ShereshevskyШерешевскийRussian, Jewish Name for someone originally from the city of Sharashova in Belarus, probably derived Russian шерешь (sheresh) meaning "frozen mud, ice (on a river)".
ShevelevШевелевRussian Derived by means of suffix "-ev" from Old Slavic verb sheveliti (se) meaning to make noise, to whirr, to rustle, to whistle, to wander. Initially it designated someone bold, daring, hardy, spirited.
ShevelyovШевелёвmRussian From Russian шевелить (shevelit'), meaning "move, stir".
SholokhovШолохов, ШолоховаmRussian Derived from Russian шорох (šórox) "rustle, soft crackling sound", denoting a quiet person, or шерохий (šeróxij) "rough, rugged", denoting a person with a rough face.
SholomШоломRussian Derived from Old Russian шолом (sholom) meaning "helmet".
SklueffRussian (Latinized, Rare, ?) Means bird of prey. From Russia. Was changed by the government from Cellieic letters to Latin letters. Unknown if it was change in Russia or Harbin, Chun where they escaped Bolshevism.
SosunovСосуновRussian Derived from Russian сосун (sosun) meaning "sucker". Alternatively this may be a patronymic surname derived from the Jewish name Sasson meaning "happiness".
SotnikovСотниковmRussian From сотник (sotnik) a millitary ranking meaning "centurion".
SovinСовинRussian Derived from Russian сова (sova) meaning "owl". This may have been a nickname for a night person. This is a Russian noble surname.
SyezdСъездRussian (Rare), Kazakh (Rare) The last name is a Russian last name derived from съезд (s"yezd) meaning "conference, congress, convention", but it is mostly used in Kazakhstan.
TartakovskyТартаковскийRussian, Jewish Name for someone originally from the town of Tartakiv (or Tartakov) in Ukraine, derived from Ukrainian тартак (tartak) meaning "sawmill".
TikhanchikТиханчикRussian Derived from тихо (tikho) meaning "quiet".
TikhanovskayaТихановскаяfRussian Russian form of Tsikhanouskaya. The standard form is Tikhonovskaya, but when referring to the politician Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya in Russian, Tikhanovskaya is used.
TokarevТокаревRussian Patronymic name derived from Russian токарь (tokar) meaning "turner". A turner was a person who used a lathe to create small objects from wood or bone. A notable bearer of this name was the Russian-American singer and songwriter Willi Tokarev (1934-2019).
TolstoyТолстойRussian Means "fat" from Russian толстый (tolstyy) meaning "thick, stout, fat". This was the name of a Russian family of nobility; a notable member was Count Lev "Leo" Tolstoy (1828-1910), a Russian writer.