Dutch Submitted Surnames

Dutch names are used in the Netherlands and Flanders. See also about Dutch names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Marsman Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch marsch, mersch (Southern Dutch meers), meaning "marsh". In some cases, however, it can also be a variant of Meersman.
Masse Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch masse "clog; cudgel", this name might have been a metonymic occupational name for someone who wielded a club. In some cases, however, it may also have been a patronymic of Maas.
Mast German, Dutch
Derived from Middle High German and Middle Dutch mast "mast (fodder made of acorns and beechnuts); the process of fattening livestock", this used to be an occupational name for a pig farmer or a swineherd... [more]
Mast Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch mast "(ship's) mast; pole", this was a nickname for a tall, lanky man.
Mastin French, Flemish, Walloon
occupational name for a household servant or guard from Old French mastin "watchdog, manservant" (from Latin mansuetudinus "domestic"). The Old French word had the further sense of a bad-tempered dog and was used as an adjective in the sense of "bad cruel".
Mathias French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese
French, Dutch: from the personal name Mathias (see Matthew).... [more]
Mathis German, German (Swiss), Flemish, Alsatian, English
Derived from the given name Matthias.
Matias Filipino, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech (Americanized)
Spanish (Matías), Portuguese, and Dutch: from the personal name (see Matthew).... [more]
Matten Flemish
One possibility of origin is of the French word motte which means a hill or mound. to this were added several tiny suffix of -et, and -ot, to give motet or motton meaning "small motte" or "son of motte" or to describe one who lived for a place- mottier.
Matthias German, Dutch, English, Welsh, Greek
German and Dutch: from the personal name Matthias (see Matthew).... [more]
Matthijs Dutch
From the given name Matthijs.
Meester Dutch, Flemish, German
Occupational name for a teacher, lecturer or a master craftsman, or a nickname for someone who had a bossy demeanor, derived from Dutch meester meaning "master". A famous bearer of this surname is the American actress, singer and model Leighton Meester (1986-).
Melchior Dutch, German
Derived from the given name Melchior.
Melk Dutch
Dutch word for "milk"
Melker Dutch, Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans
Derived from Dutch melker "milker (one who milks)". In some cases, however, it can also be derived from the given name Melchior.
Messiaen Dutch, French
Derived from Messiaen, the (archaic) Dutch form of the latinate first name Messianus, which itself is ultimately derived from the Roman praenomen Messus. The meaning of Messus is not wholly certain; it may be derived from the Latin verb meto "to reap, to harvest, to cut, to sever", or from the latinized form of Greek mesos or messos "(the) middle, (the) middle one"... [more]
Mette Dutch
Truncated form of Demetter.
Michaël Dutch, French
From the given name Michaël.
Michels German, Dutch
Patronymic from the personal name Michel (see Michael). ... [more]
Mick German, Dutch, Irish
Short form of the given name Mikolaj or an occupational name from Middle Low German and Middle Dutch micke "(wheat or rye) bread"... [more]
Middag Dutch
Of debated origin and meaning.
Mier Dutch
Derived from Dutch mier "ant", perhaps denoting an industrious person.
Modderman Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch modder "mud", this name used to denote a dustman, a garbage man.
Mol Dutch
Habitational name for someone from Mol in the Antwerp province, Belgium.
Molenaar Dutch
Derived from Dutch molenaar "miller".
Molnar Dutch
Variant of Molenaar.
Morshuis Dutch
'Mors' is 'swamp' in old Dutch and 'huis' is 'home', so the name is basically Swamphouse. It is thought that the person who registered the name when Napoleon ruled the Netherlands they lived in a swamp.
Motte French, Walloon, Flemish, German
from old French motte "motte" a word of Gaulish origin denoting a man-made protective mound or moat surrounding a castle or other fortified strongholds; or a habitational name from any of the various places in France and in Belgium named with this word.... [more]
Muis Dutch, Indonesian
From Dutch muis meaning "mouse". Common in Indonesia.
Mullens Flemish
A name referring to someone who lived at or by a mill.
Multatuli Dutch
From the Latin phrase multa tulī meaning "I have suffered much" or "I have borne much". This was the pen name of the Dutch writer Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820-1887), who wrote Max Havelaar, which denounced the abuses of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies, now called Indonesia... [more]
Munk German, Scandinavian, Dutch, English
From Middle High German münich Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish munk Middle Dutch munc "monk" a nickname for someone thought to resemble a monk or a metonymic occupational name for someone in the service of a monastery... [more]
Münster German, Dutch
habitational name from any of the places called Münster (in Germany) or Munster derived from Latin monasterium "monastery" or a topographic name for someone living near a monastery.
Musch Dutch, German
From a nickname meaning "house sparrow".
Nassau German, Dutch, Jewish
From the name of the town of Nassau in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (formerly the seat of an independent duchy in the 19th century), derived from Old High German naz meaning "damp, wet" and ouwa meaning "water meadow"... [more]
Nathaniël Dutch
From the given name Nathaniël.
Neeson Irish, Dutch, German
Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Naois ‘son of Naois’, usually Anglicized as Mcneese. Can also be an altered form of Dutch or German Niesen... [more]
Neisingh South Slavic, Ukrainian, Russian, Dutch
The surname Neisingh is of Dutch and Slavic origin, It's derived from the English last name Nelson 1 meaning son of Neal.
Netjes Dutch
Netjes is from the Dutch word for "tidy, neat" or "decent, proper."
Nieboer Dutch
Dutch cognate for Neubauer. epithet for a farmer who was new to an area from nie "new" and bur "farmer".
Niedermeyer German, Dutch
Distinguishing name for a farmer (see Meyer) who had a farm lower (Middle High German nider(e)) than the neighboring one(s).
Niesen Dutch, German
Dutch: patronymic from the personal name Nijs, a reduced form of Denijs (see Dennis)... [more]
Niessen Dutch
Thought to be found most commonly in Limburg... [more]
Nieuwenhuis Dutch
Means "new house" in Dutch. Indicated that the bearer lived in a new house or lived in a village of the same name
Nieuwman Dutch
Dutch cognate of Neumann.
Nikkel German, Dutch
Possibly an altered spelling of Dutch Nikel, from the personal name, a Dutch form of Nicholas.
Niswonger Dutch
"One who dwells in the clearing"
Nolf German, Dutch
From a short form of the personal name Arnolf, composed of the Germanic elements arn 'eagle' + wulf 'wolf'. Dutch: from a reduced form of Nodolf, derived from the personal name Odolf by transfer of the final -n in a preceding personal name such as Jan, Simoen
Nyhuis Dutch
Variant of Nijhuis
Oeffelt Dutch
Oeffelt is a village in the Dutch province of North Brabant, part of the Boxmeer municipality.
Oelkers German, Dutch
Derived from a pet form of Ulrich.
Oeltjenbruns Dutch (Archaic)
Unexplained Dutch surname.
Oldenhave Dutch
From the name of a small village in the province of Drenthe, Holland, composed of Dutch oud and hoeve, meaning "old farm".
Olin English, Dutch
English or Dutch name meaning either "from a low lying area" or from the word Hollander meaning "one from the Netherlands" a country well known for a low lying landscape.
Omtzigt Dutch
Derived from Dutch omzicht meaning "cautious, careful, circumspection", ultimately from the verb omzien meaning "to look around". It may have originated in a Dutch village with several farms named Omzicht, or as a nickname for a cautious person... [more]
Ooms Dutch
Derived from Dutch oom "uncle".
Oort Dutch
From Middle Dutch oort "edge, corner".
Oortwijn Dutch
Patronym of Oort meaning "place" or "location"
Oosterhuis Dutch
Oosterhuis is a Dutch surname meaning "eastern house".
Oostwal Dutch
From the Dutch words oost meaning "East" and wal meaning "shore" or "bank".
Oranje Dutch
means "orange" in Dutch, in reference to the Dutch Royal Family
Orley Dutch, Flemish, English
A surname of uncertain origin found among the Dutch, Flemish and English. In England the name is primarily found in Yorkshire and Devon. Orley may be an adapted form of a French name D'Orley or a nickname for Orlando... [more]
Osterhout Dutch
From the town of Oosterhout,, meaning "East Wood", as it is located nearby forests in the east of the Netherlands. Primary modern usage is in the United States can be traced back to Jan Jensen van Oosterhoudt, who immigrated to New Amsterdam in the 17th Century, and has been generally been simplified to Osterhout, where the O is pronounced as "AW"... [more]
Ostrander Dutch
Translated as "from the east border." The name may have been originally borne by one who lived near the eastern border of a town, province, or country.
Oudeland Dutch
Habitational name from places called Oudeland in the Netherlands, or perhaps the village of Oudelande in the Dutch province of Zeeland. Their names mean "old land" in Dutch.
Oudenhoven Dutch
Derived from Dutch oude "old" and hoeve "farm; farmstead; manor". As a surname it is derived from one of the many places of this name, for example in Menen, Passendale, Steenvoorde, Steenwerk, Broekburg or Godewaardsvelde.
Outland Dutch (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Oudeland.
Ouwehand Dutch
Means "old hand" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a fisherman, associated with the phrase "old hands at sea". Another theory holds that it comes from a misdivision of the surname Oudeland... [more]
Overbeeke Dutch
Means "over/on brook" or "over/on stream" or "over/on creek"... [more]
Palmberg Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
Derived from any of the various places in Germany named Palmberg.
Pannebakker Dutch
A Dutch name that literally means “producer of tiles.” the earliest trace of the name in the Netherlands is in the year 1568, associated with Herr Jan de Pannebakker and his wife Nancy who were accused of heresy and killed by the Spaniards at Utrecht.... [more]
Pater Dutch
From Latin pater ‘father’, also used to denote the father superior in a religious order, hence probably a nickname for a "solemn" or "pompous man."
Paulus German, Dutch
From the given name Paulus and variant of Paul.
Pauw Dutch, Flemish
Means "peacock" in Dutch.
Pavek Dutch
Americanized spelling of Pávek.
Pechtold German, Dutch, Jewish
From the Old German given name Pechtholt, which is composed of the elements pecht "rotation" and holdt "hero". As a Dutch-language surname, it is derived from the Middle Dutch given name Pechte combined with Old High German walt "power, authority"... [more]
Peet English, Dutch
Derived from a pet form of the given name Peter. As a Dutch nickname, it is derived from Middle Dutch pete meaning "godfather, godmother, godchild".
Pelsmaker Dutch
Occupational name for a pelt maker, from Dutch pels "pelt, fur" and maker "maker"
Pelt Dutch
Dutch: shortened form of Van Pelt.
Pelter Dutch
This surname is occupational in origin. It comes from the Latin word "pellis," meaning "skin" or "hide," and would have originally been born by someone who tanned or sold hides and pelts for a living.
Pennebaker Dutch (Anglicized)
Coming from the Dutch name Pannebakker. The name is of occupational origin and is traceable to a term literally translated as "producer of tiles." Legend has it that the family imigrated from central Europe in the mid 1300’s to the Netherlands to escape the wars and plague that were common in the area at that time.
Penning English, Dutch, Low German
From early Middle English penning, Low German penning, and Middle Dutch penninc, all meaning "penny". It was used as a topographic surname or a nickname referring to tax dues of a penny.
Peppe Dutch
From Peppo, a pet form of a Germanic personal name.
Persoon Dutch, Flemish
Derived from Dutch persoon, meaning "person".
Pfannebecker Dutch (Germanized)
The Germanic spelling of the Dutch sername Pannebakker
Pickle Dutch
Pickle is an Anglicized surname that came from the Dutch word “pekel” or the North German world “pokel”.
Pieper German, Dutch
Occupational name for a piper.
Pieters Dutch
"Pieter's son"
Pijnenburg Dutch
From the name of an estate or hamlet called Pijnenburg in the town of Soest in Utrecht, the Netherlands, composed of Middle Dutch pijn meaning "pine tree" and burg meaning "fortress, manor, mansion".
Pin French, Dutch
A topographic name for someone living by a pine tree or in a pine forest, or a habitational name from a place named with the Old French word pin, meaning ‘pine’.
Plate German, Dutch
metonymic occupational name for a maker of plate armor from Middle High German blate plate Middle Dutch plate "plate armor plating".
Plato German, Dutch, Polish, English
From the Given name Plato the Latinized form of Platon. English variant of Plater.
Plumer German, English, Dutch
North German (Plümer) and English: variant of Plum, the suffix -er denoting habitation or occupation. Altered form of South German Pflümer, an occupational name for a grower or seller of plums, from an agent derivative of Middle High German pflume ‘plum’... [more]
Pons Catalan, French, Occitan, Dutch
From the given name Pons.
Poortman Dutch
Occupational name for a gatekeeper or topographic name for someone who lived near the gates of a fortified town, from Dutch poort meaning "gate" and man meaning "man".
Poortvliet Dutch
From the name of the village and former municipality called Poortvliet in the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, derived from Middle Dutch port meaning "port, harbour, storage yard, city" and vliet meaning "brook, stream, river, creek, inlet"... [more]
Poppe German, Dutch, English
German and Dutch variant of Popp 1 and English variant of Popp 2.
Poppinga Dutch, East Frisian, Frisian
Likely means ‘son of a pope’.
Poppink Dutch
Uncommon surname, likely sharing a root with Poppinga.
Portman German (Americanized), Dutch
Americanized form of German Portmann, as well as a Dutch variant of Poortman (and in some cases an Americanized form)... [more]
Posthumus Dutch, Low German
From a personal name which was given to a posthumous child, i.e., one born after the death of his father, derived from Latin postumus "last, last-born" (superlative of posterus "coming after, subsequent") via Late Latin posthumus, which was altered by association with Latin humare "to bury", suggesting death (i.e., thought to consist of post "after" and humus "grave", hence "after death"); the one born after the father's death obviously being the last.
Prins Dutch, Jewish
Means "prince" in Dutch, but almost never a surname for a prince. Instead, it's an occupational surname for someone in the service of a prince or a nickname for someone who acted in a regal manner. The surname is also Jewish Dutch and is used as an ornamental adoption of Dutch prins still meaning "prince".
Puddephatt Dutch
Form of Cooper, meaning barrell maker
Pyle Dutch
Metonymic occupational name for a marksman or an arrowsmith, from pijl meaning "arrow".
Quackenbos Dutch, English
Variant of Quackenbosch. Mary Grace Quackenbos Humiston (1869–1948) was the first female Special Assistant United States Attorney. She was a graduate of the New York University School of Law and was a leader in exposing peonage in the American South.
Quackenbosch Dutch
Topographic name meaning "night heron woodlands" in Dutch, from Dutch kwak "night heron" and bosch "woodland wilderness". This surname is now extinct in the Netherlands.
Quackenbush Dutch (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of Dutch Quackenbosch, a topographic name from Dutch quaak ‘swamp’ (cognate with the English word quagmire) + bosch ‘woodland’, ‘wilderness’.
Quant Dutch, German
Middle High German, Middle Low German quant "smart aleck, pranskter, rogue, imp".
Raad Dutch
Metonymic occupational name for an adviser, counselor, or member of a town council, from raad ‘advice’, ‘counsel’.
Raat Dutch
''Somebody who gives good advice'', ''counsel'' Raad = advice.... [more]
Raimond Estonian, Dutch, French, Croatian
From the given name Raimond.
Redding English, German, Dutch
English variant spelling of Reading. In 1841 Redding was the most commonly used surname in all of Buckinghamshire. A famous bearer is Otis Redding.... [more]
Redig Dutch, Upper German
Dutch and North German variant of Redding.
Reese Low German, Dutch, German
Nickname for a very big man, from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch rese ‘giant’.... [more]
Reisz Dutch
Patronymic from a pet form of one of the Germanic compound names formed with ragin "counsel" as the first element.
Remis Greek, Dutch, German, Asturian
Greek from a medieval Greek personal name, Remis, a vernacular form of the personal name Remigius (see French Remy)... [more]
Rens Dutch
From a reduced form of the personal name Laurens.
Reus Dutch, German, Catalan
Dutch: nickname for a big man, from Middle Dutch reuse(n) 'giant'. German: topographic name from Middle High German riuse 'fish trap' (Middle Low German ruse) or from a regional term reuse 'small stream', 'channel'... [more]
Rhett English, Dutch
Anglicized form of Dutch de Raedt, derived from raet "advice, counsel".
Rijkaard Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)
Dutch variant of Richard. A famous bearer of this surname is the retired Dutch soccer player Frank Rijkaard (1962-).
Ritfeld German, Dutch (Anglicized)
German surname and anglicized Dutch form of Rietveld
Robben French, Dutch
It is a French surname that was originally derived from the Germanic name Robert, which is composed of the elements hrod, meaning famous, and berht, meaning bright.
Rochussen Dutch
Means "son of Rochus". Famous bearers of this name are the Dutch prime minister Jan Jacob Rochussen (1797-1871) and the 19th-century painter Charles Rochussen (1814-1894).
Roel English, Spanish, Dutch, German
From the name Roeland, meaning "famous country".
Roelfs Dutch
Means "son of Roelf".
Roelofs Dutch
Variant of Roelfs, meaning "son of Roelof".
Rolloos Dutch
Possibly derived from the given name Rollo.
Romine English, Dutch
From Rome
Rommel Upper German, Dutch
Nickname for an obstreperous person, from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch rummeln, rumpeln to make a noise, create a disturbance (of imitative origin). Variant of Rummel.
Ronde Dutch
Means "round" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a plump person, ultimately from Latin rotundus.
Roop Dutch
Dutch: from a short form of the Germanic personal name Robrecht.
Roos Estonian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, German (Swiss), Low German
Means "rose" in Estonian and Dutch. Swedish and Danish variant of Ros, also meaning "rose". This could be a locational name for someone living near roses, an occupational name for someone who grew roses, or a nickname for someone with reddish skin.
Roose English, Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Rose 1, Rose 2, Roos or Ross.
Root English, Dutch
English: nickname for a cheerful person, from Middle English rote ‘glad’ (Old English rot). ... [more]
Rosenboom Dutch
Comes from Dutch "rosenboom" meaning "rose tree"
Rotterdam Dutch
Denoting someone from a place named Rotterdam "place of the muddy water".
Roudebush Dutch (Americanized), Belgian (Americanized)
Americanized form of Dutch and Belgian Ronderbosch or Rondenbosch, a habitational name for someone from Ronderbos in Dilbeek, Brabant, or Ronden Bos in Maldegen, East Flanders.
Rouvoet Dutch
From a nickname that meant "rough foot", derived from Middle Dutch ru meaning "rough, wild" and voet meaning "foot". This name is borne by the retired Dutch politician André Rouvoet (1962-).
Ruiter Dutch
Derived from the Dutch noun ruiter meaning "rider, horseman".
Rumfelt German, Dutch
Altered spelling of German Romfeld, derived from Middle Low German rüm- meaning "to clear (land)" and feld meaning "open country, field", hence a topographic name or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a person engaged in clearing woodland, or in some cases a habitational name for someone from Romfelt in the Ardennes... [more]
Rummel German, Dutch
North German and Dutch: variant of Rommel.... [more]
Rutte Dutch
Derived from the given name Rutger. This surname is borne by the former Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte (1967-).
Samis Dutch, German
From a pet form of the personal name Samuel.
Sas Dutch
Cognate of Sachs.
Sax Upper German, Dutch, Luxembourgish
Upper German variant of Sachs and Dutch variant of Sas.
Schaal German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Jewish
Either a nickname for a braggart or a market crier, (derived from Middle High German schal meaning "noise, bragging"), an occupational name for someone who made dishes for scales and vessels for drinking, (from Middle Low German and Dutch schale "dish"), a habitational name from Schaala in Thuringia or the Schaalsee lake near Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, or a topographic name for someone living on marshy land, (from Dutch schald "shallow")... [more]
Schacht German, Dutch
North German and Dutch: metonymic occupational name for someone who prepared shafts for tools or weapons, a turner, from Middle Low German schacht, Middle Dutch scacht ‘shaft’.
Schade German, Dutch, Scottish, English
German and Dutch: from schade ‘damage’, a derivative of schaden ‘to do damage’, generally a nickname for a thug or clumsy person, or, more particularly, a robber knight, who raided others’ lands.... [more]
Schaden German, Dutch
From schade 'damage', a derivative of schaden 'to do damage', generally a nickname for a thug or clumsy person, or, more particularly, a robber knight, who raided others' lands.
Schaumburg German, Dutch, Belgian
Habitational name from any of the places called Schaumburg or Schauenburg in Germany, or Schauwberg in Brabant, Belgium.
Scheele German, Dutch, Swedish (Rare)
From Middle Low German schele and Dutch scheel meaning "squinting, cross-eyed". A notable bearer was German-Swedish pharmaceutical chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) who discovered oxygen and identified several other elements.
Schellekens Dutch
A Dutch patronymic surname of Germanic names like Schalk and Godschalk, meaning "God's Servant".
Schenkel German, Dutch, Jewish
German, Dutch, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for someone with long or otherwise notable legs, from Middle High German schenkel, Middle Dutch schenkel, schinkel ‘thigh’, ‘lower leg’, German Schenkel ‘thigh’.
Schermerhorn Dutch
From Schermerhorn, the name of a village in the province of North Holland in the Netherlands, derived from Dutch schermer meaning "fencer" and hoorn meaning "horn". It was borne by the Dutch politician Willem "Wim" Schermerhorn (1894-1977), a Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
Schild German, Dutch
Occupational name for a maker or painter of shields, from Middle High German, Middle Dutch schilt "shield".
Schilling German, Dutch, Jewish
Nickname for a serf who had paid his rent or fee to his lord for his freedom, derived from Middle High German schillinc, Middle Low German schillink and German schilling meaning "shilling"... [more]
Schimmelpenninck Dutch, Flemish
White horse penny. An old family, whose origin is uncertain, but who have for centuries ranked among the nobles of Gelderland and Zutphen. One of the name was also a burgomaster of Cologne in 1409; and, the same year, another held the office of alderman of Brussels.
Schink Upper German, Dutch
Nickname for someone with long or otherwise remarkable legs, from Middle High German schinke ‘thigh’, ‘leg’. Compare Schenkel. ... [more]
Schoen German, Jewish, Dutch
German (Schön) nickname for a handsome or pleasant man, from Middle High German schoene ‘fine’, ‘beautiful’; ‘refined’, ‘friendly’, ‘nice’. ... [more]
Schoenmaker Dutch
Dutch word for "shoemaker."
Scholten Dutch
From Middle Dutch scholte "sheriff, bailiff, village headman" or a patronymic of the given name Scholte.
Schonewille Dutch
Perhaps a nickname for an attractive person, derived from Middle Dutch schône meaning "beautiful, clean, pure" and wille meaning "to want, to desire".
Schools Dutch
Variant of School.
Schot Dutch
Name originates from the German name "Schott," meaning peddler. Shortened in late 17th century.
Schottlander German, Jewish, Dutch
From German Schottland, 'Scotland' and, in some cases, denoted an immigrant from Scotland or Ireland. Numerous Irish fled to continental Europe after the Anglo-Norman invasion in the 13th century.... [more]
Schreuder Dutch
Dutch cognate of Schröder 1 and Schröder 2.
Schreur Dutch (Dutchified, Rare)
Comes from two places; one from the German word stemming from "schrien", or "shout", and two from the Dutch word stemming from "schreuder", or "tailor".
Schroot Dutch
Nickname for a person who collects scraps of food,from the Dutch word "schroot" meaning "scrap". Name was usually given to someone who was impoverished.
Schruijer Dutch
Presumably an occupational name for a town crier, from "schreien" or "schreeuwen", meaning "to shout", or "to yell".
Schutte Dutch, Low German, South African
Dutch and North German (Schütte) occupational name for an archer, from Middle Low German schutten ‘to shoot’. Compare German Schuetz.
Scroggins Dutch
From Holland
Seger Swedish, English, Dutch
Means "victory" in Swedish. It is also a variant of the English surname Seager or derived from the Germanic given name Sigiheri "victory army".
Seivert Dutch
Derived from the given name Sivert.
Shade English, German, Dutch, Scottish
Topographic name for someone who lived near a boundary, from Old English scead ‘boundary’.nickname for a very thin man, from Middle English schade ‘shadow’, ‘wraith’.... [more]
Shilling English, German (Americanized), Dutch (Americanized)
nickname from the Middle English coin name schilling "shilling" (Old English scilling) probably referring to a fee or rent owed or paid... [more]
Sies German, Dutch
From the ancient Germanic name Sigizo formed with the element sigi "victory" (from proto Germanic segiz).
Sievert Low German, Dutch, Swedish
Derived from the given name Sievert. A Sievert (Sv) is a unit measuring the effect of ionizing radiation on the human body (called equivalent absorbed radiation dose)... [more]
Sikkema Dutch
Most prevalent in the Netherlands.
Sikkens Dutch (Modern)
Son of Sikke (or Sikko)
Sim Scottish, Dutch
Scottish and Dutch: from the personal name Sim, a short form of Simon 1.
Sjoerdsma Frisian, Dutch
Derived from the Frisian given name Sjoerd combined with the Frisian surname suffix -(s)ma, which is most likely derived from Old Frisian monna meaning "men".... [more]
Slack English, Dutch, Scottish, English (American)
English and Dutch: nickname for an idle person, from Middle Dutch slac, Middle English slack, ‘lazy’, ‘careless’. ... [more]
Sluiter Dutch
Occupation name for a porter, or gatekeeper. Also an occupational name for someone who made and poured alcohol. "The one who pours the alcohol." - Middle Dutch Sluter. Compare to English Porter.
Smet Flemish
One who is a blacksmith
Smidt Dutch
Dutch corruption of the German Schmidt which means smith.
Smulders Dutch
Occupational name derived from Dutch des mulders meaning "son of the miller". A famous bearer is Canadian-American actress Cobie Smulders (1982-).
Snyder Dutch, English, German, Yiddish, Jewish
Means "tailor" in Dutch, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.... [more]
Southard English, Dutch
Possibly derived from the English surname Southworth.
Sovern English, French, German, Dutch
Sovern is a modified spelling of Sovereign meaning a ruler or monarch.
Speer German, Dutch, English
from Middle High German Middle Dutch sper "spear" hence a nickname for a tall thin person or else for a skilled user of the hunting spear... [more]
Spoors English, Dutch
Metonymic occupational name for a maker of spurs, a lorimer, from Middle Dutch spore, Middle English spore, spure ‘spur’.
Springer German, English, Dutch, Jewish
Nickname for a lively person or for a traveling entertainer. It can also refer to a descendant of Ludwig der Springer (AKA Louis the Springer), a medieval Franconian count who, according to legend, escaped from a second or third-story prison cell by jumping into a river after being arrested for trying to seize County Saxony in Germany.
Spruijt Dutch
Means "sprout" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a young person or a descendant of a wealthy, powerful or important family.
Spruit Dutch
Variant of Spruijt.
Spruyt Dutch
Variant of Spruijt. This surname is especially common in Belgium.
Staal Dutch (Modern)
From Middle High German stal meaning "steel". May have been a occupational name, for a steelworker or blacksmith.
Star German, Dutch, Jewish, English
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname from German Star, Middle High German star, ‘starling’, probably denoting a talkative or perhaps a voracious person.... [more]
Starke German, Dutch, English
Variant of German and English Stark and Dutch and German Sterk. Nickname for a strong bold person from Middle High German stark Middle Dutch starcke staerke "strong brave".
Steenbok Afrikaans, Dutch
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Steinbock.
Steffes Dutch, German
A patronymic from a shortened form of the personal name Steffen.
Stekelenburg Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch stekel meaning "prickle, stickle, spine, spike" and burg meaning "fortress". A famous bearer is the retired Dutch soccer goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg (1982-).
Steketee Dutch
Dutch (Zeelandic) surname, from the biblical Greek word στήκετε (stekete) meaning "stand (firm)", reportedly referring to a religious (Protestant or French Huguenot) background of the first bearer(s).
Sterk Dutch, German
Dutch cognate and German variant of Stark. Nickname from Middle Low German sterk and Middle High German stark Middle Dutch sterke starcke staerke "strong brave".
Sterken Dutch, English
Means "strong". Derived either from the Old English term sterċan, meaning "to make rigid", or from the Old Saxon sterkian and Old High German sterken, both meaning "to strengthen."
Steven Scottish, English, Dutch, Low German
From the personal name Steven, a vernacular form of Latin Stephanus, Greek Stephanos "crown". This was a popular name throughout Christendom in the Middle Ages, having been borne by the first Christian martyr, stoned to death at Jerusalem three years after the death of Christ... [more]
Stockard Scottish Gaelic, Dutch
Scottish: occupational name for a trumpeter, Gaelic stocaire, an agent derivative of stoc ‘Gaelic trumpet’. The name is borne by a sept of the McFarlanes.... [more]