Ornamental Submitted Surnames

Given Name   Occupation   Location   Nickname   Ornamental   Other
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Lehemaa Estonian
Lehemaa is an Estonian surname derived from "lehine" ("leafy" or "foliage") and "maa" ("land").
Leheroo Estonian
Leheroo is an Estonian surname meaning "leafy cane".
Lehis Estonian
Lehis is an Estonian surname meaning "larch".
Lehismets Estonian
Lehismets is an Estonian surname meaning "larch forest".
Lehiste Estonian
Lehiste is an Estonian name meaning "larch".
Lehmus Estonian
Lehmus is an Estonian surname relating to "lehm" meaning "cow".
Leht Estonian
Leht is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf".
Lehtmets Estonian
Lehtmets is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf(y) forest".
Lehtpere Estonian
Lehtpere is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf/foliage family".
Lehtpuu Estonian
Lehtpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf tree".
Lehtsaar Estonian
Lehtsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf(y) island".
Leinatamm Estonian
Leinatamm is an Estonain surname meaning "weeping/mournful oak".
Leisalu Estonian
Leisalu is an Estonian surname meaning "leeward grove".
Leitaru Estonian
Leitaru is an Estonian surname meaning "found grassland/meadow".
Lekk Estonian
Lekk is an Estonian surname meaning "leak".
Lemba Estonian
Lemba is an Estonian name derived from "lembe", meaning "loving" and "affectionate".
Lemmiksoo Estonian
Lemmiksoo is an Estonian surname meaning "favoured/favourite swamp/bog". Possibly an Estoniazation of the Germanic "-son"; "favourite son".
Lennuk Estonian
Lennuk is an Estonian surname derived from "lennukas", meaning "high-spirited" and "energetic". "Lennuk" is also the current Estonian word for "airplane", but the original surname predates this meaning... [more]
Lepa Estonian
Lepa is an Estonian surname meaning "alder".
Lepajõe Estonian
Lepajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "alder water".
Leppnurm Estonian
Leppnurm is an Estonian surname meaning "alder meadow".
Leran Armesian (Dutchified, Rare)
The surname Leran originates in the small dutch island called Armesa. It was the name of the Armesian ruling house from 1504-1884.
Lest Estonian
Lest is an Estonian surname meaning "flounder (fish)" and "flake".
Le Tallec Breton
Tallec derives from talek which means someone with a large forehead in Breton.
Lett Estonian
Lett is an Estonian surname meaning "counter" or "counter table".
Levél Hungarian
Means "leaf" in Hungarian.
Levenstein Jewish, Yiddish
Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name, or perhaps an ornamental elaboration associated with the name Leyb; from Middle High German lewe ‘lion’, translating the Yiddish male personal name Leyb (see Low) + German stein ‘stone’, ‘rock’... [more]
Lević Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from levo, meaning "left".
Licht Jewish
From the German word meaning "light", possibly derived from a given name meaning "light" such as Uri or Meir.
Licht German, Dutch, Yiddish
Means "light" or "candle". Could be an occupational name for a chandler, a topographic name for someone who lived in a clearing (see Lichte), or a nickname for someone who had light hair, or who was agile and slender.
Lichtenstein German, Jewish
habitational name from any of several places called Liechtenstein from Middle High German lieht "bright" and stein "stone rock"... [more]
Lidén Swedish
Combination of the Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and the common surname siffix -én.
Lidholm Swedish
Combination of Swedish lid "slope" and holm "islet".
Lidman Swedish
Combination of Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and man "man". A notable bearer was Swedish writer Sara Lidman (1923-2004).
Lidström Swedish
Combination of the Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and ström "stream, flow". A notable bearer is Swedish ice hockey player Nicklas Lidström (b. 1970).
Liebling German, Yiddish, Jewish
Derived from German lieb meaning "dear, beloved" or German liebling meaning "darling".
Lihtmaa Estonian
Lihtmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "common/simple land".
Liik Estonian
Liik is an Estonian surname meaning "kind" or "benevolent".
Liim Estonian
Liim is an Estonian surname meaning "glue", "adhesive" and "dough".
Liinamäe Estonian
Liinamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "straight hill"; derived from "liin" meaning "straight/line" and "mäe" meaning "hill/mountain".
Liiv Estonian
Means "sand" in Estonian.
Liivakivi Estonian
Liivakivi is an Estonian surname meaning "sandstone".
Liivamäe Estonian
Liivamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "sandy hill/mountain".
Liivaru Estonian
Liivaru is an Estonian surname meaning "sand(y) upland meadow".
Liivik Estonian
Liivik is an Estonian surname meaning "sandy outcrop with sparse vegetation".
Lilienthal Jewish
Means "valley of lilies" in German, being this word derived from Lilie "lily" and Thal "valley".
Lilja Swedish, Finnish
Means "lily" in Swedish and Finnish. It is also used as a first name (see Lilja).
Liljedahl Swedish, Norwegian
Ornamental name derived from Swedish lilje, a genitive form of lilja "lily" used in compounds, and the archaic word dahl (Old Norse dalr) meaning "valley"... [more]
Liljegren Swedish
Combination of Swedish lilja "lily" and gren "branch".
Liljeman Swedish (Rare)
From the Swedish lilja meaning "lily" and the suffix man meaning "man."
Lill Estonian
Means "flower" in Estonian.
Lillakas Estonian
Lillakas is an Estonian surname meaning "lilac".
Lille Estonian
From the Estonian word lill "flower".
Lilleallik Estonian
Lilleallik is an Estonian surname meaning "floral/flower source".
Lilleleht Estonian
Lilleleht isan Estonian surname meaning "flower leaf".
Lillemägi Estonian
Lillemägi is an Estonian surname meaning "flowery mountain".
Lillemets Estonian
Lillemets is an Estonian surname meaning "flower forest".
Lilleorg Estonian
Lilleorg is an Estonian surname meaning "flower(y) valley".
Lillepool Estonian
Lillepool is an Estonian surname meaning "floral at/towards".
Lilleväli Estonian
Lilleväli is an Estonian surname meaning "flower field".
Lillevälja Estonian
Lillevälja is an Estonian surname meaning "floral/flowery outside".
Lillevere Estonian
Lillevere is an Estonian surname meaning "flower/floral blood".
Lindbergh Swedish (Rare), English (Rare)
Rare variant spelling of Lindberg. A famous bearer was American aviator Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) who was the first person to fly non-stop from America to mainland Europe in 1927.
Lindell Swedish
Derived from Swedish lind "lime tree".
Lindelöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and löf (an archaic spelling of löv) "leaf".
Lindén Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and the common surname suffix -én.
Lindenbaum German, Jewish
topographic name for someone who lived by a lime tree Lindenbaum or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by the sign of a lime tree. Derived from the elements linta "linden" and boum "tree".
Lindenberg German, Jewish, Dutch
As a German and Jewish name, it is derived from any of numerous places called Lindenberg in Germany, composed of Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and berg meaning "mountain, hill"... [more]
Lindfors Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree, linden" and fors "rapid, waterfall".
Lindh Swedish
Variant spelling of Lind.
Lindhagen Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and hage "enclosed pasture". Carl Lindhagen was the Chief Magistrate of Stockholm in the early 1900s.
Lindmäe Estonian
Lindmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "bird mountain/hill".
Lindman Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and man "man".
Lindskog Swedish
Derived from Swedish lind meaning "linden tree" and skog meaning "forest".
Lindstedt Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and stad "town, city" (spelling possibly influenced by German Stadt, also meaning "town, city").
Lindstrøm Norwegian
Norwegian form of Lindström.
Lindvall Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and vall "pasture, grassy field".
Lindvee Estonian
Lindvee is an Estonian surname meaning "bird water".
Linikoja Estonian
Linikoja is an Estonian surname meaning "cloth stream".
Linnaeus Swedish (Rare)
Latinized form of Lind. A famous bearer was Swedish botanist Carl Linneaus (b. 1707 - d. 1778). His father adopted the name Linnaeus after a big lime tree (lind in Swedish) that grew on the family homestead in Vittaryd parish, Småland.
Linné Swedish
Swedish form of Linnaeus.
Linnus Estonian
Linnus is an Estonian surname meaning "castle" or "citadel".
Linnuste Estonian
Linnuste is an Estonian surname relating to "linnus", meaning "castle" or "citadel".
Lint Estonian
Lint is an Estonian surname meaning "ribbon".
Lipp Estonian
Means "flag" in Estonian.
Lippmaa Estonian
Lippmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "flag/pennant/banner land".
Lišić Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Possibly derived from Albanian lesh, meaning "fur".
Ljungberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish ljung "heather" and berg "mountain".
Ljungqvist Swedish
Composed of the elements ljung "heather" and quist, an old spelling of kvist "twig".
Löfdahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and dal "valley".
Löfholm Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish elements löv "leaf" and holme "islet".
Löfquist Swedish
Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and kvist "twig".
Löfström Swedish
Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and ström "stream".
Löfvén Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and the common surname suffix -én, a derivative of Latin -enius "descendant of". Stefan Löfven (b. 1957) is a Swedish politician and the prime minister of Sweden since 2014.
Lõhmus Estonian
Means "linden (tree)" in Estonian.
Lõhmussaar Estonian
Lõhmussaar is an Estonian surname meaning "linden island".
Lohu Estonian
Lohu is an Estonian surname derived from "lohutus", meaning "comfort" and "console".
Loik Estonian
Loik is an Estonian surname meaning "puddle".
Loit Estonian
Loit is an Esotnian surname meaning "flare". Also, probably from "loits", meaning "incantation" or "spell".
Lomp Estonian
Lomp is an Estonian surname meaning "pond" or "puddle".
Lönn Swedish
Means "maple" in Swedish.
Loodus Estonian
Loodus is an Estonian surname meaning "nature/natural".
Lööf Swedish
Variant of Löf.
Loog Estonian
Loog is an Estonian surname meaning "windrow" (a line of raked hay or sheaves of grain laid out to dry in the wind).
Lõoke Estonian
Means "lark (bird)" in Estonian.
Loomets Estonian
Loomets is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "loom" (animal)" and "mets (forest)".
Loor Estonian
Loor is an Estonian surname meaning "veil" and "fog".
Loorand Estonian
Loorand is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "loor" meaning "veil" and "fog" and "rand" meaning "beach": "fog(gy) beach".
Loosaar Estonian
Loosaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "lood" ("level") and "saar" ("island"); or "loog" ("windrow") and "saar" ("ash tree").
Lõõts Estonian
Lõõts is an Estonian surname meaning "bellows" and "accordian".
Lootus Estonian
Lootus is an Estonian surname meaning "hope".
Lööv Swedish
Variant of Löf.
Lööw Swedish
Variant of Löf.
Loupe French (Americanized), French (Cajun)
Means “grimace sticking-out tongue” in Old French.
Løvgren Norwegian
Norwegian form of Löfgren.
Löwenhaar German
Meaning "lion hair", from German löwe "lion" and haar "hair".
Lowenhar German (East Prussian, Anglicized)
An Anglicized form of Löwenhaar, meaning "lion hair", from German löwe and haar.
Lowenstein Jewish
Combination of German Löwe "lion" and stein "stone". In some cases an ornamental name associated with the name Levi (see also Levy and Lew 2).
Löwenthal Jewish, Swedish
Ornamental name composed of German Löwe "lion" and T(h)al "valley". In some cases the Jewish name would have been an ornamental elaboration associated with the personal name Levi (or other names meaning "lion").
Luhamaa Estonian
Luhamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "water meadow land".
Luhasalu Estonian
Luhasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "water meadow grove".
Luhtanen Finnish
Luhtanen is an Finnish surname derived from "luhta" meaning "swamp flood meadow".
Luhtla Estonian
Luhtla is an Estonian surname meaning "marsh/glade area".
Luhtmaa Estonian
Luhtmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow land".
Luide Estonian
Luide is an Estonian surname meaning "dune/sand dune".
Luiga Estonian
Luiga is an Estonian surname derived from "luik" meaning "swan". "Eluiga" is also an Estonian word meaning "life".
Luik Estonian
Means "swan" in Estonian.
Luikpere Estonian
Luikpere is an Estonian surname meaning "swan family/folk".
Lumi Estonian
Lumi is an Estonian surname meaning "snow".
Lumisaar Estonian
Lumisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "snow island".
Lumiste Estonian
Lumiste is an Estonian surname relating to "snow".
Lundell Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and the common surname suffix -ell.
Lundholm Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and holm "islet".
Lundmark Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" (Old Norse lundr) and mark "ground, field, land".
Lundstedt Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and stad "town, city" (spelling possibly influenced by German Stadt, also meaning "town, city").
Lundsten Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and sten "stone".
Lundvall Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "groove" and vall "pasture".
Lundvik Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and vik "bay".
Lustig Swedish, German, Jewish, Dutch
A nickname for a cheerful person, derived from Swedish and German lustig "humorous, funny, enjoyable" or Middle High German lustig "merry, carefree". Usually ornamental as a Jewish surname.
Lutsoja Estonian
Lutsoja is an Estonian surname meaning "burbot stream/creek".
Luup Estonian
Luup is an Estonian surname meaning "sloop" as well as "hand lens".
Lyng Danish, Norwegian
Means "heather" in Norwegian and Danish.
Maak Estonian
Maak is an Estonian surname meaning "ore".
Maamägi Estonian
Maamägi is an Estonian surname meaning "land/rural mountain".
Maasik Estonian
Maasik is an Estonian surname derived from "maasikas", meaning "strawberry".
Maciel Portuguese, Spanish
Possibly derived from Portuguese maça "apple".
Madal Estonian
Madal is an Estonian surname meaning "low-lying" and "shoal".
Madalvee Estonian
Madalvee is an Estonian surname meaning "low-lying water".
Mäehans Estonian
Mäehans is an Estonian surname, a corruption meaning "mountain/hill city".
Mäekalle Estonian
Mäekalle is an Estonian surname meaning "hill/mountain slope".
Mäekivi Estonian
Mäekivi is an Estonian surname meaning "hill/mountain stone".
Mäeloog Estonian
Mäeloog is an Estonian surname meaning "hill windrow".
Mäemets Estonian
Mäemets is an Estonian surname meaning "hill forest".
Mäeorg Estonian
Mäeorg is an Estonian surname meaning "mountain/hill glen".
Mäepõld Estonian
Mäepõld is an Estonian surname meaning "hill/mountain field".
Mäetalu Estonian
Mäetalu is an Estonian surname meaning "mountain/hill farmstead".
Mahlapuu Estonian
Mahlapuu is an Estonian surname derived from "mahlakas"; meaning "lush", "sappy" and "malapert" "tree/wood"; "lush tree".
Maide Estonian
Maide is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "maidel" meaning "gudgeon (a type of freshwater fish)".
Maimets Estonian
Maimets is an Estonian surname meaning "May forest".
Majilom Visayan
Literally "quiet" in Cebuano
Malach Hebrew, Jewish
From the Hebrew word מלאך (mal'akh) "messenger, angel". As a Jewish name it is ornamental.
Malmberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish malm "ore" and berg "mountain".
Malmsten Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish malm meaning "ore" and sten (Old Norse steinn) meaning "stone".
Malmström Swedish
Combination of Swedish malm "ore" and ström "stream".
Malsroos Estonian
Malsroos is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "malts" ("orach") "roos" ("rose").
Mänd Estonian
Mänd is an Estonian surname meaning "pine".
Mändla Estonian
Mändla is an Estonian surname meaning "pine area".
Mändmäe Estonian
Mändmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "pine hill".
Mändmets Estonian
Mändmets is an Estonian surname meaning "pine forest".
Mändoja Estonian
Mändoja is an Estonian surname meaning "pine stream".
Mandri Estonian
Mandri is an Estonian surname meaning "continental" and "inland".
Mändsoo Estonian
Mändsoo is an Estonian surname meaning "pine swamp".
Mangefel Micronesian
Meaning unavailable.
Männamaa Estonian
Männamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "whorl/verticil land".
Männil Estonian
Männil is an Estonian surname meaning "pine" ("Pinaceae").
Männisalu Estonian
Männisalu is an Estonian surname meaning "pine grove".
Männiste Estonian
Männiste is an Estonian surname relating to "pine".
Maptuf Chinese (Hakka, Modern)
Transcription of a Chinese surname. It has been used since the 18th century.
Maran Estonian
Maran is an Estonian surname meaning "cinquefoil" and "common tormentil" (species: "Potentilla erecta").
Mari Estonian
Mari is an Estonian surname (and feminine given name), meaning "berry".
Maripuu Estonian
Maripuu is an Estonian surname meaning "berry tree".
Marjamäe Estonian
Marjamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "berry hill/mountain."
Marklund Swedish
Combination of Swedish mark "ground, field" and lund "grove".
Martinien Spanish (Latin American)
A rare Latin American form of Martinez or Martin, meaning "Warring" or "At war"
Mätas Estonian
Mätas is an Estonian surname meaning "sod" or "turf".
Mätlik Estonian
Mätlik is an Estonian surname meaning "tufted".
Mättik Estonian
Mättik is an Estonian surname derived from "mätas" meaning "sod". Could also derive from "mätlik" meaning "tufted", or the German surname "Mättig".
Maxilom Visayan
An archaic Hispanicization of "mahilom", "quiet."
Mažuranić Croatian
Derived from mažuran, meaning "marjoram", a type of plant.
Medenica Montenegrin
Derived from medenica, meaning "mead".
Meel Estonian
Meel is an Estonian surname meaning "sense" or "countenance".
Meiesaar Estonian
Meiesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "our island".
Meievee Estonian
Meievee is an Estonian surname meaning "our water".
Mereäär Estonian
Mereäär is an Estonian surname meaning "waterside".
Meremäe Estonian
Meremäe is an Estonian surname meaning "sea hill".
Meriloo Estonian
Meriloo is an Estonia surname derived from "meri" (sea) and "loo", one of several named locations in Estonia.
Merimaa Estonian
Merimaa is an Estonian surname meaning "sea land".
Merisaar Estonian
Merisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "sea island".
Merisalu Estonian
Merisalu is an Estonian surname meaning "sea grove".
Meritee Estonian
Meritee is an Estonian surname meaning "sea road/causeway".
Merriman English, Irish
1. English: nickname, an elaborated form of Merry.... [more]
Mesila Estonian
Mesila is an Estonian surname meaning "apiary" and "bee garden".
Mesipuu Estonian
Mesipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "beehive" (literally, "honey tree").
Metsaäär Estonian
Metsaäär is an Estonian surname meaning "forest edge".
Metsala Estonian
Metsala is an Estonian surname meaning "forest area".
Metsallik Estonian
Metsallik is an Estonian surname meaning "forest spring".
Metsalu Estonian
Metsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "forest grove".
Metsamaa Estonian
Metsamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "forest land".
Metsanurm Estonian
Metsanurm is an Estonian surname meaning "forest meadow".
Metsasalu Estonian
Metsasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "forest grove".
Metsla Estonian
Metsla is an Estonian surname meaning "forest area".
Metsnõmm Estonian
Metsnõmm is an Estonian surname meaning "forest heath/moorland".
Mitt Estonian
Mitt is an Estonian surname, a possible borrowing from Old German "mitte" ("middle" or "center"). Possibly, from the Estonian negative "mitte" meaning "no" or "not".
Moberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish mo "sandy heath" and berg "mountain". A notable bearer was Swedish author and playwright Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973).
Mock English
english for the german surname maag
Modin Swedish
Variant of Modén.
Mogren Swedish
Combination of Swedish mo "sandy heath" and gren "branch".
Mohilary Bodo, Assamese
Associated with tax collections from the Mahallas.
Mohlin Swedish
Variant of Molin.
Mõis Estonian
Mõis is an Estonian surname meaning "manor".
Mõisa Estonian
Mõisa is an Estonian surname meaning "manor".
Molin Swedish
Combination of Swedish mo "sandy heath" and the common surname suffix -in.
Mõõk Estonian
Mõõk is an Estonian surname meaning "sword".
Morningstar English, Jewish
English transcription of Morgenstern.
Mossberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish mosse "bog" and berg "mountain".
Mugamäe Estonian
Mugamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "comfortable hill/mountain".
Muinasmaa Estonian
Muinasmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "ancient land".
Murdvee Estonian
Murdvee is an Estonian surname meaning "break water".
Murel Estonian
Murel is an Estonian surname meaning "heart cherry".
Murre Estonian
Murre is an Estonian surname meaning "dialect".
Muru Estonian
Muru is an Estonian surname meaning "lawn".
Murumaa Estonian
Murumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "lawn/sod land".
Murutalu Estonian
Mututalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lawn farm/farmstead".
Muskat German, Jewish
Occupational name for a spice merchant from Middle High German muscāt meaning "nutmeg mace". As a Jewish name however it is mainly ornamental.
Mustkivi Estonian
Mustkivi is an Estonian surname meaning "black stone".
Mustmaa Estonian
Mustmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "black land".
Muthusamy Tamil
Pearl god; Lord Murugan
Muul Estonian
Muul is an Estonian surname meaning both "mule" and "seawall".
Müürikivi Estonian
Müürikivi is an Estonian surname meaning "wall stone".
Myrsten Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish myr "bog, moor, wetland" and sten "stone, rock".
Myrvall Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish myr "bog, moor, wetland" and vall "pasture, field of grass".
Näär Estonian
Näär is an Estonian surname meaning "burnet-saxifrage (a plant: Pimpinella saxifraga)" and "jay".
Naarits Estonian
Naarits is an Estonian surname meaning "mink".
Nacht German, Jewish
From middle German naht meaning "night".
Nachtmann German, Jewish
Derived from German nacht "night" and mann, referring to a night watchman. As a Jewish name it is ornamental.
Nael Estonian
Nael is an Estonian surname meaning "nail".
Näslund Swedish
Combination of Swedish näs "isthmus, narrow neck of land" and lund "grove".
Neggo Estonian
Neggo is an Estonian surname, possibly a corruption of "nõgu", meaning "dell".
Nelke Estonian
Nelke is an Estonian surname meaning "pink", "dianthus" and "carnation".
Neubauer German, Jewish, German (Austrian)
epithet for a settler who was new to an area from Middle High German niuwi "new" and bur "settler resident peasant" (see Bauer ) meaning "neighbor"... [more]
Newberg Jewish (Americanized)
Americanized form of Neuberg, an ornamental Jewish name meaning "new mountain" in German.
Ney German, English
A dialectal form of the common German word neu "new".... [more]
Nickal German
Variant of Nickel
Niidre Estonian
Niidre is an Estonian surname relating to "niide" (hay harvest).
Niine Estonian
Niine is an Estonian surname meaning "linden" and "bast".
Niinelaid Estonian
Niinelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "linden islet".
Niinemäe Estonian
Niinemäe is an Estonian surname meaning "linden hill/mountain".
Niinemets Estonian
Niinemets is an Estonian surname meaning "linden forest".
Niinepuu Estonian
Niinepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "bast tree/wood".
Niinesalu Estonian
Niinesalu is an Estonian surname meaning linden/lime grove".
Niska Finnish, Sami
From Finnish niska "neck" (in this case referring to an isthmus).
Nissan Hebrew, Jewish
Ornamental name from the name of the Jewish month during which Passover takes place.
Nisu Estonian
Nisu is an Estonian surname meaning "wheat".
Niva Sami, Finnish
From Finnish niva "small rapid in a river", ultimately derived from Northern Sami njavvi "small river, small rapid".
Njoo Indonesian
Variant of Nyoo.
Nõgene ‎ Estonian
Nõgene is an Estonian surname derived from "nõgine" meaning "sooty" or "nõges" meaning "nettle".
Nõges Estonian
Nõges is an Estonian surname meaning "nettle".
Nõmm Estonian
Nõmm is an Estonian surname meaning "heath".
Nõmmela Estonian
Nõmmela is an Estonian surname meaning "heath area".
Nõmmsalu Estonian
Nõmmsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "heath grove".
Nööp Estonian
Nööp is an Estonian surname meaning "button".
Noop Estonian
Noop is an Estonian surname meaning "block".
Nöör Estonian
Nöör is an Estonian surname meaning "twine" or "cord".
Noor Estonian
Noor is an Estonian surname meaning "young".
Noorkõiv Estonian
Noorkõiv is an Estonian surname meaning "young (noor) birch (kõiv in Võro dialect)".
Noormägi Estonian
Noormägi is an Estonian surname meaning "young hill/mountain".
Nordahl Norwegian, Swedish
The surname derives from a place name in Sunnmøre, Norway. Meaning from Old Norse norðr ''north'' and dalr ''dale'', ''valley''. In Sweden, this name is mostly ornamental, rather than habitaional.
Nordén Swedish
Combination of Swedish nord "north" and the common surname suffix -én.
Nordgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish nord "north" and gren "branch".
Nordh Swedish
Variant of Nord.
Nordlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish nord "north" and lund "grove".
Nordquist Swedish
Variant spelling of Nordqvist.