YamasatoJapanese This surname combines 山 (san, sen, yama) meaning "mountain" and 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 県 or 縣 - outdated variant of 県 - (ken, ka.keru) meaning "county, district, subdivision, prefecture," the last meaning reserved for 県.... [more]
YamasawaJapanese Yama means "hill, mountain" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
YamaseJapanese Yama means "mountain" and se means "ripple".
YampilskiyUkrainian (Rare) This was used by people originating from any of various Ukrainian settlements by the name of "Yampil".
YamuraJapanese From 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" and 村 (mura) meaning "village".
YanChinese (Russified) Russified form of Yang used by ethnic Chinese living in parts of the former Soviet Union.
YanChinese From Chinese 严 (yán) referring to the ancient fief of Yan Jun (嚴君) that existed in what is now Sichuan province.
YanChinese From Chinese 阎 (yán) meaning "gate", also referring to a fief that existed in the ancient state of Jin in what is now Shanxi province.
YanChinese From Chinese 颜 (yán) meaning "face, countenance", also referring to the ancient fief of Yan that existed during the Western Zhou dynasty in what is now Shandong province.
YanabuJapanese From 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 父 (bu) meaning "father".
YappEnglish (British) Derives from Old English ġēap meaning "crooked, bent" and could either refer to a cunning person or someone with crooked features (e.g. curved nose). Famous bearers of this name include English botanist Richard Henry Yapp and Sir Stanley Graham Yapp, Labour politician and first leader of West Midlands County Council.
YarbroughEnglish Habitational name derived from Yarborough or Yarburgh in Lincolnshire, England, both composed of Old English eorþe "earth, ground, dirt" and burg "fortress, citadel, stronghold".
YardleyEnglish Habitational name for someone from any of the various locations in England named Yardley, derived from Old English gierd meaning "branch, twig, pole, stick" and leah meaning "wood, clearing".
YardyEnglish The most likely origin of this surname is that it was used to denote someone who held a piece of land known as a "yarde", from the Middle English word "yerd".
YarwoodEnglish habitational name from Yarwood Heath in Rostherne Cheshire earlier Yarwode. The placename derives from Old English earn "eagle" or gear "yair enclosure for catching fish" and wudu "wood".
YasuraJapanese Yasu means "cheap, relax, peace" and ra means "good".
YasuraJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 安良 (Yasura) meaning "Yasura", a former village in the former district of Izushi in the former Japanese province of Tajima in parts of present-day Hyōgo, Japan.
YasuraokaJapanese (Rare) 安 (yasu) means "cheap, low, inexpensive, rested, peaceful, relax".良 (ra) means "good, excellent", and 岡 (oka) means "ridge, hill"... [more]
YefimovichRussian Grigori Yefimovich who is best known as "Rasputin" was a Russian peasant, mystic and private adviser to the Romanovs (Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Tsarina Alexandra in the early 20th century).
YelleyEnglish (British) The surname Yelley was first found in Oxfordshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor. The Saxon influence of English history diminished after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The language of the courts was French for the next three centuries and the Norman ambience prevailed... [more]
YellmanEnglish Yellman comes from the English words yell and man creating Yellman. The last name Yellman was also given to a person who consistently yelled a lot.
YellowEnglish Nickname for someone who has yellow hair; wore yellow clothing or has a yellow complexion
YelnatsLiterature Invented by Louis Sacher for his novel "Holes". The name was created because it is Stanley spelled backwards. Stanley Yelnats IV is the main character in the novel.