All Surnames

Tyson 2 English
Variant of Dyson.
Uberti Italian
Derived from the given name Uberto.
Ubiña Basque
Possibly a variant of Urbina.
Uccello Italian
Means "bird" in Italian, either a nickname for a person who resembled a bird or an occupational name for a birdcatcher.
Uchimura Japanese
From Japanese (uchi) meaning "inside" and (mura) meaning "town, village".
Uchiyama Japanese
From Japanese (uchi) meaning "inside" and (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Ueda Japanese
From Japanese (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Uehara Japanese
From Japanese (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Ueno Japanese
From Japanese (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Uesugi Japanese
From Japanese (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and (sugi) meaning "cedar".
Uggeri Italian
Derived from the given name Edgardo.
Ughi Italian
From the given name Ugo.
Ulfsson Swedish
Means "son of Ulf".
Umar Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Umar.
Umarov m Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz
Means "son of Umar".
Umarova f Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Umarov.
Underhill English
Means "dweller at the foot of a hill", from Old English under and hyll.
Underwood English
Means "dweller at the edge of the woods", from Old English under and wudu.
Ungaretti Italian
Diminutive of Ungaro.
Ungaro Italian
Means "Hungarian" in Italian.
Ungureanu Romanian
From Romanian ungur meaning "Hungarian".
Unkle German
Possibly denoted a person from the town of Unkel in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Unruh German
Refers to a restless, fidgety, nervous person, from German unruhe meaning "unrest".
Unterbrink Low German
Means "dweller under the slope" from Old Saxon undar "under" and brink "edge, slope".
Upton English
Denoted a person hailing from one of the many towns in England bearing this name. The place name itself is derived from Old English upp "up" and tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Urano Japanese
From Japanese (ura) meaning "bay, inlet" and (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Urban mu Czech, Slovak, Polish, German
Derived from the given name Urban.
Urbanová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Urban.
Urbańska f Polish
Feminine form of Urbański.
Urbański m Polish
Habitational name for a person from towns called Urbanowo or Urbanowice, derived from the given name Urban.
Urbina Basque
Derived from Basque ur "water" and bi "two", indicating a place where two waterways met.
Urbonaitė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Urbonas. This form is used by unmarried women.
Urbonas m Lithuanian
From the given name Urbonas.
Urbonienė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Urbonas. This form is used by married women.
Ureña Spanish
Probably derived from the name of Urueña, a town in the province of Valladolid, Spain, which is of unknown meaning.
Urquhart Scottish
Derived from Brythonic ar "by" and cardden "thicket". This is the name of several places, the most famous being north of Loch Ness.
Utkin m Russian
Derived from Russian утка (utka) meaning "duck".
Utkina f Russian
Feminine form of Utkin.
Uzun Turkish
Means "long, tall" in Turkish.
Vacca Italian
Means "cow" in Italian, originally denoting a person who worked with cattle.
Vaccaro Italian
Occupational name meaning "cowherd" in Italian.
Vacek m Czech
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Václav.
Vacík m Czech
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Václav.
Vacíková f Czech
Feminine form of Vacík.
Vacková f Czech
Feminine form of Vacek.
Vadas Hungarian
From Hungarian vad meaning "wild", either a nickname or an occupational name for a hunter of wild game.
Văduva Romanian
From Romanian văduvă meaning "widow".
Valdez Spanish
Means "son of Baldo".
Vale Portuguese
Means "valley" in Portuguese, ultimately from Latin vallis.
Valencia Spanish
From the name of the Spanish city of Valencia.
Valent m Slovak
Derived from the given name Valentín.
Valenta m Czech
Derived from the given name Valentin.
Valenti Italian
Patronymic from the given name Valente, an Italian form of Valens. A famous bearer of the surname was Jack Valenti (1921-2007), advisor to American president Lyndon Johnson.
Valentin French, German
From the given name Valentin.
Valentine English
From the given name Valentine 1.
Valentini Italian
Means "son of Valentino".
Valentová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Valenta or Valent.
Valeriev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Valeri".
Valerieva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Valeriev.
Valerio Italian
From the given name Valerio.
Valero Spanish
From the given name Valero.
Valiente Spanish
From a nickname derived from Spanish valiente meaning "brave".
Valjean Literature
Created by Victor Hugo for Jean Valjean, the hero of his novel Les Misérables (1862). The novel explains that his father, also named Jean, received the nickname Valjean or Vlajean from a contraction of French voilá Jean meaning "here's Jean".
Vámos Hungarian
Means "customs officer" in Hungarian, a derivative of vám "customs".
Văn Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Wen, from Sino-Vietnamese (văn).
Van Aalsburg Dutch
Means "from Aalsburg", which is possibly Adelsburg, composed of adal "noble" and burg "fortress".
Van Aarle Dutch
Variant of Aarle.
Vanaga f Latvian
Feminine form of Vanags.
Van Aggelen Dutch
Denoted someone from Aggelen, which could refer to Achel in the Belgian province of Limburg or Egchel in the Dutch province of Limburg.
Vanags m Latvian
Means "hawk" in Latvian.
Van Agteren Dutch
Means "from behind", probably referring to a place behind something, such as a building or a place at the end of the road.
Van Aller Dutch
Means "from the Aller", a river in Germany, of uncertain meaning.
Van Alphen Dutch
Means "from Alphen", a town in the Netherlands. It is derived from the name of the Roman fort Albaniana, itself from Latin albus "white".
Van Alst Dutch
Means "from Aalst", the name of towns in Belgium and the Netherlands, which is possibly from Germanic *alhs meaning "temple, shelter".
Van Althuis Dutch
Dutch cognate of Althaus.
Van Amelsvoort Dutch
Means "from Amersfoort", a city in the Netherlands. It means "ford of the Amer (Eem) River" in Dutch.
Van Amstel Dutch
Means "from Amstel", a Dutch river that means "water area".
Van Andel Dutch
Means "from Andel", a town in the Netherlands, possibly meaning "upper forest" in Old Dutch.
Van Ankeren Dutch
Means "from the anchor" in Dutch.
Van Antwerp Dutch
Means "from Antwerp", a city in Belgium.
Van As Dutch
Means "from Asch", a town in the Netherlands, meaning "ash tree".
Van Asch Dutch
Variant of Van As.
Van Assen Dutch
Means "from Assen", a city in the Netherlands, which is possibly from essen meaning "ash trees".
Van Baarle Dutch
Means "from Baarle", a town in both the Netherlands and Belgium.
Van Beek Dutch
Means "from the creek" in Dutch.
Van Bokhoven Dutch
Means "from Bokhoven", a small town in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. It means "goat yards" in Dutch.
Van Breda Dutch
Means "from Breda", a city in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. It is derived from Dutch breed meaning "wide" and Aa, the name of a river.
Van Buggenum Dutch
Means "from Buggenum", a small town in the middle of the province of Limburg in the Netherlands.
Van Buren Dutch
Means "from Buren", a small town on the island of Ameland in the north of the Netherlands, as well as a small city in the Dutch province Gelderland. The place names derive from Old Dutch bur meaning "house, dwelling". In the 16th century the countess Anna van Buren married William of Orange, the founder of the Dutch royal family. A famous bearer of this surname was Martin van Buren (1782-1862), the eighth President of the United States.
Van Can Dutch
Variant of Van Kan.
Vance English
Indicated a dweller by a fen, from Old English fenn meaning "fen, marsh".
Vanchev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Vancho".
Vancheva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vanchev.
Vančura m Czech
Derived from the given name Václav.
Vančurová f Czech
Feminine form of Vančura.
Van Dalen Dutch
Means "from the valley", from Old Dutch dal meaning "valley".
Van Dam Dutch
Means "from the dam" in Dutch.
Van Damme Flemish
Means "from Damme", the name of a town in Belgium, derived from Dutch dam meaning "dam". A famous bearer is the Belgian actor Jean-Claude Van Damme (1960-), who was born with the surname Van Varenberg.
Van den Akker Dutch
Means "from the field" in Dutch.
Van den Berg Dutch
Means "from the mountain", derived from Dutch berg meaning "mountain".
Van den Brink Dutch
Means "from the village center" in Dutch.
Van den Broek Dutch
Means "from the marsh" in Dutch.
Van den Heuvel Dutch
Means "from the hill" in Dutch.
Van der Aart Dutch
Means "from the earth", derived from Dutch aarde "earth". It perhaps referred to either an earth bank or to a farmer.
Van Der Heijden Dutch
Means "from the heathland" in Dutch.
Van der Linden Dutch
Means "from the linden trees", from Dutch linde meaning "linden tree".
Van der Meer Dutch
Means "from the lake" in Dutch.
Van der Stoep Dutch
Means "from the paved entrance", from Dutch stoep meaning "paved porch at the entrance to a house".
Van der Veen Dutch
Means "from the swamp", from Dutch veen meaning "fen, swamp, peat". It originally indicated a person who resided in a peat district or fen colony.
Van der Wal Dutch
Means "from the wall" in Dutch.
Van der Zee Dutch
Means "from the sea" in Dutch. The original bearer may have been someone who lived on the coast.
Van de Vliert Dutch
Means "from the elderberry" in Dutch.
Van Dijk Dutch
Means "from the dike" in Dutch.
Van Donk Dutch
Means "from the hill", derived from Dutch donk meaning "(sandy) hill".
Vandroogenbroeck Flemish
Means "from the dry marsh" in Dutch. The city of Brussels was built on dry marshes.
Vaněk m Czech
From an old diminutive of the given name Václav.
Vanev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Vane", a diminutive of Ivan.
Vaneva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vanev.
Vång Swedish
Swedish variant of Wang 3.
Vang 2 Yiddish
Variant of Wang 4.
Van Gogh Dutch
Means "from Goch", a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. It may be derived from a Low German word meaning "meadow, floodplain". This name was borne by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890).
Vanhanen Finnish
From Finnish vanha meaning "old".
Van Hassel Dutch
Means "from Hassel", a town in Lower Saxony, Germany. It may be derived from Old Dutch hasal meaning "hazel tree".
Van Heel Dutch
Means "from Heel", a small town in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands.
Van Herten Dutch
Means "from Herten", a small town in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands. The town's name comes from Dutch herten, the plural of hert meaning "deer".
Van Hofwegen Dutch
Means "from Hofwegen", a town in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands, itself derived from Dutch hof "garden, courtyard" and weg "way, path, road".
Van Hoorn Dutch
Dutch form of Horn.
Van Horn Dutch
Dutch form of Horn.
Van Houten Dutch
Means "from forests", derived from Dutch hout "forest".
Van Kan Dutch
Means "from Kanne", a town in the province of Limburg in Belgium. The meaning of the town's name is unknown.
Vankov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Vanko", a diminutive of Ivan.
Vaňková f Czech
Feminine form of Vaněk.
Vankova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vankov.
Van Laar Dutch
Derived from Dutch laar (plural laren), which means "open spot in the forest". These areas were used to graze cattle for example.
Van Leeuwen Dutch
Means "from Leeuwen", the name of towns in the Dutch provinces of Gelderland and Limburd. The place names may be from the Old Dutch word leo meaning "hill, burial mound".
Van Leeuwenhoek Dutch
Variant of Leeuwenhoek. A famous bearer of this surname is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), a pioneer in the field of microscopy.
Van Middelburg Dutch (Rare)
Means "from Middelburg", the name of a city in Zeeland in the Netherlands, itself meaning "middle fortress" in Dutch.
Vann English
From Old English fenn meaning "fen, swamp", indicating a person who lived near such a place.
Van Niftrik Dutch
Means "from Niftrik", a town in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands.
Van Oirschot Dutch
Means "from Oirschot", a town in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. It is possibly from Dutch oeros meaning "aurochs" and schoot meaning "projection (of land)".
Van Ophoven Dutch
Means "from Ophoven", the name of towns in the Netherlands. Their names mean "upper gardens, upper courtyards" in Dutch.
Van Pey Dutch (Rare)
Means "from Pey", a town in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands.
Van Rijn Dutch
Means "from the Rhine". A famous bearer was the Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669).
Van Rompaey Flemish, Dutch
Means "from the wide path", derived from Middle Dutch ruum "roomy, spacious" combined with pat "path".
Van Rompuy Flemish
Variant of Van Rompaey. A famous bearer is the Flemish politician Herman Van Rompuy (1947-), a Prime Minister of Belgium.
Van Rossum Dutch
Means "from Rossum", a town in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands. It is derived from Dutch rothe "cleared area in a forest" and heim "home".
Van Tonder Dutch
Means "from Tønder", a town in Denmark near the German border.
Van Vliet Dutch
Means "from the stream" in Dutch.
Van Wegberg Dutch
Means "from Wegberg", a small town in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, close to the Dutch border. It is derived from old German weg "way, path, road" and berg "mountain".
Van Wieren Frisian, Dutch
Means "from Wieren". This is the name of towns in Frisia and other parts of the Netherlands, which mean "seaweed".
Van Willigen Dutch
Means "from the willows", from Old Dutch wilga "willow".
Varano Italian
Derived from one of the many towns of this name in Italy.
Vardanyan Armenian
Means "son of Vardan".
Varela Spanish
Derived from Spanish vara "stick". It may have originally been given to one who used a stick in his line of work, for example an animal herder.
Varga um Hungarian, Slovak
Occupational name meaning "cobbler" in Hungarian.
Vargas Spanish, Portuguese
Means "slope, flooded field, pastureland" or "hut", from the Spanish and Portuguese dialectal word varga.
Vargová f Slovak
Slovak feminine form of Varga.
Varley English
Originally denoted a person from Verly, France, itself derived from the Roman name Virilius.
Vartanian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Վարդանյան (see Vardanyan).
Vašek m Czech
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Václav.
Vasile Romanian
Derived from the given name Vasile.
Vasileiou Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Βασιλείου (see Vasiliou).
Vasilescu Romanian
Means "son of Vasile".
Vasilev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Vasil".
Vasileva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vasilev.
Vasiliauskaitė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Vasiliauskas. This form is used by unmarried women.
Vasiliauskienė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Vasiliauskas. This form is used by married women.
Vasiliev m Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Васильев (see Vasilyev).
Vasilieva f Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Васильева (see Vasilyeva).
Vasiliou Greek
Means "son of Vasilios".
Vasilyev m Russian
Means "son of Vasil".
Vasilyeva f Russian
Feminine form of Vasilyev.
Vaško m Slovak
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Václav.
Vašková f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Vašek or Vaško.
Vásquez Spanish
Means "son of Vasco".
Vass Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian vas meaning "iron", referring to a worker in iron, a miner of iron ore or a vendor of iron goods. Alternatively, from the same root word, it may have been a nickname referring to one with a distinctively strong constitution.
Vassiliou Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Βασιλείου (see Vasiliou).
Vastag Hungarian
From a nickname meaning "stout, thick" in Hungarian.
Vasylenko Ukrainian
From the given name Vasyl.
Vasylyk Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Vasyl.
Vasylyshyn Ukrainian
Means "son of Vasyl".
Vaughan Welsh
From Welsh bychan (mutated to fychan) meaning "little". It was a descriptive name to distinguish father from son.
Vaughn Welsh
Variant of Vaughan.
Vávra m Czech, Slovak
Derived from the given name Vávra, a diminutive of Vavřinec.
Vávrová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Vávra.
Vega Spanish
From Spanish vega meaning "meadow, plain", of Basque origin.
Vela Spanish
Occupational name for a guard, from Spanish vela meaning "watch, vigil".
Velasco Spanish
Derived from the given name Velasco.
Velásquez Spanish
Derived from the given name Velasco.
Velázquez Spanish
Derived from the given name Velasco. A famous bearer was the Spanish painter Diego Velázquez (1599-1660).
Velichkov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Velichko".
Velichkova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Velichkov.
Velitchkov m Bulgarian
Alternate transcription of Bulgarian Величков (see Velichkov).
Velitchkova f Bulgarian
Alternate transcription of Bulgarian Величкова (see Velichkova).
Vemulakonda Telugu
Indicated a person from the city of Vemula in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Venäläinen Finnish
Means "Russian" in Finnish. This name was originally used by the ethnic Finns who lived on the Russian side of the border.
Vencel Hungarian
Derived from the given name Vencel.
Venczel Hungarian
Derived from the given name Vencel.
Ventimiglia Italian
From the name of the historical Italian city Ventimiglia, now near the French border, ultimately from Latin Albintimilium.
Vera Spanish
Means "shore, bank" in Spanish. This was a name for a person who lived near such a feature, or who came from any of the various locations in Spain named Vera or La Vera.
Verboom Dutch
Means "from the tree" in Dutch.
Veres Hungarian
Dialectical variant of Vörös.
Vergoossen Dutch
Means "son of Goswin".
Verhoeven Dutch
Means "from the farm" in Dutch, derived from hoeve "farm", and so indicated a person who lived on a farm.
Verity English
From a nickname meaning "truth", perhaps given originally to a truthful person.
Vermeulen Flemish
Means "from the mill" in Dutch.
Vernersen Danish
Means "son of Verner".
Vernon English
Locational name in the Eure region of Normandy, from the Gaulish element vern "alder (tree)" with the genitive case maker onis.
Verona Italian
From the name of the city of Verona, one of the most important historical cities of northern Italy. The meaning of the city's name is uncertain.
Ververs Dutch
Occupational name derived from Dutch verver meaning "dyer, painter".
Vervloet Flemish
Means "from the stream" in Dutch.
Vescovi Italian
Derived from Italian vescovo meaning "bishop".
Veselá f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Veselý.
Veselý m Czech, Slovak
From a nickname meaning "cheerful" in Czech and Slovak.
Vespa Italian
From an Italian nickname meaning "wasp".
Vestergaard Danish
From a place name, derived from Danish vest "west" and gård "farm, yard".
Vestri Italian
From the given name Silvestro.
Vicario Spanish, Italian
Means "vicar" in Spanish and Italian, an ecclesiastic title used to denote a representative of a bishop. It is derived from Latin vicarius meaning "substitute, deputy".
Vicente Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Vicente.
Vico Italian, Spanish
Means "town, village", derived from Latin vicus.
Victor French, English
Derived from the male given name Victor.
Victors English
Derived from the given name Victor.
Victorsson Swedish
Means "son of Victor".
Vida Hungarian
From the given name Vid.
Vidal Spanish, Catalan, French
From the given name Vidal.
Vidović Croatian
Means "son of Vid".
Vieira Portuguese
Denoted a person who came from a Portuguese town by this name, derived from vieria meaning "scallop". The scallop was a symbol of Saint James, and was traditionally worn by pilgrims to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia.
Vieth German
From the given name Veit.
Vigo Italian, Spanish
Variant of Vico.
Vik Norwegian
Means "cove, inlet" in Norwegian.
Viktorov m Russian, Bulgarian
Means "son of Viktor".
Viktorova f Russian, Bulgarian
Feminine form of Viktorov.
Vila Catalan
Catalan form of Villa.
Vilar Portuguese, Galician, Catalan
Means "hamlet, farm" in Portuguese, Galician and Catalan, from Late Latin villare, a derivative of Latin villa.
Vilaró Catalan
Catalan variant of Vilar.
Villa Italian, Spanish
Means "town" in Italian and Spanish, from Latin. It was originally given to a person who came from a town, as opposed to the countryside.