American Submitted Surnames

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Lyss English
Variant of Lys.
Lytwyn English
English transliteration of Ukrainian литвин (see Lytvyn).
Mabbett English
From a pet-form of the medieval female personal name Mabbe, a shortened form of Amabel (ultimately from Latin amābilis "lovable")... [more]
Mabry English, Irish
Variant spelling of Mayberry.
Macdoof English, Scottish
It is based off of a book character (or two given names into one).... [more]
Mace English, French
English: from a medieval personal name, a survival of Old English Mæssa, which came to be taken as a pet form of Matthew.... [more]
Machen English
Occupational name for a stonemason, Anglo-Norman French machun, a Norman dialect variant of Old French masson (see Mason).
Machuca American (Hispanic, Hispanicized, Modern, Rare)
in Spanish and Portuguese Machuca means "to squash" or "to crush." it is a Hispanic surname
Macklin English, Scottish
Meaning unknown, but it might be related to MacLean.
Mackson English
Means "son of Mack 2".
Madeley English
English: habitational name from places so named in Shropshire and Staffordshire, named in Old English with the personal name Mada + leah ‘woodland clearing’.
Madkins English
Metronymic from a pet form of the personal name Madde.
Madox English
Variant of Maddox.
Maggs English
Metronymic from the medieval personal name Mag.
Magill English
Magnum English
Possibly derived from the given name Magnus. It is borne by the fictional character Thomas Magnum, the protagonist on the American television series Magnum, P.I. (1980-1988).
Magnuson English
Means "Son of Magnus".
Mahloy English (American)
Mahloy is a misspelling of Malloy by Charles Malloy's (b. 1898, Scotland) elementary school teacher in the Ireland. The surname Malloy is derived from the pre 10th century Old Gaelic name O'Maolmhuidh, meaning the descendant of the Great Chief.
Mahomes American
With Gaelic origins, Mahomes is a surname that is derived from the word “mathghamhan”, which means “bear”. A famous individual with the name is NFL Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes.
Maides English
Maides is an almost extinct surname which has decreased significantly in popularity since the 19th century, though has always been relatively uncommon. The surname is today most popular in Leicestershire but the family bearing the surname from that area seem to have originated from the south of Warwickshire... [more]
Maidment English
Occupational name for a servant of maidens (such as nuns), from Middle English maiden (ultimately from Old English mægden) meaning "young girl, virgin, maiden" and man ending with an excrescent -t.
Main Scottish, English, French, Norman
Various origins explained include:... [more]
Maine Scottish, English
Scottish and English variant spelling of Main.
Mainer English
Variant of Mayner.
Maison English
Variant of Mayson.
Maison English
Variant spelling of Mason.
Maitland English, Scottish
Possibly from Mautalant, the name of a place in Pontorson, France meaning "inhospitable" or "bad temper" in Norman French (ultimately from Late Latin malum "bad" and talentum "inclination, disposition"), which was so named because of its unproductive soil; or perhaps it was originally a nickname for an ungracious individual, derived from the same source.
Makepeace English
From a medieval nickname for a skilled conciliator. It was borne by English cricketer Harry Makepeace (1881-1952).
Makice American (Modern, Rare)
Taken as a new common familyname by Kevin McGrew Isbister and Amy Elizabeth Clendening. They scrambled their initials (KMI and AEC), and came up with “Makice” as their family name.
Makinson English
Means "son of Makin", Makin or Maykin being a medieval diminutive of Matthew... [more]
Malcolm English
From the given name Malcolm.
Malcolmson English
This surname means “son of Malcolm”.
Male English
Nickname for a virile man, from Middle English male meaning "masculine".
Malham English
From a town in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
Malin English, French, Dutch
From the given name Malin (English), and from the given name Madalin composed of the Germanic element madal meaning "council" (French, Dutch).
Mallard English
Either (i) from the Old French male personal name Malhard, brought into England by the Normans but ultimately of Germanic origin and meaning literally "council-brave"; or (ii) from a medieval nickname for someone thought to resemble a male wild duck.
Mallery English
1 English: see Mallory .... [more]
Mallett English
Possible origins Malet a medieval diminutive of Mal(le) being a pet form of and name Mary, could also be of Norman origin from the Old French personal name Malhard.
Mallows English
From Anglo-Saxon origins, meaning "The cross or mark on the hill". This surname is taken from the location 'Mallows Green' in England.
Malpass English, Scottish, French
Habitational name from any of various places named Malpas, because of the difficulty of the terrain, from Old French mal pas "bad passage" (Latin malus passus). It is a common French minor place name, and places in Cheshire, Cornwall, Gwent, and elsewhere in England were given this name by Norman settlers... [more]
Malthouse English
Occupational name for a maker of malt or a malt merchant. It could also be a topographic name for a person who lived at a malt house.
Manchester English
Habitational name from the city in northwestern England, formerly part of Lancashire. This is so called from Mamucio (an ancient British name containing the element mammā "breast", and meaning "breast-shaped hill") combined with Old English ceaster "Roman fort or walled city" (Latin castra "legionary camp").
Maness English (American)
Probably a variant of Manes.
Manford English
Place name for "Munda's ford" from an Old English personal name Munda, the same element in the second syllable of Edmund and ford meaning a waterway crossing.
Manhattan English
From the name of the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City, in the U.S. state of New York. Derived from the Munsee Lenape language term manaháhtaan (where manah- means "gather", -aht- means "bow" and -aan is an abstract element used to form verb stems), meaning "the place where we get bows" or "place for gathering the (wood to make) bows"... [more]
Manley English
Habitational name from places in Devon and Cheshire, named in Old English as "common wood or clearing", from (ge)mǣne "common, shared" and lēah "woodland clearing". The surname is still chiefly found in the regions around these villages.
Mannin English, Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Irish Ó Mainnin (see Mainnín).
Manning English, Irish (Anglicized)
English patronymic from Mann. ... [more]
Manningham English
Means "Manning's estate" from Old English ham "home, estate, settlement".
Mansfield English
Means "open land by the River Maun," from the Celtic river name + the Old English word "feld."
Manson English, Scottish
Manson is a surname of Scottish origin. It is an anglicised version of the Scandinavian name Magnusson, meaning son of Magnus... [more]
Mantan African American
The name Mantan may have come from the Irish and or English surname Manton.
Mantia English (?)
This is my last name. I honestly don't know where it came from. But it's a last name because it's mine lol
Manton English
Locational surname, derived from old English "the dweller near the chalky or sandy earth."
Mapes English
From the given name Mable
Maple English
Name for a person who lived near a maple tree, from Middle English mapel, and Old English mapul.
Maples English
Variant of Maple, probably a name for plural Maple, a famous bearer of this name is Marla Maples (1963-).
Mapleton English
The surname Mapleton was first found in Kent where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor.
Mapp English
From a variant of the medieval female personal name Mabbe, a shortened form of Amabel. A fictional bearer is Elizabeth Mapp, busybodyish spinster in the 'Mapp and Lucia' novels of E.F. Benson.
Marable French, English
From the feminine personal name Mirabel, equated in medieval records with Latin mirabilis "marvelous", "wonderful" (in the sense "extraordinary").
Marant English, French
Probably a variant of Morant.
Marcey English
Variant of Mercer.
March English
From the English word meaning, "to walk stiffly and proudly" or possibly from the month.
Marchant French, English, Spanish
Variant of Marchand, from French marchand meaning "merchant, mercantile". Though it is of French origin, it was transferred into the Spanish-speaking world, especially Chile, by French invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.
Marcus English
Marcus is a surname derived from the given name of Ancient Roman pre-Christian origin derived either from Etruscan Marce of unknown meaning (possibly from the Etruscan "mar" which means "to harvest"), or referring to the god Mars... [more]
Marcy English
Variant of Marcey.
Mardell English
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Marden.
Mariner English, Catalan
Occupational name from Middle English mariner "sailor seaman boatman" (Anglo-Norman French mariner Old French marinier marnier merinier) Catalan mariner (from Late Latin marinarius a derivative of marinus "marine").
Marison English (Rare)
Means “son of Mary”.
Mark English, German, Dutch
Topographic name for someone who lived on a boundary between two districts, from Middle English merke, Middle High German marc, Middle Dutch marke, merke, all meaning "borderland"... [more]
Markes English
Variant spelling of Marks.
Market English
One who lived by a market.
Markham English
English name from a place in Nottinghamshire, named in Old English as 'homestead at a (district) boundary', from mearc 'boundary' + ham 'homestead'. English surname used as an equivalent of Gaelic Ó Marcacháin 'descendant of Marcachán', a diminutive of Marcach (see Markey).
Markland English
From Old English mearc meaning "boundary" and lanu meaning "lane", it is a habitational name from a place in the town of Wigan in Greater Manchester, England. It can also be a topographic name for someone who lived by a stretch of border or boundary land, or a status name for someone who held land with an annual value of one mark.
Markley English
From Old English mearc meaning "border, mark" combined with leah meaning "clearing, grove."
Marks English
This surname is derived either from the name Mark or from Old English mearc meaning "border, mark."
Marksman English
An occupational surname indicating a person who was a hunter, especially a skilled one.
Markson English
This surname means "son of Mark."
Marlborough English
From the name of the market town and civil parish of Marlborough in Wiltshire, England, derived from the Old English given name Mǣrla and beorg meaning "hill, mound".
Marmion English, French, Irish
1. English (of Norman origin) and French: nickname from old French marmion “monkey”, “brat”. ... [more]
Marner English, German
Occupational name for a sailor from Anglo-Norman French mariner Middle, High German marnære "seaman". English variant of Mariner.
Maron English (American)
Americanized form of Maroń.
Marple English
Means "boundary stream" from Old English maere (boundary), and pyll (stream).
Marquis French, English
for someone who behaved like a marquis or an occupational name for a servant in the household of a marquis, from Old Northern French marquis... [more]
Marriott English, French
Derived from Mary.
Marris English
Variant of Mares.
Mars English
From the given name Mars
Marsher English
Likely from “marsh”.
Marsland English
Probably derived from some place named as being a boggy place, from Old English mersc meaning "marsh" and land meaning "land". Alternatively, it may be a variant of Markland.
Martelle English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese
English and German: from a medieval personal name, a pet form of Martin or Marta.... [more]
Marvel English
Either (i) from a medieval nickname (often ironic) for someone regarded as a prodigy; or (ii) "person from Merville", the name of two places in northern France ("smaller settlement" and "settlement belonging to a man with a Germanic name beginning with Meri-, literally 'famous'")... [more]
Marwood English
From the name of two places named Marwood in England, or a nickname for a person who "casts an evil eye", derived from Norman French malreward meaning "evil eye, glance".
Marye English
Derived from Old French marais "a marsh". It may have arisen as a surname from the place name (Le) Marais in Calvados, Normandy.
Masey English, Scottish, French, Norman
English and Scottish (of Norman origin) and French: habitational name from any of various places in northern France which get their names from the Gallo-Roman personal name Maccius + the locative suffix -acum.... [more]
Massacre African American
This surname comes from the English word massacre.
Masse English, French
English: variant of Mace ... [more]
Masseter English
Perhaps means "brewery worker" (from Middle English mash "fermentable mixture of hot water and grain" + rudder "rudder-shaped stirrer").
Massie English
Variant of Massey.
Massingberd English
Perhaps from a medieval nickname for someone with an auburn or reddish beard (from Middle English massing "brass" + berd "beard").
Massingham Anglo-Saxon, English
The name is tribal and probably Anglo-Saxon, and translates as the 'hamm' (place or village) of the Maessa (Mass) tribe. These people are also recorded in Lincoln, as 'Massingberd', the castle (berg) of the Maessa tribe.
Massy English
Variant of Massey.
Masten English
This surname came from when a family lived in the settlements named Marsden in Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire.
Masterman English
occupational name meaning "servant of the master" from Middle English maister "master" (Latin magister "teacher, master, leader") and mann "man".
Mastin English
Variant of Maston.
Mathis German, German (Swiss), Flemish, Alsatian, English
Derived from the given name Matthias.
Matlock English
Derived from a place name (Matlock in Derbyshire) meaning ‘meeting-place oak’ from Old English mæthel ‘meeting’, ‘gathering’, ‘council’ and ac ‘oak’.
Matonti English
My grandfathers last name from Italy . He grew up in Naples but the name is from a small country village by Tuscany named Matonti. That's all we know so far.
Matsen English
Variant of Matson, Mattsen, etc.
Matthew English, Scottish
Derived from the given name Matthew.
Matthias German, Dutch, English, Welsh, Greek
German and Dutch: from the personal name Matthias (see Matthew).... [more]
Mattison English
Means son of "Matthew"
Mattocks English
An occupation name for a digger or pryer.
Mattsen English
Variant of Matson.
Mattson English
Anglicized form of Mattsson or a variant of Matson.
Maudling English
From the medieval female personal name Maudeleyn, the English form of Greek Magdalene, the sobriquet in the New Testament of the woman Mary who was cured of evil spirits by Jesus... [more]
Maughan Irish, English
Anglicized from the original Irish Gaelic form Ò Mocháin meaning 'descendant of Mochain'. This name was one of the earliest known Irish surnames brought to England and remains a fairly common surname in the North East of the country.
Maurice English, French
This surname is taken from a given name which is derived from the Roman name Mauritius, a derivative of Maurus.
Mauris English
This surname may be a variant of Maurice.
Maury French, Occitan, English
As a French name, it derives from a short form of the given name Amaury (see Emery)... [more]
Maverick English (Rare)
Surname notably borne by Texas lawyer, politician and land baron Samuel Maverick (1803-1870) to whom the word maverick was coined.
Mavros English (American)
Means "Black" in Greek.
Maxfield English
Habitational name from places so named in England.
Maxon English
Variants of Mackson or Maxson.
Maxson Popular Culture, English
Means son of Max. This is the surname of the hereditary leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel in the popular Fallout game. The first bearer of the name was Captain Roger Maxson, who founded the BOS, with the most recent bearer being Arthur Maxson, the current leader of the BOS in Fallout 4.
Maxton English
From a place name meaning "Maccus' settlement".
Mayberry English, Irish
Of uncertain origin, probably an altered form of Mowbray. Possibly it is derived from an English place name.
Maybree English
Variant of Mabry.
Maye English
English variant spelling of May.
Mayfair English
Locational surname based off Mayfair, a district in the City of Westminster in London, England.
Mayfield English
From the surname but also a given name that reminds some of Springtime
Mayfleet English
Used in The City of Ember as the main character's (Lina Mayfleet) last name.
Mayhew English
Mayhew is an Old French variant of Matthew and means "gift of God."
Mayne Scottish, English
Scottish and English variant spelling of Main.
Mayson English
Variant of Mason.
Mc English
Variant of Mac
Mccain English
"Son of warrior"
Mccaw American
Famous bearer of this surname is NBA basketball player is Patrick McCaw (1995-).
McClaine English
Variant of McClain. This name is borne by the American comic book artist Les McClaine (1977-)
McClurkin English (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of the Irish surname Mac Cléireacháin, a variant of Mac Cléirich. A famous bearer of this surname is pastor and gospel singer Donnie McClurkin (1959-).
McCorvey English
A notable bearer was Norma McCorvey (1947-2017), who was the plaintiff for the case that legalized abortion across the United States.
Mcgonagle American
Irish (Donegal) and Scottish (Glasgow): Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Conghail, a patronymic from the personal name Conghal, composed of Celtic elements meaning 'hound' + 'valor'.
McMaster English, Scottish
Patronymic for someone who was the son of the Master, i.e., a cleric
Mcmath Scottish, English
Means "son of Math".
Mcrayne English, Scottish
Means "son of the queen," combining the surname Rayne with the prefix Gaelic prefix mac, meaning "son."