BotkinRussian This was the surname of Evgeniy Botkin ( 1865 - 1918) who was the Russian court physician. He remained loyal to the family of Tsar Nicholas II Romanov when the revolution occurred and followed them into exile in Siberia... [more]
BrezhnevmRussian Denoted a person from a village called Brezhnevo. The most notable bearer was Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), a leader of the Soviet Union.
BrodskyCzech Habitational name derived from a number of places, including Bohemia.
BrodzińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a place called for example Brudzyń (formerly Brodzino) in Konin voivodeship, or Brodna in Piła voivodeship.
BrzozowskimPolish Habitational name for someone from a place named Brzozowa, Brzozowice, or Brzozowo, all derived from Polish brzoza, meaning "birch tree".
BrzumińskiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Masovian village of Brzumin.
BubienPolish The name came originally from France. An officer of Napoleon Bonaparte during the French Russian war, in 1812 stayed in Poland and married. One of his sons, became a regional Judge and large land owner in the Belarus area of Poland... [more]
BuchcickiPolish This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Buchcice.
BuchenkoUkrainian Means "from Bucha". Bucha (Буча) is a city just outside of Kyiv, but the surname can also denote to someone from one of the many villages in Ukraine called Bucha.
BulićCroatian Derived from Ottoman Turkish bula meaning "a married woman or a Muslim woman in harem pants or covered with a headscarf" or from the forename Bule a hypocoristic of Budislav, Budimir, Budivoj, Budimil.
BurczykPolish Nickname for a grouse or complainer, from burczeć meaning "to grumble".
BurdeineiRusyn (Ukrainianized, Rare) Burdeinei is an 18th century Ruthenian (Rusyn) surname from the Carpathian Mountains and Western Ukraine. It is a descriptive surname that indicates a type of location of residence.... [more]
BurdonskymRussian Burdonsky is Aleksandr Burdonsky's, Iosif Stalin's grandson (son of Vasiliy Stalin), last name. He took his wife's name to avoid negative connotation.
BurkowskiPolish It is composed of buk (Common Slavic for "beech tree") and the Slavic suffixes -ov and -ski. In some cases, the name may originate from a toponym
CabalovCzech (Anglicized, Modern, Rare) The Last Name of Cabalov is still somewhat rare with last names. It come from a land in-between Czech Republic and Slovakia.
ČabarkapaSerbian, Montenegrin Derived from čabar (чабар), meaning "tub, bucket", and kapa (капа), meaning "cap, hat".
ČapekCzech Derived from a diminutive of Czech cáp meaning "stork", applied as a habitational name for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a stork. In some cases the family name may have derived from a heraldic symbol.
ČelikCroatian, Serbian Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel".
ČelikovićCroatian, Serbian, Bosnian Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel". The -ović suffix is a patronym.
ChekhovRussian Possibly referred to someone from Czechia, or a derivative of the ancient Russian name Chekh or Chokh, which in turn relates to the verb chikhat "to sneeze"... [more]
ChekovRussian This is the surname of the fictional Star Trek Character, Pavel Andreievich Chekov.
CherenkovmRussian Derived from Russian черенок (čerenók) "handle, hilt", denoting a tall, thin person or a maker of such handles. Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (1904-1990) was a Soviet physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1958 with Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm for the discovery of Cherenkov radiation, made in 1934.
ChernoffRussian, Jewish Alternative spelling of Chernov, a patronymic from the byname Chernyj meaning ‘black’, denoting a black-haired or dark-skinned person.
ChernookyRussian Derived from Russian черноокий (chernooky) meaning "black-eyed, having dark brown eyes". This surname has Polish, Ukrainian or Belarusian noble origin.