American Submitted Surnames

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Fredrickson English, Swedish (Rare)
Means "son of Fredrick", sometimes used as an Americanized spelling of Fredriksson or Fredriksen.
Free English
Nickname or status name from Old English frēo "free(-born)", i.e. not a serf.
Frémont French (Americanized), English (American)
Fremont is a French surname meaning Free Mountain. People include John Frémont a US Explorer and Politician who fought in the Mexican-American War to free California and many places named after him, Including Fremont, California, and Fremont Nebraska.
Fresh English
Probably a nickname for someone who's young.
Frett English
English from Middle English frette, Old French frete ‘interlaced work (in metal and precious stones)’ such as was used for hair ornaments and the like, hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of such pieces.
Fretwell English
Taken from the Old English "freht," meaning "augury," and "well," meaning "spring, stream."
Frewin English
From the Middle English personal name Frewine, literally "noble or generous friend".
Friar English
Denoted a member of any of certain religious orders of men, especially the four mendicant orders. (Augustinians, Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans)
Frias English
English form of Frías.
Friedman English (American), Jewish
Americanized form of Friedmann as well as a Jewish cognate of this name.
Friend English
Nickname for a companionable person, from Middle English frend "friend" (Old English freond). In the Middle Ages the term was also used to denote a relative or kinsman, and the surname may also have been acquired by someone who belonged to the family of someone who was a more important figure in the community
Frisby English
Means "person from Frisby", Leicestershire ("farmstead of the Frisians"). A frisbee is a plastic disc thrown from person to person as a game; the trademarked name, registered in 1959 by Fred Morrison, was inspired by the Frisbie bakery of Bridgeport, Connecticut, whose pie tins were the original models for the plastic discs.
Frith English, Scottish
From Old English friþ "peace, refuge, sanctuary", probably denoting a person who lives in a sanctuary or at peace. It also be a variant of English surname Firth.
Frizzell English (Rare)
Either (i) from Friseal, the Scottish Gaelic form of Fraser; or (ii) from a medieval nickname applied to someone who dressed in a showy or gaudy style (from Old French frisel "decoration, ribbon").
Frobisher English
The surname Frobisher is derived from an occupation, 'the furber' or 'furbisher.' (Middle English fourbishour, from Old French forbisseor). A furbisher was a scourer of armour and metals generally, found also as' furbearer.' Frobisher is the most prominent modern form of the surname... [more]
Frog English
From the English word frog which is a type of amphibian.
Froggatt English
Topographical name from the village of Froggatt in Derbyshire.
Froment French, Walloon, English
from French froment "wheat" (from Latin frumentum "grain") probably applied as a nickname for a peasant or as metonymic occupational name for a dealer in wheat... [more]
Froud English
From the Old English personal name Frōda or Old Norse Fróði, both meaning literally "wise" or "prudent". A variant spelling was borne by British historian James Anthony Froude (1818-1894).
Fruitman English
Likely referring to someone who sold fruit.
Fulcher English
English (chiefly East Anglia): from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements folk ‘people’ + hari, heri ‘army’, which was introduced into England from France by the Normans; isolated examples may derive from the cognate Old English Folchere or Old Norse Folkar, but these names were far less common.
Fullerton English
Habitational name from a place in Scotland. Derived from Old English fugol "bird" and tun "settlement, enclosure".
Furlong English, Irish
Apparently a topographic name from Middle English furlong ‘length of a field’ (from Old English furh meaning "furro" + lang meaning "long".
Furman Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish, Slovene, English, German (Anglicized)
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic), and Slovenian: occupational name for a carter or drayman, the driver of a horse-drawn delivery vehicle, from Polish, Yiddish, and Slovenian furman, a loanword from German (see Fuhrmann)... [more]
Furneaux French (Anglicized), English
Locational surname from any of several places in France called Fourneaux, or from fourneau "furnace".
Furse English
Variant of Furze
Furze English
Given to someone who lived by a field of furzes, a type of flower
Fyfe English
From the place 'Fyfe'
Fyler English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Feiler.
Fynch English
Variant of Finch.
Fyres English (Rare)
Variant of Ayres or Ayers.... [more]
Gabbett English
From the middle English Gabbett, which is from a pet form of the personal name Gabriel.
Gable English
Northern English: of uncertain origin, perhaps a habitational name from a minor place named with Old Norse gafl ‘gable’, which was applied to a triangular-shaped hill. The mountain called Great Gable in Cumbria is named in this way.... [more]
Gabriella English (American)
Derived from the given name Gabriella.
Gadbury English
Habitational name from Cadborough, alias Gateborough, in Rye, Sussex, probably so named from Old English gāt meaning "goat" + beorg meaning "hill".
Gaetz English (American)
Americanization of Gätz.
Gaffney English (American)
This may sound like the female given name Daphne
Gain English
Variant of Gaines.
Gaines English, Norman, Welsh
English (of Norman origin): nickname for a crafty or ingenious person, from a reduced form of Old French engaine ‘ingenuity’, ‘trickery’ (Latin ingenium ‘native wit’). The word was also used in a concrete sense of a stratagem or device, particularly a trap.... [more]
Gainsborough English
From the city of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, England. A famous bearer of this surname includes English painter Thomas Gainsborough.
Gaisford English
Habitational name from a lost or unidentified place.
Gaither English
Occupational name for a goatherd, derived from Middle English gaytere literally meaning "goatherd".
Gall Scottish, Irish, English
Nickname, of Celtic origin, meaning "foreigner" or "stranger". In the Scottish Highlands the Gaelic term gall was applied to people from the English-speaking lowlands and to Scandinavians; in Ireland the same term was applied to settlers who arrived from Wales and England in the wake of the Anglo-Norman invasion of the 12th century... [more]
Gallant English
Nickname for a cheerful or high-spirited person, from Old French, Middle English galant "bold, dashing, lively". The meanings "gallant" and "attentive to women" are further developments, which may lie behind some examples of the surname.
Gallion English, French
Derived from the given name Galian.
Gally English
Variant of Galley.
Galpin English
English: occupational name for a messenger or scullion (in a monastery), from Old French galopin ‘page’, ‘turnspit’, from galoper ‘to gallop’.
Galt English
An early member was a person with a fancied resemblance to the wild boar.
Gamble English
from the Old Norse byname Gamall meaning "old", which was occasionally used in North England during the Middle Ages as a personal name. ... [more]
Gambon English, Irish
Derived from Anglo-Norman French gambon meaning "ham", itself derived from a Norman-Picard form of Old French jambe meaning "leg". A famous bearer is the Irish-English actor Sir Michael Gambon (1940-).
Gammon English
From a medieval nickname applied to a merry or sportive person (from Middle English gamen "game"), or to someone who walked in a strange way or had some peculiarity of the legs (from Anglo-Norman gambon "ham").
Gardlin English (American, Rare)
Possibly an anglicized form of a Swedish surname like Gardelin.
Garington English
Possibly from the given name Gareth.
Garison English
Means “son of Gary”.
Garlick English
(i) "grower or seller of garlic"; (ii) perhaps from a medieval personal name descended from Old English Gārlāc, literally "spear-play"; (iii) an anglicization of the Belorussian Jewish name Garelick, literally "distiller"
Garrick English
From the first name Garrick.
Garrison English
Patronymic from Garrett.
Garson Scottish, French, English, German (Anglicized), Spanish, Jewish
Variant of Scottish Carson and Corston, French Garçon, Spanish-Jewish Garzon and English Garston, or an Americanised form of German Gerson... [more]
Garth English
Means "garden" from northern Middle English garth (Old Norse garþr, garðr) "piece of enclosed ground; garden, paddock" originally denoting one who lived near or worked in a garden.
Garton English
habitational name from Garton or Garton on the Wolds in the East Yorkshire or from various minor places so named from Old English gara "triangular plot of land" and tun "farmstead".
Garvin English
Derived from the Old English given name Garwine meaning "spear friend".
Garwood English
Comes from a lost locational name from the Olde English gara, referring to a "triangular piece of land" or to a "spearhead", and wudu meaning a "wood".
Gascoigne English
Originally denoted a person from the province of Gascony in France. A famous bearer is the English former soccer player Paul Gascoigne (1967-). Another was the television host and author Bamber Gascoigne (1935-2022).
Gascoine English
Variant form of Gascoigne.
Gascoyne English
Variant of Gascoigne, which was originally a regional name for someone from the province of Gascony, via Old French Gascogne.
Gaskill English
Meaning "Goat Shelter". English (Lancashire) habitual name from Gatesgill in Cumbria, so named from Old Norse geit ‘goat’ + skáli ‘shelter’. The surname is first recorded in the early half of the 14th Century.
Gasper English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jasper. George Gasper is a famous American Mathematician.
Gatenby English
Derives from the place of Gatenby in North Yorkshire, which comes from an Old Norse personal name "Gaithen", likely from Old Norse geitin "goats" (later influenced by Old English gāt "goat") and the suffix býr "farm, settlement", referring to a settlement with goats... [more]
Gatlin English
English of uncertain origin; probably a variant of Catlin or Gadling, a nickname from Old English gœdeling ‘kinsman’, ‘companion’, but also ‘low fellow’.
Gatling English, German (Anglicized)
English variant of Gatlin. Possibly a respelling of German Gättling (see also Gatlin).
Gatton English
Gat means "goat" and ton from tun means "enclosure".
Gaudet Louisiana Creole
Derived from the Germanic personal name Waldo (from waldan ‘to govern’).
Gauge English
Variant of Gage.
Gaunt English
This name is believed to have derived "from the town of Gaunt, now Ghent, in Flanders."... [more]
Gavin Scottish, English
From the given name Gavin.
Gavitt English
Perhaps an altered spelling of the middle English Gabbett, which is from a pet form of the personal name Gabriel.
Gawel Polish, English (Americanized), German (Germanized)
Variant of Gaweł, particularly outside of Poland.
Gawkrodger English
From a medieval nickname meaning "clumsy Roger".
Gawthrop English
habitational name from any of several places in Yorkshire and Lancashire called Gawthorpe or Gowthorpe all of which are named from Old Norse gaukr "cuckoo" and þorp "enclosure" meaning "village where cuckoo's frequented".
Gay English, French
Nickname for a lighthearted or cheerful person, from Middle English and Old French gai "happy, cheerful, joyous".
Gay English
Habitational name from a settlement in Normandy called Gaye, possibly derived from a Germanic person name cognate with Wade 2, or perhaps related to Old French gayere "wet ground" or goille "puddle, quagmire".
Gaydos Hungarian, English
Anglicized spelling of Hungarian GAJDOS.
Gaye English
Possibly a nickname for a cheerful person, derived from the archaic word "gay" meaning "happy". A famous bearer was the American singer Marvin Gaye (1939-1984).
Gayler English (American)
Variant of Gaylord
Gaylord English
Derived from Old French gaillard meaning "high-spirited, boistrous".
Gear English
Derived from the Germanic name element ger, meaning "spear".
Gearhart English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Gierhard, a variant of Gerhardt.
Gearing English
probably an Americanized spelling of Gehring
Gee Irish, Scottish, English, French
Irish and Scottish: reduced form of McGee, Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Aodha ‘son of Aodh’ (see McCoy). ... [more]
Gegge English
Medieval English variant of Gegg.
Genain English (American, ?)
This pseudonym was used to protect the identities of the Morlok sisters, identical quadruplets born in 1930. All four developed schizophrenia, suggesting a large genetic component to the cause of the disease.
Geoffrey English, French
From the given name Geoffrey
Georgia English
From the given name Georgia.
Gerald English
Derived from the given name Gerald.
Geraldson English
Means "son of Gerald".
Gere English
Variant of Geer, Gehr or Geary, all related to the Old High German element gēr (Old English gār, Old Norse geirr) meaning "spear, arrow". A famous bearer is American actor Richard Gere (b... [more]
German English, Norman, German, Jewish, Greek
From Old French germain meaning "German". This sometimes denoted an actual immigrant from Germany, but was also used to refer to a person who had trade or other connections with German-speaking lands... [more]
Germany English
English (eastern): habitational name from Middle English Germanie, denoting the parts of Continental Europe inhabited by ancient Germanic peoples.
Gerrard English
From the given name Gerrard.
Gerry English
Diminutive of names containing ger, meaning "spear".
Gershon English, Hebrew
Hebrew One of the tribes of Israel ... [more]
Gervais English, French
From the French given name Gervais, cognate with English Jarvis.
Gibbon English
English from the medieval personal name Gibbon, a pet form of Gibb.
Gibbons English
Patronymic formed from a diminutive of Gib.
Gibs English
Variant of Gibbs
Gideon English, Jewish
From the given name Gideon.
Gidlow English
The first recorded use of the name is from 1291; Robert de Gidlow was a freeholder in Aspull, Lancanshire, United Kingdom and the name occurs frequently down to the 17th century. The Gidlow family moved to the United States in the mid-18th century where the spelling was changed to Goodlow and eventually to Goodloe.
Gierc English, Polish
Pronounciation: Rhymes with "pierce." Hard "g" (as in "goat"). ... [more]
Gifford English
Gifford is an English name for someone who comes from Giffords Hall in Suffolk. In Old English, it was Gyddingford, or "ford associated with Gydda." Alternatively, it could come from the Middle English nickname, "Giffard," from Old French meaning "chubby-cheeked."
Gilberts English, Dutch
Derived from the given name Gilbert.
Gilbertson English
Means "son of Gilbert".
Gilby English
Means either (i) "person from Gilby", Lincolnshire ("Gilli's farm"); or (ii) "little Gilbert".
Gilkeson English, Scottish
From the Scottish Gilchristson(son of Gilchrist) meaning "son of the servant/devotee of Christ"
Gillard English
English from a pejorative derivative of the personal name Giles.
Gillard English, French, Swiss
English and French from an assimilated form of the personal name Gislehard, a compound of Old High German gisel ‘hostage’, ‘pledge’, ‘noble youth’ (see Giesel) + hard ‘hardy’... [more]
Gillette English, French
English: from a feminine form of Gillett.... [more]
Gillian English
From the first name Gillian.
Gilliard English, Northern Irish
English and northern Irish (county Down) variant of Gillard.
Gillibrand English
From the Norman personal name Gillebrand, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "hostage-sword".
Gillingham English
Habitational name from places in Dorset, Norfolk, and Kent, named Gillingham, 'homestead
Gilly English
Variant of Gilley.
Gilpin English, Irish, Northern Irish
English: in the northeast, from the Gilpin river in Cumbria; in southern counties, probably a variant of Galpin. ... [more]
Gilson English, French (Belgian)
Means "son of Gill" or "son of Giles".
Gilton English
from Mcgilton
Gingell English
Either (i) from a shortened form of the Germanic personal name Gangulf, literally "walking wolf"; or (ii) a different form of Gingold.
Gipson English (American)
Variant of Gibson more commonly used in the United States.
Gire English (American), German
Americanized form of German Gaier or Geyer.
Girling English
From a medieval nickname applied to a brave man (or, with heavy irony, to a cowardly one), from Old French cuer de lion "lion heart".
Glad English, Scandinavian
Nickname for a cheerful person, from Middle English, Scandinavian glad "merry, jolly".
Glad English
From a short form of the various Old English personal names with a first element glæd "shining, joyful". Compare Gladwin.
Gladding English
Given as a nickname to someone who is glad, in high spirits, and happy.
Gladney English
Probably means "bright island", from the Old English element glæd "bright" (cf. Glædwine) and the English element ney "island" (cf.... [more]
Glasgow English (American), English (British)
Derived from the city of Glasgow in Scotland.
Gleave English
Means either "sword-maker" or "sword-seller", or else from a nickname applied to a skilled swordsman (in either case from Middle English gleyve "sword").
Glendon Scottish, English
From the first name, which means "from the dark glen" in Scottish Gaelic.
Glissen English, Irish
Possible British version of the Irish surname Glasson from the the Gaelic word O’Glasain. Meaning green from the counties of Tipperary.
Gloster English
habitational name from the city of Gloucester. The place originally bore the British name Glevum (apparently from a cognate of Welsh gloyw "bright") to which was added the Old English element ceaster "Roman fort or walled city" (from Latin castrum "legionary camp")... [more]
Gloucester English
habitational name from the city of Gloucester. The place originally bore the British name Glevum (apparently from a cognate of Welsh gloyw "bright") to which was added the Old English element ceaster "Roman fort or walled city" (from Latin castrum "legionary camp")... [more]
Glowczenski American
This is my surname. My cousin Steve Glowzenski, had the C dropped along the way somewhere, probably the military.
Gober English, French
The surname Gober was first found in Warwickshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor. The Norman influence of English history dominated after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The language of the courts was French for the next three centuries and the Norman ambience prevailed.
Gobert French, German, English
From the given name Gobert a compressed form of Godebert composed of the ancient Germanic elements god "good" or god/got "god" and berht "bright famous".
Goble English
From “Gobble”, meaning “to gorge, to guzzle”
Godil English
English: habitational name for someone from Gadshill in Kent, either of two places called Godshill in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, or Godsell Farm in Wiltshire, which were all originally named Godeshyll ‘God's hill’.
Godin English
Comes from the Germanic personal name Godin-, a pet form of any of various compound names beginning with god, got ‘god’. Compare Godbold, Goddard, and Godfrey.
Godwin English
Derived from the first name Godwine.
Godwinson English
Means "Son of Godwin". First born by Harold Godwinson. From his father Godwine, Earl of Wessex... [more]
Goforth English
Probably given to someone who likes to lead
Goldburg English, Jewish
Anglicized form of Goldberg.
Golden English
From the English word golden, likely a nickname for someone with blonde hair.
Goldfarb English, German, Jewish
Goldfarb is a Jewish occupational name that was originally derived from the Old German word gold.
Goldring German, English, Jewish
This surname was probably given to someone who wore a gold ring.
Goldsmith English
Occupational name for a worker in gold, a compound of Old English gold "gold" and smið "smith". In North America it is very often an English translation of German or Jewish Goldschmidt.
Goldthwaite English
Possibly derived from Guilthwaite in South Yorkshire, which is named from Old Norse gil meaning "ravine" and þveit meaning "clearing". However, the modern surname is associated with Essex, suggesting some other source, now lost.
Goldwyn English, Jewish
Derived from the Old English given name Goldwine, composed of the elements gold meaning "gold" and win meaning "friend".
Golston English (Rare)
Meaning uncertain.
Gonnynge English (Rare)
A variant of the given name Gunwyn, which is derived from the Old English word gundwein, meaning "battle friend".
Goodall English
Habitational name from Gowdall in East Yorkshire, named from Old English golde "marigold" and Old English halh "nook, recess".
Goodall English
From Middle English gode "good" and ale "ale, malt liquor", hence a metonymic occupational name for a brewer or an innkeeper.
Gooday English
Modernized form of Goody.
Goodbar German (Anglicized), English
Possibly an altered spelling of English Godber, derived from the medieval given name Godebert, or an occupational name for a beer brewer and a nickname for a toper... [more]
Goodchild English
Nickname derived from Middle English god "good" and cild "child". In some cases, it might have instead derived from godchild and been a nickname for someone who was the godchild of a prominent member of the community.
Goodenough English
From a medieval nickname probably applied either to someone of average abilities or to an easily satisfied person; also, perhaps from a medieval nickname meaning "good servant".