SerbinmRussian Possibly from Russian сербский (serbskiy), meaning "Serbian".
SerdarTurkish, Croatian Turkish form of Persian sardar, meaning "chief", "leader", "field marshal".
SerebrennikovRussian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian Denoted somebody who engaged in silver mining or a silversmith, derived from Russian серебреник (serébrenik) meaning "silver coin". This name is also found in Kazakhstan and Belarus.
SevelevRussian Derived by means of suffix "-ev" from Old Slavic verb sheveliti (se) meaning to make noise, to whirr, to rustle, to whistle, to wander. Initially it designated someone bold, daring, hardy, spirited... [more]
SewinaGerman, Polish The first available record of the Sewina family name is around 1620 in the province of Silesia, a mixed cultural region between Germany and Poland. Once part of the Prussian Empire and Germany. After World War Two, the area is now part of Poland... [more]
ShalakUkrainian (Rare), Polish (Rare, Expatriate) Probably from an old Ukrainian word or borrowed from old Polish ślak, variant of szlak, meaning "path, trail, route, way". Also an alternate spelling of Polish Szalak, used as a Cyrillic transliteration or foreign adaptation.
ShanderaCzech (Anglicized, Modern) Shandera is anglicized for Šandera, a patronymic for Alexander (son of Alexander), the euiqvalent of Sandoor in Hungarian or Sanders in English.
ShariyUkrainian, Russian Last name of Anatoly Shariy, the leader of Party of Shariy, a Ukrainian political party that was shut down due to alleged ties to Russia.
SheptitskiyUkrainian This indicates familial origin with the village of Sheptychi in Ukraine, which, as of February 2017, is located within Sambir Raion in the Lviv Oblast.
ShereshevskyRussian, Jewish Name for someone originally from the city of Sharashova in Belarus, probably derived Russian шерешь (sheresh) meaning "frozen mud, ice (on a river)".
ShestakovmRussian Derives from Russian word шесть (shest') meaning six.
ShestovRussian From Russian шесть (shest'), meaning "six".
ShevelevRussian Derived by means of suffix "-ev" from Old Slavic verb sheveliti (se) meaning to make noise, to whirr, to rustle, to whistle, to wander. Initially it designated someone bold, daring, hardy, spirited.
ShevelyovmRussian From Russian шевелить (shevelit'), meaning "move, stir".
SholokhovmRussian Derived from Russian шорох (šórox) "rustle, soft crackling sound", denoting a quiet person, or шерохий (šeróxij) "rough, rugged", denoting a person with a rough face.
SholomRussian Derived from Old Russian шолом (sholom) meaning "helmet".
SklueffRussian (Latinized, Rare, ?) Means bird of prey. From Russia. Was changed by the government from Cellieic letters to Latin letters. Unknown if it was change in Russia or Harbin, Chun where they escaped Bolshevism.