Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Machnicki PolishHabitational name for someone from Machnice in Wrocław voivodeship.
Machrach ScottishMeans "campestral" in Scottish Gaelic, possibly a name for someone who lived or worked in an open field.
Maciejewski PolishName for someone from any of various places called Maciejowa, Maciejów or Maciejowice, all derived from the given name
Macis ItalianFrom Sardinian
maccia "shrub, thick bush, brush", or possibly denoting someone from the village Simax.
Maciupa Polish (Anglicized, ?)Ukrainian/Polish (Historically Galicia/Western Ukraine/Austro-Hungary); although it is often seen spelt this Anglicized way; due to the changing land-borders and occupation of land throughout history, it has been spelt with a slightly different transliteration pronunciation in Cyrillic (phonetic sound in Cyrillic is 'ts' as opposed to 'ch').
Mackesy English (British)First found in England in West Sussex, originated in Normandy - from the Latin word "mercator" meaning "merchant".
Mackinaw IrishFirst found in County Monaghan located in the Northern part of the Republic of Ireland in the province of Ulster, at Truagh where they were known as the Lords of Truagh.... [
MacLaine ScottishVariant form of
McLean. A well-known bearer is American actress, singer and former dancer Shirley MacLaine (1934-).
Maclehose ScotsDerived from the Gaelic Mac Gille Thamhais, meaning 'son of the gillie of
Tammas', Tammas being the Scots form of
Macon French, GermanFrench: See
Maçon. An occupational name for a mason, French
maçon. Habitational name from places so called in Saône-et-Loire, Allier, Aube, the Côte d’Or, Gers, and Deux-Sères... [
Maconochie ScottishThe surname of Alexander Maconochie, a Scottish naval officer, geographer, and penal reformer.
Macri ItalianItalian variant of
Magro. It could also be a southern Italian nickname for a person who had long limbs or who was tall, derived from Greek μακρύς (
makrýs) literally meaning "long, tall" (see
Makris)... [
Macron ScottishThe surname MacRon is a nickname for someone with blond hair. The Scottish name Crone was originally derived from the Gaelic word “cron”, which means saffron, yellow-colored or dark, and refers to the complexion or hair coloring of the original bearing.
MacRoy ScotsThe ancient Dalriadan-Scottish name MacRoy is a nickname for a person with red hair. MacRoy is a nickname, which belongs to the category of hereditary surnames. Nicknames form a broad and miscellaneous class of surnames, and can refer directly or indirectly to one's personality, physical attributes, mannerisms, or even their habits of dress... [
MacShanley IrishAnglicized form of Mac Seanlaoich. Seanlaoich comes from Gaelic "the old hero."
Mactavish ScottishScottish surname from the elements "Mac" ("son of") and "Tavish" (Scottish form of "Thomas").
Mactavish ScottishScottish surname comprised of the elements "Mac" meaning "Son of" and "Tavish", the Scottish form of "Thomas".
Mac Uighilín Irish, ScottishMeans "son of
Hugelin". the surname was allegedly adopted by the de Mandevilles, a Cambro-Norman family that had conquered an area of north Antrim, a county in Northern Ireland... [
MacWhorter Scottish (Anglicized)Anglicized form the surname of the Gaelic 'Mac Chruiteir', meaning 'player of the crwth', a string instrument primarily used in Celtic music. A famous bearer of this surname is the American clergyman, Alexander MacWhorter.
Madadi PersianDerived from Persian مدد
(madad) meaning "help, aid, assistance".
Madal EstonianMadal is an Estonian surname meaning "low-lying" and "shoal".
Madani ArabicIndicated a person from the city of
Medina, itself from Arabic مدينة
(madinah) meaning "city".
Madarame JapaneseFrom Japanese 斑 (madara) meaning "speckled, spot, blemish" and 目 (me) meaning "eye"
Madariaga BasqueBasque: habitational name from any of various places in Gipuzkoa named Madariaga, from Basque madari ‘pear tree’ + -aga ‘place’.
Madau ItalianFrom Sardinian
madau "fold, enclosure for sheep".
Maddaloni ItalianIt should came from the toponym Maddaloni (Campany, South Italy) which name originates from the Arabic term "magdhal" meaning fortress, stronghold. The last name Maddaloni is typical of the area that includes the provinces of Naples, Caserta and Benevento.
Maddow JewishA famous bearer of this surname is Rachel Anne Maddow (Born on April 1, 1973) whose Jewish ancestors came from Russia and Poland but according to today’s borders would be Ukraine and Lithuania. ... [
Madeddu ItalianPossibly a variant of
Madau "sheepfold". Alternately, may derive from a Sardinian variant of
Amato "beloved", or from the Latin cognomen
Metellus "hired servant".
Madeiras PortugueseCame from the Portuguese Madeira word "wood" or "timber". perhaps the portuguese version of the surname
Woods or someone who's from the Portuguese island Madeira
Madeley EnglishEnglish: habitational name from places so named in Shropshire and Staffordshire, named in Old English with the personal name
Mada +
leah ‘woodland clearing’.
Maden TurkishMeans "mine, mineral, ore" in Turkish, ultimately from Arabic معدن
Madera Spanishdescribing someone who lived or worked in a forest. the word Madera means "wood" in Spanish. Spanish meaning of surname
Wood Madiga Indian, TeluguTelugu occupational name for a leather worker, a job historically considered polluting and impure in India, where the surname belongs to
Dalit, or "Untouchables" - members of the lowest caste.
Madonia ItalianHabitational name from any of numerous places named Madonia, or a regional name for someone from Madonie in Sicily.
Madonna ItalianFrom the person name
Madonna, from donna meaning "lady", bestowed in honor of the Virgin Mary.
Madraswala Indian (Parsi)From
Madras (presently Chennai), the name of the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
Madrid Spanishhabitational name from what is now Spain's principal city
Madrid. Throughout the Middle Ages it was of only modest size and importance and did not become the capital of Spain until 156 Its name is of uncertain origin most probably a derivative of Late Latin
matrix genitive
matricis "riverbed" much changed by Arabic mediation (see
Madrigal ). There are other smaller places of the same name in the provinces of Burgos and Cantabria and these may also be sources of the surname.
Madrigal Spanish"Madrigal" comes from from the Venetian
madregal "simple, ingenuous," from Late Latin
matricalis "invented, original," literally "of or from the womb," from
matrix (gen.
matricis) "womb."
Madriz Spanish, Catalanpatronymic surname meaning "son of Madrileño"; given to a person that came from Madrid, Spain.
Madutlela SepediMadutlela is a South African surname of the Pedi speaking people.
Madzharov m BulgarianFrom Bulgarian маджар
(madzhar) meaning "Hungarian", ultimately from Hungarian
Maebara JapaneseMaebara is an uncommon Japanese surname that has more than one meaning, depending on the characters used to write it. The first and most common spelling is with the characters for "Before" (前) and "Original" (原)... [
Mäehans EstonianMäehans is an Estonian surname, a corruption meaning "mountain/hill city".
Mæhle Norwegian, Danish (Rare)Denoted someone from a farm in Norway named
Mele, ultimately derived from Old Norse
melr meaning "dune, sandbank, gravel bank". Alternatively taken from the name of a farm named
Male whose name was derived from Old Norse
mǫl "pebbles, gravel".
Maejima JapaneseMae means "Front, Forward" and Jima means "Island". This is a variant of Maeshima.
Mäekivi EstonianMäekivi is an Estonian surname meaning "hill/mountain stone".
Maeno JapaneseFrom Japanese 前
(mae) meaning "front, forward" and 野
(no) meaning "area, field, wilderness".
Mäeorg EstonianMäeorg is an Estonian surname meaning "mountain/hill glen".
Mäepea EstonianMäepea is an Estonian surname meaning "hill head" ("top of the hill").
Mäepõld EstonianMäepõld is an Estonian surname meaning "hill/mountain field".
Maestre Portuguese, SpanishOccupational name from old Spanish and Portuguese
maestre meaning 'master', 'master craftsman', 'teacher'.
Mäetalu EstonianMäetalu is an Estonian surname meaning "mountain/hill farmstead".
Maeyamada JapaneseMae means "front, forward", yama means "mountain", and da is a variant of ta meaning "field, rice paddy, wilderness".
Maffessanti ItalianMeaning is overall unknown, but might come from Saint of Matthew. In Italian the name “Maffeo” is an Italian spelling of Matthew and “Santi” means saints, so combined it would be Maffessanti... [
Maffione ItalianPossibly a derivative of the given name
Maffeo. This surname is from the Puglia region of Barletta, southern Italy.
Maffret Frenchbeleived to originated in{ NICE, france} in the late 19th century, emmigration from france to london,{stepney}, where the surname was mistakenly added an extra letter "T" resulting in the surname MAFFRETT
Mafune JapaneseFrom 真 (
ma) meaning "real, genuine" and 船 or 舟 (
fune) meaning "ship, boat".
Magaldi Italian, South AmericanPatronymic or plural form of the Old German personal name
Magoald (from the elements
magan "strength, might, power" and
wald "power"), or else a nickname from
magaldo meaning "evil, wicked", which was derived from the personal name... [
Magallanes SpanishSpanish: Castilianized Form Of A Habitational Name From The Village Of Magaláns (Castilian Magalanes) In Pontevedra Province Galicia (Spain).
Magaña SpanishThis indicates familial origin within the eponymous Castilian municipality.
Magar NepaliFrom the name of the Magar people of Nepal, meaning uncertain.
Magbanua Filipino, CebuanoFrom Cebuano
magbanwa meaning "townsperson", derived from Cebuano
bánwa meaning "city, town".
Magcawas TagalogFrom Tagalog
magkawas meaning "to liberate, to release, to deliver".
Magdalena Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Occitan, Italian, Sicilian, Romanian, Greek, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, SloveneFrom the given name