OktyabrskyRussian Meaning "October" in Russian, it often refers to the October Revolution of November 1917, a coup led by Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) and the Bolshevik Party.
OkunaPolish Polish (also Okuła): nickname for a lame person, from okuleć ‘to stumble or founder’, Old Polish okułac.
OkunevmRussian Possibly derived from Russian word "окон (okon)" meaning window.
OvechkinRussian Patronymic derived from Russian овечка (ovechka) meaning "lamb". A famous bearer is the Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin (1985-).
OzerovRussian From Russian озеро (ozero) meaning "lake".
OżgamPolish (Polonized, Modern) The Polish surname Ozga, originating in the 15th century, derives from the Polish word "ozga," denoting a young tree or sapling, especially a willow. Variations such as "Ożga" reflect regional dialectal differences and linguistic shifts... [more]
PacynaPolish Unflattering nickname from paczyna meaning "clod", "brickbat", or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a boatman, from the same word in the sense meaning "oar", "rudder".
PaleyJewish, Yiddish, Belarusian, Ukrainian Occupational name for a distiller, derived from an East Slavic word (Russian палить (palitʹ), Ukrainian палити (palyty)) meaning "to burn". A famous bearer was Princess Olga Valerianovna Paley (1865-1929), the morganatic second wife of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia.
PaliakBelarusian Derived from Belarusian паляк (paliak) meaning "Pole, Polish".
PalićSerbian, Croatian Derived from paliti, meaning "to fire" or "to set on fire".
PanibudlaskaUkrainian, Russian (Rare) From the Cossack nickname, derived from the Ukrainian vocative phrase пані, будь ласка! (pani, bud laska!) meaning "Lady, please!".
PaterDutch, German, English, Polish From Latin pater "father", used as a religious title for a priest in Roman Catholicism. Possibly used semi-literally for a man who worked in the church, or figuratively for a solemn or pompous man.
PateraCzech Nickname for the illegitimate son of a priest.
PatrushevRussian Patronymic derived from a Russian diminutive of Patricius. This is borne by Russian political and security figure Nikolai Patrushev (1951-), former director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).
PauellRussian Russian translation of the surname of Powell
PchyolkinRussian Derived from Russian пчёлка (pchyolka), a diminutive of пчела (pchela) meaning "bee". The founder of the surname may have been a beekeeper.
PejovićSerbian (Russified, Modern) Pejović is a Serbian surname. Mainly used in serbia. But also used in Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia