LembaEstonian Lemba is an Estonian name derived from "lembe", meaning "loving" and "affectionate".
LemmiksooEstonian Lemmiksoo is an Estonian surname meaning "favoured/favourite swamp/bog". Possibly an Estoniazation of the Germanic "-son"; "favourite son".
LennukEstonian Lennuk is an Estonian surname derived from "lennukas", meaning "high-spirited" and "energetic". "Lennuk" is also the current Estonian word for "airplane", but the original surname predates this meaning... [more]
LepaEstonian Lepa is an Estonian surname meaning "alder".
LepajõeEstonian Lepajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "alder water".
LeppnurmEstonian Leppnurm is an Estonian surname meaning "alder meadow".
LeranArmesian (Dutchified, Rare) The surname Leran originates in the small dutch island called Armesa. It was the name of the Armesian ruling house from 1504-1884.
LestEstonian Lest is an Estonian surname meaning "flounder (fish)" and "flake".
Le TallecBreton Tallec derives from talek which means someone with a large forehead in Breton.
LettEstonian Lett is an Estonian surname meaning "counter" or "counter table".
LevensteinJewish, Yiddish Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name, or perhaps an ornamental elaboration associated with the name Leyb; from Middle High German lewe ‘lion’, translating the Yiddish male personal name Leyb (see Low) + German stein ‘stone’, ‘rock’... [more]
LichtJewish From the German word meaning "light", possibly derived from a given name meaning "light" such as Uri or Meir.
LichtGerman, Dutch, Yiddish Means "light" or "candle". Could be an occupational name for a chandler, a topographic name for someone who lived in a clearing (see Lichte), or a nickname for someone who had light hair, or who was agile and slender.
LidénSwedish Combination of the Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and the common surname siffix -én.
LidholmSwedish Combination of Swedish lid "slope" and holm "islet".
LidmanSwedish Combination of Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and man "man". A notable bearer was Swedish writer Sara Lidman (1923-2004).
LidströmSwedish Combination of the Swedish place name element lid "slope, hillside" and ström "stream, flow". A notable bearer is Swedish ice hockey player Nicklas Lidström (b. 1970).
LieblingGerman, Yiddish, Jewish Derived from German lieb meaning "dear, beloved" or German liebling meaning "darling".
LihtmaaEstonian Lihtmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "common/simple land".
LiikEstonian Liik is an Estonian surname meaning "kind" or "benevolent".
LiimEstonian Liim is an Estonian surname meaning "glue", "adhesive" and "dough".
LiinamäeEstonian Liinamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "straight hill"; derived from "liin" meaning "straight/line" and "mäe" meaning "hill/mountain".
LiivakiviEstonian Liivakivi is an Estonian surname meaning "sandstone".
LiivamäeEstonian Liivamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "sandy hill/mountain".
LiivaruEstonian Liivaru is an Estonian surname meaning "sand(y) upland meadow".
LiivikEstonian Liivik is an Estonian surname meaning "sandy outcrop with sparse vegetation".
LilienthalJewish Means "valley of lilies" in German, being this word derived from Lilie "lily" and Thal "valley".
LiljaSwedish, Finnish Means "lily" in Swedish and Finnish. It is also used as a first name (see Lilja).
LiljedahlSwedish, Norwegian Ornamental name derived from Swedish lilje, a genitive form of lilja "lily" used in compounds, and the archaic word dahl (Old Norse dalr) meaning "valley"... [more]
LiljegrenSwedish Combination of Swedish lilja "lily" and gren "branch".
LiljemanSwedish (Rare) From the Swedish lilja meaning "lily" and the suffix man meaning "man."
LilleallikEstonian Lilleallik is an Estonian surname meaning "floral/flower source".
LillelehtEstonian Lilleleht isan Estonian surname meaning "flower leaf".
LillemägiEstonian Lillemägi is an Estonian surname meaning "flowery mountain".
LillemetsEstonian Lillemets is an Estonian surname meaning "flower forest".
LilleorgEstonian Lilleorg is an Estonian surname meaning "flower(y) valley".
LillepoolEstonian Lillepool is an Estonian surname meaning "floral at/towards".
LilleväliEstonian Lilleväli is an Estonian surname meaning "flower field".
LilleväljaEstonian Lillevälja is an Estonian surname meaning "floral/flowery outside".
LillevereEstonian Lillevere is an Estonian surname meaning "flower/floral blood".
LindberghSwedish (Rare), English (Rare) Rare variant spelling of Lindberg. A famous bearer was American aviator Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) who was the first person to fly non-stop from America to mainland Europe in 1927.
LindelöfSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and löf (an archaic spelling of löv) "leaf".
LindénSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and the common surname suffix -én.
LindenbaumGerman, Jewish topographic name for someone who lived by a lime tree Lindenbaum or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by the sign of a lime tree. Derived from the elements linta "linden" and boum "tree".
LindenbergGerman, Jewish, Dutch As a German and Jewish name, it is derived from any of numerous places called Lindenberg in Germany, composed of Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and berg meaning "mountain, hill"... [more]
LindforsSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree, linden" and fors "rapid, waterfall".
LindhagenSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and hage "enclosed pasture". Carl Lindhagen was the Chief Magistrate of Stockholm in the early 1900s.
LindmäeEstonian Lindmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "bird mountain/hill".
LindmanSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "linden tree" and man "man".
LindskogSwedish Derived from Swedish lind meaning "linden tree" and skog meaning "forest".
LindstedtSwedish Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and stad "town, city" (spelling possibly influenced by German Stadt, also meaning "town, city").
LinikojaEstonian Linikoja is an Estonian surname meaning "cloth stream".
LinnaeusSwedish (Rare) Latinized form of Lind. A famous bearer was Swedish botanist Carl Linneaus (b. 1707 - d. 1778). His father adopted the name Linnaeus after a big lime tree (lind in Swedish) that grew on the family homestead in Vittaryd parish, Småland.
LöfströmSwedish Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and ström "stream".
LöfvénSwedish (Rare) Combination of Swedish löv "leaf" and the common surname suffix -én, a derivative of Latin -enius "descendant of". Stefan Löfven (b. 1957) is a Swedish politician and the prime minister of Sweden since 2014.
LoometsEstonian Loomets is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "loom" (animal)" and "mets (forest)".
LoorEstonian Loor is an Estonian surname meaning "veil" and "fog".
LoorandEstonian Loorand is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "loor" meaning "veil" and "fog" and "rand" meaning "beach": "fog(gy) beach".
LoosaarEstonian Loosaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "lood" ("level") and "saar" ("island"); or "loog" ("windrow") and "saar" ("ash tree").
LõõtsEstonian Lõõts is an Estonian surname meaning "bellows" and "accordian".
LootusEstonian Lootus is an Estonian surname meaning "hope".
LowensteinJewish Combination of German Löwe "lion" and stein "stone". In some cases an ornamental name associated with the name Levi (see also Levy and Lew 2).
LöwenthalJewish, Swedish Ornamental name composed of German Löwe "lion" and T(h)al "valley". In some cases the Jewish name would have been an ornamental elaboration associated with the personal name Levi (or other names meaning "lion").
LundvallSwedish Combination of Swedish lund "groove" and vall "pasture".
LundvikSwedish Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and vik "bay".
LustigSwedish, German, Jewish, Dutch A nickname for a cheerful person, derived from Swedish and German lustig "humorous, funny, enjoyable" or Middle High German lustig "merry, carefree". Usually ornamental as a Jewish surname.
LutsojaEstonian Lutsoja is an Estonian surname meaning "burbot stream/creek".
LuupEstonian Luup is an Estonian surname meaning "sloop" as well as "hand lens".
MätasEstonian Mätas is an Estonian surname meaning "sod" or "turf".
MätlikEstonian Mätlik is an Estonian surname meaning "tufted".
MättikEstonian Mättik is an Estonian surname derived from "mätas" meaning "sod". Could also derive from "mätlik" meaning "tufted", or the German surname "Mättig".
MaxilomVisayan An archaic Hispanicization of "mahilom", "quiet."
MažuranićCroatian Derived from mažuran, meaning "marjoram", a type of plant.
MesilaEstonian Mesila is an Estonian surname meaning "apiary" and "bee garden".
MesipuuEstonian Mesipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "beehive" (literally, "honey tree").
MetsaäärEstonian Metsaäär is an Estonian surname meaning "forest edge".
MetsalaEstonian Metsala is an Estonian surname meaning "forest area".
MetsallikEstonian Metsallik is an Estonian surname meaning "forest spring".
MetsaluEstonian Metsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "forest grove".
MetsamaaEstonian Metsamaa is an Estonian surname meaning "forest land".
MetsanurmEstonian Metsanurm is an Estonian surname meaning "forest meadow".
MetsasaluEstonian Metsasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "forest grove".
MetslaEstonian Metsla is an Estonian surname meaning "forest area".
MetsnõmmEstonian Metsnõmm is an Estonian surname meaning "forest heath/moorland".
MittEstonian Mitt is an Estonian surname, a possible borrowing from Old German "mitte" ("middle" or "center"). Possibly, from the Estonian negative "mitte" meaning "no" or "not".
MobergSwedish Combination of Swedish mo "sandy heath" and berg "mountain". A notable bearer was Swedish author and playwright Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973).
MuskatGerman, Jewish Occupational name for a spice merchant from Middle High German muscāt meaning "nutmeg mace". As a Jewish name however it is mainly ornamental.
MustkiviEstonian Mustkivi is an Estonian surname meaning "black stone".
MustmaaEstonian Mustmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "black land".
Nõgene Estonian Nõgene is an Estonian surname derived from "nõgine" meaning "sooty" or "nõges" meaning "nettle".
NõgesEstonian Nõges is an Estonian surname meaning "nettle".
NõmmEstonian Nõmm is an Estonian surname meaning "heath".
NõmmelaEstonian Nõmmela is an Estonian surname meaning "heath area".
NõmmsaluEstonian Nõmmsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "heath grove".
NööpEstonian Nööp is an Estonian surname meaning "button".
NoopEstonian Noop is an Estonian surname meaning "block".
NöörEstonian Nöör is an Estonian surname meaning "twine" or "cord".
NoorEstonian Noor is an Estonian surname meaning "young".
NoorkõivEstonian Noorkõiv is an Estonian surname meaning "young (noor) birch (kõiv in Võro dialect)".
NoormägiEstonian Noormägi is an Estonian surname meaning "young hill/mountain".
NordahlNorwegian, Swedish The surname derives from a place name in Sunnmøre, Norway. Meaning from Old Norse norðr ''north'' and dalr ''dale'', ''valley''. In Sweden, this name is mostly ornamental, rather than habitaional.
NordénSwedish Combination of Swedish nord "north" and the common surname suffix -én.
NordgrenSwedish Combination of Swedish nord "north" and gren "branch".