RönnlundSwedish Combination of Swedish rönn "rowan" and lund "grove".
RooEstonian Roo is an Estonian surname derived from "roog" ("reed" or "cane") or "roos" ("rose").
RoogEstonian Roog is an Estonian surname meaning "reed".
RõõmusEstonian Rõõmus is an Estonian surname meaning "glad" or "joyful".
RoosEstonian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, German (Swiss), Low German Means "rose" in Estonian and Dutch. Swedish and Danish variant of Ros, also meaning "rose". This could be a locational name for someone living near roses, an occupational name for someone who grew roses, or a nickname for someone with reddish skin.
RudénSwedish (Rare) Swedish rud "clearing" (compare Ruud) combined with the common surname suffix -én.
RudströmSwedish Combination of Swedish rud "deforested land, clearing" and ström "stream".
RukkiEstonian Rukki is an Estonian surname derived from "rukis", meaning "rye"
RundgrenSwedish Swedish surname with somewhat unclear etymology. The first element is possibly taken from a place named with either of the elements rund and/or run. Rund coincides with the Swedish word for "round", but it is not clear if the element used in this name is derived from that word... [more]
RundqvistSwedish Combination of Swedish rund "round" and qvist, an archaic spelling of kvist, "twig".
RüngasEstonian Rüngas is an Estonian surname meaning "rock" and "cliff".
RünkEstonian Rünk is an Estonian surname meaning "crag" and "rock".
RüütEstonian Rüüt is an Estonian surname meaning "golden plover" (Pluvialis apricaria).
RuutopõldEstonian Ruutopõld is an Estonian surname derived from "ruut (square)" and "põld" ("field").
RuutuEstonian Ruutu is an Estonian surname meaning "diamond".
RydbergSwedish Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and berg "mountain". Notable bearers are author and poet Viktor Rydberg (1828-1895) and physicist Johannes Rydberg (1854-1919).
RydellSwedish Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -ell.
RydénSwedish Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -én.
RydingerSwedish (Rare) Either a combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -ing "belonging to, coming from" (compare Norling), a variant of Ryding, or a Swedish form of German Rüdinger.
SarvEstonian Sarv is an Estonian surname meaning "horn".
SauEstonian Saue is an Estonian surname meaning "wand" or "staff".
SaupõldEstonian Saupõld is an Estonian surname meaning "stick field".
SaviEstonian Savi is an Estonian surname meaning "clay".
SaviaukEstonian Saviauk is an Estonian surname meaning "clay pit" or "earthen pit".
ScheidGerman, Jewish Either a topographic name for someone who lived near a boundary (between two valleys etc.) or crossroads Middle High German scheide, a habitational name from any of various places called ScheidtScheiden... [more]
SchelinSwedish Combination of an unknown element (probably derived from a place name) and the common surname suffix -in.
SchildJewish From German Schild "shield" or "(house) sign", applied either as an ornamental name or as a habitational name for someone who lived in a house distinguished by a sign.
SchillingGerman, Dutch, Jewish Means "shilling (coin)", possibly a nickname for a serf who had paid his rent or fee to his lord for his freedom. It could also be a habitational name derived from Schillingen, a municipality in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany... [more]
SchlossbergGerman Ornamental name composed of German Schloss ‘castle’ + Berg ‘mountain’, ‘hill’.
SchmoeckelGerman (East Prussian) Originally Smekel. In the 17th century the ‘Sm’ in Low German was gradually replaced by the ‘Schm’ from High German. ... [more]
SchoenGerman, Jewish From German schön, Middle High German schoene "fine, beautiful; refined, friendly, nice", a nickname for a handsome or pleasant man. As a Jewish name, it’s usually ornamental.
SchottlanderGerman, Jewish From German Schottland "Scotland" and, in some cases, denoted an immigrant from Scotland or Ireland. As a Jewish surname, it is most often an ornamental name.
SchwimerGerman, Jewish Occupational name meaning "swimmer" in German. As a Jewish name, it may be ornamental.
SeederEstonian Seeder is an Estonian surname meaning "cedar".
SeemeEstonian Seeme is an Estonian surname meaning "seed".
SeidenbergGerman, Jewish Derived from several places with the same name. As an ornamental name, it is derived from German seide meaning "silk" and berg meaning "mountain".
SelanderSwedish Combination of Swedish sel "stretch of calm water in a river or stream" and the common surname suffix -ander (originally from Greek aner "man"). The first element, sel, is also a common place name element in Northern Sweden and it's possible that this name is both ornamental and locational in origin.
SelgeEstonian Selge is an Estonian surname meaning "clear".
ShamirHebrew Derived from Hebrew שָׁמִיר (shamiyr) meaning "thorn, briar, thistle" or "flint, diamond, emery, adamant". It was borne by the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir (1915-2012), whose birth name was either Yitzhak Yezernitsky or Icchak Jaziernicki.
ShaniHebrew Means "red, scarlet" in Hebrew. From the given name Shani 1.
SibulEstonian Sibul is an Estonian surname meaning both "onion" and "bulb".
SiiderEstonian Siider is an Estonian surname meaning "cider".
SiigEstonian Siig is an Estonian surname meaning "lavaret" or "whitefish" (Coregonus lavaretus).
SiigurEstonian Siigur is an Estonian surname derived from "sigur" meaning "chicory".
SiimetsEstonian Siimets is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Siim" (a masculine given name) and "mets" meaning "forest".
SiinmaaEstonian Siinmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "here/herein land".
SikkEstonian Sikk is an Estonian surname meaning "billy goat".
SilberGerman, Jewish From Middle High German silber, German Silber "silver"; a metonymic occupational name for a silversmith, or often, in the case of the Jewish surname, an ornamental name.
SilberbergJewish The meaning of the name is "silver mountain" and comes from Germany
SilbermannGerman, Jewish Variant of Silber. from Middle High German silber German silber "silver" and Middle High German Yiddish man "man" an occupation for a man who worked with silver.
SilbersteinGerman, Jewish From Middle High German silber "silver" and stein "stone"; a habitational name from a place so named in Bavaria, or a topographic name.... [more]
SildaruEstonian Sildaru is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge meadow".
SillajõeEstonian Sillajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "river bridge".
SillamäeEstonian Sillamäe is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge hill/mountain".
SillaotsEstonian Sillaots is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge end".
SillasooEstonian Sillasoo is an Estonian surname meaning "bridge swamp/marsh".
SillasteEstonian Sillaste is an Estonian surname meaning "pertaining to bridges".
SinijärvEstonian Sinijärv is an Estonian surname meaning "blue lake".
SinikEstonian Sinik is an Estonian surname derived from "sinikas" meaning "bog bilberry".
SinikasEstonian Sinikas is an Estonian surname meaning "bog bilberry".
SinimäeEstonian Sinimäe is an Estonian surname meaning "blue hill/mountain".
SinissaarEstonian Sinissaar is an Estonian surname meaning "blue island".
SiniveeEstonian Sinivee is an Estonian surname meaning "blue water".
SirelEstonian Sirel is an Estonian surname meaning "lilac".
SirelpuuEstonian Sirelpuu is an Estonian name meaning "lilac tree".
SjölanderSwedish Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and the common surname suffix -ander (a combination of land and the habitational suffix -er). The second element is sometimes said to be derived from Greek aner "man".
SjömanSwedish Means "seaman, sailor" in Swedish, although this name is more likely to be an ornamental name composed of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and man "man". A notable bearer is film director Vilgot Sjöman (1924-2006).
SkarlatosGreek Occupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, cognate to the Italian surname Scarlato.
SnowEnglish, Jewish (Anglicized) Nickname denoting someone with very white hair or an exceptionally pale complexion, from Old English snaw "snow".... [more]
SoodlaEstonian Soodla is an Estonian surname meaning "favorable/beneficial area".
SookaskEstonian Sookask is an Estonian surname meaning "dwarf birch" (literally, "swamp/marsh birch").
SooläteEstonian Sooläte is an Estonian surname meaning "swamp/bog spring".
SoopartEstonian Soopart is an Estonian surname meaning "pintail duck (Anas acuta)".
SoopereEstonian Soopere is an Estonian surname meaning "swamp folks".
SoosõrvEstonian Soosõrv is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "soo" meaning "swamp" and "sõrv", possibly a corruption of "serv" meaning "border" or "edge"; "swamp/marsh border".
SoosterEstonian Sooster is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "soosik", meaning "favorite" and "heir".
SootammEstonian Sootamm is an Estonian surname meaning "pin oak" (Quercus palustris). Literally, "swamp oak".
SooväliEstonian Sooväli is an Estonian surname meaning "marsh/swamp field".
SoovereEstonian Soovere is an Estonian surname meaning "swamp blood".
SõrmusEstonian Sõrmus is an Estonian surname meaning "ring" or "annulet".
SperberGerman, Jewish From a nickname for a small but belligerent person from Middle High German sperwære "sparrow hawk" (Old High German sparwāri a compound of sparw "sparrow" and āri "eagle").
SpielbergJewish, German From Old High German spiegel "lookout point" or German Spiel "game, play" and berg "mountain". Locational surname after a town in Austria. A famous bearer is American director Steven Spielberg (1946-present).
StåhlbergSwedish, Finnish Variant of Stålberg. A notable bearer was Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg (1865-1952), the first President of Finland.
StålbergSwedish Combination of Swedish stål "steel" and berg "mountain".
StaubGerman (Swiss), German, Jewish German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational nickname for a miller, from Middle High German stoup, German Staub ‘dust’. The Jewish surname may also be ornamental.
SteinbachGerman, Jewish German habitational name from any of the many places named Steinbach, named with Middle High German stein ‘stone’ + bach ‘stream’, ‘creek’. ... [more]
SteinhausGerman, Jewish topographic name for someone living in a stone-built house from Middle High German stein "stone" and hus "house" or a habitational name from any of the many places called Steinhaus for example near Fulda and near Wels in Austria... [more]
StenlundSwedish Combination of Swedish sten "stone, rock" and lund "grove".
StenmarkSwedish Combination of Swedish sten "stone, rock" and mark "ground, land, field".
StenvallSwedish Composed of the elements sten "stone" and vall "mound".
StockMedieval English English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
StockeEnglish English: A topographic name for someone who lived near the trunk or stump of a large tree, Middle English Stocke (Old English Stocc)... [more]
StrandbergSwedish Combination of Swedish strand "beach, sea shore" and berg "mountain".
StrandheimGerman, Jewish From a location name meaning "beach home" in German, from Middle High German strand meaning "beach" and heim meaning "home". As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
StrassbergJewish Ornamental name composed of German Strasse "street" and Berg "mountain, hill".
StreisandGerman, Jewish Possibly an ornamental name, literally meaning "scattersand" in German. This surname is borne by the American singer and actress Barbra Streisand (1942-).
SugaEstonian Means "brush, comb" in Estonian, referring to either a comb used for brushing hair, or a comb used in looms to separate threads while weaving (also called a reed).
SügisEstonian Sügis is an Estonian surname meaning "Autumn".
SuigusaarEstonian Suigusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "somnolent (sleepy) island".
SukamägiEstonian Sukamägi is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "asukas" meaning "resident/dweller" and "mägi" meaning "mountain": "mountain dweller".
SukkEstonian Sukk is an Estonian surname meaning "stocking".
SulaojaEstonian Sulaoja is an Estonian surname meaning "thaw stream".
SulgEstonian Sulg is an Estonian surname meaning "feather".
SumeragiJapanese From Japanese 皇 (sumeragi), script-changed from 皇木 (sumeragi), from 皇 (sumera), a sound-changed clipping of 皇華山 (Kōkasan) meaning "Kōka Mountain", a mountain in the area of Kitahanazawa in the city of Higashiōmi in the prefecture of Shiga in Japan, and 木 (gi), the joining form of 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood"... [more]
SundinSwedish Combination of Swedish sund "strait" and the common surname suffix -in.
SvanbergSwedish Combination of Swedish svan ”swan” and berg ”mountain”.
SvanströmSwedish Combination of Swedish svan "swan" and ström "stream".
SvedbergSwedish Combination of Swedish svedja "to burn off, to swidden" (referring to slash-and-burn agriculture (in Swedish: svedjebruk)) and berg "mountain". This name can be both locational (surname derived from a place named with Sved-... [more]