All Submitted Surnames

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aa Norwegian
Derived from aa, an obsolete spelling of Norwegian å "small river, stream".
Aab Estonian
Aab is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from a shortened version of "Aabraham" ("Abraham").
Aaberg Danish, Norwegian
Danish and Norwegian cognate of Åberg.
Aaby Norwegian, Danish
From a place called Aaby or Åby, from Old Norse á "small river, stream" and býr "farm".
Aacker German
Variant spelling of the surname Acker.
Aadland Norwegian
Derived from a place called Ådland, from Old Norse Árland "land by the river".
Aadli Estonian
Aadli is an Estonian surname, derived from "aadel", meaning "nobility".
Aak Estonian
Aak is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "aaker", meaning "acre".
Aakula Indian
Telugu word meaning "of leaves"
Aal Estonian
Aal is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "ala" meaning "field", "area" and "range".
Aalderink Dutch
Habitational name from any of several farms, derived from the older form Alardink meaning "Alard’s place".
Aali Arabic
From the given name Aali.
Aam Estonian
Aam is an Estonian surname meaning "cask" or "tun".
Aamir Urdu
From the given name 'Aamir.
Aamissepp Estonian
Aamissepp is an Estonian surname meaning "cooper". From "aam" (genitive: "aami", partitive "aami" meaning a "big barrel" and "sepp", meaning "smith".)
Aamodt Norwegian
Combination of aa, an obsolete spelling of Norwegian å "small river, stream" and møte "meeting".
Aamoth Norwegian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of the Norwegian surname Aamodt.
Aanenson English (American, Anglicized)
Anglicized form of rare Norwegian surname Ånundson meaning "son of Ånund".
Äär Estonian
Äär is an Estonian surname meaning "border" and "boundary".
Aarab Arabic
Ethnic name for an Arab, from ʿarab, a collective, meaning literally ‘Arabdom, Arabs’. The surname is most frequent in countries, such as Iran and Algeria, that were not populated by ethnic Arabs in the first millennum; its bearers are both Muslims and Christians.
Aardam Estonian
Aardam is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "Aadam" ("Adam"), the Biblical masculine given name.
Aardema Frisian
The surname Aardema is a patronymic from the personal name Aart, a local variant of Arend, + -ma, a Frisian suffix of origin.
Aardman Dutch
Dutch form of Erdmann.
Aare Estonian
Aare is an Estonian masculine given name and surname meaning "treasure".
Aarelaid Estonian
Aarelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "treasure islet".
Ääremaa Estonian
Ääremaa is an Estonian surname meaning "borderland".
Aarhus Norwegian
Derived from any of the farms so named, from Old Norse á "river" and hús "house, farmstead".
Äärismaa Estonian
Äärismaa is an Estonian surname meaning "edge/border land".
Äärma Estonian
Äärma is an Estonian surname derived from "ääremaa" meaning "borderland".
Äärmaa Estonian
Äärmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "border/boundary land".
Aaronov Russian, Jewish
Means "son of Aaron".
Aarons English, Jewish
Means "son of Aaron".
Aaronson Jewish
Aaronson is a patronymic surname from the personal name Aaron.
Äärt Estonian
Äärt is an Estonian surname meaning "edge".
Aas Norwegian
Variant of Ås.
Aas Estonian
Aas is an Estonian surname meaning "lea" or "open grassy area".
Aasa Estonian
"Aasa" is an Estonian surname meaning "wild".
Aasala Estonian
Aasala is an Estonian surname meaning "wild/meadow area".
Aasen Norwegian
Means "the ridge" in Norwegian. Definite singular form of Aas.
Aasjõe Estonian
Aasjõe is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea water".
Aaskivi Estonian
Aaskivi is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea stone".
Aaslaid Estonian
Aaslaid is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea islet".
Aasmaa Estonian
Aasmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy (lea) land".
Aasmäe Estonian
Possibly derived from Estonian aas "meadow, lea" and mäe "mountain, hill".
Aasmets Estonian
Aasmets is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow forest".
Aassalu Estonian
Aassalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lea (open grassy area) grove".
Aastalu Estonian
Aastalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lea/meadow farm".
Aasum Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse aas "hill" and um "around".
Aavik Estonian
Variation of Estonian haavik "aspen forest".
Aaviksoo Estonian
Aaviksoo is an Estonian surname meaning "aspen forest(ed) swamp".
Aaviste Estonian
Aaviste is an Estonian surname relating to "aspen".
Aaziz Arabic
From the given name Aziz.
Aba Japanese
Variant reading of Yasunami.
Aba Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 阿波 (see Awa 1 or Awa 2).
Ababneh Arabic
From the name of a town in Jordan, indicating someone originally from this town.
Ababuo f African
Abad Judeo-Spanish
Nickname from abad ‘priest’ (from Late Latin abbas ‘priest’, genitive abbatis, from the Aramaic word meaning ‘father’). The application is uncertain: it could be a nickname, an occupational name for the servant of a priest, or denote an (illegitimate) son of a priest.
Abadilla Spanish
Variant of Badilla
Abadjian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Աբաջյան (see Abajyan).
Abaev Ossetian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Turkmen
Possibly derived from Proto-Turkic *bāj meaning “rich, noble”.
Abagnale Italian
Either an occupational name for a shepherd or a person who lived near a sheepfold (derived from Italian abbagnale meaning "good shepherd, good sheepfold"), or a topographic name for someone who lived in a wet or swampy area (from abagnato meaning "drenched, soaked")... [more]
Abajian Armenian
The surname Abjian is a patronymic from Turkish abacι‎ ‘maker or seller of coarse woolen cloth or garments’, from aba ‘coarse woolen cloth’.
Abajian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Աբաջյան (see Abajyan).
Abajyan Armenian
From Turkish abacı referring to a maker or seller of woollen homespun cloth or garments, ultimately from aba meaning "coarse woollen cloth".
Abakar Western African
From the given name Abakar.
Abakelia Georgian
Georgian surname used by sculptor Tamar Abakelia and physician Ioseb Abakelia.
Abakishina f Russian
Feminine form of Abakishin.
Abakshin Russian
variant of Abakumov
Abakshina f Russian
Feminine form of Abakshin.
Abakulov Russian
variant of Abakumov
Abakulova f Russian
Feminine form of Abakulov.
Abakumkin Russian
variant of Abakumov
Abakumkina f Russian
Feminine form of Abakumkin.
Abakumov Russian
Means "son of Abakum".
Abakumova f Russian
Feminine form of Abakumov (Абакyмов)
Abakushin Russian
variant of Abakumov
Abakushina Russian
feminine form of Abakushin
Abalahin Tagalog
Means "to disturb, to bother" in Tagalog.
Ábalos Spanish
Habitational name for someone originally from the municipality of Ábalos in La Rioja, Spain, likely of Basque origin.
Abaño Filipino
Possibly derived from Spanish baño meaning "bath".
Abantas Maranao
Means "long-lived" in Maranao.
Abara Japanese
formed with 空 (a, sora) meaning "sky" and 原 (hara) meaning "field".
Abarnikov Russian
Russian surname
Abarrow English
At or near a barrow or tumulus.
Abarzúa Basque (Hispanicized)
Altered form of Basque Abartxua, probably derived from a place name.
Abas Arabic, Filipino, Maguindanao, Maranao
From the given name Abbas.
Abaspahić South Slavic
Made from a name ABAZ and surname SPAHIĆ, Means "son of ABAZ SPAHIĆ"
Abasyan Armenian
This is a last name. Abasyan's were Kings and Queens, having Kingdoms from the years 750-1280.
Abayantsev m Russian
Derived from dialectal Russian абаянец (abayanets) (normal Russian обоянец (oboyanets)) "from Oboyan", a town in Western Russia, itself of unknown meaning.
Abayon Filipino, Cebuano
Derived from Cebuano abay meaning "parallel, analogue, juxtapose".
Abaza Arabic
From the name of the Abazin (or Abaza) people native to the Northwest Caucasus. This name was adopted by Abazins, Circassians, and Abkhaz who were expelled from the Caucasus in the 19th century.
Abazi Albanian
Derived from the given name Abaz.
Abbakumov Russian
variant of Abakumov
Abbakumova f Russian
Feminine form of Abbakumov.
Abbasian Persian
From the given name Abbas.
Abbaslı Azerbaijani
From the given name Abbas and the Turkic adjective suffix -li.
Abbaspoor Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian عباس‌پور (see Abbaspour).
Abbaspour Persian
Means "son of Abbas" in Persian.
Abbasquliyev m Azerbaijani
From the given name Abbasqulu.
Abbass Arabic
From the given name Abbas.
Abbassi Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abbas.
Abbaszadə Azerbaijani
Means "born of Abbas".
Abbaszadeh Persian
Means "born of Abbas" in Persian.
Abbès Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abbas.
Abbett English
Variant of Abbott.
Abbitt English
Variant of Abbott.
Abbood Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبود (see Abboud).
Abbot English
Variant of Abbott.
Abbotson English
An English surname meaning "Son of Abbot"
Abbou Arabic (Maghrebi)
From a diminutive of the given name Abd Allah.
Abboud Arabic
From a diminutive of the given name Abdul, as well as any of numerous names beginning with this element.
Abbruzzese Italian
Habitational name for someone originally from Abruzzo, a region in southern Italy.
Abbs English
Derived from the given name Abel.
Abbys English
Variant of Abbs.
Abcede Filipino
A bearer of this name was Salvador Abcede, the leader of the anti-Japanese guerrilla group on Negros.
Abdalla Arabic
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdallah Arabic
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdelaal Arabic (Egyptian)
Arabic name, Egyptian form for “Abdul-Aal” (with „Al-Aali“ being one of the names of Allah, and “Abd” meaning servant)
Abdelazim Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Azim.
Abdelaziz Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Aziz.
Abdelfattah Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Fattah.
Abdelhadi Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Hadi.
Abdelhak Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Haqq.
Abdelhakim Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Hakim.
Abdellahi Western African, Wolof
From the given name Abdellah (chiefly Mauritanian).
Abdellatif Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Latif.
Abdelli Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd Allah or Abdul.
Abdelmajid Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Majid.
Abdelmassih Arabic
Means "servant of the anointed (Christ)" from Arabic عبد ال (‘abd al) meaning "servant of the" and مسيح (masīḥ) meaning "anointed, Messiah, Christ", used by Arabic-speaking Christians.
Abdelnour Arabic
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abdelqader Arabic
From the given name Abdelqader.
Abdelrahim Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahim.
Abdelrahman Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahman.
Abdelrasoul Arabic
From the given name Abdelrasoul
Abdelsalam Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd as-Salam.
Abdelwahab Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd al-Wahab.
Abderrazzaq Arabic
Means "Servant of the Sustainer" in Arabic.
Abdeslam Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abdeslam.
Abdilla Maltese
From a Maltese form of the given name Abd Allah.
Abdo Arabic
From Arabic عبده (abduh) meaning "his slave, his servant". This is one of the epithets of Muhammad.
Abdo Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdolhosseini Persian
From the given name Abdolhossein.
Abdolhosseinzadeh Persian
Means "born of Abdolhossein" in Persian.
Abdolkarimi Persian
From the given name Abdolkarim.
Abdollahi Persian
From the given name Abdollah.
Abdollahian Persian
From the given name Abdollah.
Abdollahzadeh Persian
Means "born of Abdollah" in Persian.
Abdolmaleki Persian
From the given name Abdolmalek.
Abdolrezaei Persian
From the given name Abdolreza.
Abdou Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdouh Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdoulaye Western African
From the given name Abdoulaye.
Abdraimov m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "son of Abdraim".
Abdraimova f Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Abdraimov.
Abdrakhmanuly Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from the given name Abdrakhman.
Abduhalim Tausug
From the given name Abduhalim.
Abdukadirov Uzbek
Means "son of Abd al-Qadir" in Uzbek.
Abdulali Arabic
From the given name Abdulali).
Abdulatipov Dagestani, Avar, Uzbek
From the given name Abdulatip, itself derived from the Arabic name Abd al-Latif... [more]
Abdulatipova f Avar
Feminine form of Abdulatipov.
Abdulazis Maranao
From the given name Abdulazis.
Abdulaziz Arabic
From the given name Abdulaziz.
Abdulbut Thai (Muslim)
Alternate transcription of Thai อับดุลบุตร (see Apdunbut).
Abdulcader Maranao
From the given name Abdulcader.
Abdulcarim Maranao
From the given name Abdulcarim.
Abdulenko Crimean Tatar (Ukrainianized)
Derived from the Crimean Tatar given name Abdul. It is a Ukrainian style last name.
Abdul Gayyoom Dhivehi
From the given name Abd al-Qayyum. Notable bearers include Maldivian presidents Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom (1959-) and Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom (1937-).
Abdulghani Arabic
From the given name Abdulghani.
Abdulhadi Arabic
From the given name Abdulhadi.
Abdulhameed Arabic
From the given name Abdulhameed.
Abdulhamid Arabic
From the given name Abdulhamid.
Abdulin Uzbek, Kazakh
From the given name Abdullah.
Abdul-Jabbar Arabic, Indian
This last name is famous for a basketball player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Abduljabbar Arabic, Filipino, Maranao
Derived from the given name Abd al-Jabbar.
Abdulkadyrov m Tatar, Kazakh, Bashkir
From the given name Abdulkadyr
Abdul-Karim Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd al-Karim.
Abdullahi Hausa
From the given name Abdullahi.
Abdullin Tatar, Bashkir, Uzbek, Kazakh
From the given name Abdullah.
Abdullina f Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh
Feminine form of Abdullin.
Abdulloev Tajik
Means "son of Abdullo".
Abdulmadid Maranao
From the given name Abdulmadid.
Abdulmajeed Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Majid.
Abdulmalic Filipino, Maranao
From the given name Abdulmalic.
Abdulmawla Arabic
Combination of the Arabic word “Abdul,” which means “servant of,” and the word “Mawla,” which means “lord” or “patron.”
Abdulnour Arabic
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abdulracman Maranao
From the given name Abdulracman.
Abdulrafi Arabic
Abd "slave/servant", Al Rafi "The Exaulted" as in God
Abdulrahim Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahim.
Abdulrahman Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Rahman
Abduraimov Uzbek
Means "son of Abduraim".
Abdurrahman Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Rahman
Abduševic Vlach
Son of the Abduš.
Abdykadyrov Kyrgyz
Means "son of Abdykadyr", from a variant of the Arabic name Abd al-Qadir.
Abdykadyrova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Abdykadyrov.
Abdykerimov Kyrgyz
Means "son of Abdykerim", derived from the Arabic name Abd al-Karim.
Abdykerimova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Abdykerimov.
Abdyldaev Kyrgyz
Means "son of Abdylday" from a given name either derived from Arabic Abdullah or from Arabic عبد ال (ʿabd al) meaning "servant of the" combined with the Turkish word day meaning "support, foundation".
Abdyldaeva f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Abdyldaev.
Abdyrazakov m Kyrgyz
Means "son of Abdyrazak".
Abdyrazakova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Abdyrazakov.
Abebe Amharic, Ethiopian
Means "flower" in Amharic.
Abecassis Judeo-Spanish
From Hebrew אָב (áv) meaning "father" and Arabic قَصَّاص (qaṣṣāṣ) meaning "storyteller, narrator" (used as a title for community leaders and rabbis among North African Jews).
à Beckett Medieval English, English (Australian)
Medieval Latinized form from Beckett. This surname is not used in modern Anglosphere. (But still exist in Austrailia.)
Abed Arabic, Persian
From the given name Abed.
Abedin Bengali, Filipino, Maranao, Maguindanao
Derived from the given name Abidin.
Abedini Persian
From the given name Abedin.
Abegg German, German (Swiss)
Topographic name for someone who lived near the corner of a mountain, from German ab meaning "off" and Egg, dialect form of Eck(e) meaning "promontory", "corner".
Abekoon Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala අබේකෝන් (see Abeykoon).
Ábel Hungarian, Slovak
From the given name Ábel.
Ābele Latvian (Rare)
Means "apple tree" in Latvian.
Abelian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Աբելյան (see Abelyan).
Abell English
Variant of Abel 1.
Abella Catalan, Galician
Means "bee" in Catalan and Galician, used as a nickname for a small, active person or an occupational name for a beekeeper.
Abelleira Galician
Means "beehive, apiary" in Galician, either used as an occupational name for a beekeeper or a habitational name for someone from any of various places in Galicia called Abelleira (derived from the same word).
Abelsdóttir Icelandic
Means "daughter of Abel" in Icelandic.
Abelson English
Means "son of Abel".
Abelsson Icelandic, Swedish
Means "son of Abel" in Icelandic and Swedish.
Abelyan Armenian
Means "son of Abel".
Abenayaka Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala අබේනායක (see Abeynayake).
Abenayake Sinhalese
Alternate transcription of Sinhala අබේනායක (see Abeynayake).
Abendaño Basque, Spanish
From the name of a neighborhood in Basque Country, Spain, of uncertain etymology.
Abensur Judeo-Spanish
Means "son of Tzur".