JackowskimPolish Habitational surname for someone from a village called Jacków, derived from a diminutive of Jacenty.
JaćmierskimPolish Derived from the name of the village Jaćmierz in Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Poland. The first known bearer of the surname was Fryderyk Jaćmierski, who lived in the end of XIV century.
JagiełłoPolish Originally from Old Lithuanian jotis and gaili, meaning "strong rider". This was the last name of the Polish King Władysław Jagiełło, who, along with his wife, started the Jagiellonian dynasty in the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
JagodzińskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Jagodno, Jagodziny, Jagodzinek or Jagodziniec, all derived from Polish jagoda meaning "berry".
JagrCzech Jágr is a Czech-language surname. It is related to the German surname Jäger which means "hunter" in German. It is used by the Ice Hockey player Jaromír Jágr.
JastremskiUkrainian, Polish, Czech Derives from a Slavic surname and originates from western Ukraine. The term was initially used to describe either people from the East (Polish name) or people from the South (Ukrainian name). Jastremski is derived from the word jastrom, meaning 'easterner'.... [more]
JaszczukPolish Derived from Polish jaszczurka, meaning "lizard."
JegličSlovene "The Slovenian word for the Carniolan primrose." This name would likely have been given to people who inhabited the meadows of northwestern Slovenia where this flower is endemic.
JeknićMontenegrin Derived from jekanje (јекање), meaning "moaning, crying".
JelavićSerbian, Bosnian derived from the place name Jelav, one of the places in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
JelušićCroatian The first ever appearance recorded to this date was even before the Turkish men (Ottoman) broke into the Kingdom of Croatia (around 13. century).... [more]
KabacińskiPolish The surname Kabaciński is a habitational name for someone from a place called Kabaty, in Warszawa voivodeship. It is also a derivative of the nickname Kabat.
KaganekPolish, Jewish The surname Kaganek is of Polish or Jewish origin, and it is a diminutive form of the name Kagan, which is derived from the Hebrew word כַּהֵן (Kohen), meaning "priest." The name Kagan historically referred to individuals who were descendants of the Jewish priestly class.
KalashnikUkrainian Means "maker of kalaches", a variant of калачник (kalachnik) - itself composed of калач (kalach), a type of bread, and the agent suffix -ник (-nik). See also Kalashnikov.
KalashnikovmRussian Means "son of the kalach-maker", derived from Russian калашник (kalashnik), a variant of калачник (kalachnik) "maker of kalaches" - kalach being a type of bread - combined with the patronymic suffix -ов (-ov)... [more]
KalebaPolish Originates from a nickname of Polish dialect meaning “scraggy old cow”
KalevRussian Russian, from the elements Kal and -ev ("of"), therefore meaning "of Kal." Kal may be a shortened element of a Russian given name or place name.
KalinowskimPolish Name for someone from any of various locations named Kalinowa, Kalinowo or Kalinów, all derived from Polish kalina meaning "viburnum (a type of plant)".
KalleskePolish (Germanized, Rare) The surname Kalleske can be found among 40 telephone subscribers in Germany, in addition to the spelling Kaleske (about 39 times), with at least six namesake. Assuming that the normal spread of a family name is between 400 and 500 times this name is very rare... [more]
KaplanGerman, Czech, Jewish Means "chaplain, curate" in German and Czech, ultimately from Latin cappellanus. It is also sometimes used as a Jewish name, from a translation of Hebrew כֹּהֵן (kohen) meaning "priest" (see Cohen).
KarabeynikBelarusian Alyaksey Karabeynik is a member of the band Shuma, the band performed at Eurovision in 2018. It means peddler. The Russian form is Korobeynik.
KarachunUkrainian Karachun is ceremonial Western Ukrainian Christmas bread, ultimately from Romanian crăciunul (крэчунул), meaning "Christmas".
KarbowskiPolish Habitational name for someone from Karbowo in Torun voivodeship, a place so named from Polish karbowy "overseer (of farm laborers)", from karbowac "to make notches", i.e. to keep records.
KariFinnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]