KolyadaRussian, Ukrainian From Коляда (Kolyada), a name for Slavic Christmas celebrations (or formerly, Slavic pagan traditional winter solstice celebrations).
KolykhayevmRussian From Russian колыхание (kolykhaniye), meaning "swaying, swinging, fluctuating".
KolymaginRussian Derived from Russian колымага (kolymaga) meaning "jalopy (old, dilapidated car)".
KolyvanovRussian Uncertain meaning. Possibly derived from Old Russian Колывань (Kolyvan), an Old Russian name of the city of Tallinn.
KomissarovaRussian Exact origin is unknown but is likely to mean something along the lines of "commissioner" from its Russian translation. The masculine version is "Komissarov" and is used for males. Komissarov
KondrakiPolish Kondraki comes from the Polish Kondracki and is given to Benjamin and Draven Kondraki, employees at the fictional SCP Foundation. Benjamin is a chaotic and fun researcher with a carefree attitude, while Draven, his son, is a cautious field agent in a relationship with James Talloran... [more]
KoniRussian Derived from Russian конь (konʹ) "horse", denoting someone who worked with horses or whose traits are similar to one. Anatoly Koni (1844-1927) was a Russian jurist, judge, politician and writer... [more]
KoničaninSerbian Habitational name for someone from the village of Koniče, Serbia.
KoniecpolskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish town of Koniecpol.
KorenSlovene, Hebrew Koren is a surname which has multiple origins. Koren may be a variant of the German occupational surname Korn, meaning a dealer in grain. Alternatively, it may be a variant of the Greek female name Kora... [more]
KoretskiyRussian Name for a person originally from the Ukrainian city of Korets, derived from Russian корец (korets) or корчик (korchik) both referring to a type of ladle.
KornilovmRussian Means "son of Kornelij". Lavr Kornilov (1870-1918) was a Russian military intelligence officer, explorer, and general in the Imperial Russian Army during World War I and the ensuing Russian Civil War.
KostraCzech, Slovak Unusual surname found in Slovakia and the Czech Republic meaning "skeleton" from the word kostra, ultimately from the word kost meaning "bone". In Czech in particular, kostra refers only to the biological meaning of "skeleton" - a skeleton as an independent entity is known as a kostlivec.
KostrzewskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a place called Kostrzewice in Sieradz voivodeship or Kostrzewy in Kalisz voivodeship, both named with kostrzewa ‘fescue grass’.
KovaleskiBelarusian Habitational name for someone from any of several places called Kovali in Belarus, or perhaps Kavoliai in Lithuania, named with a derivative of kavalj meaning "smith".
KowalewskiPolish, Jewish Habitational name for someone from places called Kowalew or Kowalewo, named with kowal "smith" or an occupational name for a blacksmith.
KowalikPolish Means "nuthatch" in Polish, or derived from a diminutive of Kowal.
KowalkowskiPolish habitational name for someone from any of several places called Kowalki or Kowaliki, named with kowalik
KozakPolish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Ukrainian Ethnic name for a Cossack, a member of a people descended from a group of runaway serfs who set up a semi-independent military republic in Ukraine in the 15th and 16th centuries.
KozubCzech, Polish, Slovak Either denoted a fireplace maker or a saddler depending on the origin, either meaning "fireplace, hearth" in Czech and Slovak or "saddle" in Polish.
KozyrevRussian From Russian козырь (kozyr) meaning "high standing collar" or "canopy" or "head of a sleigh".