All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Oktyabrsky Russian
Meaning "October" in Russian, it often refers to the October Revolution of November 1917, a coup led by Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) and the Bolshevik Party.
Oku Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside; inner depths". It is a reference to an event in the Northern and Southern Courts Period, of 3 sons of Takase who became heroes for the south. The emperor of Japan awarded each of the sons a new surname; Oku for the eldest son, Naka for the middle son, and Kuchi for the youngest son.... [more]
Oku Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside, interior".
Ōkubo Japanese
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect"... [more]
Okubo Japanese
Alternate transcription of Ōkubo.
Okuda Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Okuda Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 小管 (see Kosuge).
Okudaira Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 平 (taira) meaning "level, even, peaceful".
Okuhashi Japanese
Oku means "inside, interior" and hashi means "bridge".
Okui Japanese
Oku means "interior, inside" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Okukawa Japanese (Rare)
Oku means "interior,secluded,further out" and kawa means "river". Minako Okukawa is a fictional character from Yuri!!! On Ice and it's also the name of a company.
Ōkuma Japanese
Combination of the kanji 大 (ō, "big, great") or 逢 (ō, "meeting") and 熊 (kuma, "bear") or 隈 (kuma, "recess, corner, shade")
Okumuş Turkish
Means "educated, well-read" in Turkish.
Okuna Polish
Polish (also Okuła): nickname for a lame person, from okuleć ‘to stumble or founder’, Old Polish okułac.
Okunev m Russian
Possibly derived from Russian word "окон (okon)" meaning window.
Okuno Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Okuoka Japanese
The meaning of Okuoka/奥岡 equals to "Interior Hill"
Okur Turkish
Means "reader" in Turkish.
Ōkura Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 倉 (kura) or 蔵 (kura) both meaning "granary, storehouse".
Okura Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大倉 or 大蔵 (see Ōkura).
Okuri Japanese
O means "big, great" and kuri means "chestnut".
Okuro Japanese
From 奥 (oku) meaning "interior, inner part, inside" combined with 梠 (ro, ryo, hisashi) meaning "companion, follower".
Okusawa Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 沢 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Okuse Japanese
Oku means "secluded, further out, inside, interior" and se means "river,inlet".
Okutani Japanese
Oku means inside, interior" and tani means "valley".
Okutsu Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 津 (tsu) meaning "port, harbour".
Okuyama Japanese
From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Olabarria Basque
It indicates familial origin near the eponymous river in the municipality of Markina-Xemein.
Olabeaga Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of Bilbo.
Ó Labhradha Irish
Means "descendant of Labhraidh"
Ó Labhraidh Tréan Northern Irish
It literally means "strong O'Lavery"
Ó Lachtnáin Irish
It literally means "Lachtnán’s descendant".
Olaetxea Basque
This indicates familial origin near the eponymous tower house in the municipality of Legazpi.
Olaf Norwegian
From the name Olaf.
Ólafsdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Ólafur" in Icelandic.
Ólafsson Icelandic
Patronymic of the given Ólafur. This surname is given to their sons.
Olagaraia Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Etxalar.
Olague Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Anue.
Olah Hungarian
Oláh (Olah) is a Hungarian surname that means Vlach/Romanian. A similar word is Olasz, meaning "Italian".Hungarian (Oláh): ethnic name from Hungarian oláh ‘Romanian’, old form volách, from vlach ‘Italian’, ‘speaker of a Romance language’.
Olano Basque
Province of Araba, so named from ola 'forge', 'ironworks' + the diminutive suffix -no.
Olari Estonian
Olari is an Estonian surname; taken from the masculine given name "Olari".
Olasiman Filipino, Cebuano
From Cebuano ulasiman meaning "common purslane" (a type of plant).
Olatunji Yoruba
"Olatunji" is a Yoruba surname and a given name meaning "Wealth awakes again".
O'Laughlin Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Lochlainn meaning, 'descendant of Lochlann.'
Olausson Swedish
Means "son of Olaus".
Olavarrieta Basque
Ola: hut, forge. Varri: new. -eta:abundance of.
Olavsen Norwegian
Means "son of Olav".
Old English
From Middle English old, not necessarily implying old age, but rather used to distinguish an older from a younger bearer of the same personal name.
Oldenhave Dutch
From the name of a small village in the province of Drenthe, Holland, composed of Dutch oud and hoeve, meaning "old farm".
Oldham English
Habitational name from Oldham in Lancashire. The placename derives from Old English ald "old" and Old Norse holmr "island water meadow" or eald "old" and ham "farmstead" meaning either "old lands" or "old farm".
Oldknow English
Originally "Oldknoll"; deriving from the word knoll meaning ''hill''.
Oldroyd English
Derived from Old English euld meaning "old" and royd meaning "clearing".
Olds English
English: patronymic from Old .
Oldshield English
Probably came from the occupation of being a shielder
Oldt Low German
North German: variant of Alt.
Ole Estonian
Ole is an Estonian surname meaning "exist" or "entity".
Olegario Spanish
From the given name Olegario.
Õlekõrs Estonian
Õlekõrs is an Estonian surname meaning "straw".
Oleksenko Ukrainian
Means "son of Oleksiy".
Oleniuc Romanian, Ukrainian
From the Hutsul language.
O'Lennon Irish
Original form of Lennon. Probably a variant of Ó Leannáin (from a by-name meaning "lover"), but may also be derived from O'Lonain (from lon, "blackbird").
Olesdatter Danish
Strictly feminine patronymic of Ole.
Olesk Estonian
Olesk is an Estonian surname meaning to "stay".
Oleson English
Anglicized form of Olesen
Olevian German (Latinized)
Olevian is a latinised word meaning "from Olewig" (a town today incorporated into Trier, Germany). ... [more]
Oley English
Was my mother's fathers name. Also my mother's brother.
Olgun Turkish
Means "mature, grown" in Turkish.
Olimov Tajik, Uzbek
Means "son of Olim".
Olin English, Dutch
English or Dutch name meaning either "from a low lying area" or from the word Hollander meaning "one from the Netherlands" a country well known for a low lying landscape.
Olin Swedish
Combination of the unexplained element o-/oh- and the common surname suffix -lin. A notable bearer is Swedish actress Lena Olin (b. 1955).
Olinde French (Americanized)
A French nickname for Holland.
Ó Lionáin Irish
It literally means "Lonán’s descendant".
Oliphant English
Means "elephant" (from Middle English, Old French and Middle High German olifant "elephant"), perhaps used as a nickname for a large cumbersome person, or denoting someone who lived in a building distinguished by the sign of an elephant.
Olissaar Estonian
Olissaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "õli" meaning "oil/fat" and "saar" meaning "island".
Oliva Italian, Spanish
Of uncertain origin: derived either from a nickname to those who picked, worked with or sold olives, or from the given name Oliva.
Olivares Spanish
Habitational name from any of several places named Olivares, from the plural of Spanish olivar meaning "olive grove". Compare Portuguese and Galician Oliveira.
Olivas Catalan
Variant spelling of Olives, habitational name from Olives in Girona province, or a topographic name from the plural of Oliva.
Olive French
Given to someone who worked with olives from old french olive "olive" ultimately latin oliva "olive".
Olivera Spanish
Comes from the Latin etymology related to olive trees, olive grees and olives.
Oliveras Catalan
Catalan: variant spelling of the topographic name Oliveres, from the plural of olivera ‘olive tree’, or a habitational name from Las Oliveras in Murcia province.
Olivia English
From the given name of Olivia
Olivieri Italian
From the given name Oliviero.
Oliviero Italian
From the given name Oliviero.
Olivo Italian, Spanish
Topographic name from olivo "olive tree" or occupational name for someone who sold olives. Or from the given name Olivo given to someone born on Palm Sunday.
Oliynichenko Ukrainian (Russified)
Derived from олійний (oliynyy) meaning "oilseed".
Oll Estonian
Oll is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from the masculine give name "Olev".
Ollis English
Unexplained surname found in records of Bristol and Bath.
Ollison Danish (Americanized)
Americanized form of Olesen .
Olloki Basque
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Esteribar.
Olloqui Basque (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Olloki.
Ollson English
Variant of Olsson or Olsen.
Ölmez Turkish
Means "immortal, undying, eternal" in Turkish.
Olmre Estonian
Olmre is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "olme" meaning "household".
Olmstead English (British)
Comes from the Old French ermite "hermit" and Old English stede "place".... [more]
Ó Lochlainn Irish
Irish Gaelic form of O'Laughlin.
Ó Loingseacháin Irish
It means 'descendant of Loingseacháin'. Ó Loingsigh, however, is a diminutive form of this surname.
O'Lonain Irish
Derived from lon ("blackbird") and a diminutive combined with O ("grandson; male descendant").
O'Loney Irish
Anglicization of Ó Luanaigh.
O'Looney Irish
Anglicization of Ó Luanaigh.
Olorosisimo Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish olorosísimo meaning "most fragrant".
Oloroso Spanish (Philippines)
Means "fragrant" or "sweet (having a pleasant smell)" in Spanish.
Olszański Polish
Name for someone from a place called Olszany or Olszanica, both derived from Polish olsza meaning "alder".
Ó Luanaigh Irish
Means "descendant of Luanach"
Olufsen Danish
Patronymic form of the Old Norse personal name "Anleifr", or "Oluf", which is composed of the elements "ans", god and "leifr", a relic.
Olufson Danish
Variant of Olufsen
Olumets Estonian
Olumets is an Estonian surname meaning "existing forest".
Ölund Swedish
Combination of Swedish ö "island" and lund "groove".
O'Lunney Irish
Anglicization of Ó Luanaigh.
Olveira Galician
Galician cognate of Oliveira.
Ölvirsdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Ölvir" in Icelandic.
Olwell English
Possibly a habitational name from Ulwell in Swanage Dorset named with Old English ule "owl" and wille "stream".
Olympiou Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Olympios". A famous bearer is the Greek Cypriot singer Despina Olympiou.
Olyphant English, Scottish
Variant of Oliphant. A famous bearer is American actor Timothy Olyphant (1968-).
Oma Japanese (Modern, ?)
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "large, big" and 間 (ma) meaning "interval, space".
Ó Macáin Irish
Means "descendant of Maicín".
Ó Macdha Irish
Means "descendant of Macdha"
Ōmae Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 前 (mae) meaning "front, forward".
Omae Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese 大前 (see Ōmae).
Omaeda Japanese
From 大 (o) meaning "big, great", combined with 前 (mae) meaning "front, forward", and 田 (da) meaning "field, rice paddy".
O'Maher Irish (Rare)
This name comes from the Irish surname 'Meachair' which means hospitality. ... [more]
Ó Maicín Irish
Means "descendant of Maicín".
Ōman Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 大万 (see Daiman).
Oman Arabic, English
From the place Oman.
Oman Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 大万 (see Ōman).
Omaña Leonese (Hispanicized)
Castilianized form of Oumaña.
Ó Maoileanaigh Irish
It means "descendant of Maoileanach".
Ó Maoilearca Irish
It means "descendant of devotee of Earca".
Ó Maoiléidigh Irish
Meaning, ‘descendant of Maoléidigh’, a byname composed of the elements maol ‘chief’ + éidigh ‘ugly’.
Ó Maoil Sheanaigh Irish
It means "descendant of devotee of Saint Seanach".
Ó Maolacháin Irish
It means "descendant of Maolachán".
Ó Maolfábhail Irish
Means "descendant of Maolfábhail"
Ó Maolmhóna Irish
Means "descendant of Maolmhóna"
O'mara Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Meadhra "descendant of Meadhair" a personal name derived from meadhair "mirth".
Ó Marcacháin Irish
Means "descendant of Marcachán"
O'Marr Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
This surname originated from the name 'Maher'. The O' means 'grandson of'. ... [more]
Omaru Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 小丸 (see Komaru).
Omarzai Pashto
Means "son of Omar 1" in Pashto.
Õmblus Estonian
Õmblus is an Estonian surname meaning "seam" and "stitching".
O'Meara Irish
Variant of O'mara.
Omelchuk Russian
This name migrates from Russia/Belarus and has also been found in the Island of Cyprus. The name could be attributed to the surname 'Damon' disapearing as there was a 'Damon' family in the 1600's with locations unknown... [more]
Omer Hebrew
Derived from the given name Omer.
Omer Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Umar.
Omerbašić Bosnian
Derived from Omer.
Omerbegović Bosnian
Derived from Omer and beg, a title of Turko-Mongol origin meaning ''chief'' or ''commander''.
Omeri Albanian
Derived from the given name Omer.
Omerović Bosnian
Means "son of Omer".
Ó Miadhaigh Irish
Meaning ‘descendant of Miadhach’, a byname meaning ‘honorable’.
Omidi Persian
From the given name Omid.
O'milligan Irish
Form of Milligan.
Omine Japanese
O means "big, great, large" and mine means "peak".
Omnes Basque
Of uncertain origin. Possibly from a word meaning “everyone” or “all”
Ōmori Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 森 (mori) meaning "forest".
Omori Japanese
From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 森 (mori) "forest," "woods."
Omori Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大森 (see Ōmori).
Ó Mothlacháin Irish
It means "descendant of Mothlachán".
Ōmoto Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Omoto Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大本 (see Ōmoto).
Omran Arabic
Derived from the given name Umran.
Omtzigt Dutch
Derived from Dutch omzicht meaning "cautious, careful, circumspection", ultimately from the verb omzien meaning "to look around". It may have originated in a Dutch village with several farms named Omzicht, or as a nickname for a cautious person... [more]
Ó Muimhneacháin Irish
It literally mean’s "Munsterman’s descendant".
O'mullawill Irish
Anglicized form Gaelic Ó Maol Fábhail meaning "descendent of Maolfábhail".
O'Mulvenna Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Maoilmheana, meaning "descendant of Maoilmheana" a personal name meaning "chieftain of the main river."
Ōmura Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Omura Japanese
O means "big, huge, great" and mura means "bamlet, village". ... [more]
Omura Japanese
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 大村 (see Ōmura).
Omuraliev Kyrgyz
From the name Omur (the Kyrgyz form of Umar) or the Kyrgyz word өмүр (ömür) meaning "life, breath" combined with the name Ali 1.
Omuralieva f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Omuraliev.
Omurbaev m Kyrgyz
Means "son of Omurbay".
Omurbaeva f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Omurbaev.
Omurbekov m Kyrgyz
Means "son of Omurbek".
Omurbekova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Omurbekov.
Oña Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Onaga Japanese
O means "big, great" and naga means "long, cheif".
Onai Shona
Onai means "See, observe". #It is a name that calls the hearer to see or observe that which happened".
O Naradhaigh Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Neary.
Onasis Greek
From Turkish oynas which means "Lover".
Öncü Turkish
Means "innovator, pioneer, trailblazer" in Turkish.
Onda Japanese
From Japanese 恩 (on) meaning "obligation" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Önder Turkish
From the given name Önder.
Ó Neachtain Old Irish
Meaning "(descendant) of Nechtan."
O'Neil Irish
Variant of O'Neal.
Onesto Italian
From the given name Onesto.
Onfroy French
From the given name Onfroy, a form of Humphrey.
Ông Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Weng, from Sino-Vietnamese 翁 (ông).
Ong Estonian
Ong is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "õng", meaning "fishing rod/hook".
Ong English
Variant of Yong
Ong Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Teochew)
Hokkien and Teochew romanization of Weng.
Ongai Shona
It is a form of the Shona name Vongai.
Ongarov m Kazakh
Means "son of Ongar".
Ongarova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Ongarov.
Onge English
Variant of Ong or Yonge
Öngo Estonian
Öngo is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "õng", meaning "fishing rod/pole" or from the village of Õngu in Hiiu County.
Onidi Italian
Denoting someone from Onida, a former village.
Ōnishi Japanese
Alternate transcription of Onishi.
Onishi Japanese
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" and 西 (nishi) meaning "west".
Onizuka Japanese
From Japanese 鬼 (oni) "demon" and 塚 (dzuka) "mound".
Onna Estonian
Onna is an Estonian surname derived from "onn", meaning "cabin" and "shack".
Õnnepalu Estonian
Õnnepalu is an Estonian surname meaning "benefic/happy heath".
Õnnis Estonian
Õnnis is an Estonian surname meaning "blessed".
Onnis Italian
From the toponym Fonni.
Onno Estonian
Onno is an Estonian surname derived from "onu" meaning "uncle".
Ōno Japanese
From the Japanese 大 (oo) "big" and 野 (no) "field," "area."
Onodera Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small", 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" and 寺 (tera) meaning "temple".
Onoe Japanese
O means "Big, great", No means "plain", and E means "inlet, shore."
Onofre Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Onofre.
Onofrio Italian
From the given name Onofrio.