Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the description contains the keywords evil or villain or monster or devil.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Balcom English
Altered spelling of English Balcombe, a habitational name from Balcombe in West Sussex, which is named with Old English bealu "evil, calamity" (or the Old English personal name Bealda) combined with cumb "valley".
Balingbing Filipino, Tagalog
Derived from the devil chase, a percussion instrument originating in Southern Asia commonly found in India and the Philippines, via its other name balingbing.
Baucom English
Variant spelling of BALCOMBE, a habitational name from West Sussex derived from Old English bealu "evil" and cumb "valley".
Biscornet Literature
Derived from the Latin words bis, meaning "two" and cornet, meaning "horn". According to French urban legend, this was the last name of the architect who built the doorways in the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral... [more]
Butterfly English
From the insect Butterfly this Surname is borne by Star Butterfly from Star Vs. the forces of evil.
Celudrus Persian Mythology (Rare, Archaic, ?)
It is a mystical name of a fiction book by an author named Giselle Viatcheslav, meaning "DRAGON DIAMOND GUARDIAN OF EVIL". It emerged shortly after a millennium dragon gives birth to a child with vampire blood on the sacred celestial moon... [more]
Chigurh Literature, Popular Culture
Meaning unknown. It is intended to be "ethnically ambiguous", but one theory suggests that it may be derived from the Spanish verb seguir meaning "to follow, to continue". This name was invented by the American author Cormac McCarthy for the villain in his novel No Country for Old Men (2005)... [more]
Coward English
several origins... [more]
Crumbley English
Derived from the Old English word crump meaning "bent, crooked." Perhaps a name for a person with an abnormal spine. One notable person with this surname is evil doer Ethan Crumbley, who was a school shooter in Oxford High School in Michigan.
Dessler German, Yiddish
Meaning Unknown. Known primarily in pop culture as the surname of a certain Michelle in the Fox tv hit 24 and of a certain villain called Albert in Space Battleship Yamato.
Deubelbeiss German (Swiss)
Alemannic nickname from Middle High German dūvel "devil" and beiz "biter".
De Vil Popular Culture
Cruella de Vil is fictional character appearing as the antagonist of the novel 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' (1956) by Dodie Smith, as well as in the 1961 animated movie '101 Dalmatians' and the 1996 live-action movie with the same name... [more]
Devil French
Variant of De Ville.
Deville English
From Old English "devil, slanderer, enemy".
Dracula Romanian
The Wallachian name for dragon was "Drac" or "Dracul". Vlad II of Wallachia joined a semi-secret order known as The Order of the Dragon and took the name Vlad Dracul. The word "Drac" can also mean "devil" or "evil spirit"... [more]
Dragon French, English
Nickname or occupational name for someone who carried a standard in battle or else in a pageant or procession, from Middle English, Old French dragon "snake, monster" (Latin draco, genitive draconis, from Greek drakōn, ultimately from derkesthai "to flash")... [more]
Felli Italian
Possibly derived from a nickname based on fello "criminal; evil, wretched; angry; sad, gloomy".
Foe English (Rare)
From Middle English fo "foe, enemy; hostile", possibly a nickname for someone who played the Devil in a pageant play. Can also be a variant form of Fow.
Hainey Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Scottish, English
(Celtic) A lost me devil village in Scotland; or one who came from Hanney island in Berkshire.
Hassdenteufel German
A German Satzname, from the expression "Hass den Teufel" meaning "hate the devil".
Humperdinck German (?), Literature
From the German surname Humperdinck. As a surname it was born by the composer Engelbert Humperdinck. As a first name it was used for the villain Prince Humperdinck in William Goldman's novel The Princess Bride.
Kikyo Japanese
This surname is used as 桔梗, 喜京, 木京 or 鬼京 with 桔 (kitsu, ketsu, ki), which is used in plant names, 梗 (kyou, kou, oomune, fusagu, yamanire) meaning "close up, flower stem, for the most part", 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, take pleasure in", 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood", 鬼 (ki, oni, oni-) meaning "devil, ghost" and 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital."... [more]
Killmonger African
The name (last name) of the villain in Black Panther, played by Michael B. Jordan.
Kurisoo Estonian
Kurisoo is an Estonian surname meaning "evil swamp/marsh".
Kuular Tuvan
Derived from Tuvan куу (kuu) meaning "swan" or "gray". Names bearing unfavourable meanings were traditionally used by Tuvans to ward off evil spirits.
Lykhodiy Ukrainian
Means "villain" in Ukrainian.
Magaldi Italian, South American
Patronymic or plural form of the Old German personal name Magoald (from the elements megin, magan "strength, might, power" and wald "power"), or else a nickname from magaldo meaning "evil, wicked", which was derived from the personal name... [more]
Malefeyt Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch surname that is now no longer in use (not in this exact spelling, that is): the spelling reflects the surname's origin from older times (as -eyt is an exclusively archaic spelling that has not survived into modern times like its counterparts -eit and -ijt did)... [more]
Mallory English, Anglo-Norman
The more common variant of the surname Malory. Originally an Anglo-Norman byname for an unfortunate or unhappy person, from the Old French word "maleuré" meaning "unfortunate", "wretched" "wicked"... [more]
Malory Anglo-Norman, English
The older variant of the surname Mallory. Originally an Anglo-Norman byname for an unfortunate or unhappy person, from the Old French word "maleuré" meaning "unfortunate", "wretched" "wicked"... [more]
Manocchio Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Italian mano "hand" and occhio "eye", an elaboration of the surname Mano, or an altered form of malocchio meaning "evil eye".
Marlock German (Archaic)
Derived from Middle High German and Middle Low German mar(e), denoting an evil elf, a creature that sits on one's chest at night, and Middle High German loc "a lock of hair; hair; mane"... [more]
Marwood English
From the name of two places named Marwood in England, or a nickname for a person who "casts an evil eye", derived from Norman French malreward meaning "evil eye, glance".
Maudling English
From the medieval female personal name Maudeleyn, the English form of Greek Magdalene, the sobriquet in the New Testament of the woman Mary who was cured of evil spirits by Jesus... [more]
Ördögh Hungarian
Means "devil" in Hungarian.
Prowse English
Nickname for a person who was proud, haughty, brave or valiant, derived from Old French prous, prou, preux, proz and prouz meaning "proud, brave, valiant". A famous bearer was David Prowse (1935-2020), an English bodybuilder, weightlifter and character actor who portrayed the villain Darth Vader in the Star Wars movies.
Puckett English
Of uncertain origin; perhaps a variant of Pocket(t), from a diminutive of Anglo-Norman French poque "small pouch", hence a metonymic occupational name for a maker of purses and pouches or a nickname... [more]
Quade Irish, German
As an Irish surname, it is a variant of Quaid.... [more]
Ratigan Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
Anglicized form of Ó Reachtagán, meaning "descendant of Reachtagán", a personal name from a diminutive of reachtaire ("steward", "administrator") or reacht ("law")... [more]
Rogaczewski Medieval Polish
Meaning (Polish): "son of he with antlers" Meaning (Serbian): "son of the Devil"
Saladin French
nickname for a blustering or tyrannical individual from the name of the medieval Egyptian sultan who because of his success in combating the Crusaders became demonized in French and Italian folklore as a monster second only to Herod.
Scerri Maltese
Meaning disputed; it could be derived from Sicilian sciarra meaning "fight, brawl", Arabic شَرّ (šarr) meaning "evil, cruel", or a word meaning "anger".
Shockley English
(i) perhaps "person from Shocklach", Cheshire ("boggy stream infested with evil spirits"); (ii) perhaps an anglicization of Swiss German Schoechli, literally "person who lives by the little barn"
Shuck English
Origin uncertain; perhaps a nickname from Middle English schucke "devil, fiend".
Wazowski Popular Culture
The name of the main character in Pixar’s Monster’s Inc. In Polish, it would be pronounced as vazz-OV-skee, instead now replacing all the letter W to make the V sound.
Xie Chinese
Meaning "wrong, evil".
Zlodej Slovene (Rare)
It is the euphemism (an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant) for the word "devil". Another variant of the surname is Slodej.