Slavic Submitted Surnames

These names are used by Slavic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Styczeń Polish
Derived from Polish styczeń "January (month)".
Subbotin m Russian
From Russian суббота (subbota), meaning "Saturday".
Sukacz Polish (Rare)
father surname.
Sukharev Russian
From sukhari, meaning "hardtack".
Sukhorukov m Russian
From Russian сухорукий (sukhorukiy), meaning "withered".
Sulek Polish
Derived from the given name Sulimir.
Sulick Polish
Derived from the Polish given name “Sułislaw,” which is composed of the elements “sun” and “sław,” which mean “sun” and “glory”. It is thought to have originally referred to someone who was associated with the sun or who was considered to be illustrious or famous.
Suljagić Bosnian
Means "son of Suljo".
Suljić Bosnian
Means "son of Suljo".
Sułkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Sułkowo Borowe.
Sultanović Bosnian
Means "son of Sultan" in Bosnian.
Surowiecki m Polish
Derived from surowy, meaning "rough."
Sušina Slovak
From Slovak and Czech word Sušina meaning "dry matter"
Šuškov Croatian
Derived from šuškati, meaning "to rustle".
Susoev Russian
Means "son of Susoi".
Šutović Macedonian
Comes from place named Šutovo in Macedonia.
Suvorov Russian
From Suvorov, the name of a town in the Tula Oblast of Russia.
Šváb Czech
It's from an animal cockroach.
Švarc um Croatian, Czech
Croatian and Czech form of Schwarz.
Švarcer Croatian
Elaborated form of Švarc.
Svatkovsky m Russian
From сват (svat) meaning "matchmaker"
Švec Czech
It means "shoemaker".
Sverchkov m Russian
From Russian сверчок (sverchok), meaning "cricket".
Sveshnikov Russian
Russian surname with unknown meaning.
Svetlakov m Russian
Derived from Russian word светло (svetlo) meaning "light".
Svetleyshiy m Russian
Svetleyshiy was a title used by non-firstborn children of royals.
Svirydzienka Belarusian
Derived from the given name Sviryd.
Svobodin Russian
Patronymic surname derived from Russian свобода (svoboda) meaning "freedom, liberty".
Svobodná f Czech
Means "freedom woman".
Svobodný Czech
Svobodný means "freedom man" in Czech.
Svobodov Russian
Patronymic surname derived from Russian свобода (svoboda) meaning "freedom, liberty".
Świerczyński Polish
Name for someone from a place called Świerczyn or Świerczyna, both derived either from Polish świerk meaning "spruce" or świerszcz meaning "cricket".
Świtała Polish
Derived from Polish świt "dawn" "sun" "daylight" or świtać "to dawn". It is a nickname for an early-riser.
Syamak Belarusian
Belarusian form of Semak.
Sychyov Russian
From Russian сыч (sych) meaning "small owl".
Sychyova Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Сычёв (see Sychyov).
Sydorenko Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Isidor.
Syezd Russian (Rare), Kazakh (Rare)
The last name is a Russian last name derived from съезд (s"yezd) meaning "conference, congress, convention", but it is mostly used in Kazakhstan.
Symonenko Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Symon.
Synov Russian (Ukrainianized)
Ukrainianised form of Sinov.
Sytkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within Sytkowo, a neighborhood in Poznań (the Greater Polish capital).
Syzonenko Ukrainian
Patronymic derived from the given name Syzon.
Szady Polish (Archaic)
Nickname from Old Polish szady ‘gray’. Compare Sady.
Szalak Polish (Rare)
Probably from Old Polish ślak, variant of szlak, meaning "path, trail, route, way".
Szalma Polish, Hungarian
Some characteristic forenames: Polish Jacek, Jozef, Małgorzata, Wiesław, Wojiech.... [more]
Szamotulski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish town of Szamotuły.
Szarabajka Polish, English
His surname, Szarabajka, means "Grey Tale" in Polish. Last name is pronounced "sarah-bike-ah".
Szawłowski m Polish
Derived from the given name Szaweł.
Szczepankiewicz Polish
Patronymic from the given name Szczepan.
Szczepkowski Polish
Habitational name for someone from a place named Szczepków, from the personal name Szczepek, a pet form of Szczepan.
Szczęsny Polish
From the given name Szczęsny.
Szeliga Polish
Habitational name from places called Szeliga or Szeligi. It is not clear whether there is any connection with the Polish vocabulary word szeliga ‘coat-of-arms’.
Szeremet Polish
Polish cognate of Şeremet.
Szeremeta Polish
Polish cognate of Sheremeta.
Szmanda Polish
Polish pronunciation is "sh-MAHN-dah" and Hungarian pronunciation is "s-MAHN-dah".
Szmulik Polish
The Szmulik surname has much history. Its origins are Hebrew. It has taken on various spellings over the centuries, depending on where the person or family lived in Europe or America.... [more]
Szołdrski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish village of Szołdry.
Szóstak Polish
It literally means a deer with 6-pointed antlers.
Szot Polish
Nickname for a fish seller with a bad reputation, from szot "bad herring".
Szpakowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Podlachian village Szpakowo.
Szroeder German (Polonized), Polish
Polish phonetic spelling of German Schröder 1 or Schröder 2.
Szurgot Polish
Nickname from szurgot ‘shuffling sound’
Szurkowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages named Szurkowo.
Szydło Polish
Means "awl" in Polish, used as an occupational name for a cobbler.
Szymanowski Polish
Name for someone from a place called Szymanów, Szymanowo or Szymanowice, all derived from the given name Szymon.
Szymczuk Polish
From the given name Szymon.
Szymczyk Polish
Means "son of Szymon".
Szynkiewicz Polish, Tatar, Lipka Tatar
Patronymic derived from Szynko, a diminutive of Simon.
Szyślak Polish
Derived from East Slavic word šišlat "do slowly".
Taber English, Polish
English: variant spelling of Tabor. ... [more]
Tabor English, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Jewish
English: metonymic occupational name for a drummer, from Middle English, Old French tabo(u)r ‘drum’.... [more]
Tacza Polish
Deppreciation of TARCZA which means shield in Polish.
Taczanowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Greater Polish villages in Gmina Pleszew: Taczanów Pierwszy or Taczanów Drugi.
Tadejević Croatian
Means "son of Tadej".
Talianek Slovak
Talianek has been used almost interchangeably with the other variants in Slovak church records starting in 1745 in Brezova Pod Bradlom, Slovakia. This surname split into 2 branches, talianek and talianko; in the early 1800s as the family grew and began to spread to neighboring towns... [more]
Talija Serbian
Talija... [more]
Talysh Russian
From Russian талыш (talysh), meaning "a Talysh". The Talysh are a minority ethnic group in Iran and Azerbaidzhan.
Tanev Bulgarian
Derived from the forename Tane.
Taneva Bulgarian
Feminine form of Tanev.
Tantsyrev m Russian
Derived from танец (tanets) meaning dance.
Taranova f Russian
Feminine form of Taranov.
Taras Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian
From the given name Taras.
Tarasov Russian
Means "son of Taras".
Tarasova Russian
Feminine form of Tarasov.
Tarcza Polish, Hungarian
Means "shield" in Polish.
Tarkhov Russian
Means "son of Tarkh". This is a Russian noble surname.
Tarkowski Polish
Habitational name for someone from Tarkowo in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship or Tarków in Masovian Voivodeship (of uncertain origin compare tarka ‘grater rasper’).
Tarlykov m Russian, Kazakh (Russified, ?)
Possibly derived from Kazakh тарлық (tarlıq; russified: tarlyk) meaning "narrow", but probably not.
Tarnowska f Polish
Feminine form of Tarnowski.
Tarnowski Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish city of Tarnów.
Tartakovsky Russian, Jewish
Name for someone originally from the town of Tartakiv (or Tartakov) in Ukraine, derived from Ukrainian тартак (tartak) meaning "sawmill".
Taseska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Taseski.
Taseski m Macedonian
Means "son of Tase".
Tasev m Bulgarian, Macedonian
Means "son of Tase".
Taseva f Bulgarian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Tasev.
Tasevska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Tasevski.
Tasevski m Macedonian
Means "son of Tase".
Tasić Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tasa".
Tatarenko Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Tatarov.
Tatarov m Russian
Means "son of a Tatar".
Tatelman Russian, Yiddish
Man who tats or sew
Tati Popular Culture, French, Russian
A well known diminutive of both Tatiana and Tatischeff.
Tatischeff French, Russian, English
Best known as the actual full surname of Jacques Tati.
Tatka f Polish
Meaning Unknown.
Tatyanin Russian
Matronymic surname derived from the Russian given name Tatyana.
Teklić Croatian
Derived from teklić, a rare form of the word "messenger".
Telišman Croatian (Rare)
Unknown origin, probably from the word "talisman"
Telyatynskyy m Ukrainian
From Ukrainian телятина (telyatyna), meaning "veal (meat)".
Temelkoska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Temelkoski.
Temelkoski m Macedonian
Means "son of Temelko".
Temelkovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Temelko".
Tempski Polish
Habitatual name derived from Tępcz, Gdańsk, Luzino commune, a town in Poland.
Teodorczuk Polish
From the given name Teodor.
Teodorović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Teodor".
Teplov m Russian
Variant transcription of Tyoplov.
Teplyakov m Russian
From Russian dialectual тепляк (teplyak), meaning "house, home, enclosure" (literally "warm space").
Terchenko Ukrainian
Possibly a variant of Tereshchenko.
Terekhin m Russian
Means "from Terekhovo".
Terziev m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish terzi meaning "tailor".
Terzieva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Terziev.
Terziyska f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Terziyski.
Terziyski m Bulgarian
Derived from Turkish terzi meaning "tailor".
Tessler Romanian, Russian
Russian, Christian. From The original name tescherak
Thorn Low German, German, German (Silesian), Polish, Luxembourgish
In North German, Danish, and Luxembourgish, it is a habitational name for someone who lived near a tower, from Middle Low German torn "tower".... [more]
Tikhanchik Russian
Derived from тихо (tikho) meaning "quiet".
Tikhanovskaya f Russian
Russian form of Tsikhanouskaya. The standard form is Tikhonovskaya, but when referring to the politician Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya in Russian, Tikhanovskaya is used.
Tikhomirov m Russian
Means "son of Tikhomir".
Tikhon'ko Russian
Means "quietly" in Russian.
Tikhonov Russian
Means "son of Tikhon".
Tikhonovskiy m Russian
From the given name Tikhon.
Timofeev Russian
Means "son of Timofey".
Timofeeva f Russian
Feminine form of Timofeev.
Timofeyev Russian
Variant transcription of Timofeev.
Tišljar Croatian
Derived from Chakavian Croatian tišljar, meaning "carpenter".
Titov Russian
Means "son of Tit".
Tkáč Slovak
From Slovak words Tkáč and Tkať meaning "A weaver" and "To weave" respectively.
Tkach Ukrainian, Jewish (?)
From Ukrainian ткач (tkach), meaning "weaver".
Tkachyov m Russian
From Russian ткач (tkach), meaning "weaver".
Tkacz Polish, Jewish
Variant of Tkach. Means 'to weave'
Todorić Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Todor".
Todoroska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Todoroski.
Todoroski m Macedonian
Means "son of Todor".
Todorovac Bosnian
Possibly related to Todorović, commonly used by Serbs.
Todorovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Todorovski.
Todorovski m Macedonian
Means "son of Todor".
Tögyörd Slovak
Slovak I have a baptismal record of my great Grandfather I can send.
Tokarev Russian
Patronymic name derived from Russian токарь (tokar) meaning "turner". A turner was a person who used a lathe to create small objects from wood or bone. A notable bearer of this name was the Russian-American singer and songwriter Willi Tokarev (1934-2019).
Tokareva Russian
Feminine transcription of Russian Токарев (see Tokarev).
Tolkachev m Russian
Maybe derived from the Russian word "только (tol'ko)" meaning only.