Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the usage is English or American.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Dole English, Irish (Anglicized)
English: from Middle English dole ‘portion of land’ (Old English dal ‘share’, ‘portion’). The term could denote land within the common field, a boundary mark, or a unit of area; so the name may be of topographic origin or a status name... [more]
Doll Upper German, German, English
South German: nickname from Middle High German tol, dol ‘foolish’, ‘mad’; also ‘strong’, ‘handsome’.... [more]
Dollanganger English
The name of the family in the Dollanganger series by V.C. Andrews.
Dollar Scottish, English (American)
Scottish: habitational name from Dollar in Clackmannanshire.... [more]
Dollen English (British), Irish
English (British): See Dolling and compare Dollin and Dowland (1)... [more]
Dollens English
Altered form of English Dollins.
Dollin English (British), Irish
English (British): See Dolling and compare Dollen and Dowland... [more]
Dolling English (British)
From an unrecorded Middle English word dolling, douling, or dulling meaning “dull person.” Compare Doll. Post-medieval examples of the name may also have arisen from a late assimilation of rl to ll in Dorling, a variant of Darling: Samuel Dorling, 1770 is identical with Samuel Dolling, 1782 in Parish Registers (West Stow Suffolk)... [more]
Dollins English (British)
Variant of Dollin, with post-medieval excrescent -s, itself a variant of Dolling, a nickname from an unrecorded Middle English word dolling douling dulling meaning “dull or stupid one” (compare Doll)... [more]
Dolphin English, Irish
Derived from the Old Norse personal name Dólgfinnr.
Dome English
Occupational name from the Old English root doma, dema ‘judge’, ‘arbiter’. Compare Dempster.
Dominic English
From the given name Dominic
Doncaster m English
Doncaster's name originates from the Roman fort called Danum, established around 71 AD. The term "caster" derives from the Latin castra, meaning military camp, while "Don" comes from the Old English word Dunne, referring to the nearby River Don... [more]
Donson English
Means "son of Don
Dooling English
Variant of Dolling, a nickname from an unrecorded Middle English word, dolling, douling, dulling meaning “dull or stupid one.”
Doolittle English
From a medieval nickname applied to a lazy man (from Middle English do "do" + little "little"). It was borne by the American poet Hilda Doolittle (1886-1961). A fictional bearer is Eliza Doolittle, the flower seller in Bernard Shaw's 'Pygmalion' (1913); and a variant spelling was borne by Dr Dolittle, the physician who had the ability to talk to animals, in the series of books written by Hugh Lofting from 1920.
Dopson English
Means "son of Dobbe".
Dorchester English
Derived from either the village in Oxfordshire, or the county town of Dorset, England (both of which have the same name). Both are named with a Celtic name, respectively Dorcic and Durnovaria combined with Old English ceaster meaning "Roman fort, walled city".
Dorland English
A variant of Darling. It was a name for a person who was greatly loved by his friends and family. The surname was originally derived from the word deorling, which meant "darling".
Dorman English
From the Old English personal name Deormann, composed of Old English deor (see Dear) + mann 'man'. This surname became established in Ireland in the 17th century; sometimes it is found as a variant of Dornan.
Dorn English
Either a place name from Dorn, Worcestershire, possibly derived from a root word meaning "fort, stronghold", or a variant of Thorn from Middle High German dorn "thorn" (from ancient Germanic þurnaz).
Dorwin English
Possibly derived from the given name Deorwine (compare Darwin).
Dossat English, Scottish
Possibly from French origins (used predominantly in Louisiana in the United States).
Dossett English
Recorded in several forms including Dowsett, Dosset, and Dossit, this is an English surname. ... [more]
Dotson English
Patronymic of the Middle English name Dodde. Originally derived from the Germanic root dodd meaning "something rounded", used to denote a short, rotund man.
Doubleday English
Possibly from the nickname or byname do(u)bel meaning "the twin", or a combination of the given name Dobbel (a pet form of Robert) and Middle English day(e) meaning "servant".
Doud English, Irish
Variant of Dowd.
Doughton English
Habitational name from Doughton in Gloucestershire or Doughton in Norfolk, both from Old English dūce meaning “duck” + tūn “farmstead.”
Doughty English
Doughty. This interesting surname of English origin is a nickname for a powerful or brave man, especially a champion jouster, deriving from the Middle English "doughty", Olde English pre 7th Century dohtig dyhtig meaning "valiant" or "strong"... [more]
Dovel English
A English name that originated from the french surname Duval in 1725 in England, the Dovels are historically farmers and are mostly found in the USA.
Dow English
Variant of Daw.
Doward English, Welsh
Indicated that the bearer lived by two hills, from Old Welsh dou "two" and garth "hill"
Dowd English
Derived from the given name Doude.
Dowdell English
Habitational name from a lost Ovedale or Uvedale which gave rise to the 14th-century surname de Uvedale alias de Ovedale connected with the manor of D'Ovesdale in Litlington, Cambridgeshire, first recorded as “manor of Overdale, otherwise Dowdale” in 1408... [more]
Dowell English, Scottish, Irish
Derived from the Gaelic name Dubhgall, composed of the elements dubh meaning "black" and gall, "stranger". This was used as a byname for Scandinavians, in particular to distinguish the dark-haired Danes from fair-haired Norwegians.
Dowland English
Habitational name from Dowland in Devon, possibly named from Old English dūfe meaning “dove” + land “open country.” The name is pronounced with the first element rhyming with owl, but it may have been confused with and absorbed by Dolling, also a Devon name (see Dollins)... [more]
Dowlen English (British)
Variant of Dolling, a nickname from an unrecorded Middle English word dolling, douling, dulling meaning “dull or stupid one.” Compare Doll, Dowling, Dowlin and Dowland.
Dowler English
Occupational name for a maker of dowels and similar objects, from a derivative of Middle English “dowle”.
Dowlin English
Variant of Dolling (see Dowling). This form of the surname is now rare in Britain.
Down English
Derived from Old English dun meaning "down, low hill".
Downard English
Downard comes from England as a diminutive of Downhead in Somerset and Donhead in Wiltshire.
Downe English
Variant of Down.
Downing English
Topographic name derived from Middle English doun "hill, down" (see dun). Compare Downer.
Downing English
Derived from the Old English given name Dunning.
Downs English
This surname is derived from the Old English element dun meaning "hill, mountain, moor." This denotes someone who lives in a down (in other words, a ridge of chalk hills or elevated rolling grassland).
Dowrick English
This name is found fairy widely in Cornwall, England.
Dowson English
Either a patronymic surname derived from the given name Dow, a medieval variant of Daw (which was a diminutive of David), or else a metronymic form of the medieval feminine name Dowce, literally "sweet, pleasant", from Old French dolz, dous (cf... [more]
Dowtin English
Altered form of Doughton.
Drace English (American)
Possibly an Americanized form of Dutch Drees.
Drage English, Norwegian
English:... [more]
Dragon French, English
Nickname or occupational name for someone who carried a standard in battle or else in a pageant or procession, from Middle English, Old French dragon "snake, monster" (Latin draco, genitive draconis, from Greek drakōn, ultimately from derkesthai "to flash")... [more]
Dragoo American, French (Huguenot)
Americanized form of Dragaud, a French (Huguenot) surname derived from the Germanic given name Dragwald, itself derived from the elements drag- meaning "to carry" and wald "power, rule".
Drakeford English
The first element of this locational surname is probably derived from the personal name Draca or Draki (see Drake), while the second element is derived from Old English ford meaning "ford"... [more]
Dransfield English
Means "Drains the fields".
Dray English
From Middle English dregh, probably as a nickname from any of its several senses: "lasting", "patient", "slow", "tedious", "doughty". Alternatively, in some cases, the name may derive from Old English drýge "dry, withered", also applied as a nickname.
Dreamer English
The word dreamer (or surname) comes from the word dream with an added -er at the end indicating someone is dreaming. The word dream comes from the Dutch phrase droom and the German phrase Traum.
Drewery English
Variant of Drury.
Drewitt English, French
English (Wiltshire Berkshire and Surrey): of Norman origin from the Old French personal name Druet a diminutive of Drue Dreu (from ancient Germanic Drogo); see Drew Alternatively the name may be from a diminutive of Old French dru ‘lover’
Drewry English
Variant of Drury.
Driggers American
Corruption of the Spanish surname Rodriguez. Originated in 17th century Virginia as a former slave by that surname was integrated into free society.
Dring English
Means "young man" (from Old Norse drengr).
Driver English
Occupational name for a driver of horses or oxen attached to a cart or plow, or of loose cattle, from a Middle English agent derivative of Old English drīfan ‘to drive’.
Drown English
Derived from drone meaning "honey bee"
Drowne English
Variant of Drown
Druery English
Variant of Drury.
Drummer English
Locational name from a place called Drummer, near Chadderton in Lancashire. The meaning is possibly from the pre 7th century Olde English 'drum' meaning "a ridge".
Drury English, French, Irish
Originally a Norman French nickname, derived from druerie "love, friendship" (itself a derivative of dru "lover, favourite, friend" - originally an adjective, apparently from a Gaulish word meaning "strong, vigourous, lively", but influenced by the sense of the Old High German element trut, drut "dear, beloved").... [more]
Dryden English
Possibly from an English place name meaning "dry valley" from the Old English elements drȳġe "dry" and denu "valley". A notable bearer was the English poet, literary critic, translator and playwright John Dryden (1631-1700).
Drye English
Variant of Dryer.
Dryer English
From an agent derivative of Old English dr̄gean "to dry"; possibly an occupational name for a drier of cloth. In the Middle Ages, after cloth had been dyed and fulled, it was stretched out in tenterfields to dry.
Dublin English
Habitational name for someone from a places named Dublin.
Duck English, Irish
English from Middle English doke "duck", hence a nickname for someone with some fancied resemblance to a duck, or an occupational name for someone who kept or hunted ducks. Alternatively, a variant form of Duke... [more]
Duckstein English (British)
From Audrey Duckstein, who was a fourth-grade girl in SRES>
Ducksworth English
Variant spelling of Duckworth.
Duckworth English
Habitational name from Duckworth Fold, in the borough of Bury, Lancashire, which is named from Old English fuce "duck" and wor{dh} "enclosure".
Duddridge English
It is locational from a "lost" medieval village probably called Doderige, since that is the spelling in the first name recording (see below). It is estimated that some three thousand villages and hamlets have disappeared from the maps of Britain over the past thousand years... [more]
Dude English
Derived from Old English word doughty which meant "manly".
Duffield English
The meaning is dove field or open country. It's origin is the Yorkshire area named after a few places there.... [more]
Duggan Scottish, Irish, English
Scottish and Irish variant spelling of Dugan. ... [more]
Dukelow English
This surname is of Old French origin. It was initially introduced into England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066, and subsequently by French Huguenot refugees fleeing religious persecutions in their own country... [more]
Dukeshire English
Probably a combination of Duke and Shire.
Dullard English
From old English dull meaning "dumb, stupid".
Dummer German, English
From Middle High German tump "simple".
Dummitt English
Habitational name from Dumart-en-Ponthieu in Somme, France.
Dumper English
Variant of Dummer.
Dumper English
Variant of Dummer.
Dumper English
Variant of Dummer.
Dumper English
Variant of Dummer.
Dumper English
Variant of Dummer.
Dunacre English (British)
From Scottish Gaelic dun or donn, meaning 'fort' or 'brown' respectively, and acre, as in a plot of land.
Dunaway English
Originally indicated someone who came from the village and civil parish of Dunwich in Suffolk, England, derived from Old English dun meaning "hill" (or possibly dune meaning "valley") and weg meaning "way"... [more]
Dundale English
((Anne))... [more]
Dundreary English
This was a nickname for someone who had dundrearies, which were long sideburns.
Dunford English
Derived either from Dunford Bridge in Yorkshire (named after the River Don and the English word “Ford”), or from Dunford House in Yorkshire (named after “Dunn’s Ford”). One known bearer is US General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Dunkinson English (British)
Derives from the Scottish surname of Duncanson with the same meaning of "son of Duncan". Likewise, it may derive further from the Gaelic male given name "Donnchad", related ultimately to "Donncatus", a Celtic personal name of great antiquity.
Dunleavy Irish, English
Anglicized form of Mac Duinnshléibhe meaning "son of Donn Sléibhe".
Dunmore English, Scottish
Habitational name from Dunmore Farm in Oxfordshire or from any of many places in Scotland named in Gaelic as Dún Môr 'great hill'.
Dunne Irish, English, Scottish
This surname means dark and was likely given to those with a dark complexion or with dark hair.
Dunstan English
Either from the given name Dunstan or habitational name from Dunston (Derbyshire Lincolnshire Norfolk) from the Old English personal name Dunn and tun "settlement"... [more]
Dupree English
Variant of Dupré.
Durden English
A different form of Dearden. A fictional bearer is Tyler Durden, a character from Chuck Palahniuk's 'Fight Club' (1996) and its subsequent film adaptation (1999).
Durham English
Denotes a person from either the town of Durham, or elsewhere in County Durham, in England. Durham is derived from the Old English element dun, meaning "hill," and the Old Norse holmr, meaning "island."
Dursley English (British)
Of English origin and is locational from a place so called in Gloucestershire, which was first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as 'Dersilege', in the Pipe Rolls of Gloucestershire in 1195 as 'Derseleie' and in the Fees of 1220 as 'Dursleg'... [more]
Durward English, Scottish
Occupational name meaning "doorkeeper, porter", derived from Old English duru "door" and weard "guard, guardian". In Medieval Scotland, this was a hereditary title for the warden of the king’s door.
Duska English (Rare)
Anglicized spelling of Duška.
Dutton English
habitational name from any of the places called Dutton, especially those in Cheshire and Lancashire. The first of these is named from Old English dun ‘hill’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’; the second is from Old English personal name Dudd + Old English tun.
Duxbury English
Habitational name from a place in Lancashire, recorded in the early 13th century as D(e)ukesbiri, from the genitive case of the Old English personal name Deowuc or Duc(c) (both of uncertain origin) + Old English burh ‘fort’ (see Burke).
Dycus English, German, Dutch
Likely a variant of similar-sounding names, such as English Dykes, German Diekhaus, or Dutch Dijkhuis.
Dye English, Welsh
English: from a pet form of the personal name Dennis. In Britain the surname is most common in Norfolk, but frequent also in Yorkshire. Welsh is also suggested, but 1881 and UK both show this as an East Anglian name - very few in Wales.
Dyke English
English - Name for someone who lived 'by the dike' from Middle English dik deke, dike deke "ditch dyke", or someone from Dyke in Lincolnshire. Medieval dikes were bigger than modern ones and often built for defense, not drainage.... [more]
Dyker English
From Middle English and Older Scots diker, dicher, denoting someone who dug or maintained ditches. Compare Dicker.
Dykes English
Variant of Dicks or Dyke with plural or post-medieval S, or Americanized form of Dutch Dijks.
Dylan English
From the given name Dylan.
Dymock English
From the parish of Dymock in Gloucestershire, England. The name comes from Old English Dimóc meaning "dim/shady oak".
Dyne English
Derived from the Olde English pre 7th Century "dence", the Middle English "dene", meaning a valley.
Eachus English, Swiss
Name is said to have originated in Cheshire and Lancashire. A variant of Etches, possibly a variant of Edge , with post-medieval excrescent -s and devoicing of the consonant, or an altered pronunciation of the nickname Edgoose (Middle English Edcus, early modern English Etcus)... [more]
Eade English (British, ?)
Originally derived from the Old English name Eadwig. Surname found mainly in Scotland and northern England. Americanized spelling of Norwegian Eide... [more]
Eadie English
Variant of Eady
Eagle English
Nickname for a lordly, impressive, or sharp-eyed man, from Middle English egle "eagle" (from Old French aigle, from Latin aquila).
Eagleburger English (American)
Americanized form of German Adelberger, a habitational name for someone from a place called Adelberg near Stuttgart.
Eakin English
Variant of Atkin.
Eakins English
Variant of Eakin, with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s.
Ealey English
Variant of Ely.
Eamer English
Possibly derived from the given name Eomer, or from Middle English yẹ̄mer "guardian, keeper, protector; guard".
Eames English
Probably from the possessive case of the Middle English word eam ‘uncle’, denoting a retainer in the household of the uncle of some important local person. Possibly also a variant of Ames.
Eargle English
Variant of Ergle.
Earhart English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Ehrhardt.
Earle English
Variant of Earl.
Early Irish, English, American, German
Irish: translation of Gaelic Ó Mocháin (see Mohan; Gaelic moch means ‘early’ or ‘timely’), or of some other similar surname, for example Ó Mochóir, a shortened form of Ó Mochéirghe, Ó Maoil-Mhochéirghe, from a personal name meaning ‘early rising’.... [more]
Earnshaw English
Means "person from Earnshaw", Lancashire ("Earn's nook of land" - Earn from an Old English personal name meaning literally "eagle"). In fiction this surname is borne by Catherine Earnshaw, her brother Hindley and her nephew Hareton, characters in Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights' (1847).
East English
From the English vocabulary word, ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *austrą "east". It originally denoted someone who lived to the east of something, or someone who came from the east.
Eastburn English
Habitational name from either of two places, one in Humberside and one in West Yorkshire, so named from Old English ēast, ēasten "east" and burna "stream".
Eastep English
Altered form of Easthope.
Easterbrook English
Topographic name for someone who lived by a brook to the east of a main settlement, from Middle English easter meaning "eastern" + brook meaning "stream".
Eastgate English
Name for a person who lived near the eastern gate of a town or in a town named Eastgate.
Easthope English
From the name of the village and civil parish of Easthope in Shropshire, England, derived from Old English est meaning "east, eastern" and hop meaning "enclosed valley".
Eastin English
Variant of Easton.
Eastlake English
"East lake".
Eastland English
Meaning "east land".
Eastley English
A Saxon village called East Leah has been recorded to have existed since 932 AD. (Leah is an ancient Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'a clearing in a forest'). There is additional evidence of this settlement in a survey from the time which details land in North Stoneham being granted by King Æthelstan to his military aid, Alfred in 932 AD... [more]
Eastman English
Derived from the Old English given name Eastmund, or a variant of East.
Eastvold English (American)
Anglicized form of the Norwegian surname Østvold.
Eastwood English
Either a habitational name from any of various places called Eastwood such as in Keighley, Rotherham or Todmorden (all Yorkshire) or Eastwood in Nottinghamshire... [more]
Eatherton English
Probably a variant spelling of Atherton.
Ebanks English
Probably a variant of Eubanks.
Eben English
Meaning unknown. It could be from the given name Eden, from the place name Eden, meaning "Place Of Pleasure".
Ebeneezer English
Obtained from the given name Ebenezer
Ebenezer English
From the given name Ebenezer.
Eberly Upper German, German (Swiss), English (American)
Variant of Eberle, which is a diminutive of Eberhard.
Ebert German, American
Shortened form of the German given name Eberhard.
Eccbeer English (Rare)
From Middle English aker "field" and Old English bǣre "swine pasture," denoting someone who lived near one.... [more]
Eccles English
From the name of a town in Greater Manchester, England or another town or village named Eccles, derived from Latin ecclesia via Romano-British ecles meaning "church".
Echelbarger English (American)
Americanized spelling of German Eichelberger.
Eckland English (Rare), Norwegian (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate), Swedish (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Possibly a variant of Ecklund. It might also be an anglicization of the rare Swedish surname Ekland or of a Norwegian name derived from several farmsteads named with eik "oak" and land "land".
Economy Greek (Americanized), English
Americanized form of Greek Οικονόμος (see Economos) meaning "steward", or of the patronymic Οικονόμου (see Economou).
Eddowes English
Derived from the given name Aldus, a medieval variant of Aldous.
Eddy American
A common surname used among people whose ancestry originates from the United Kingdom (England, Ireland and Scottland etc.) Shelia Eddy is an American who was convicted in 2014 for the murder of Skylar Neese in the state of West Virginia.
Eden English
From Middle English given name Edun, derived from Old English Ēadhūn, with the elements ēad "prosperity, wealth" and hūn "bear cub".... [more]
Edens English
Variant of Eden with -s, either possessive or a post-medieval embellishment.
Edge English
Topographic name, especially in Lancashire and the West Midlands, for someone who lived on or by a hillside or ridge, from Old English ecg "edge".
Edgecombe English
From a location meaning ridge valley, from Old English ecg "edge, ridge" and cumb "valley".
Edgell English
Probably derived from the Old English given name Ecgwulf.
Edgely English
A surname of Anglo-Saxon origin, and a place name taken from either a village in Cheshire or one in Shropshire. The name means “park by the wood” in Old English.
Edgerly English
Habitational name from any of numerous minor places named Edgerley, Edgerely, or Hedgerley.
Edgerton English
From a place name meaning either "settlement of Ecghere" or "settlement of Ecgheard" (see Ekkehard).
Edging English
Variant of Edge.
Edith English
From the given name Edith.
Edmeades English
Meant "son of Edmede", from a medieval nickname for a self-effacing person (literally "humble", from Old English ēadmēde "easy mind").
Edmison English, Scottish
Patronymic surname meaning “Son of Edmund”.
Edmondson English
This surname means “son of Edmond”.
Edmunds English, Welsh
Patronymic from the personal name Edmund (see Edmond).
Edmundson English
Means "son of Edmund".
Edney English
From the Middle English female personal name Idony/Edony, a French name from Latin Idonea/Idonia meaning “suitable” introduced to Britain after the Conquest.