japanese
A means "second, Asia" and hara means "field, plain".
Ahonen Finnish
A combination of Finnish aho "meadow" and the common surname suffix -nen.
Ai Japanese
From Japanese 阿 (a) meaning "ridge, eaves, corner" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Aiba Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "mutual" or 饗 (ai) meaning "banquet", combined with 馬 (ba) meaning "horse", 場 (ba) meaning "location", 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers", 庭 (ba) meaning "courtyard" or 葉 (ba) meaning "leaf".
Aida Japanese
Ai could mean "fit, suit, join", "indigo", or "together, mutual". Da is a form of ta meaning "rice paddy, wilderness, field".
Aida Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aida Japanese
From Japanese 会 (ai) meaning "meeting, gathering" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aidla Estonian
Aidla is an Estonian surname meaning "store/goods area".
Aihara Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Aikawa Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Aikawa Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" and 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Aiki Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Aimura Japanese
Ai can mean "together, join" and mura means "hamlet, village".
Ainjärv Estonian
Ainjärv is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Ain" (a masculine give name) and "järv" ("lake"); "Ain's lake."
Aino Japanese (Rare)
Means "of love" or "of the love" in japanese. A notable name bearer is a fictional character "Minako Aino" in the "Sailor Moon" anime... [more]
Ainsalu Estonian
Ainsalu is an Estonia surname possibly derived from the masculine given name "Ain" and "salu", meaning "grove": "Ain's grove".
Ainuma Japanese
Ai means "unit, join" and numa means "swamp, marsh".
Ainumäe Estonian
Ainumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "single mountain".
Aird Scottish Gaelic
Derived from a variation of the place name "Aird". The Gaelic term "Aird" would mean "high ground" or "hill" in English.
Aisaki Japanese
Ai can mean "indigo", "love, affection" or "together, join" and saki means "cape, promontory, peninsula".
Aisawa Japanese
Ai can mean "affection, love", "join, together" or "indigo" and sawa means "marsh, swamp".
Aiyama Japanese
Ai can mean "together, join", "love, affection" or "indigo" and yama means "mountain".
Aizawa Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "together, mutually" and 沢, 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Akada Japanese
Aka meant "red" and da comes from ta meaning "rice patty, field".
Akagawa Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Akahori Japanese
Aka means "red" and hori means "mound, hill."
Akaike Japanese (Rare)
丹 (Aka) means "red" and 池 (ike) means "pool, pond".
Akaiwa Japanese
From 赤 (aka) meaning "red, vermilion" and 岩 (iwa) meaning "cliff, rocks".
Akaki Japanese
Aka means "red, crimson, vermilion" and ki means "tree, wood".
Akamine Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 嶺 (mine) meaning "mountain peak, mountain ridge".
Akamori Japanese (Rare)
From 赤 (aka) meaning "red" combined with 森 (mori) meaning "forest."... [more]
Akamura Japanese
Aka means "red" and mura means "hamlet, village".
Akano Japanese
(Aka) 赤 means "red, crimson, vermilion" and (no) 野 means "wilderness, plain, field".
Akanuma Japanese
Aka means "red" and numa means "swamp, marsh".
Akasaka Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 坂 or 阪 (saka) meaning "slope".
Akasaki Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 崎 or 﨑 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Akatsuka Japanese
From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 塚 (tsuka) meaning "hillock, mound".
Akatsutsumi Popular Culture
Combination of 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 堤 (tsutsumi) meaning "bank, embankment, dike," used on the character Momoko Akatsutsumi (赤堤 ももこ) in the anime 'Powerpuff Girls Z', the anime adaptation of the Cartoon Network series 'The Powerpuff Girls' (the character in question being equivalent to Blossom in the original cartoon).... [more]
Akawa Japanese
A means "second, Asia" and kawa means "river, stream".
Akçay Turkish
From Turkish ak meaning "white" and çay meaning "stream, brook".
Akdağ Turkish
Habitational name for someone who lived near any of the various mountains named Akdağ in Turkey, from Turkish ak meaning "white" and dağ meaning "mountain".
Åker Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
From Swedish and Norwegian åker "plowed field".
Åkerhielm Swedish
Combination of Swedish åker "field" and hjälm "helmet".
Åkerlund Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish åker meaning "field" and lund (Old Norse lundr) meaning "grove".
Akerregi Basque
Basque surname meaning "goat's hillside", composed of aker and -egi, meaning "goat" and "hillside" respectively.
Åkerström Swedish
Combination of Swedish åker "field" and ström "stream".
Akibara Japanese
This surname combines 昭 (shou, aki) meaning "shining, bright", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn" or 穐 with the same sounds and meaning with 原 (gen, hara) meaning "field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness."
Akihara Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn; fall" and 原 (hara) meaning "meadow; plain; field".... [more]
Akimura Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Akinashi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 秋なし (aki nashi) meaning "no autumn". This is due to the absence of 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" in 春夏冬 (haru-natsu-fuyu) meaning "spring, summer, winter".
Akino Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" or 乃 (no) meaning "from".
Akinuma Japanese
Aki can mean "autumn", and numa means "swamp, marsh".
Akioka Japanese
Aki means "autumn" and oka means "hill".
Akisato Japanese
秋 (Aki) means "autumn" and 里 (sato) means "village, ri: unit of measurement, league, parent's home". ... [more]
Akisawa Japanese
Aki can mean "autumn" and sawa means "swamp".
Akishima Japanese
Aki can mean "autumn" or "bright" and shima means "island".... [more]
Akita Japanese
This surname can be used as 秋田, 明田, 穐田, 飽田 or 阿北 with 秋/穐 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn," 明 (mei, myou, min, a.kari, aka.rui, aka.rumu, aki.raka, a.keru,, a.ku(ru), a.kasu) meaning "clear," 飽 (hou, a.kiru, a.kasu, a.ku, aki) meaning "boredom," 阿 (a, o,, kuma) meaning "corner, nook," 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field" and 北 (hou, kita) meaning "north."... [more]
Akitani Japanese
Aki can means "bright" or "autumn" and tani means "valley".
Akiwara Japanese
Aki means "autumn" and wara means "plain, field".
Akpınar Turkish
From Turkish ak meaning "white" and pınar meaning "spring, fountain".
Akui Japanese
A means "nook", ku means "long time ago, lasting" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".... [more]
Akutagawa Japanese
Akuta (芥) means "mustard", kawa (川) means "river", kawa changes to gawa due to rendaku. Notable bearers of this surname are Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (芥川龍之介), a Japanese writer and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa from Bungou Stray dogs who shares the same name.
Akutsu Japanese
From Japanese 阿 (a) meaning "ridge, eaves, corner", 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 津 (tsu) meaning "port, harbour".
Alajõe Estonian
Alajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region water".
Alakivi Estonian
Alakivi is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region stone".
Alaküla Estonian
Alaküla is an Estonian surname meaning "village area".
Alam Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
Means "world, universe" (عالم) or "flag, sign, mark" (علم) in Arabic. This spelling represents two separate words in Arabic.
Alamaa Estonian
Alamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "field/area land".
Alamäe Estonian
Alamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region hill/mountain".
Alamets Estonian
Alamets is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region forest".
Alaoja Estonian
Alaoja is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region creek".
Alardyce Scottish
Scottish regional surname meaning "southern cliff". From the Gaelic all 'cliff' and deas 'southern'.
Alas Estonian
Alas is an Estonian surname, derived from either "ala-" meaning "area" and "region"; or "alasti", meaning "bald" and "nude"; "alastus" means "bareness".
Alasalu Estonian
Alasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region grove".
Alasoo Estonian
Alasoo is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region swamp".
Alatalu Estonian
Alatalu is an Estonian surname meaning "area farm/farmstead".
Alaväli Estonian
Alaväli is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region field".
Alavee Estonian
Alavee is an Estonian surname meaning "area/region water".
Al Behairy Arabic
Linguistic: Comes from the word BOHAYṘA which means lake, the name "lake" is being employed as an adjective.
Aldea Spanish
Topographic name meaning "village, hamlet" in Spanish, ultimately from Arabic الضيعة‎ (ad-day'a).
Alfstad Norwegian (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the given name Alf 1 and stad "city, town".
Alfvén Swedish (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Swedish älv "river".
Əliverdibəyov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Əliverdi bəy", with bəy being a Turkic title meaning "gentleman, mister; lord, master".
Allik Estonian
Allik is an Estonian surname meaning "water source" or "spring".
Allikmaa Estonian
Allikmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Allikmäe Estonian
Allikmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "wellspring hill".
Alliksaar Estonian
Alliksaar is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Allingu Estonian
Allingu is an Estonian surname related to "allikas" meaning "(water) spring".
Allmägi Estonian
Allmägi is an Estonian surname meaning "under/below mountain".
Alloway English
Means (i) "person from Alloway, Alloa or Alva", the name of various places in Scotland ("rocky plain"); or (ii) from the medieval male personal name Ailwi (from Old English Æthelwīg, literally "noble battle").
Allsaar Estonian
Allsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "below/under island".
Allsalu Estonian
Allsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "below grove".
Almazán Spanish
Habitational name demoting someone originally from the municipality of Almazán in Castile and León, Spain. The name itself is derived from Arabic المكان المحصن (al-makān al-ḥiṣn) meaning "the fortified place" or "the stronghold".
Almonte Spanish
From a place between Huelva and Sevilla. Means "the mountain".
Almoroto Filipino
Possibly derived from almus, which means "nurturing", and toto, which means "all over", from Latin during Spanish colonization and rule in the Philippines. Almoroto could mean "nurturing all over."... [more]
Alsop English
Habitational name, now chiefly found in the Midlands, for a person from Alsop-en-le-Dale, a chapelry in the parish of Ashborne, Derbyshire. The place name itself meant "Ælle's valley" from the genitive of the Old English personal name Ælle and Old English hōp meaning "enclosed valley" (compare Hope).
Althoff German
A surname predominantly found in Westphalia and the Rhineland region of Germany which is derived from German alt "old" and Hof (Hoff in the local dialects) "farmstead; farm; manor".
Altmäe Estonian
Altmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "from below hill".
Altmets Estonian
Altmets is an Estonian surname meaning "below forest".
Altnurme Estonian
Altnurme is an Estonian surname meaning "(from) below pasture/meadow".
Alton English
From a place name meaning "town at the source of the river" in Old English.
Altosaar Estonian
Altosaar is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from the masculine given name "Alto" and "saar", meaning "island"; "Alto's island".
Alumaa Estonian
Alumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation land".
Alumäe Estonian
Alumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation hill/mountain".
Alunurm Estonian
Alunurm is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation meadow".
Alusaar Estonian
Alusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation island".
Alusalu Estonian
Alusalu is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation grove".
Amachi Japanese
This surname is used as 天知, 天地, 天池, 天内, 雨知 or 雨地 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 雨 (u, ama-, ame, -same) meaning "rain", 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom", 地 (ji, chi) meaning "earth, ground", 池 (chi, ike) meaning "cistern, pond, pool, reservoir" and 内 (dai, nai, uchi, chi) meaning "among, between, home, house, inside, within."... [more]
Amada Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Amagai Japanese
This is a variation of Japanese surname Amaya. Ama means "Heaven(ly)" and Gai means "Valley".
Amagawa Japanese
From the Japanese 天 (ama or ten) "heaven," 塰 (ama) the title of a Noh play or 余 (ama) "complimentary" and 川 or 河 (gawa or kawa) "river."
Amagi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven" and 城 (ki) meaning "castle".
Amai Japanese
This surname is used as 天井 or 甘井 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 甘 (kan, ama.i, ama.eru, ama.yakasu, uma.i) meaning "be content, coax, pamper, sugary, sweet" and 井 (shou, sei, i) meaning "community, town, well, well crib."
Amaji Japanese
Ama means "heaven, sky" and ji means "soil, ground".
Amajiki Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven" and 喰 (jiki) meaning "eating"
Amaki Japanese
Ama can mean "heaven" and ki means "wood, tree."... [more]
Amamiya Japanese
From Japanese 雨 (ama) meaning "rain" and 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace". A notable bearer of this surname is voice actress and singer Sora Amamiya (雨宮 天 Amamiya Sora, 1993–).
Åman Swedish
Combination of Swedish å "creek, river, big stream" and man "man".
Amano Japanese (Rare)
Variant of Ama, added Japanese 野 (no) meaning "field; plain".
Amao Japanese
Aka can mean "sweet" or "heaven" and o means "tail".
Amaral Portuguese
Unknown origin. It may come from the name of a country estate near Viseu, Portugal (quinta do Amaral) or from an old word meaning "place full of clary sages". This is also the name of a variety of red wine grape in northern Portugal whose name comes directly from the surname.
Amarasekara Sinhalese
From Sanskrit अमर (amara) meaning "immortal, undying" and शेखर (shekhara) meaning "crest, peak, top".
Amata Japanese (Rare)
Variant of Ama, added Japanese 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy, cultivated field".
Amatani Japanese
天 (Ama) means "heaven" and 谷 (tani) meaning "valley". This is the pronunciation of it in western Japan.
Amatsubo Japanese (Rare)
Means "rainy atrium, rainy courtyards". From Japanese 雨 meaning "rain", and "坪" meaning "(inner)garden, atrium, courtyard". A famous bearer is Mitsumasa Amatsubo.
Amaya Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Amayo Nahuatl
Possibly from Nahuatl amaitl "inlet, estuary; an arm or branch of a body of water", or from atl "water" and -mayo "branches of a tree, foliage".
Ambrìz Spanish
" Probably a variant of Asturian-Leonese Ambres, a habitational name from a village in Asturies. Also a habitational name of Ámbriz a city in Angola, Africa, mainly of Portuguese descendants. "
Ameglio Italian
There are two hypotheses: the first is it derived from the Latin name Amelius which came from Amius, name of Etruscan origin; the other is it derived from Amali, name of a mighty Ostrogothic family, which means "virgin of the forest".
Amenomori Japanese
"Forest of rain."
Ametsuchi Japanese
Means "Heaven & Earth" in Japanese
Amézquita Spanish (Mexican)
The surname Amézquita is of Basque origin and it is derived from the Basque words "amezti" which means "meadow" and "keta" which means "house". Therefore, the name roughly translates to "house in the meadow".
Amino Japanese
A could mean "second, asia, nook", mi could mean "view" and no means "field".
Amrein German (Swiss)
Derived from the prepostion am "at" and German Rain "edge of plowed land".
Amstad German
topographic name from Middle Low German am "at the" and stade "bank shore".
Amunategi Basque
It literally means a "place of apple trees", denoting someone who lived and/or worked there.
Amuro Japanese
Possibly means "funeral home" in Japanese.
Anacker German
Nickname for a day laborer, as opposed to someone who owned fields, from Middle High German āne meaning "without" + acker meaning "field".
Anan Various
Anan (Hebrew: עָנַן ‘ānan) is used as both a Hebrew or Arabic name meaning "cloud, vapour" or descriptive "visible water vapour floating above the earth". The Arabic form is from Classical Arabic, possibly adopted from the Hebrew, but with the spelling (Arabic: عَنَان ‘anān) since the proper term of "cloud" in Arabic is saḥāb (سَحَاب).
Anazawa Japanese
From Japanese 穴 (ana) meaning "hole, opening, pit" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Angilloy Cornish
From an-kelli, "the grove"; or an-gilly, "the wood or grove of hazels".
Angoco Chamorro
“to Trust in” “to rely on” “to have confidence in” “to have faith in” “to place reliance in” “to confide in”
Ångström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ånga "steam" and ström "river, current, stream". A notable bearer was Swedish physicist Anders Ångström (1814-1874), one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy... [more]
Aniston English
"Town of Agnes, Agnes town"... [more]
Annamaa Estonian
Annamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "give land".
Anniston English
"Town of Agnes".
Antrim Irish
Meaning "lone ridge". This is the name of an Irish county and was among some of Billy the Kid’s other known names (ie: Henry "Kid" Antrim).
Antrobus English
This very unusual name is of Old Norse origin and is a locational surname from the place in Cheshire called "Antrobus". The placename is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as "Entrebus", and in the Pipe Rolls of Cheshire of 1282 as "Anterbus"... [more]
Aochi Japanese
Ao means "green, blue" and chi means "ground".
Aoda Japanese
So means "green, blue" and da is a form of ta meaning "field, rice paddy".
Aohara Japanese
From 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Aoike Japanese
青 (Ao) means "blue, green" and 池 (ike) means "pond, pool".
Aomine Japanese
Written 青嶺 (青 ao, meaning "blue") (嶺 mine, meaning "peak"). It is the surname of a character in the anime/manga Kuroko no Basket.
Aono Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Aonuma Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 沼 (numa) meaning "swamp, marsh".
Aosaka Japanese
Ao means "green, blue" and saka means "slope, hill".
Aosaki Japanese
Ao means "blue, green" and saki means "promontory, cape, peninsula".
Aosawa Japanese
Ao means "blue, green" and sawa means "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Aoshima Japanese
Ao means "green, blue" and shima means "island".
Aota Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "green, blue" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Apanecatl Nahuatl
Possibly related to Nahuatl apantli, "canal, channel, water ditch".
Appenzell German
Habitational name for someone from Appenzell (village or canton) in northeastern Switzerland. The placename derives from Latin abbatis cella, "cell (i.e., estate) of the abbot".
Applegarth English, Scottish
Topographic name from northern Middle English applegarth meaning "apple orchard" (Old Norse apaldr meaning "apple tree" + gar{dh}r meaning "enclosure"), or a habitational name from a place so named, of which there are examples in Cumbria and North and East Yorkshire, as well as in the county of Dumfries.
Arabeya Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "uncultivated, desolate", 部 (be) meaning "department, division; part", and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Arachchige Sinhalese
From the colonial-era Sinhala title ආරච්චි (arachchi) used to denote a native village headman combined with the suffix -ගේ (-ge) meaning "of, home, house".
Aragón Spanish
Habitational name from Aragon Spain which was an independent kingdom from 1035 to 1479. It took its name from the river Aragón which arises in its northwestern corner... [more]
Arahira Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough; harsh; intense" and 平 (hira) meaning "flat; flattened" or, in a dialect, "cliff", referring to a rough flatland or a rough cliff.... [more]
Arakawa Japanese
From 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, wild, violent" or 新 (ara) meaning "new" combined with 川/河 (kawa) meaning "river, stream."
Araki Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, sparse, wild" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Aramberri Basque
From Basque aran "valley" and berri "new".... [more]
Araneta Filipino
From a Basque name derived from haran meaning "valley" combined with the toponymic suffix -eta.
Arano Japanese
Ara means "rough" and no means "field, plain".
Araoka Japanese (Rare)
Ara (荒) means "rough", oka (岡) means "hill", therefore, Araoka means rough hill
Arata Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, sparse, wild" or 新 (ara) meaning "new, natural" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
Aratani Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, wild" and 谷 (tani) meaning "valley".
Araya Japanese
From Japanese 荒 (ara) meaning "rough, wild" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Arboleda Spanish
From arboleda meaning "grove of trees". This is the name of a prominent Colombian family, in which case it is derived from their region of origin in Arboleya, Spain.
Archila Spanish
Either a variant of Arcila or derived from Arabic الشَّلَّال (aš-šallāl) meaning "the waterfall".
Ard Scottish
Habitational name from any of several places called Aird, including one near Hurlford in Ayrshire, another near Stranraer in Galloway, and the Aird, the higher part of the Vale of Beauly, near Inverness... [more]
Ardella African American
Derivative of Arden, popularized by the poem of the same name by Langston Hughes, the most well-known Black poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Meaning is "garden dweller."... [more]
Ardern English
Means "eagle valley" or "gravel valley". From Old English ear "gravel" or eran "eagle" and denu "valley". Also a variant of Arden.
Arichi Japanese
Ari means "have, possess, exist" and chi means "ground, soil".
Arimori Japanese
Ari means "exist" and mori means "forest".... [more]
Arimura Japanese
Ari means "exist" and mura means "village, hamlet".
Arino Japanese
Ari means "exist" and no means "plain, field, wilderness".
Arioka Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "have, possess" and 岡 (oka) meaning "ridge, hill".
Arisaka Japanese
Ari means "have, possess, exist" and saka means "hill, slope".
Arisawa Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "have, possess" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Arita Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "have, possess" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Ariyama Japanese
Ari means "exist, have, possess" and yama means "mountain".
Arlington English
Location name that refers to a settlement associated with a personal name reduced to Arl- plus the Anglo-Saxon patronymic element -ing- then the element -ton denoting a "settlement"... [more]
Ärmpalu Estonian
Ärmpalu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "härmas" ("frosty") and "palu" ("sandy heath/heathy woodland").
Arro Estonian
Arro is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "aroom", meaning "fragrant". Possibly a corruption of "aru", meaning "upland meadow".
Aru Estonian
Aru is an Estonian surname meaning both "dry upland grassy meadow" and "wit" and "intelligence".
Aruküla Estonian
Aruküla is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland village".
Arukuusk Estonian
Arukuusk is an Estonian surname meaning "fir/spruce meadow".
Arulaid Estonian
Arulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow islet".
Arumaa Estonian
Arumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow land".
Arumäe Estonian
Arumäe is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland hill/mountain".
Arumets Estonian
Arumets is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland/dry upland meadow forest".
Arundel English
English surname which comes from two distinct sources. Either it was derived from a place name meaning "horehound valley" in Old English (from harhune "horehound (a plant)" and dell "valley"), or it was from Old French arondel, diminutive of arond "swallow", which was originally a Norman nickname given to someone resembling a swallow.
Arunurm Estonian
Arunurm is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland meadow".
Aruorg Estonian
Aruorg is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland/meadow valley".
Arupõld Estonian
Arupõld is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland field".
Arusaar Estonian
Arusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/grassland island".
Arutee Estonian
Arutee is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland road".
Aruvald Estonian
Aruvald is an Estonian surname meaning "grassland parish".
Aruväli Estonian
Aruväli is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow field".
Aruvee Estonian
Aruvee is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow water".
Arzamendia Basque
"mountain bear"
Ås Swedish, Norwegian
Means "ridge, esker" in Swedish and Norwegian.
Asada Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" or 麻 (asa) meaning "hemp, flax" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
Asahara Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (asa) meaning "morning", 浅 (asai) meaning "shallow", or 麻 (asa) meaning "hemp" combined with 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Asakawa Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" and 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river".
Asamura Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Asaoka Japanese
From Japanese 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Asato Japanese (Rare)
There are several readings for the name but 2 are Asa:"Morning",and To:"Door,Asa:"Safe" and To:"Village". There are multiple places in the Ryukyu's (where the name originates and mostly stays) that have that name;that could've been the influence... [more]
Asbury English
English location name with the elements as- meaning "east" or "ash tree" and -bury meaning "fortified settlement."
Asensio Basque
It signifies "dweller at the place where the blackberry bushes grew."
Ashbrook English
Derived from Ampney St Mary, a small village and civil parish locally known as "Ashbrook", in Gloucestershire, England (recorded in the Domesday Book as Estbroce). It is named with Old English est meaning "east, eastern" and broc meaning "brook, stream".
Ashfield English
Meaning "ash tree field".
Ashida Japanese
Combination of the kanji 芦 (ashi, "reed") and 田 (ta, "field").
Ashikaga Japanese
Ashikaga is a surname that originated with samurai families. Kaga means "Flower Bud,Reed" and Ashi means "Place",but it is most commonly, ( if not always ) written with characters meaning ,"foot" and "advantage".
Ashland English
This surname is derived from Old English æsc & land and it means "ash tree land."
Ashmore English
English locational name, from either "Aisemare", (from Old English pre 7th Century "aesc" meaning ash plus "mere" a lake; hence "lake where ash-trees grow), or from any of several minor places composed of the Old English elements "aesc" ash plus "mor" a marsh or fen.
Ashwood English
Habitational name from a place in Staffordshire named Ashwood, from Old English æsc "ash" and wudu "wood".
Åslund Swedish
Combination of Swedish ås "ridge, esker" and lund "grove".
Asnicar Italian
From Cimbrian haazo "hare" and ékke "hill, rise".
Asō Japanese
Combination of the kanji 麻 (asa, "hemp plant") and 生 (fu, "place where vegetation grows"), thus "place where hemp plants grow". A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Tarō Asō (麻生 太郎; b. 1940).
Asplund Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Swedish asp "aspen" and lund "grove".
Astley English
Derived from an English surname and place name meaning "eastern woodland clearing" in Old English. A famous bearer of the surname is British singer, songwriter, and radio personality Rick Astley (1966-pres.).
Asuküla Estonian
Asuküla is an Estonian surname meaning "populated village".
Asula Estonian
Asula is an Estonian surname meaning "settlement".
Asusaar Estonian
Asusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "resident (of) island" ("island dweller/resident").
Atempa Mexican, Nahuatl (Hispanicized)
Means "on the riverbank" or "on the bank of the lake", derived from Nahuatl atl meaning "water" combined with tentli "bank, shore" and the suffix -pan "in, on".
Atherton English
Habitational name from a place near Manchester named Atherton, from the Old English personal name Æðelhere + Old English tun meaning "settlement".