Submitted Surnames on the United States Popularity List

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the name appears on the United States popularity list.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zwaan Dutch
Means "swan" in Dutch. Could be a nickname for a person who resembled a swan in some way, an occupational name for a swan keeper, or a patronymic derived from a given name containing the element swan... [more]
Zwack Polish
Comes from the Polish name "Czwak." Possible German roots as well.
Zwagerman Dutch
Possibly a compound of Dutch zwager "brother-in-law" and man "man, person".
Zwart Dutch
Means "black, dark, swarthy" in Dutch, a nickname for someone with dark hair or skin.
Zwiers Dutch
Patronymic form of the given name Swier, composed of swind "strong" and heri "army".
Zwilling German, Jewish
Means "a twin", as in a twin brother or twin sister. Often given to those who were twins.
Żydek Polish (Rare)
Polish variant of Zhydak.
Żyła Polish
Means "vein" (figuratively "bore") in Polish.
Żywicki Polish
A habitational name that was given to someone from a place named ̣Zywy, or possibly from a nickname from the Polish word ̣'zywy', which means ‘live wire’.
Zywicki m Polish (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of Żywicki.