SulickPolish Derived from the Polish given name “Sułislaw,” which is composed of the elements “sun” and “sław,” which mean “sun” and “glory”. It is thought to have originally referred to someone who was associated with the sun or who was considered to be illustrious or famous.
ŚwierczyńskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Świerczyn or Świerczyna, both derived either from Polish świerk meaning "spruce" or świerszcz meaning "cricket".
ŚwitałaPolish Derived from Polish świt "dawn" "sun" "daylight" or świtać "to dawn". It is a nickname for an early-riser.
SyezdRussian (Rare), Kazakh (Rare) The last name is a Russian last name derived from съезд (s"yezd) meaning "conference, congress, convention", but it is mostly used in Kazakhstan.
SzeligaPolish Habitational name from places called Szeliga or Szeligi. It is not clear whether there is any connection with the Polish vocabulary word szeliga ‘coat-of-arms’.
SzmulikPolish The Szmulik surname has much history. Its origins are Hebrew. It has taken on various spellings over the centuries, depending on where the person or family lived in Europe or America.... [more]
SzołdrskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish village of Szołdry.
TalianekSlovak Talianek has been used almost interchangeably with the other variants in Slovak church records starting in 1745 in Brezova Pod Bradlom, Slovakia. This surname split into 2 branches, talianek and talianko; in the early 1800s as the family grew and began to spread to neighboring towns... [more]
TarkowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Tarkowo in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship or Tarków in Masovian Voivodeship (of uncertain origin compare tarka ‘grater rasper’).
TartakovskyRussian, Jewish Name for someone originally from the town of Tartakiv (or Tartakov) in Ukraine, derived from Ukrainian тартак (tartak) meaning "sawmill".
TögyördSlovak Slovak I have a baptismal record of my great Grandfather I can send.
TokarevRussian Patronymic name derived from Russian токарь (tokar) meaning "turner". A turner was a person who used a lathe to create small objects from wood or bone. A notable bearer of this name was the Russian-American singer and songwriter Willi Tokarev (1934-2019).