KuzmaUkrainian, Belarusian From the personal name Kuzma, Greek Kosmas, a derivative of kosmos ‘universe’, ‘(ordered) arrangement’. St. Cosmas, martyred with his brother Damian in Cilicia in the early 4th century ad, came to be widely revered in the Eastern Church.
LapčevićSerbian Serbo-Croatian surname meaning "river" or "white". Likely from the river Elbe in Germany, which is called Labe and Laba in Slavic languages. Lab also having the meaning "white" in archaic Slavic (like the bird labud - swan).
LasiewickiPolish I don't know meaning history.Please tell me the meaning and history of my name
LaskiPolish, Hungarian, Jewish Polish (Laski) and Jewish (from Poland): habitational name from Lasko (now Lask) in Sieradz voivodeship, named with laz, lazy ‘clearing in a forest’. ... [more]
LatoHungarian, Polish From Hungarian látni meaning ‘to see’, hence a nickname for a wise person or an occupational name for a clairvoyant, or possibly for an official who checked the quality of products at markets.... [more]
LatoszyńskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Latoszyn.
LenickáCzech, Slovak From a diminutive form of a Czech and Slovak name Lenka. Matia Lenická (1984-) is a drum and bass producer and DJ from Bratislava, Slovakia.
LepsySlavic (Rare), Turkish (Rare) Possibly dating back to the Ottoman Empire's invasion of Europe, the original Turkic meaning is veiled in mystery, and possibly meant "one who comes from the edge of the lake." ... [more]
LesińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from any of the places called Lesin Lesina or Leśna named with les dialect form of standard Polish las ‘forest’.
LesorukovmRussian From Russian dialectal лесорук (lesoruk), meaning "lumberjack, woodcutter". The word itself comes from лес (les) "forest" and рука (ruka) "hand, arm".
LeszczyńskiPolish Name for someone from any of various places called Leszczyna, Leszczyno, Leszczyny or Leszczynek, all derived from Polish leszczyna meaning "hazel".
LetovmRussian From Russian лето (leto), meaning "summer".
LimanowskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish town of Limanowa.
LimonovmRussian Derived from Russian word "лимон (limon)" meaning "lemon". This is the last name of Eduard Limonov, the leader of the National Bolshevik Party in Russia.
LipiecPolish Derived from Polish lipiec "July (month)".
LipowskiPolish, Jewish Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipowo, Lipowa, or Lipowe, named with an adjectival derivative of Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
LipskiPolish, Jewish Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipie, Lipsk, Lipsko, Lipy, etc., all named with Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
LipyanceSlavic George Lipyance emmigrated to the us in 1903. Many different spellings early on. Lipyance is now used my ancestors.
LirnykUkrainian Derived from Ukrainian лірник (lirnyk) meaning "lirnyk". Lirnyky were itinerant Ukrainian musicians who performed religious, historical and epic songs to the accompaniment of a lira.
LiwoszPolish It comes from the name "liswoze" which means to be a all around "good person". Even though it is a nickname, It may have been derived from occupation because of the name's meaning to be a "Funny man".
LlapashticaKosovar, Albanian, Serbian Derived from the name of Kosovan villages named Llapashticë e Poshtme or Llapashticë e Epërme. It could also denote a person from Serbian villages called Donja Lapaštica or Gornja Lapaštica.
ŁopacińskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Łopacin.
LopataRussian, Ukrainian Derived either from Russian лопата (lopata) or Ukrainian лопата (lopata) both meaning "spade, shovel". This may have been a nickname for a digger or a truck farmer.
LopatinmRussian Occupational name derived from Russian лопата (lopata) meaning "shovel, spade".
ŁozowskiPolish Name for someone from a place called Łoza, derived from Polish łoza meaning "grey willow, osier, wicker".
LubarskyUkrainian, Lithuanian, Jewish Habitational name for someone from Liubar, an urban-type settlement in the Zhytomyr Oblast of Ukraine, or Lubarka, an unknown place in Lithuania.