Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keywords rowan or tree.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Katsura Japanese
This surname is used as 桂, 勝占, 勝羅, 勝良, 曽良 or 葛良 with 桂 (kei, katsura) meaning "cinnamon tree, Japanese Judas-tree", 勝 (shou, ka.tsu, katsu, -ga.chi, sugu.reru, meaning "excel, prevail, victory, win", 曽 (so, sou, zou, katsu, katsute, sunawachi) meaning "before, ever, formerly, never, once", 葛 (kachi, katsu, kuzu, tsudzura, katsura) meaning "arrowroot, kudzu", 占 (sen, urana.u, shi.meru) meaning "divining, forecasting, fortune-telling, get, have, hold, occupy, take", 羅 (ra, usumono) meaning "gauze, Rome, thin silk" and 良 (ryou, i.i, yo.i, ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled."... [more]
Kavak Turkish
Means "poplar" in Turkish.
Kawasugi Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and sugi means "cedar".
Kayano Japanese (Rare), Brazilian
Kaya means "yew tree",and No means "field,meadow,wilderness".People with this last name are Kayano Gonbei (a samurai),Ai Kayano(a voice actress of MANY characters /more than 30),and Shigeru Kayano(an Ainu politician who lived well up to 2006)... [more]
Kestenbaum German, Jewish
from German dialect Kästenbaum (from Latin Castanea) a topographic name for someone living near a horse-chestnut tree... [more]
Khemson Thai (Rare)
Means "pine needle" in Thai.
Kida Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kidamura Japanese
This surname could be made up of 木 (Ki) meaning "Tree, Wood", 貴 (Ki) meaning "Valuabele", or 喜 (Ki) meaning "Rejoice", with 田 (Da) meaning "Rice Paddy, Field", and 村 (Mura) means "Hamlet, Village"... [more]
Kidate Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree" and 建 (date), the joining continuative form of 建てる (tateru) meaning "to build; to construct".
Kido Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 戸 (to) meaning "door".
Kienbaum German, Jewish
from Low German kienbaum "Scots pine" originally denoting any species or variety of pine tree. Derived from kien "pine tree" and boum "tree".
Kihara Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Kikawa Japanese
From 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".
Kikkamägi Estonian
Kikkamägi is an Estonian surname meaning "spindle (tree: Euonymus) mountain".
Kikyo Japanese
This surname is used as 桔梗, 喜京, 木京 or 鬼京 with 桔 (kitsu, ketsu, ki), which is used in plant names, 梗 (kyou, kou, oomune, fusagu, yamanire) meaning "close up, flower stem, for the most part", 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, take pleasure in", 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood", 鬼 (ki, oni, oni-) meaning "devil, ghost" and 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital."... [more]
Kimata Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 俣 (mata) meaning "fork, crotch".
Kimoto Japanese
Ki means "tree, wood" and moto means "source, origin, root".
Kimoto Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Kinose Japanese
Ki means "tree, wood", no could be a possessive particle or it could mean "field, wilderness", and se means "current, ripple".
Kinoshita Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood", an unwritten possessive marker 之 (no), and 下 (shita) meaning "under, below".
Kirieda Japanese
"Paulownia tree branch".
Kirima Japanese (Rare)
Kiri (桐 or 霧) means "paulownia/foxglove tree" or "mist" respectively, ma (間), means "space".
Kiriyama Japanese
Kiri (桐) means "Paulownia/foxglove tree", yama (山) means "mountain". Notable bearers of this surname are Kouji Kiriyama (桐山光侍), a Japanese manga author, Kazuo Kiriyama (桐山和雄) from Battle Royale, and Rei Kiriyama (桐山零), the main character of 3-gatsu no lion.
Kirschbaum German, Jewish
topographic name from kirschbaum "cherry tree" derived from the elements kirsch "cherry" and boum "tree"... [more]
Kirschenbaum German
From German means "cherry tree".
Kirshenbaum German
Means "cherry tree".
Kitani Japanese
From the Japanese 木 (ki or moku) "tree," "wood" and 谷 (tani or ya) "valley."
Kiuchi Japanese
Ki means "tree" and uchi means "inside".
Kiuchi Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Kiya Japanese
Means "tree valley" in Japanese, from 木 (ki) "tree" and 谷 (ya) "valley".
Kizuki Japanese
Kizuki has various spellings. It combines 木 (ki) meaning “tree”, 気 (ki) meaning “spirit”, 稀 (ki) meaning “rare”, 希 (ki) “hope, rare” and 妃 (ki) meaning “princess” with 月 (tsuki) meaning “moon, month”... [more]
Kļaviņš Latvian
Derived from the word kļava meaning "maple".
Kogure Japanese
From Japanese 木 (ko) meaning "tree, wood" and 暮 (kure) meaning "end, close".
Kõiv Estonian
Kõiv is an Estonian surname which means "birch" in Võro, a dialect of Estonian.... [more]
Kõivastik Estonian
Kõivastik is an Estonian surname meaning "birch stand/forest". "Kõiv" comes from the Võro dialect.
Kõivisto Estonian
Kõivisto is an Estonian surname meaning "birch grove".
Koivisto Finnish
From "koivu" meaning "birch tree". A place with lot of birches.
Koivu Finnish
Means "birch" in Finnish.
Koivula Finnish
From Finnish koivu meaning "birch" and the suffix -la signifying a place.
Koivunen Finnish
From Finnish koivu meaning "birch" and the suffix -nen.
Koki Japanese
This surname combines 古 (ko, furu-, furu.i, -fu.rusu) meaning "old" or 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" with 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."
Komatsu Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Komatsubara Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small", 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Komatsuzaki Japanese (Rare)
Ko ("Small") + Matsu ("Pine Tree") + Zaki ("Peninsula, Cape"). This is a uncommon name, but it has kanji that 90% of Japanese family names have.
Koorits Estonian
Koorits is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "koor" meaning both "(tree) bark" and "choir". It may also be a corruption of "kõrvits" meaning "pumpkin".
Kõrgesaar Estonian
Kõrgesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "high/tall ash tree".
Kosugi Japanese
Ko means "small" and sugi means "cedar". ... [more]
Kosugi Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar".
Koyanagi Japanese
Ko means "small" and yanagi means "willow".
Koyanagi Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Kreegipuu Estonian
Kreegipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) wood/tree".
Krumwiede German
Location-based name for people who lived by a gnarled old willow tree.... [more]
Krusch German (Silesian)
Derived from dialectal Polish krusza (gruszka in Standard Polish), Lower Sorbian ksusa and Upper Sorbian kruswa "pear, pear tree".
Kuchiki Japanese
This name combines 朽 (kyuu, ku.chiru) meaning "decay, remain in seclusion, rot" or 口 (ku, kou, kuchi) meaning "mouth" with 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Kumaki Japanese (Rare)
The kanji in Anri Kumaki's name reads, Kuma ("Bear") + Ki ("Tree"). She is a singer and songwriter. There might be other combinations too, probably being , Ku ("Long Time") + Maki 1 ("Shepard").
Kuniki Japanese
Kuni means "country, large place" and ki means "tree, wood".
Kunimatsu Japanese
Kuni means "country, land, large place" and matsu means "pine".... [more]
Künnap Estonian
Künnap is an Estonian surname meaning the "European white elm".
Künnapuu Estonian
Künnapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "European white elm tree" (Ulmus laevis).
Kuriki Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and ki means "tree, wood".
Kurogi Japanese
Variant of Kuroki, Kuro means "Black" and Gi means "Tree, Wood".
Kuroyanagi Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Kuslapuu Estonian
Kuslapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "honeysuckle tree".
Kusuda Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusu) meaning "camphor tree" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kusunoki Japanese
"Camphor Tree"
Kusunoki Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusunoki) meaning "camphor tree".
Kusunoki Japanese
From Japanese 楠 (kusunoki) meaning "camphor tree". This name can also be formed from 楠 (kusu) meaning "camphor" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Kütük Turkish
Means "tree log, stump" in Turkish.
Kuusalu Estonian
Kuusalu is an Estonian surname derived from "kuusik" meaning "spruce wood" and "salu" meaning "grove".
Kuuse Estonian
Kuuse is an Estonian surname meaning "fir".
Kuusepuu Estonian
Kuusepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "fir tree".
Kuusik Estonian
Kuusik is an Estonian surname meaning "spruce stand".
Kuusk Estonian
Kuusk is an Estonian surname meaning "spruce".
Kuuskmaa Estonian
Kuuskmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "fir/spruce land".
Kuuspalu Estonian
Kuuspalu is an Estonian surname meaning "fir (kuusk) heathy woodland (palu)".
Kuwako Japanese
Kuwa means "mulberry tree" and ko means "child, sign of the rat, first of the Chinese zodiac."
Lafrenière French
Topographic name derived from French frenière meaning "place of ash trees". It is often Americanised as Freeman.
Lagerqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish lager "laurel" and qvist, an archaic spelling of kvist, "twig".
Lalaurie French (Cajun)
A French surname meaning "the laurel".
Lamendola Italian, Sicilian
nickname or more often a habitational name from places named with the dialect term amendola, mendola, mendula "almond" (also "almond tree").
Laranjeira Portuguese
It means "orange tree" in Portuguese
Laura Italian
Either from the given name Laura or a topographic name from Latin laurea meaning "laurel".
Laurie French
Habitational name from a place in Cantal derived from Latin laurus "laurel" with the suffix -ea.
Lazdiņš Latvian
Derived from the word lazda meaning "hazel".
Lehispuu Estonian
Lehispuu is an Estonian surname meaning "larch tree".
Lehtpuu Estonian
Lehtpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf tree".
Leinatamm Estonian
Leinatamm is an Estonain surname meaning "weeping/mournful oak".
Lepa Estonian
Lepa is an Estonian surname meaning "alder".
Lepajõe Estonian
Lepajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "alder water".
Lepik Estonian
Lepik is an Estonian surname meaning "alder stand/wood".
Lepmets Estonian
Lepmets is an Estonian word meaning "alder (lepp) forest (mets)".
Lepp Estonian
Very common Estonian surname, meaning "alder".
Leppnurm Estonian
Leppnurm is an Estonian surname meaning "alder meadow".
Leppoja Estonian
Leppoja is an Estonian surname meaning "alder creek".
Leszczyński Polish
Name for someone from any of various places called Leszczyna, Leszczyno, Leszczyny or Leszczynek, all derived from Polish leszczyna meaning "hazel".
Leżałka Polish
Means "a fallen tree" or "a fallen brunch" derived from Old Polish.
Limbach German
Derived from any of numerous places in Germany named with Germanic lindo meaning "lime tree" and bach meaning "stream". Several of these places are in areas such as the Palatinate, which contributed heavily to early German immigration to the United States.
Lindahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and dal "valley".
Linde German, Dutch, Jewish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Derived from Middle Hugh German, Dutch linde or Scandinavian lind "lime tree". Almost exclusively ornamental in Swedish, otherwise probably habitational. There are also a number of feminine names containing the element lind, for example Linda, Dietlinde and Gerlinde, and it's possible that the surname is derived from any of those names.
Lindell English
Derived from various places in England named with Old Norse lind "lime tree" and dalr "valley".
Lindell Swedish
Derived from Swedish lind "lime tree".
Lindelöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and löf (an archaic spelling of löv) "leaf".
Lindén Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and the common surname suffix -én.
Lindenbaum German, Jewish
topographic name for someone who lived by a lime tree Lindenbaum or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by the sign of a lime tree. Derived from the elements linta "linden" and boum "tree".
Lindenberg German, Jewish, Dutch
As a German and Jewish name, it is derived from any of numerous places called Lindenberg in Germany, composed of Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and berg meaning "mountain, hill"... [more]
Lindenmeyer German
Habitational name for the tenant of a farm identified by a lime tree, derived from Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and meier meaning "tenant farmer".
Lindfors Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree, linden" and fors "rapid, waterfall".
Lindhagen Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and hage "enclosed pasture". Carl Lindhagen was the Chief Magistrate of Stockholm in the early 1900s.
Lindman Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and man "man".
Lindskog Swedish
Derived from Swedish lind meaning "linden tree" and skog meaning "forest".
Lindstedt Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and stad "town, city" (spelling possibly influenced by German Stadt, also meaning "town, city").
Lindvall Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and vall "pasture, grassy field".
Linford English
habitational name from Great and Little Linford in Buckinghamshire or Lynford in Norfolk. The former may have Old English hlyn "maple" as its first element; the latter is more likely to contain lin "flax" or alternatively the first element may relate to the river Lynn... [more]
Linley English
This surname can be derived from a place of the same name in Shropshire, which is derived from Old English lín meaning "flax, linen" and leah meaning "clearing." As a modern surname, it can also be a variant of Lindley (Lindley is used in 2 places in Yorkshire), which is derived from Old English lind meaning "lime tree" and leah.
Lipiński Polish
Name for someone from any of various places named Lipno, Lipin, Lipiny or Lipino, all derived from Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Lipowski Polish, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipowo, Lipowa, or Lipowe, named with an adjectival derivative of Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Lipschitz German, Jewish
The name is derived from the Slavic "lipa," meaning "linden tree" or "lime tree." The name may relate to a number of different place names: "Liebeschitz," the name of a town in Bohemia, "Leipzig," the name of a famous German city, or "Leobschutz," the name of a town in Upper Silesia.
Lipski Polish, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipie, Lipsk, Lipsko, Lipy, etc., all named with Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Lizárraga Basque
Habitational name from any of three places called Lizarraga, in Navarra and Alava and Guipuzcoa provinces, which are named from Basque lizarr (or le(i)zar) "ash tree" and the locative suffix -aga.
Lönn Swedish
Means "maple" in Swedish.
Loosaar Estonian
Loosaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "lood" ("level") and "saar" ("island"); or "loog" ("windrow") and "saar" ("ash tree").
Lorenzi Italian
“Laurel tree” or “decorated with laurel.” The English equivalent is Lawrence.
Lourinho Portuguese
Possibly from Lourinhã, a portuguese city to the northwest of Lisbon who possibly originated in the Roman period, when a villa named "Laurinana" existed in the area. Lourinho is a diminutive form of "louro", deriving from Latin laurus, "laurel".
Łozowski Polish
Name for someone from a place called Łoza, derived from Polish łoza meaning "grey willow, osier, wicker".
Lunn Norwegian, English
Derived from Lund, which in turn comes from the Old Norse lundr, meaning "grove of trees".
Macedo Portuguese, Spanish (Latin American)
Referred to a person who worked or lived at an apple orchard. It is derived from Vulgar Latin mattianēta meaning "place with apple trees."
Maematsu Japanese
Mae means "forward, front" and matsu means "pine".
Mahlapuu Estonian
Mahlapuu is an Estonian surname derived from "mahlakas"; meaning "lush", "sappy" and "malapert" "tree/wood"; "lush tree".
Makihara Japanese
From Japanese 槙 (maki) meaning "evergreen tree" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Mampuzha Malayalam, Indian (Christian)
Meaning: "Mango Tree River"; based on location in India.
Mänd Estonian
Mänd is an Estonian surname meaning "pine".
Mändla Estonian
Mändla is an Estonian surname meaning "pine area".
Mändmäe Estonian
Mändmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "pine hill".
Mändmets Estonian
Mändmets is an Estonian surname meaning "pine forest".
Mändoja Estonian
Mändoja is an Estonian surname meaning "pine stream".
Mändsoo Estonian
Mändsoo is an Estonian surname meaning "pine swamp".
Männik Estonian
Männik is an Estonian surname meaning "pine stand" or "pine forest".
Männil Estonian
Männil is an Estonian surname meaning "pine" ("Pinaceae").
Männisalu Estonian
Männisalu is an Estonian surname meaning "pine grove".
Männiste Estonian
Männiste is an Estonian surname relating to "pine".
Manolas Greek
Derived from the word "magnolia" denoting a flower named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.
Maripuu Estonian
Maripuu is an Estonian surname meaning "berry tree".
Masaki Japanese
From Japanese 正 (masa) meaning "right, proper" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Matsu Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Matsubayashi Japanese
Matsu means "Pine Tree" and Bayashi is a variant pronunciation of "Hayashi" meaning "Forest". This surname means "Pine Tree Forest". Matsubayashi-ryu is a kind of martial arts.
Matsudaira Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree" and 平 (daira) meaning "flat, calm".
Matsueda Japanese
Matsu means "pine" and eda means "twig, branch".
Matsugawa Japanese
Variant of Matsukawa, meaning "pine tree river".
Matsuhashi Japanese
松 (Matsu) means "pine" and 橋 (hashi) means "bridge".
Matsuhashi Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 橋 (hashi) meaning "bridge".
Matsui Japanese
Matsu means "pine" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Matsui Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Matsukata Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine" and 方 (kata) meaning "direction".
Matsukawa Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Matsukaze Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine" and 風 (kaze) meaning "wind". A notable bearer of this surname is Japanese actor Masaya Matsukaze (松風 雅也).
Matsuki Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Matsukura Japanese
Matsu means "pine tree" and kura means "storehouse".
Matsumae Japanese
松 (Matsu) means "pine" and 前 (mae) means "forward, front".
Matsumori Japanese
Matsu means "pine" and mori means "forest".
Matsunaga Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 永 (naga) meaning "eternity".
Matsuno Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Matsuo Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail, end".
Matsushima Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Matsuura Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, inlet".
Matsuyama Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Matsuyuki Japanese
Matsu (松) means "pine" and yuki (雪) means "snow". ... [more]
Matsuzaki Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Matsuzawa Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Meloni Italian
From Italian mela ("apple", from Latin malum) or melone ("melon", from Latin melopepo), both ultimately from Ancient Greek μῆλον (mêlon), meaning "apple", "fruit from a tree"... [more]
Mendola Italian
topographic name for someone who lived by an almond tree or trees or a habitational name from any of the places called with the dialect term amendola mendula "almond almond tree" (see Amendola ). Compare Lamendola.
Meşe Turkish
Means "oak" in Turkish.
Mesipuu Estonian
Mesipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "beehive" (literally, "honey tree").
Miki Japanese
Miki means "three" and ki means "tree". ... [more]
Miki Japanese
From Japanese 三 (mi) meaning "three" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Mitsugi Japanese
This surname is used as 貢, 三木, 三ツ木, 三津木, 三樹, 三次, 参木, 満木, 見次, 身次 or 巳継 with 貢 (ku, kou, meaning "finance, support, tribute", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port", 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood", 樹 (juu, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood", 参 (san, shin, mai-,, majiwaru, mitsu) meaning "be defeated, be madly in love, coming, die, going, nonplussed, three, visit, visiting", 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu) meaning "enough, full, fullness, satisfy", 見 (ken, mi.eru, mi.seru, meaning "chances, hopes, idea, look at, opinion, see, visible", 身 (shin, mi) meaning "one's station in life, person, somebody", 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence", 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of Chinese zodiac)" and 継 (kei,, mama-) meaning "graft (tree), inherit, patch, succeed."... [more]
Mitsugu Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 貢, 三次, 三続 or 巳継 with 貢 (ku, kou, meaning "finance, support, tribute", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence", 続 (kyou, kou, shoku, zou, tsugu.nai, tsudzu.ku, tsudzu.keru) meaning "continue, sequel, series", 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of Chinese zodiac)" and 継 (kei,, mama-) meaning "graft (tree), inherit, patch, succeed."... [more]
Mitsumatsu Japanese
Mitsu can mean "light" or "three" and matsu means "pine, fir tree".
Miyaki Japanese
Miya means "shrine" and ki means "tree, wood ".
Mogi Japanese
From 茂 (mo) meaning "lush" and 木 (gi) meaning "tree, wood".... [more]
Morimatsu Japanese
Mori means "forest" and matsu means "pine".
Moteki Japanese
From the Japanese 茂 (mote) "overgrown," "to grow thick" and 木 (ki, moku or boku) "tree."
Motoki Japanese
Moto means "root, source, origin" and ki means "tree, wood".
Muraki Japanese
Mura means "hamlet, village" and ki means "tree, wood".
Muraki Japanese
From Japanese 村 (mura) meaning "town, village" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Muramatsu Japanese
From Japanese 村 (mura) meaning "town, village" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Naegi Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 苗木 with 苗 (byou, myou, nae, nawa-) meaning "sapling, seedling, shoot" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Nagamatsu Japanese
This surname is used as 永松, 長松 or 永末 with 永 (ei, naga.i) meaning "eternity, lengthy, long," 長 (chou, osa, naga.i) meaning "leader, long," 松 (shou, matsu) meaning "pine tree" and 末 (batsu, matsu, sue) meaning "close, end, posterity, powder, tip."
Naiki Japanese
From 内 (nai) meaning "inside" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Nakaki Japanese
Naka means "middle" and ki means "tree, wood".
Nakamatsu Japanese
This surname combines 中 (chuu,, uchi, naka) meaning "centre, in(side), mean (not as in the way a person acts), middle" or 仲 (chuu, naka) meaning "go-between, relationship" with 松 (shou, matsu) meaning "pine tree." One bearer of this surname is inventor Yoshirō Nakamatsu (中松 義郎), also known as Dr... [more]
Namiki Japanese
Nami means "wave" and ki means "tree, wood".
Namiki Japanese
From Japanese 並 (nami) meaning "row, line" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Nara Japanese
This surname is used as 楢, 奈良 or 那良 with 楢 (shuu, yuu, nara) meaning "oak", 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "Nara, what?", 那 (na, da, nani, nanzo, ikan) meaning "what?" and 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i, ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled."... [more]
Natsuki Japanese
Natsu means "summer" and ki means "tree, wood".
Neubaum German
topographic name meaning "new tree" or a habitational name from a place so named. Derived from the elements niuwi "new" boum "tree".
Nihon'yanagi Japanese
Means "2 salix trees", from Japanese 二本 (nihon) meaning "2 (cylindrical objects)" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "salix". This is the name of a few places in Japan (in the city of Goshogawara and the city of Gonohe).
Niinepuu Estonian
Niinepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "bast tree/wood".
Noceda Spanish
Spanish surname derived from the word "nocedal" meaning "field of walnut trees" it denoted a person who lived or came from such place.
Nogales Spanish
Habitational name from either of two locations in Spain named Nogales, from the plural form of Spanish nogal meaning "walnut tree".
Noorkõiv Estonian
Noorkõiv is an Estonian surname meaning "young (noor) birch (kõiv in Võro dialect)".
Nõupuu Estonian
Nõupuu is an Estonian surname meaning "vessel tree/wood".
Nureki Japanese
From 濡 (nu, nure) meaning "wet" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Oak English
Topographic surname for someone who lived near an oak tree or in an oak wood, from Middle English oke "oak".
Oakden English
A variant of Ogden, from a place name derived from Old English āc "oak" and denu "valley". Famous bearers include British diplomat Edward Oakden and English cricketer Patrick Oakden.
Oakland English
This surname is derived from Old English āc and land and it, obviously, means "oak land."
O'Coill Irish
Meaning, "wood, forest, or shrub hazel tree."
Ó Cuill Irish
Meaning, "wood, forest, or shrub hazel tree."
Õispuu Estonian
Õispuu is an Estonian surname meaning "blossom/flower tree".
Okey English
Location name meaning "lives near oak trees".
Ōki Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Okimatsu Japanese
Matsu means "pine, fir tree" and oki means "open sea".
Okino Japanese
O could mean "big, great" and ki can mean "tree, wood", or it could be spelled as oki meaning "open sea", and no means "field, plain".
Olivo Italian, Spanish
Topographic name from olivo "olive tree" or occupational name for someone who sold olives. Or from the given name Olivo given to someone born on Palm Sunday.
Olszański Polish
Name for someone from a place called Olszany or Olszanica, both derived from Polish olsza meaning "alder".
Onogi Japanese
O means "large, big", no means "field", and gi is a form of ki meaning "tree, wood".
Onoki Japanese
O means "large, big", no means "field", and ki means"tree, wood".
Orosco Spanish, Basque
Variant of Orozco. Means "place of the holly trees" from oros meaning "holly tree" and the suffix -ko signifying a place. Also believed to have been derived from Latin orosius meaning "the son of bringer of wisdom".
Oshana Assyrian
Derived from the given name Oshana, meaning "Palm Sunday, palm tree" in Assyrian.
Osis Latvian
Meaning "ash tree".
Ōtsuki Japanese
This surname combines 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) "large, big" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "moon, month," 槻 (ki, tsuki) meaning "Zelkova tree," 築 (chiku, kizu.ku, tsuki) meaning "build, construct, fabricate," 附 (fu, tsu.ku, tsu.keru) meaning "affixed, append, attach" or 即 (soku, sunawa.chi, tsu.ku, tsu.keru) meaning "adapt, agree, as is, conform, instant, namely." It can also be used to combine 王 (ou, -nou) meaning "king, magnate, rule" and 月.... [more]
Ōtsutsuki Popular Culture
This surname is used as 大筒木 with 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) "large, big," 筒 (tou, tsutsu) meaning "cylinder, gun barrel, pipe, sleeve, tube" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Õunapuu Estonian
Õunapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "apple tree".
Oyanagi Japanese
O means "great, big" and yanagi means "willow".
Paakspuu Estonian
Paakspuu is an Estonian surname meaning "alder buckthorn" and "black alder".
Pacana Spanish
From pacana meaning "pecan", "pecan tree", a word of Algonquin origin. This surname is also found in the Philippines.
Paju Estonian
Paju is an Estonian name, meaning "osier" ("willow").
Pajula Estonian
Pajula is an Estonian surname meaning "willow area".
Pajulaid Estonian
Pajulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "willow islet".
Pajumets Estonian
Pajumets is an Estonian surname meaning "willow forest".
Pajupuu Estonian
Pajupuu is an Estonian surname meaning "willow tree".
Pajusalu Estonian
Pajusalu is an Estonian name meaning "willow grove".
Pajusoo Estonian
Pajusoo is an Estonian surname meaning "willow (osier) swamp".
Pajuste Estonian
Pajuste is an Estonian surname, relating to "willow".
Palm Swedish
Means "palm tree" in Swedish.
Palmberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish palm "palm tree" and berg "mountain".
Palmiste Estonian
Palmiste is an Estonian surname relating to "palm (tree)".
Palmqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish palm meaning "palm tree", and kvist meaning "twig"
Pappel Estonian
Pappel is an Estonian surname meaning "poplar/cottonwood".
Pärnpuu Estonian
Pärnpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "linden tree".
Peachy English (Anglicized)
Means “lived near a peach tree, sold peaches, or was associated with the fruit in some other way”. Originally arrived with the in England after the Norman conquest of 1066.
Peartree English
Means "pear tree".
Pedajas Estonian
Pedajas is an Estonian surname meaning "pine".
Penhaligon Cornish
Originally meant "person from Penhaligon", Cornwall ("willow-tree hill"). It is borne by Susan Penhaligon (1950-), a British actress.
Perales Spanish
Habitational name for someone from any of various locations named Perales, from Spanish perales meaning "pear trees" (the plural of peral meaning "pear tree").
Peres Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Gascon, Breton, Central African
Means "son of Pedro" in Spanish and Portuguese. Means "son of Pere" in Catalan... [more]
Pessegueiro Portuguese
Means "peach tree" in Portuguese, ultimately from Latin persicum. It indicated a person who lived near or worked with peach trees.
Pihelgas Estonian
Pihelgas is an Estonian surname meaning "rowen/ash".
Pihlakas Estonian
Pihlakas is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan" or "mountain ash".
Pihlapuu Estonian
Pihlapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan/mountain ash tree".
Pihlasalu Estonian
Pihlasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan/mountain ash grove".
Pijnenburg Dutch
From the name of an estate or hamlet called Pijnenburg in the town of Soest in Utrecht, the Netherlands, composed of Middle Dutch pijn meaning "pine tree" and burg meaning "fortress, manor, mansion".
Pineau French
Either a diminutive of Pin from Old French pin "pine" or a habitational name from (Le) Pineau the name of several places in the western part of France of the same origin.
Pineda Spanish, Catalan
Habitational name from any of the places in the provinces of Barcelona, Cuenca, and Burgos named Pineda, from Spanish and Catalan pineda "pine forest".
Piñero Spanish
Castilianized from the Portuguese surname Pinheiro, meaning "pine-tree"
Pino Spanish, Galician, Italian
Spanish and Galician habitational name from any of the places in Galicia (Spain) named Pino from pino "pine" or a topographic name for someone who lived by a remarkable pine tree. Italian habitational name from Pino d'Asti in Asti province Pino Torinese in Torino or Pino Solitario in Taranto all named with pino "pine’... [more]
Pinochet Basque, French, Spanish
Derived from Basque pinoche meaning "pine cone". Alternately, it could be derived from the name of the hamlet of Pinouchet, located in the Gironde department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France... [more]
Pirnipuu Estonian
Pirnipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "pear tree".
Planta Romansh
Derived from Romansh planta "tree; plant".
Ploomipuu Estonian
Ploomipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "plum tree" (Prunus).
Plūme Latvian
Meaning "plum, plum tree".
Plumley English
Meaning "plum-tree wood or clearing" from the Old English words plume and leah.
Plumtree English
From any of the locations called Plumtree for anyone who lived near a plum tree derived from Old English plume "plum" and treow "tree".
Pohon Indonesian
Means "tree" in Indonesian.
Pomante Italian
An occupational name for someone who farms or sells fruit, from Italian pomo "apple", descended from Latin pomum "fruit, fruit tree".
Poopuu Estonian
Poopuu is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "poom" ("beam") "puu" ("wood" or "tree").
Porss Estonian
Porss is an Estonian surname meaning "bog myrtle" and "bayberry".
Primrose Scottish
From the name of Primrose in Fife, Scotland, a place originally named Prenrhos, literally "tree-moor" in Welsh. This is the family name of the Earls of Rosebery.
Puschat German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German (and thus heavily Lithuanian influenced) surname derived from Lithuanian pušaite "(young) pine tree", which - allegedly - used to be a term of endearment for a young girl.
Puu Estonian
Puu is an Estonian surname meaning "tree" and "wood".
Puurand Estonian
Puurand is an Estonian surname meaning "tree beach/shore".
Puusik Estonian
Puusik is an Estonian surname meaning "tree stand".
Pykhtin Russian
From pykhta, meaning "silver fir".
Pyne English
Means "pine" from the Old French pin. This was originally given as a topographical name for someone who lived by a conspicuous pine tree or in a pine forest.
Quercia Italian (Rare)
From the Latin quercus "oak".
Racine French
Means "(tree) root" in French, used as an occupational name for a grower or seller of root vegetables or as a nickname for a stubborn person.
Raie Estonian
Raie is an Estonian surname meaning "cutting", "hewing" and "(tree) lumbering".
Raiste Estonian
Raiste is an Estonian surname derived from "raie" meaning meaning "cutting", "hewing" and "(tree) lumbering".
Rakitin Russian
From rakita, meaning "brittle willow".
Rastoder Bosnian
Possibly derived from hrast, meaning "oak", and derati, meaning "tearing, to tear".
Reimets Estonian
Reimets is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "raie" ("cutting" and "felling trees") and "mets", meaning forest. Possibly a corruption of "reid" ("road" and "roadstead") and ""mets" ("forest").
Reintamm Estonian
Reintamm is an Estonian surname meaning "Rein's (masculine given name) oak".
Remmel Estonian
Remmel is an Estonian surname meaning "willow".
Remmelgas Estonian
Remmelgas is an Estonian surname; a colloquial name meaning "willow".
Remmelkoor Estonian
Remmelkoor is an Estonian surname meaning "willow bark".
Robleda Spanish
From Spanish meaning "oak grove".
Rönn Swedish
Means "rowan" in Swedish.
Rönnlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish rönn "rowan" and lund "grove".
Roppongi Japanese
From 六 (ro) meaning "seven", 本 (pon) meaning "origin", and 木 (gi) meaning "wood, tree".
Rosenboom Dutch
Comes from Dutch "rosenboom" meaning "rose tree"
Rosier French
French for "rose tree" or "rose bush". A common surname in Francophone areas. It is also the name of a fallen angel who was considered the patron demon of tainted love and seduction.
Rovere Italian
From rovere "oak".
Rovira Catalan
Topographic name for someone who lived by an oak wood, from Catalan rovira meaning "oak wood, oak grove".
Rundgren Swedish
Swedish surname with somewhat unclear etymology. The first element is possibly taken from a place named with either of the elements rund and/or run. Rund coincides with the Swedish word for "round", but it is not clear if the element used in this name is derived from that word... [more]
Ruvolo Italian
From Sicilian ruvolo "sessile oak".
Saarepuu Estonian
Saarepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree" (Fraxinus).
Saarik Estonian
Saarik is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree stand".
Saarpuu Estonian
Saarpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree".
Saeki Japanese
This surname is used as 佐伯, 三枝木 or 佐柄木 with 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 伯 (haku, eki) meaning "chief, count, earl, uncle, Brazil", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 柄 (hei, gara, e, tsuka) meaning "design, pattern, build, nature, character, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Saeki Japanese
From Japanese 冴 (sae) meaning "clear, serene" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Saengmai Thai (Rare)
From Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and ไม้ (mai) meaning "wood, tree".