American Submitted Surnames

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ewell English
Habitation name from the town of Ewell in Surrey or from Temple Ewell or Ewell Manor, both in Kent or Ewell Minnis near Dover. Originally from Old English Aewill meaning "river source" or "spring".
Eyre English
Derived from Middle English eyer, eir "heir", originally denoting a man who was designated to inherit or had already inherited the main property in a particular locality. The surname was borne by the heroine of Charlotte Brontë's 'Jane Eyre' (1847).
Eyre English
Truelove the "Eyr" or "Heyr" was granted land in Derby as a reward for his services at the 1066 Battle of Hastings, together with a coat of arms featuring "a human leg in armour couped at the thigh quarterly argent and sable spurred", in reference to the sacrifice of his limb... [more]
Ezekiel English
From the given name Ezekiel
Ezell American
Of uncertain origin. The name is found primarily in the southeastern United States, possibly as a variation of Israel or a form of Ezekiel.
Fackrell English
It means woodcutter
Failor English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Failer or Fehler, variants of Feiler.
Fain French, English, Welsh
Deriving from the Latin fanum meaning "temple."
Fair English, Irish
English: nickname meaning ‘handsome’, ‘beautiful’, ‘fair’, from Middle English fair, fayr, Old English fæger. The word was also occasionally used as a personal name in Middle English, applied to both men and women.... [more]
Fairbrother English
From a medieval nickname probably meaning either "better-looking of two brothers" or "brother of a good-looking person", or perhaps in some cases "father's brother".
Fairey English
Either (i) meant "person from Fairy Farm or Fairyhall", both in Essex (Fairy perhaps "pigsty"); or (ii) from a medieval nickname meaning "beautiful eye". This was borne by Fairey Aviation, a British aircraft company, producer of the biplane fighter-bomber Fairey Swordfish... [more]
Fairfax English
From a medieval nickname for someone with beautiful hair, from Old English fæger "fair" and feax "hair". It was borne by the English general Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Baron Fairfax of Cameron (1612-1671), commander of the Parliamentary army during the Civil War... [more]
Fairweather English, Scottish
From Middle English fayr "fair, beautiful, pleasant" and weder "weather", a nickname for a person with a sunny temperament, or who only worked in good weather. ... [more]
Falaas English (American, Rare)
Maybe an americanized form of Falås.
Falke English
Variant of Falk
Fallow English, Jewish
English: topographic name for someone who lived by a patch of fallow land, Middle English falwe (Old English f(e)alg). This word was used to denote both land left uncultivated for a time to recover its fertility and land recently brought into cultivation.... [more]
Fallows English
Patronymic form of Fallow.
Fambro English
Variant of English Fambrough.
Fancourt English
Derived from the English surname Fancourt, which originated in the county of Bedfordshire in England.
Fane English
From a medieval nickname for a well-disposed person (from Old English fægen "glad, willing"), or from a medieval Welsh nickname for a slim person (Welsh fain). This is the family name of the earls of Westmorland.
Fanshawe English
Meant "person from Featherstonehaugh", Northumberland (now known simply as "Featherstone") ("nook of land by the four-stones", four-stones referring to a prehistoric stone structure known technically as a "tetralith")... [more]
Fanthorpe English
Fan means "From France" and Thorpe is a Middle English word meaning "Small Village, Hamlet"
Farewell English (Rare)
Means "goodbye,departing" in English.
Farley English
habitational name from any of various places called Farley of which there are examples in Berkshire Derbyshire Hampshire Kent Somerset Gloucestershire Staffordshire Surrey Wiltshire Shropshire and Sussex... [more]
Farlow English
Habitational name from a place in Shropshire so named from Old English fearn "fern" and hlaw "hill tumulus".
Farman English
(i) from an Old Norse personal name denoting literally a seafarer or travelling trader, brought into English via French; (ii) "itinerant trader, pedlar", from Middle English fareman "traveller"
Farnum English
English and Irish. The origins of the Farnum name lie with England's ancient Anglo-Saxon culture. It comes from when the family lived at Farnham, in several different counties including Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Essex, Suffolk, and the West Riding of Yorkshire... [more]
Farnworth English
Farnworth is a combination of two words: old-English fearn meaning "fern" and worth, making the full meaning of Farnworth "settlers from a place where ferns are abundant." The oldest known record of the surname was in Farnworth with Kearsley (modern-day Farnworth), Lancashire in 1185... [more]
Farragut Breton, French, Catalan, American
A Breton-French surname of unknown origin. A notable bearer was American naval flag officer David Farragut (1801-1870), who is known for serving during the American Civil War. His father was of Catalan ancestry... [more]
Farrer English
Variant of Farrar.
Farrimond English
Either from the Norman given name Faramund, or else a variant of the occupational surname Ferriman ('with post-medieval excrescent -d').
Farrow English
Northern English: hyper-corrected form of Farrar, occupational name for a smith or worker in iron. The original -ar or -er ending of this name came to be regarded as an error, and was changed to -ow.
Farthing English
(i) "someone who lives on a 'farthing' of land" (i.e. a quarter of a larger area); (ii) from a medieval nickname based on farthing "1/4 penny", perhaps applied to someone who paid a farthing in rent; (iii) from the Old Norse male personal name Farthegn, literally "voyaging warrior"
Fastolf English
From the Old Norse male personal name Fastúlfr, literally "strong wolf". It was borne by Sir John Fastolf (1380-1459), an English soldier whose name was adapted by Shakespeare as "Falstaff".
Faucett English
Locational surname from various British places: Fawcett in Cumberland, Facit in Lancashire, Forcett in North Yorkshire, or Fa’side Castle in East Lothian, Scotland. The linguistic origins of the name arise variously from, in Cumberland and Lancashire, "multi-coloured hillside" in 7th century Old English fag or fah, "brightly coloured, variegated, flowery" with side, "slope"; in North Yorkshire from Old English ford, "ford", and sete, "house, settlement"; or, reputedly, in East Lothian, "fox on a hillside"... [more]
Fauntleroy English
Little Lord Fauntleroy is the first children's novel written by English playwright and author Frances Hodgson Burnett. Fauntleroy is also Donald Duck's middle name.
Fausett English
Probably an altered spelling of Fawcett.
Fawcett English
Habitational name from Fawcett, Westmorland, or Facit, Lancashire, both derived from Old English fāh "multicoloured, variegated, colourful" and sīde "side, hill slope"... [more]
Fawkes English
From the Norman personal name Faulques or Fauques, which was derived from a Germanic nickname meaning literally "falcon". A famous bearer of the surname was Guy Fawkes (1570-1606), the English Catholic conspirator... [more]
Fawley English
This is a name for someone who worked as a person who worked as the fowler or the bird-catcher having derived from the Old English word "fugelere" which literally means "hunter of wild birds, fowler"... [more]
Faye French, English
Variant of Fay 1 and Fay 2.
Fayne English
The surname Fayne is derived from the Middle English words "fein," "fayn," or " fane," which all mean "glad." The name was a nickname for a happy or good-natured person.
Fayre English
Variation of Fair.
Fazakerley English
Means "person from Fazakerley", Liverpool ("glade by the borderland").
Fazbear English (American)
The last name of the fictional character "Freddy Fazbear".
Feather English
from Middle English fether fedder "feather" or perhaps a shortened form of Middle English fetherer applied as a metonymic occupational name for a trader in feathers and down a maker of quilts or possibly a maker of pens... [more]
Featherman English
Derived from the Old English word "feþerman," which means "falconer" or "hawk trainer." It was likely used as an occupational surname for someone who was involved in hunting with birds of prey using the falconry or hawking methods.
Featherstonhaugh English
Indicates a person lived in or near Featherstonhaugh in Northumberland, England. From Old English feðere "feather", stān "stone", and healh "corner."
Feemster English, Scottish
Occupational name meaning "herdsman", from Middle English fee "cattle" and English master.
Fegley English
A notable bearer is Oakes Fegley, an actor.
Feinsot English
Possibly related to Feinstein.
Feldwick English (Rare)
Descendant of one who lived on a farm or field.... [more]
Felker English
The surname Felker was a patronymic surname, created from a form of the medieval personal name Philip. It was also a habitational name from a place name in Oxfordshire. Forms of the name such as de Filking(es) are found in this region from the 12th and 13th centuries.
Fell English
From Middle English fell ”high ground”, ultimately derived from Old Norse fjall, describing one who lived on a mountain.
Fell English, German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a furrier, from Middle English fell, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel, all of which mean "skin, hide, pelt". Yiddish fel refers to untanned hide, in contrast to pelts "tanned hide" (see Pilcher).
Feller English, German, Jewish
Occupational name for a furrier, from an agent derivative of Middle English fell, Middle Low German, Middle High German vel, or German Fell or Yiddish fel "hide, pelt". See also Fell.
Fellows English
English: patronymic from Fellow, from Middle English felagh, felaw late Old English feolaga ‘partner’, ‘shareholder’ (Old Norse félagi, from fé ‘fee’, ‘money’ + legja to lay down)... [more]
Feltham English
Habitational name from either of two places so named Feltham: one southwest of London in Middlesex and the other in Somerset... [more]
Felton English
A habitation name composed of the elements feld-, meaning "field or pasture" and -tun, meaning "settlement."
Fenimore English
From a medieval nickname meaning literally "fine love" (from Old French fin amour).
Fenley English
This surname may be:... [more]
Fenner English
A surname of either Old French origin, allegedly meaning “huntsman”, or else more probably referring to those who were brought over from the Low Countries to assist in draining the “fens” or wetlands of England and Ireland – a process which lasted from the 9th to the 18th centuries.
Fenning English
Topographic name for a fen dweller, from a derivative of Old English fenn (see Fenn).
Fennoy American
Fennoy is a name whose history is connected to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from when the Fennoy family once lived near a marsh or swamp. Another name for wetlands is fen, in the Old English fenn, from which this name is derived.
Fenton English
Originated from several place names in England, meaning “marsh town” from Old English fenn “marsh, fen” + tun “enclosure; settlement, town”.
Fenway English
Meaning, "through the fens," itself meaning, "through the marsh."
Fergus English, Scottish, Irish
From the given name Fergus.
Fernald English
Altered form of French Fernel.
Ferrand French, English
This French surname can be derived from a given name (thus making it a patronymic surname) as well as from a nickname (thus making it a descriptive surname). In the case of a patronymic surname, the surname is derived from the medieval French masculine given name Ferrand, which was a variant form of the name Fernand, itself a contraction of Ferdinand.... [more]
Ferrar English
The Ferrars are the Lincolnshire branch of the noble De Ferrers family. The latter having been linked to Tamworth Castle, manors in Baddesley Clinton, Tutbury Castle and the now ruined Groby Castle as well as many other estates around the UK.... [more]
Fett English
Nickname from Old French fait, Middle English fet meaning "suitable", "comely".
Feverel English
From a Middle English form of February, probably used as a nickname either for someone born in that month or for someone with a suitably frosty demeanor. In fiction, this surname was borne by the central character of George Meredith's novel 'The Ordeal of Richard Feverel' (1859).
Fey German, English, French, Danish
English: variant of Fay. ... [more]
Ffelan English
Anglisized version of the Gaelic Ó Faoláin meaning "descendent of Faolán", a given name meaning "wolf".
Ffrench English
English and Scottish:... [more]
Fielder English
Southern English from Middle English felder ‘dweller by the open country’.
Fieldhouse English
Topographic name for someone who lived in a house in open pasture land. Reaney draws attention to the form de Felhouse (Staffordshire 1332), and suggests that this may have become Fellows.
Fielding English
Topographic name from an Old English felding ‘dweller in open country’.
Fieldman English
Meaning "ploughman".
Fiennes English
Derived from Fiennes, a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France region of France. The wealthy and influential Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes family, prominent in British society, originated in northern France... [more]
Fifer German, American, Slovene
Americanized and Slovenian spelling of German Pfeiffer.
Fifield English
Local. Has the same signification as Manorfield. Lands held in fee or fief, for which the individual pays service or owes rent.
Figgins English
Derived from a medieval diminutive of Fulk (such as Fygge or Fulchon).
Figgis English
From a medieval nickname for a trustworthy person (from the Anglo-Norman form of Old French fichais "loyal").
Filbert German, English (Rare), French (Rare)
Derived from the name Filbert, a variant of Philibert.
Filkins English
Means either (i) "person from Filkins", Oxfordshire ("settlement of Filica's people"); or "son of Filkin", a medieval personal name meaning literally "little Phil", from Philip.
Fillery English
From a medieval nickname derived from Anglo-Norman fitz le rei "son of the king" (see also Fitzroy), probably applied mainly (and ironically) to an illegitimate person or to someone who put on quasi-royal airs.
Fillmore English
Of uncertain origin: it could be derived from the Norman given name Filimor, composed of the Germanic elements filu ("very") and mari or meri ("famous"), or it might be a combination of the Saxon elements fille ("abundance") and mere, a word denoting a lake or otherwise humid land.
Fincham English
habitational name from a place in Norfolk so called from Old English finc "finch" and ham "homestead".
Finchem English
This surname came from the Norman’s who had invaded England. The surname Finchem means homestead.
Finck English, German
From the German word for "finch" a type of bird
Fine English (?)
English nickname for a clever or elegant man, from Old French fin ‘fine’, ‘delicate’, ‘skilled’, ‘cunning’ (originally a noun from Latin finis ‘end’, ‘extremity’, ‘boundary’, later used also as an adjective in the sense ‘ultimate’, ‘excellent’).
Finger English, German, Jewish
Probably applied as a nickname for a man who had some peculiarity of the fingers, such as possessing a supernumerary one or having lost one or more of them through injury, or for someone who was small in stature or considered insignificant... [more]
Fink German, Slovene, English, Jewish
Nickname for a lively or cheerful person, Jewish ornamental name derived from the Germanic word for "finch", and German translation of Slovene Šinkovec which is from šcinkovec or šcinkavec meaning "finch".
Finklea English
Variant form of Finkley. A famous bearer was the American actress and dancer Cyd Charisse (1922-2008), whose birth name was Tula Ellice Finklea.
Finkley English
From Finkley, a hamlet in Hampshire, England, derived from Old English finc meaning "finch" and leah meaning "woodland, clearing".
Firman English, French
From a medieval personal name meaning "firm, resolute, strong man." Borne by early saints and bishops. First name variants Firman and Firmin... [more]
Firth English, Scottish, Welsh
English and Scottish: topographic name from Old English (ge)fyrhþe ‘woodland’ or ‘scrubland on the edge of a forest’.... [more]
Fishburne English
Derived from the villages of Fishbourne in West Sussex and the Isle of Wight, or the village and civil parish of Fishburn in County Durham, England, all named from Old English fisc meaning "fish" and burna meaning "stream"... [more]
Fishwick English
habitational name from a place in Lancashire so named from Old English fisc "fish" and wic "building"... [more]
Fiske English, Norwegian
From the traditionally Norwegian habitational surname, from the Old Norse fiskr "fish" and vin "meadow". In England and Denmark it was a surname denoting someone who was a "fisherman" or earned their living from selling fish.
Fitzhugh English
English (Northamptonshire): Anglo-Norman French patronymic (see Fitzgerald) from the personal name Hugh.
Fitzpiers English, Literature
Means "son of Peter" in Anglo-Norman, from a medieval form of Peter, Piers. Edred Fitzpiers is a character in the 18th-century novel The Woodlanders by Thomas Hardy, who is depicted as a new doctor in the small woodland village of Little Hintock, who took an interest in Grace Melbury, one of the characters, Giles Winterborne's childhood sweetheart.
Flack English
Probably from Middle English flack / flak meaning "turf, sod" (as found in the place name Flatmoor, in Cambridgeshire), and hence perhaps an occupational name for a turf cutter.
Flag English (Rare), English (African), German (Rare)
Habitual surname for someone who lived in or near a bog or peat soil, from Old Norse flag(ge). Also used as a variant of Flack.
Flake English
Surname. Meaning, "lives by a swamp."
Flanders English
Given to a person who was from Flanders in the Netherlands (compare Fleming).
Flanner English
This early occupational and mainly 'midlands' English surname, is actually of pre-medieval French origins. Introduced into England at the time of the Norman Conquest of 1066, it derives from the French word flaonet meaning a 'little flan', and described a maker of patisserie or pancakes.
Flash English
Means "person who lives near a pool" (Middle English flasshe "pool, marsh").
Flax English
Metonymic occupational name for someone who grew, sold, or treated flax for weaving into linen cloth,
Fleck English
Meaning unknown. It is used in the 2019 movie Joker as the real name of the titular character played by actor Joaquin Phoenix.
Fleetwood English
Means "From the town of Fleetwood, in Lancaster".
Flemister English (American)
Unknown etymology.
Flemming German, English
German cognate and English variant of Fleming, an ethnic name for someone from Flanders Middle High German vlaeminc... [more]
Flenot American (South, ?)
I think this could be a French Indian name however, it may be misspelled, and I don't know the correct spelling.
Fling Irish, English
Perhaps derived from Flynn.
Flint English, German
Topographic name for someone who lived near a significant outcrop of flint, Old English, Low German flint, or a nickname for a hard-hearted or physically tough individual.
Flinton English
Habitational name from Flinton in the East Yorkshire from Old English flint "flint" and tun "enclosure, yard, town"
Flook English
Derived from the Old Norse given name Flóki.
Flook English
From Old English flōc "flathead, flounder (fish)".
Florence English
Either a patronymic or matronymic from Florence, or to denote someone from Florence, Italy.
Flower English
Occupational name for an arrowsmith, from an agent derivative of Middle English flō ‘arrow’ (Old English flā).
Floyde English
Variant of Floyd.
Fluke English
Variant of Flook. Can also be an Americanized form of German Fluck or Pflug.
Flury English
Variant of Fleury.
Flute English
From the English word flute which is an instrument.
Fluter English
Named after the action of playing a flute or the job of making a flute.
Flutterby English
An English name once used to describe a butterfly.
Flyte English
Means "stream" from Old English fleot.
Foe English (Rare)
From Middle English fo "foe, enemy; hostile", possibly a nickname for someone who played the Devil in a pageant play. Can also be a variant form of Fow.
Folkerts German, English
Derived from the given name Folcher. See also Fulcher
Followill English
Of Norman origin - from Folleville Somme in northern France. The placename Ashby Folville in Leicestershire derives its affix from the de Folevill family who held the manor from the 12th to 14th centuries.
Foot English
Variant of Foote.
Foote English
Nickname for someone with a peculiarity or deformity of the foot, from Middle English fot (Old English fot), or in some cases from the cognate Old Norse byname Fótr.
Force English
From the word "force" meaning waterfall in the North of England.
Forde English, Irish
Variant of Ford. This is a very common spelling in Ireland.
Fordham English
Habitational name from any of the places in Cambridgeshire, Essex, and Norfolk named Fordham, from Old English ford ‘ford’ + ham ‘homestead’ or hamm ‘enclosure hemmed in by water’.
Fordson English
Patronymic form of Ford.
Fore English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Fahr.
Forman English
An occupational surname for a keeper of swine, Middle English foreman, from Old English for hog, "pig" and mann ‘man’. The word is attested in this sense from the 15th century but is not used specifically for the leader of a gang of workers before the late 16th century.
Formby English
From the name of a town in Merseyside, England, meaning "Forni's village". The second part is derived from Old Norse býr meaning "farm, settlement". A famous bearer is George Formby (1904-1961), English comedian and entertainer.
Forster English (Anglicized), German, Jewish, Slovak
English: occupational and topographic name for someone who lived or worked in a forest (see Forrest). ... [more]
Fort French, Walloon, English, Catalan
Either a nickname from Old French Middle English Catalan fort "strong brave" (from Latin fortis). Compare Lefort... [more]
Forton English
Habitational name from any of the places in Hampshire Lancashire Shropshire and Staffordshire named Forton from Old English ford "ford" and tun "settlement enclosure".
Fosdick English
From Fosdyke in Lincolnshire, England, meaning "fox dyke".
Fossoyeur American
A surname meaning "Gravedigger" in French.
Fouch English
not sure how i can up with this but i used it for my hp professor oc
Foulkes English (Anglicized, ?)
English variant spelling of Foulks.
Foulks English
English from a Norman personal name, a short form of various Germanic names formed with folk ‘people’. See also Volk.
Fountain English
Topographic name for someone who lived near a spring or well, from Middle English fontayne, "fountain".
Fow English
Derived from Middle English fou "spotted, stippled, multicoloured".
Foweather English
Derived from the place name Fawether, Bingley, itself a combination of Middle English fah "multicoloured, stippled" and hather "heather"... [more]
Fowl English, Popular Culture
This name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and derives from the Old English pre 7th Century word fugol, "fowl", "bird", which was used as a byname and as a personal name. The medieval form of the word was the Middle English development foul, fowl(e), used as a continuation of the Old English personal name and also as a nickname for someone who in some way resembled a bird.
Foxe English
Variant of Fox
Foxwell English
Means "fox stream", from Old English fox and well(a), meaning stream.
Foxworth English
Variant of Foxworthy, a habitational name derived from the unattested Old English given name Færoc and worþig "estate, enclosure, homestead".
Foxx English
Variant of Fox.
Fraley English (American)
Anglicized/Americanized version of the German surname "Frohlich", meaning "happy" or "cheerful".
Frame English, Scottish
From the Old English word fram, meaning "vigorous, strong, brave".
Frampton English
English: habitational name from any of various places so called, of which there are several in Gloucestershire and one in Dorset. Most take the name from the Frome river (which is probably from a British word meaning ‘fair’, ‘brisk’) + Old English tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’... [more]
Franck English, French
From the given name Franck.
Frankham English, Anglo-Norman
Status name from Old French franc, fraunc "free" and homme "man", equivalent to Freeman.
Frankland English
Status name for a person whom lived on an area of land without having to pay obligations. From Norman French frank, 'free' and Middle English land, 'land'. This surname is common in Yorkshire.... [more]
Frankly English (Rare)
Variant of Frank (1).
Franks English
This surname is derived from the given name Frank.
Frankson English
This surname means "son of Frank."
Franson English
This surname means “son of Francis”.
Fray French, English
From the German surname Frey or the Old French given name FRAY.
Frederick English
Derived from the given name Frederick.
Fredericks English
Patronymic from Frederick.
Fredric English
From the given name Fredric