Celtic Submitted Surnames

These names are used by Celtic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Adair Celtic
Mostly Scottish surname meaning "at the oak ford".
Ahearna Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
Either from an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Eachthighearna meaning "descendant of Eachthighearna", or else an anglicized form of Eachthighearna.
Aird Scottish Gaelic
Derived from a variation of the place name "Aird". The Gaelic term "Aird" would mean "high ground" or "hill" in English.
Alan Crom Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous village.
Allain French, Breton, English
From the given name Allain a variant of Alan (Old French Alain)... [more]
Allaire Breton, French (Quebec)
From the name of the town of Allaire (Alaer in Breton) in Brittany, France. Other theories suggest it may come from Hilaire or from Alor.... [more]
Allely Irish
From Irish Mac Ailghile meaning "descendant of Ailghil".
Am Magh Fada Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous former burgh.
Anderson Scottish, Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Ghille Andrais meaning 'Son of the devotee of St. Andrew'. ... [more]
Angilloy Cornish
From an-kelli, "the grove"; or an-gilly, "the wood or grove of hazels".
Anglin Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó hAngluinn
Anna English, Irish, Italian, Hungarian
Probably derived from the female first name Anna.
Ànsruthair Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous town.
Antrim Irish
Meaning "lone ridge". This is the name of an Irish county and was among some of Billy the Kid’s other known names (ie: Henry "Kid" Antrim).
Aplin Welsh
Derived from Welsh ap Lyon meaning "son of Lyon".
Aran Irish
From the given name Aran 1.
Ardagh Irish
A rare Irish surname named after Ardagh, in County Longford.
Ardies Irish
Irish Isle Of Ards
Argue Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Mac Giolla Fhearga, though it could be derived from Ó hEarga.
Argyle Scottish, Scottish Gaelic
From the regional name Argyll, a county of southwestern Scotland, named in Gaelic as Earre Ghàidheal ‘coast of the Gaels’. Argyll was the earliest part of Scotland to be settled by Gaelic speakers from Ireland from the 6th century onwards... [more]
Argyll Scottish, Scottish Gaelic
From the regional name Argyll, a county of southwestern Scotland, named in Gaelic as Earre Ghàidheal ‘coast of the Gaels’. Argyll was the earliest part of Scotland to be settled by Gaelic speakers from Ireland from the 6th century onwards... [more]
Arzur Breton
Derived from the Breton given name of Arzhur.
Aspig Irish
Aspig is an anglicized form of McGillespie
Baclan Celtic (Rare)
Form of the surname Backlund
Baile Phùir Scottish Gaelic
Proper, non-Anglicized form of Balfour.
Bain Scottish, Irish
Derived from Scottish Gaelic bàn "white, pale, fair", a nickname for a person with fair hair.
Bainebridge English, Irish
Bridge over the Bain, An English town named for its place on the river Bain, now used as a surname. Lives near the bridge over the white water... [more]
Balch Welsh
From the Welsh adjective balch, which has a range of meanings—"fine", "splendid", "proud", "arrogant", "glad"—but the predominant meaning is "proud" and from this the family name probably derives.
Balfe Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Balbh meaning 'stammering dumb' itself probably a translation of a Norman surname of similar meaning ultimately derived from Latin balbus 'stammering'.
Bane Irish
An anglicized surname of Irish Gaelic Mac Giolla Bháin, meaning "white" or "fair".
Banks Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Bruacháin
Banville French, English, Irish
From a place in france derived from the Germanic name Bada and French ville "village, town".
Barnewall Anglo-Norman, Irish
A locational surname given to those who lived by a stream in either Cambridgeshire, which derives its name from the Olde English beorna meaning "warrior" and wella meaning "stream", or from one in Northamptonshire, which got its name from the Olde English byrge meaning "burial mound" and well, which also means "stream." a burial mound and 'well(a)'... [more]
Barrach Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic spelling of Dunbar.
Barrington English, Irish
English: habitational name from any of several places called Barrington. The one in Gloucestershire is named with the Old English personal name Beorn + -ing- denoting association + tun ‘settlement’... [more]
Barry Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Beargha meaning, 'descendant of Beargh.'
Barrymore Irish (Anglicized), English
Habitational name for a person from a barony in County Cork, Ireland, derived from an Anglicized form of Irish Barraigh Mhóra meaning "Big Crops". This is the surname of an British-American acting dynasty, named the Barrymore Family with an example of which is American actress Drew Barrymore (1975-).
Bartle Scottish, Cornish
An Anglo-Scottish diminutive of Bart and Barth, derived from biblical 'Bartholomew' which means 'He who makes furrows' or a farmer... [more]
Baughan Welsh
Variant of Vaughan.
Baughn Welsh
Variant of Vaughan.
Beacom Irish
Northern Irish variant of Beauchamp.
Beaven Welsh
Variant of Bevan.
Beddoe Welsh
Variant of Beddow.
Beddoes Welsh
“This name derives from Old Welsh name and patronymic surname “Morgetuid / Margetiud”, composed of two elements: “mere” (great, splendid) plus “iudd” (lord). As a personal name the origins are lost in the mists of time but it is certainly pre Roman, however the modern use of the name is commonly taken from Merdydd ap Bleddyn, prince of Powys who died in 1132... [more]
Beddow Welsh
From the personal name Bedo, a pet form of Meredydd (see Meredith).
Beery Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Béara. This name was borne by brothers Noah (1882-1946) and Wallace Beery (1885-1949), and Noah's son Noah Beery Jr... [more]
Belew English, Irish
variant spelling of Bellew.
Bellew English, Irish
Of Norman origin: habitational name from any of the various places in northern France, such as Belleu (Aisne), named in Old French with bel ‘beautiful’ + l(i)eu ‘place’, or from Belleau (Meurthe-et-Moselle), which is named with Old French bel ‘lovely’ + ewe ‘water’ (Latin aqua), or from Bellou (Calvados), which is probably named with a Gaulish word meaning ‘watercress’... [more]
Bellock English, Irish
Meaning "young bull". It was a nickname for energetic people, or those who owned bulls.
Bennion Welsh
Anglicized form of Welsh ab Einion meaning "son of Einion".
Beollan English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic
English: variant of Boland.... [more]
Bethea Welsh
Possible altered form of the Welch surname Bethel
Bethel English, Welsh (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Welsh ab Ithel "son of Ithel".
Bettwy Irish, Scottish
From the name Beatrice.
Bevetto Cornish
From bo-veth, the dwelling by the grave or bo-verth, the green house.
Beynon Welsh
Southern Welsh variant of Bennion; from Welsh ab Eynon meaning "son of Einion".
Biddle English, Irish
Variant of English BEADLE or German BITTEL. The name is now popular in the north east region of America, where it was brought by English and Irish immigrants.
Bierce English, Welsh
English variant and Welsh form of Pierce. A famous bearer was the American author, journalist and poet Ambrose Bierce (1842-c. 1914), who wrote The Devil's Dictionary and other works... [more]
Bihan Breton
Bihan means small in Breton.
Bires Irish
Irish derivation of Byres
Blackerby English, Irish, Scottish
English surname of unexplained origin, probably from the name of a lost or unidentified place.
Blain Scottish (Anglicized), Scottish Gaelic, English
Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Bláán, a shortened form of MACBLAIN, or a variant of Blin... [more]
Blaney Irish
Topographic name from Welsh blaenau, plural of blaen "point, tip, end", i.e. uplands, or remote region, or upper reaches of a river.
Bledig Welsh
"like a wolf"
Bleuzen Breton
Derived from the feminine given name Bleuzenn.
Blevens Welsh
Alternate spelling of Blevins.
Blin Welsh
The same as Blaen, a point, the inland extremity of a valley. Blin also signifies weary, troublesome.
Blood Welsh
Anglicized form of Welsh ap Llwyd ‘son of Llwyd’.
Blythin Welsh
Recorded as Blethin, Bleythin, Bleything, Blythin, and others, this is a surname which has Welsh royal connections. It derives from the Ancient British personal name "Bleddyn," translating as the son of Little Wolf... [more]
Boden Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Buadáin.
Bohan Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Buadhacháin.
Bohannon Irish (Anglicized)
Irish anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Buadhachanáin, a double diminutive of buadhach ‘victorious’
Boiteux French, Breton
From a Breton nickname meaning "lame".
Bolan Irish
From the given name Beollán.
Bolger Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Bolguidir.
Bolitho Cornish
Habitational name for someone originally from the locality of Bolitho in western Cornwall, derived from Old Cornish bod or bos meaning "dwelling" combined with an unknown personal name.
Boliver Welsh, English
Derived from Welsh ap Oliver meaning "son of Oliver".
Bollard English, Irish
According to MacLysaght, this surname of Dutch origin which was taken to Ireland early in the 18th century.
Bolloré Breton
Bolloré derives from bod which means bush and lore which means laurel in Breton
Bonar Irish
A "translation" of Irish Gaelic Ó Cnáimhsighe "descendant of Cnáimhseach", a nickname meaning literally "midwife" and ostensibly a derivative of Gaelic cnámh "bone".
Bonnar Irish
Translation of the Gaelic "O'Cnaimhsighe", descendant of Cnaimhseach, a byname meaning "Midwife
Bosinney Cornish
Denotes the original bearer came from Bossiney, Cornwall. Bossiney comes from Cornish Bod and Cini, meaning "Cini's dwelling," with Cini being a Cornish name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Bosser Breton
Bosser means butcher in Breton.
Bosustow Cornish
bos Ustoc, dwelling of Ustoc, poss: bos-ysow, corn abode
Bowden Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Buadáin.
Bowe Medieval English, English, Irish (Anglicized)
There are three possible sources of this surname, the first being that it is a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of bows, a vital trade in medieval times before the invention of gunpowder, and a derivative of the Old English boga "bow", from bugan "to bend"... [more]
Bowne Welsh
The Welsh name Bowne is a patronymic surname created from the Welsh personal name Owen 1 or Owain... [more]
Boyne English, Irish, Scottish
English: variant of Boon.... [more]
Bracken Irish
From Irish Ó Breacáin meaning "descendant of Breacán", a personal name from a diminutive of breac 'speckled', 'spotted', which was borne by a 6th-century saint who lived at Ballyconnel, County Cavan, and was famous as a healer; St... [more]
Bragan Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of Ó Bragáin, from the old Irish given name Breccán... [more]
Bragg English, Welsh
From a nickname for a cheerful or lively person, derived from Middle English bragge meaning "lively, cheerful, active", also "brave, proud, arrogant".
Brain Scottish Gaelic (Anglicized), Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic Mac an Bhreitheamhan ‘son of the judge’, from breitheamh ‘judge’.
Branagan Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Branagáin.
Branagh Irish
Anglicisation of Irish Ó Branduibh meaning "descendant of Breathnach", a given name meaning "Welshman". A famous bearer is British actor and filmmaker Sir Kenneth Branagh (1960-).
Brannan Irish
Variant of Brennan.
Brannock Irish
Originally taken from the Welsh place name Brecknock. Medieval settlers brought this name to Ireland.
Brazil English, Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Irish Ó Breasail "descendant of Breasal", a byname meaning "strife".
Brean Irish
Variant of Breen or Brain.
Breeze Welsh
Derived from the surname Breese, which came from the surname Rees.
Bréhant Breton
Refers to a place of the same name in Côtes-d'Armor.
Breslin Irish
Irish (Sligo and Donegal): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Breisláin "descendant of Breisleán", a diminutive of the personal name Breasal (see Brazil).
Bresnahan Irish (Anglicized)
Reduced Anglicized form of Irish Ó Brosnacháin (See Brosnan). Roger Bresnahan (1879-1944) was an American player and manager in Major League Baseball.
Brian Irish, English, French
1) Variant spelling of Bryan. ... [more]
Brick Irish (Anglicized), English, German, Jewish
Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Bruic "descendant of Broc", i.e. "badger" (sometimes so translated) or Ó Bric "descendant of Breac", a personal name meaning "freckled"... [more]
Bride Irish (Anglicized), Scottish (Anglicized), English
Shortened form of MacBride, ultimately from the given name Brighid. It could also be a habitational name derived from any of several places called St Brides, or from the River Bride in Ireland, both also derived from Brighid.
Brion Irish
Variant of Brian or O'Brien.
Broderick Irish, Welsh, English
Surname which comes from two distinct sources. As a Welsh surname it is derived from ap Rhydderch meaning "son of Rhydderch". As an Irish surname it is an Anglicized form of Ó Bruadair meaning "descendent of Bruadar"... [more]
Brophy Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Bróithe ‘descendant of Bróth’, a personal name or byname of unknown origin. Also Anglicized as Broy.
Brosnan Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Brosnacháin meaning "descendant of Brosnachán", a given name derived from Brosna, a small village and parish in County Kerry, Ireland. A well-known bearer is the Irish actor Pierce Brosnan (1953-).
Brownlee Scottish, Scottish Gaelic, Northern Irish, English
"Brown field" in Old English.
Bryn Welsh
Means hill in welsh
Brynn Welsh
Variant of Bryn
Bukater Irish, English (British)
From Fictional Titanic character: Rose DeWitt Bukater.
Burk English, Irish
Variant of Burke
Burney English, Irish
Form of the French place name of 'Bernay' or adapted from the personal name Bjorn, ultimately meaning "bear".
Bwye Welsh (Rare)
many of this name moved from south wales to india to work for the east india company around 1900's then came back to wales.
Bychan Welsh
Proper, unanglicized form of Vaughan.
Bynes Irish
This is the surname of American actress Amanda Bynes (born April 3, 1986).
Cadan Irish
Anglicized form of Mac Cadáin.
Caddick Welsh
From the Welsh male personal name Cadog, a pet-form of Cadfael (a derivative of Welsh cad "battle").
Cadogan Welsh
From the Welsh male personal name Cadwgan, literally probably "battle-scowler". Cadogan Estate is an area of Chelsea and Belgravia, including Cadogan Square, Sloane Street and Sloane Square, owned by the earls of Cadogan, descended from Charles Sloane Cadogan (1728-1807), 1st Earl Cadogan.
Cadoret French, Breton
From an old Breton given name Catuuoret meaning "protector in combat".
Cafferkey Irish
Anglicized form of Mac Gafraidh.
Cagney Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Caingnigh meaning "descendant of Caingneach", a given name meaning "pleader, advocate". A famous bearer was American actor and dancer James Cagney (1899-1986).
Cain Manx
Contracted form of Mac Catháin (see Ó Catháin), a patronymic from the given name Cathán "battle".
Cale Welsh
Possibly derived from the River Cale. A famous barer of this name is Welsh musician John Cale (1942- ).
Calkin Irish
Variant of Culkin.
Callard Cornish
Might be from Calartha in Morvah / from cala-arth, the hard or difficult height.
Calligan Irish (Rare)
Before Irish names were translated into English, Calligan had a Gaelic form of O Ceallachain, possibly from "ceallach", which means "strife".... [more]
Calne Welsh
Calne is derived from the Welsh word "karn," which means "a pile of stones," such as was often used to mark a burial site. The forebears that initially bore the name Calne likely lived by a notable heap of stones.
Calvey Irish
Shortened form of McCalvey or McKelvey.
Calvez Breton
From Breton kalvez meaning "carpenter".
Cammon Scottish, Irish
Reduced form of Mccammon.
Camrose English (Rare), Welsh (Rare)
From the village of Camrose in Pembrokeshire, Wales. The surname itself is derived from Welsh cam meaning "crooked, bent", and rhos meaning "moor, heath."
Canavan Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ceanndubháin "descendant of Ceanndubhán", a byname meaning "little black-headed one", from ceann "head" combined with dubh "black" and the diminutive suffix -án.
Cannell Manx
Manx cognate of McConnell or O'Connell.
Canning English, Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
Habitational name from a place so named in England. From the Old English byname Cana and -ingas meaning "people of".... [more]
Cantwell Irish, English
A surname used in the South of England.... [more]
Carbrey Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Cairbre and Mac Cairbre meaning "descendant of Cairbre", a given name meaning "charioteer".
Cardell Irish
Mac Ardghail, from the word ardghal, which means "high valor" (all together "son of high valor").
Cardle Irish
Variant of Cardell.
Carhartt English, Cornish
Habitational name from Carhart in Cornwall, possibly derived from Old English carr "rock, stone". Could also be an Americanized form of German Gerhardt.
Carlan Irish
Anglicized form of Irish O'Carlain or O'Caireallain, from the Irish carla meaning a "wool-comb" and an meaning "one who" which roughly translates as "one who combs wool"... [more]
Carlin Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Cairealláin (sometimes also anglicized as Carlton), meaning "descendant of Caireallán"... [more]
Carlyon Cornish
Cornish: habitational name from any of three places in Cornwall called Carlyon, in St. Minver and Kea parishes. The first element is Celtic ker ‘fort’; the second could represent the plural of Cornish legh ‘slab’.
Carnahan Irish
From the Irish Cearnaghan, meaning "victorious"
Carney Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Catharnaigh "descendant of Catharnach", a byname meaning "warlike".
Carrey Irish
Variant of Carey. A famous bearer is Canadian-American actor and comedian Jim Carrey (1962-).
Carry Irish
Shortened form of McCarry and O'Carry.
Cartan Irish
Variant of McCartan.
Carten Irish
Variant of McCartan.
Cartin Irish
Variant of McCartan.
Carton Irish
Variant of McCartan.
Carville French, Irish
As a French location name it comes from a settlement in Normandy. As an Irish name it derives from a word for "warrior".
Casaday Irish
Variant spelling of Irish Cassidy .
Casement Manx
Anglicized and reduced form of Manx Gaelic Mac Asmuint meaning "son of Ásmundr". A notable bearer was Sir Roger Casement (1864-1916), an Irish-born British consular official and rebel.
Cashion Irish
Anglicized form of either Mac Caisin or Ó Caisin meaning "descendant of Caisín" (see Cassidy).
Cassey Scottish, Irish
This surname originated around ancient Scotland and Ireland. In its Gaelic form it is called, 'O Cathasaigh', which means 'the watchful one'.... [more]
Cattell English, French, Irish (Anglicized)
Possibly derived from a given name containing the element ketill "kettle, cauldron; helmet", or a diminutive form of Cat or Cate... [more]
Caulfield Irish
Anglicized form of Mac Cathmhaoil.
Challoner French, Welsh
Derived from a town in France of the same name. This family derive their origin from Macloy Crum, of the line of chiefs in Wales, who resided several years in Challoner.
Chegwidden Cornish
From the Cornish meaning "white house".
Chegwin Cornish
Means "person who lives in or by a white house" (from Cornish chy "house" + gwyn "white").
Chi Nowydh Cornish
It means "new house".
Cinnamond Scottish, Irish, English
Possibly originates from Scottish place name Kininmonth. Probably introduced to Northern Ireland by Scottish settlers where it remains in Ulster. Another origin is the French place name Saint Amand originated from French Huguenots settling in Ireland.
Clague Manx
Shortened Anglicization of either Gaelic Mac Luathóg "son of Luathóg", itself derived from a diminutive of Gaelic luath, Manx leah "swift", or from Gaelic Mac Laoghóg "son of Laoghóg", which is derived from a diminutive of Gaelic laogh and Manx lheiy "calf".
Claine Scottish, Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Gille Eathain, a patronymic name meaning "son of the servant of Saint John."
Clarey Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Cléirigh and variant of O'Clery and Cleary.
Cleese Scottish, Irish, English
Variant spelling of McCleese. A famous bearer is English actor and comedian John Cleese (1939-).
Cleland Belgian, Scottish, Irish
Scottish and Irish reduced form of McClelland. ... [more]
Clelland Scots, Irish
Scottish and Irish topographical name meaning "clay land".
Cloney Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Cluanaigh, meaning "descendant of Cluanach".
Clooney English, Irish (Anglicized)
From Gaelic Ó Cluanaigh meaning "descendant of Cluanach". Cluanach was a given name derived from Irish clauna "deceitful, flattering, rogue".
Cloyd Welsh (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Clwyd.
Clucas Manx
Contracted anglicised form of "Mac Lucas" meaning "Son of Lucas
Clwyd Welsh
This indicates familial origin near the River Clwyd.
Coach Irish
Origin uncertain. Most probably a reduced form of Irish McCoach, which is of uncertain derivation, perhaps a variant of McCaig.
Coady Irish
Coady or Cody originated in the Southern Counties of Ireland. The Norman family Odo le Ercedekne acquired land in Kilkenny, Ireland in early 1300's. In medieval records it was spelled Lerceddkne and then Archdeken and then Archdeacon... [more]
Coakley Irish
From Irish Gaelic Mac Caochlaoich "son of Caochlaoch", a personal name meaning literally "blind warrior".
Codey Irish
Based off of the given name Cody
Coffee Irish
Variant of Coffey.
Coffelt Irish, German (Anglicized)
From Irish Gaelic Mac Eachaidh meaning "son of Eochaidh". It could also be an Americanized spelling of German Kauffeld (see Caulfield).
Coffey Irish
Ireland County Cork
Coffie Irish
Variant of Coffey.
Cohen Irish
Either a version of Cowan or Coyne, not related with the jewish surname.
Coill Irish
Meaning, "hazel tree."
Coineagan Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Cunningham 1.
Coles English, Scottish, Irish, German (Anglicized), English (American)
English: from a Middle English pet form of Nicholas.... [more]
Collet Manx
Variant of Corlett.
Coltrane Irish (Anglicized)
Northern Irish Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Coltaráin.
Comish Manx
Manx: from Gaelic Mac Thómais ‘son of Thomas’. The main seat of the family in the Isle of Man was Ballacomish ‘Comish's (or Thomas's) farm’ (Arbory, IoM).
Commons Breton
It's generally believed this name comes from a Breton personal name, derived from element "cam," meaning "bent," or "crooked;" or from the herb "cummin" (cumin). Or from the place name Comines, in Flanders, Northern France.... [more]
Conahan Irish (Anglicized)
Irish reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Connachaín (see Cunningham 2).
Condon Irish (Anglicized, Modern)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Condún, itself a Gaelicized form of the Anglo-Norman habitational name de Caunteton... [more]
Condrick Irish
Surname of an Irish immigrant who had snuck onto a ship and travelled to Australia during the early 1900's.
Condún Irish
Gaelicized variant of Canton, brought to Ireland from Pembrokeshire, Wales circa 1200 CE.
Cone Irish
Reduced form of McCone.
Congdon Irish, English
A variant of Irish "Condon". In English usage: a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place; probably Devon or Cornwall, where the modern surname is most frequent.
Conlan Irish
Variant of Conlon.
Conlee Irish
Variant spelling of Conley
Conley Irish
Variant of Connolly.
Conlin Irish
Variant of Conlon.
Conlon Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Conalláin or Ó Caoindealbháin.
Conran Irish
The surname Conran is derived from 'O Conarain', and Conran is a more anglicized version.... [more]
Considine Irish
Anglicisation of Irish Mac Consaidín meaning "son of Consaidín". The given name Consaidín is the Irish form of Constantine... [more]
Coogan Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "MacCogadhain"; composed of the Gaelic prefix "mac," which means "son of," and the Gaelic personal name "Cuchogaidh", which means "Hound of War". The name is also found in Ireland as Cogan, Coggan, Coggen, Cogin, Coggon, Coogan and Goggin(s).
Cooglan Irish
Irish surname of unknown meaning. May be a variant of Coghlan.
Cooley Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Chúille ‘son of the servant of (Saint) Mochúille’, a rare Clare name.
Coon Scottish, Irish
Variant of Cunningham 1, Coonaghan and other names from the same family
Corbett English, Scottish, Welsh
Nickname from Norman French corbet meaning 'little crow, raven'. This surname is thought to have originated in Shropshire. The surname was taken by bearers to Scotland in the 12th Century, and to Northern Ireland in the 17th Century.... [more]
Corboy Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Mac Corrbuidhe or Ó Corrbuidhe, meaning "son of Corrbuidhe", a byname derived from Old Irish corr "crane, heron" and buide "yellow".
Corkery Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Corcra "descendant of Corcra", a personal name derived from corcair "purple" (ultimately cognate with Latin purpur).
Corkill Manx, Irish
The name is an Anglicised form of the Gaelic Mac Thorcaill ("son of Thorkell") which is derived from the Old Norse personal name meaning "Thor's kettle".
Corkish Manx
From a reduced form of Gaelic "Mac Mharcuis" meaning "Son of Marcas".
Corlett Manx
Anglicization of Manx (Mac) Thórliótr "(son of) Þorliótr".
Cornwall Celtic
One who came from Cornwall, a county in the South West of England.
Corr Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Corra "descendant of Corra".
Corraine Irish
Anglicized form of the surname Ó Corráin.
Corrigan English, Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Ó Corragáin meaning "descendant of Corragán", a double diminutive of Irish corr "point, spear"... [more]
Corrin Manx, Scottish
First documented in 1290, sources suggest prototypes to be of Norse and/or Irish origins or a Manx contraction of Mac Oran from Mac Odhrain.