Unisex Submitted Surnames

Unisex   Masculine   Feminine
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Van Schie Dutch
Means "from Schie" in Dutch, the name of a canalised river that lends its name to several nearby toponyms. Possibly related to Middle Dutch scheiden "to separate, to part".
Van Schijndel Dutch
Means "from Schijndel" in Dutch, the name of a village in North Brabant, Netherlands, derived from lo "forest clearing, light forest" and an uncertain first element.
Van Schoonhoven Dutch
Means "from Schoonhoven", refers to a local town from Netherlands.
Vansickle Dutch (Americanized)
Americanized form of a hypothetical Dutch surname, probably derived from either the given name Sikkel (see Siegel) or from sikkel meaning "sickle, scythe".
Van Slingerland Dutch
Habitational name from a place so called in Overijssel.
Van Sluytman Dutch (Archaic)
Etymology uncertain. Possibly related to Dutch sloot "ditch, trench", or to sluiten "to close, shut, lock" (compare Sluiter and Slootmaekers)... [more]
Van Soest Dutch
Means "from Soest" in Dutch, a town in Utrecht, Netherlands.
van Son Dutch
Means "from Son", a town in the Netherlands, possibly derived from an older term meaning "creek".
Van Staalduinen Dutch
Means "from the steel dunes", a toponym.
Van Straubenzee Dutch (Anglicized, Rare)
Etymology uncertain, most likely a habitational name.
Van 't Boveneind Dutch
Means "from Boveneind", the name of various places in the Netherlands, itself meaning "from the top end" in Dutch. It is derived from boven meaning "upper, upstream" and eind meaning "edge, end".
Van Tienhoven Dutch
Means "from Tienhoven", the name of several villages in the Netherlands. Their names mean "ten parcels of land" in Dutch. A famous bearer was the Dutch politician Gijsbert van Tienhoven (1841-1914), a Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
Van Tilburg Dutch
Means "from Tilburg" in Dutch, the name of a city in North Brabant, Netherlands, derived from Old Dutch tilli "newly cultivated land" and burg "fortress, fortified settlement, citadel".
Van Tol Dutch
Means "of (the) toll" or "from Tol" in Dutch, derived from tol "toll (fee); toll booth, toll house", a habitational name for someone who lived near or in a toll house or a place named for one, or a metonymic occupational name for a toll collector... [more]
Van Tongeren Dutch
Means "from Tongeren" in Dutch.
Van 't Schip Dutch
Means "from the ship", derived from Middle Dutch schip literally meaning "ship". It is borne by the Dutch-Canadian former soccer player John van 't Schip (1963-).
Vântu Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Van Tuijl Dutch
Means "from Tuil", the name of two different settlements, both derived from Old Dutch tiole or tiuli "agricultural land, pasture".
Van Uden Dutch
Means "from Uden" in Dutch, a town in North Brabant, Netherlands.
Vanunu Judeo-Spanish
Hebrew transcription of Ouanounou.
Van Velsen Dutch
Means "from Velsen" in Dutch, a municipality in North Holland, possibly from Proto-Indo-European *pel "swamp, marsh" combined with the hydronymic suffix *isa.
Van Vucht Dutch
Means "from Vucht", a place name probably derived from Middle Dutch vucht "humid area, wetland".
Van Wageningen Dutch
Means "from Wandeningen" in Dutch, denoting a person from the municipality of Gelderland, Netherlands, from Dutch Wagano with collective suffix -ung-
Van Wanrooij Dutch
Means "from Wanroij" in Dutch, the name of a town in North Brabant, Netherlands, probably derived from Middle Dutch wan "bad, insufficient, lacking; un-" and rode "land cleared of trees".
Van Wert Dutch (Americanized, Archaic), Flemish
Habitational name for someone from places in Belgium and the Netherlands called Weert, (De) Weerd, Weerde, or Waarde, all derived from Middle Dutch wert "holm, area surrounded by rivers".
Van Wezel Dutch
Means "from Wezel", the name of several locations in the Netherlands.
Van Wijngaarden Dutch
Means "from Wijngaarden", a village in South Holland, Netherlands, meaning "vineyards" in Dutch. It’s uncertain if there was ever actually a vineyard in or near the village.
Van Wormer Dutch (Rare)
Means "from Wormer", a town in North Holland. Derived from Old Dutch wer "fishing weir" and mere "lake", or possibly from Proto-Germanic *werm "water".
Van Wyngarden Dutch (Americanized)
Americanized form of van Wijngaarden (see Wijngaard).
Van Zandt Dutch, Belgian
Means "from Zandt", a toponym derived from zand "sand".
Van Zon Dutch
Variant of van Son. In some cases, it could denote someone who lived or worked in a building named De Zon "the sun", probably named for a sign depicting the sun.
Van Zo Post Dutch
Dutch form of Post.
Van Zweden Dutch
Means "from Sweden" in Dutch. Jaap van Zweden (1960-) is a Dutch conductor and violinist.
Vaquero Spanish
occupational name from vaquero "cowboy".
Varadarajan Indian, Hindi
Derived from Hindi वरदराजन (varadaraajan).
Varadkar Indian, Hindi, Marathi
Derived from the name of the village of Varad in the Sindhudurg district in Maharashtra, India. A famous bearer is the Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar (1979-).
Varaev Chechen
Chechen surname of unknown meaning.
Varandi Estonian
Varandi is an Estonian surname derived from "varandus", meaning "property" and "belongings".
Varaste Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian وارسته (see Varasteh).
Varasteh Persian
Means "virtuous, pious, devout, humble" in Persian.
Värav Estonian
Värav is an Estonian surname meaning "gate/door".
Varb Estonian
Varb is an Estonian surname meaning "rod".
Varblane Estonian
Varblane is an Estonian surname meaning "sparrow".
Värbu Estonian
Värbu is an Estonian surname; a diminutive of "värb" meaning "sparrow".
Vardanian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Vardanyan.
Vardi Hebrew
From the given names Vered or Varda which means "rose" in Hebrew.
Vardjas Estonian
Vardjas is an Estonian surname meaning "keeper".
Vardy English
Variant of Verity. A name given to actors who played the part in the medieval travelling theatres.
Vareli Greek
Means "barrel" in Greek.
Vares Estonian
Vares is Estonian surname meaning "crow".
Varfolomeyeva Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Варфоломеев (see Varfolomeyev).
Vargeid Norwegian
Invented by Sverre Kristian (then) Olsen and his brother Willy Anfinn (also then) Olsen. They thought Olsen was boring, and invented the new Vargeid.
Varghese Indian (Christian), Malayalam
From the given name Varghese, used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Vargiu Italian
From the name of a former settlement. Possibly from Latin varius, "many colours, variegated".
Vargo Hungarian
Comes from the surname Varga.
Vario Italian, Spanish
From the given name Vario. Also means "various" in Italian.
Värk Estonian
Värk is an Estonian surname meaning both "celebration" and "hootenanny", as well as "thing", "stuff", or a "job".
Varma Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Nepali
Derived from Sanskrit वर्मन् (varman) meaning "armour, protection".
Varnell English
Variant of Farnell. This form originated in southwestern England, where the change from F to V arose from the voicing of F that was characteristic of this area in Middle English.
Varner German
Habitational name for someone from Farn near Oberkirch, or Fahrnau near Schopfheim.
Varney English
From the French place name Vernay meaning "alder grove, alder wood", derived from Gaulish vern "alder (tree)" and the Latin locative suffix -etum "place of; plantation, grove" (-aie in modern French).
Varon French
From the old high german name Waro short form of given names with the element war "aware,cautious".
Varpunen Finnish (Rare)
From Finnish meaning "sparrow".
Varrak Estonian
Varrak is an Estonian surname meaning "rich/wealthy".
Varsonofyev Russian (Rare)
Means "son of Varsonofy"; rarely used as a surname.
Vartanyan Armenian
Variant transcription of Vardanyan.
Varughese Indian (Christian), Malayalam
From the given name Varughese, used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Värv Estonian
Värv is an Estonian surname meaning "color" and "paint".
Varvaruk Ukrainian
From the feminine given name Varvara.
Vasa Old Swedish, Swedish (Archaic)
Swedish noble and former royal family. Possibly from vase meaning "bundle" or "withy". The name is believed to be a reference to the family's coat of arms. The most notable member of the family was Gustav Eriksson Vasa (1496-1560), later known as Gustav I of Sweden (in modern times known exclusively as Gustav Vasa)... [more]
Vasaio Italian
Italian for "potter."
Vasar Estonian
Vasar is an Estonian surname meaning "hammer".
Vasco Spanish
Originally denoted a Basque person or someone from the Basque Country in Spain, from Latin Vascones of uncertain etymology.
Vasershteyn Yiddish
It literally means "water stone".
Vasey English
Derived from the Norman french word enveisie "playful, merry"
Vašićek Croatian
Variant and often a misspelling of Vašiček.
Vasilakis Greek
Means "son of Vasilis".
Vasilakos Greek
Patronymic from the Greek given name Vasilios and the suffix άκος (-akos) which is particularly associated with the Mani Peninsula in southwestern Peloponnese.
Vasilenko Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Vasylenko.
Vasilias Greek
Derived from the given name Vasilios.
Vasiljević Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Vasilije".
Vasilov Bulgarian, Russian
Meaning "son of Vasil" in Russian and "from Bulgaria" in Bulgarian.
Vasin Russian
Derived from the given name Vasya.
Vask Estonian
Vask is an Estonian surname meaning "copper".
Vass English
Status name denoting a serf, Middle English, Old French vass(e), from Late Latin vassus, of Celtic origin. Compare Welsh gwas "boy", Gaelic foss "servant".
Vassallo Maltese
Rich people who formed part of the night of saint john "vassals"
Vassar French, English
Name indicating the status of "a vassal or serf" in feudal society.
Vasseur French
From Old French vavasour meaning "subvassal", a historical term used to refer to a tenant of a baron or lord who also had tenants under him.
Vassie French, English
Meaning "playful or merry" for a cheerful person.
Vasta Italian
Vasta is derived from the Italian word Vast. Vasta means wide in Italian. It is a common name in Italy preferably in Milan, Italy.
Västrik Estonian
Västrik is an Estonian surname meaning "wagtail (bird genus: Motacilla)".
Vasylchuk Ukrainian
Means "son of Vasyl".
Vasylyshyna Ukrainian
Feminine transcription of Ukrainian Василишин (see Vasylyshyn).
Vászoly Hungarian
From the given name Vászoly, the Hungarian form of Basil 1.
Vatanabe Japanese (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Watanabe more commonly used by ethnic Japanese living in parts of the former Soviet Union and Sakhalin Japanese residing on Sakhalin Island in Russia.
Vatatzis Greek
This surname is a diminutive form of the word βάτος, "bramble, briar", perhaps signifying a harsh character. Another possible origin is βατάκι, "ray fish".
Vati Indian
From given name Vati meaning "nature"
Vatistas Greek
From the Latin Batista which means "baptist", originally deriving from Greek βάπτω (bapto) meaning "to dip".
Vaughen Welsh
Variant of Vaughan.
Vaŭkovič Belarusian
Patronymic surname derived from Belarusian воўк (voŭk) meaning "wolf".
Vauquelin French
From the given name Vauquelin variant of Voclain.
Vaux French
French, English, and Scottish habitational name from any of various places in northern France called Vaux, from the Old French plural of val ‘valley’.
Vavasour English (Rare)
From the word for a feudal rank, possibly derived (via Old French) from Latin vassus vassorum meaning "vassal of vassals".
Vayayana Indigenous Taiwanese
Meaning unavailable.
Vayna Belarusian (Rare)
Belarusian cognate of Voyna.
Vayner Yiddish
Weiner is a surname or, in fact, the spelling of two different surnames originating in German and the closely related Yiddish language. In German, the name is pronounced vaɪnɐ(ʁ),of which the rare English pronunciation vaɪnər is a close approximation... [more]
Vayntrub Jewish
Russified form of Weintraub.
Vays Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian
Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian form of Weiss.
Vayseblum Yiddish
It literally means "white flower"
Vaytsyukevich Belarusian
Belarusian form of Voytov.
Vəzirov Azerbaijani
Means "son of the vizier", from the Arabic title وَزِير (wazīr) denoting a minister or high-ranking official in an Islamic government.
Vazquez Spanish (Americanized), Filipino
Unaccented form of Vázquez primarily used in America and the Philippines.
Vea Spanish, Galician
Habitational name, principally from Vea in Soria province, but in some cases from any of four places with the same name in Pontevedra province, Galicia.
Vea Norwegian
Habitational name from any of four farmsteads so named, from the plural of Old Norse viðr meaning "wood", "tree".
Veach Scottish
Variant of Veitch.
Veary English (British)
Veary is an English spelling of Scottish Gaelic Faries (meaning: fair, beautiful, or handsome).
Veca Italian
Southern Italian: possibly from vece ‘change’, ‘mutation’, ‘alternation’ (from Latin vix, vicis, plural vices), or from a pet form of a personal name formed with this element.
Vecchi Italian
Italian: patronymic or plural form of Vecchio, meaning "old".
Vecchio Italian
Means "old, aged" in Italian, originally used as a nickname for an older or oldest son or for someone who was prematurely grey or wrinkled.
Večeřa Czech
Means "supper". Pronounced "veh-cze-zha".
Vecino Spanish
Spanish form of Voisin.
Vedmederya Ukrainian
Means "bear cub, baby bear, little bear".
Védő Hungarian
Means protector in Hungarian.
Vedriš Croatian
Derived from vedro, meaning "bright".
Vee Norwegian
Habitational name from farmsteads named Ve, for example in Hordaland and Sogn, from Old Norse "sacred place".
Veeber Estonian
Veeber is an Estonian surname, an Estonianization of the German surname "Weber".
Veedla Estonian
Veedla is an Estonian surname meaning "watery/waters area".
Veel Estonian
Veel is an Estonian surname meaning "still", "again", and "heretofore".
Veemaa Estonian
Veemaa is an Estonian surname meaning "water land".
Veen Dutch
Means "peat bog, fen, swamp" in Dutch.
Veenre Estonian
Veenre is an Estonian surname derived from "veen", meaning "vein".
Veeorg Estonian
Veeorg is an Estonian surname meaning "water valley/gully".
Veere Estonian
Veere is an Estonian surname meaning "rolling" and "avalanche".
Veeremaa Estonian
Veeremaa is an Estonian surname meaning "rolling land".
Veermäe Estonian
Veermäe is an Estonian surname meaning "border hill/mountain".
Veerman Dutch
Means "ferryman, skipper" in Dutch, from veer "ferry". Alternatively, it could be an occupational name for a feather merchant or fletcher, derived from veer "feather, plume", a contracted form of the archaic veder.
Veermets Estonian
Veermets is an Estonian surname meaning "border forest".
Veers German (Rare)
German variant of Weers.
Veesaar Estonian
Veesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "water island".
Veesalu Estonian
Veesalu is an Estonian surname meaning "water grove".
Veetamm Estonian
Veetamm is an Estonian surname meaning "water oak".
Veetõusme Estonian
Veetõusme is an Estonian surname meaning "water (vee) surge (tõusma)".
Veevers English
Means "dealer in foodstuffs" (from Old French vivres "victuals").
Veevo Estonian
Veevo is an Estonian surname derived from "veevool", meaning "watercourse".
Veiga Portuguese, Galician
Portuguese and Galician cognate of Vega.
Veikat Estonian
Veikat is an Estonian surname possibly an Estonianization of the German surname "Weikart".
Veillette French (Americanized)
Some characteristic forenames: French Lucien, Alain, Armand, Francois, Germaine, Jacques, Jean-Marie, Marcel, Yves.... [more]
Veilleux French
variant of veilleur, a night guard of nightwatch.
Veis German, Yiddish
Yiddish form of Weiss.
Veit German
From the given name Veit.
Veitch Scottish
Derived from the Latin word vacca which means "cow". This was either an occupational name for a cowherd or a nickname for a gentle person.
Vejas Spanish
An altered form of the surname Behar
Vējonis Latvian
Derived from the word vējš meaning "wind".
Velama Indian, Telugu
It is a Telugu name, denoting mainly agricultural laborers.
Velden Dutch
Means "fields" in Dutch.
Veldhuis Dutch
Means "field house" in Dutch.
Veldman Dutch
Means "field man" in Dutch, a name for a farmer, or someone who lived by a field.
Vélez Spanish
Patronymic from the personal name Vela.
Vélez Spanish
Habitational name from any of various places in Andalusia called Vélez.
Velêz Portuguese
Possibly a habitational name from Vellés in Salamanca.
Velichko Russian
Derived from Russian великий (velikiy), meaning "great, large".
Velikanov Russian, Ukrainian
Derived from Russian великан (velikan) meaning "giant".
Velikov Bulgarian
Means "son of Veliko".
Velíšek Czech
Czech form of Velliscig.
Vella Maltese, Italian
Derived from Italian bella meaning "beautiful".
Vellala Indian, Tamil
It is a Tamil name, denoting agricultural laborers.
Vellalan Indian, Tamil
Alternate spelling of Vellala.
Veloso Spanish
From the Brazilian Spanish word for fast.
Velte German
German variant of Velten.
Velten German, Dutch
From a vernacular form of the personal name Valentin or Valentijn.
Velten Norwegian
Norwegian habitational name from any of several farmsteads, mainly in Hedmark, derived from velte "log pile".
Veltman Dutch
Variant of Veldman.
Velychko Ukrainian
Ukrainian cognate of Velichko.
Venables English
Derives from Latin venabulum "long hunting spear".
Vendel Hungarian
From the given name Vendel.
Vendrell Catalan
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Venegas Spanish
From the hybridization of Ben, meaning "son" in Arabic or Jewish, and Ega(s), a medieval given name of Visigothic origin.
Venema Dutch, West Frisian
From Dutch veen "peat, bog, fen" and the Frisian suffix -ema.
Veneracion Spanish (Philippines)
Derived from Spanish veneración meaning "veneration."
Venezia Italian, Judeo-Italian
Habitational name from the city of Venice or from the region of Venetia, both of which are called Venezia in Italian.
Veneziano Italian
habitational name from veneziano "Venetian". Variant of Venezia
Veng Khmer
Meaning uncertain.
Venier Venetian
From the medieval name Venerius, meaning "of Venus, dedicated to Venus".
Venieris Greek
The Greek version of the Venetian surname Venier attested in Kythera, where the Venier family ruled on behalf of the Republic of Venice. Originally is thought that the surname derives from Venus.
Venini Italian
Possibly a patronymic from the medieval name Bene, meaning "good".
Venizelos Greek
From the baptismal name Benizelos, which is already in existence since the 16th century in Athens. Uncertain etymology, most likely to be of Italian origin, (Bene + angelo, the good angel, ie Evangelos)... [more]
Venkataraman Indian
From Sanskrit venkạteša ‘lord of Venkata hill’, an epithet of the god Vishnu (from venkạta ‘name of the hill’ + īša‘lord’).
Venkatesh Indian, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada
Means "lord of Venkata", from Venkata, the name of a hill in southern India (see Venkata), combined with Sanskrit ईश (īśa) meaning "lord, master, husband" (see Isha).
Venn English
Southwestern English variant of Fenn.
Venn German
Derived from Middle High German venne "mire, bog, fen".
Vennix Dutch
Patronymic from the given name Fenne, a short form of Ferdinand.
Venosa Italian
Derived from a town named "Venosa".
Ventira Romansh
Derived from the given name Bonaventura.