Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Sofia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tilea Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Tim English
Tippetts English (American)
Tippetts Recorded as Tipp, Tippe, diminutives Tippell, Tippets, Tipping, patronymics Tippett, Tipples, Tippins, and possibly others, this is a medieval English surname. ... [more]
Tokugawa Japanese
From 徳 (toku) meaning "virtue" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".
Tolomeo Italian
From a personal name which was either a short form of Bartolomeo or an Italian form of the Greek Ptolemaios.
Tołwiński Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Podlachian village of Tołwin.
Tomasi Italian
From the given name Tomaso.
Tomasik Polish
Means "son of Tomas".
Tomkin English
Derived from the forename Thomas.
Tompkins English
Patronymic formed from a diminutive of Tom 1.
Trainor Irish
Reduced form of McTraynor, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Thréinfhir "son of Tréinfhear", a byname meaning "champion, strong man" (from tréan "strong" and fear "man").
Tramp German
The Tramp surname may be derived from the Middle High German word "trumpe," meaning "drum."
Traynor English
Derives from old English word 'trayne' which means to trap or to snare. Also an occupational name given to horse trainers. First found in Yorkshire, England in the 1300s.
Troy German (Americanized), Jewish
Americanized form of Treu, or a similar surname.
Tsuboi Japanese
From Japanese 坪 (tsubo) referring to a traditional unit of length or 壺 or 壷 (tsubo) meaning "container, pot, jar" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine".
Tufek Bosnian
From Turkish tüfek ''rifle''.
Tuncer Turkish
Derived from Turkish tunç meaning ''bronze''.
Ueki Japanese
From Japanese 植 (ue) meaning "plant" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Ulak Bosnian
From Turkish ulak, "a messenger".
Vaandrager Dutch
Means "flag-bearer, ensign" in Dutch, from vaan "banner, vane, flag" and drager "carrier, bearer".
Vadász Hungarian
Hungarian surname meaning "hunter".
Vágó Hungarian
Occupational name for a wood- or stonecutter, or butcher, from vágni ‘to cut’.
Valade French
Variant of Vallée.
Valiyev Azerbaijani
Alternate transcription of Vəliyev.
Valk Dutch
Means "falcon" in Dutch, a metonymic occupational name for a falconer, or possibly derived from the given name Falk. Compare Falco.
Valle Spanish, Filipino, Italian
Habitational name from any of the many places named with valle "valley", or topographic name for someone who lived in a valley (Latin vallis).
Vanderlei Brazilian
It derives from the Dutch surname Van der Leij/Ley. The surname arrived in Brazil by Kaspar Nieuwhoff Van Der Leij by 1630, a cavalry captain from the Dutch army.
Van Kelt Popular Culture
Used for a character from the 1992 film, School Ties, Rip Van Kelt.
van Lieren Dutch
Means "from Lier", the name of the Dutch village De Lier or Belgian province Lier.
Vântu Romanian
Meaning unknown.
Veldman Dutch
Means "field man" in Dutch, a name for a farmer, or someone who lived by a field.
Verde Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From Spanish verde "green" (Latin viridis), presumably a nickname for someone who habitually dressed in this color or had green eyes, etc. This is also a common element of place names.
Vidaković Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vidak or Vid''.
Vide Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Videc Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidic Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidič Slovene
Cognate of Vidić.
Vidkovič Slovene
Derived from the given name Vid.
Villard Galician, Portuguese
A Galician and Portuguese surname in the north of Iberian Peninsula. It's a last name belonging to ancient Celtic tribes.
Vladić Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vlad''.
Vladu Romanian
Derived from given name Vlad.
Vovk Ukrainian, Slovene
Derived from Ukrainian вовк (vovk) meaning "wolf", also used in Slovenia.
Vrabac Croatian
Means ''sparrow''.
Vrána Czech
Means "crow".
Vrana Croatian
Means ''crow''.
Vrban Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrbančić Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrbanić Croatian
Derived from vrba meaning ''willow''.
Vrhovac Serbian, Croatian
From vrh meaning ''top, peak, summit''. Also a common place name.Bpхoвaц
Vrhovnik Slovene
From vrh meaning "top, peak, summit".
Vrioni Albanian
From the place name Vrion.
Vučević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vučić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Vuk".
Vučković Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujačić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujanić Serbian
Means "son of Vujan".
Vujčić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujičić Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vuk Croatian, Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukadinović Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukadin.
Vukan Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukašin Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukašin.
Vukčević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukelić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukićević Serbian
Means "son of Vuk".
Vukman Croatian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukov Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vuksan Croatian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vuksanović Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Wagle Norwegian
A habitational name derived from farmsteads in Rogaland named Vagle, from the Old Norse vagl meaning a '‘perch’' or '‘roost'’, referring to a high ridge between two lakes.
Wahlberg German, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Composed of German wal "field, meadow" or Swedish vall "grassy bank" and berg "mountain, hill".
Wallach Scottish
Variant of Wallace, meaning 'foreigner' that is found chiefly in Dumfries.
Wasser German, Jewish
Topographic name from Middle High German wazzer "water".
Waterson English
It is a patronymic of the male given name Water or Walter.
Westwood English, Scottish
Habitational name from any of numerous places named Westwood, from Old English west "west" and wudu "wood".
Whetzel American
Altered spelling of German Wetzel.
Whistler English
An English occupational surname, meaning "one who whistles."
Whitfield English
It is locational from any or all of the places called Whitfield in the counties of Derbyshire, Kent, Northamptonshire and Northumberland, or from the villages called Whitefield in Lancashire, the Isle of Wight and Gloucestershire.
Willingham English
Habitational name from a place named Willingham, notably one in Cambridgeshire and one in Suffolk. The first is recorded in Domesday Book as Wivelingham "homestead (Old English hām) of the people of a man called Wifel".
Work Scottish
Scottish: habitational name from the lands of Work in the parish of St. Ola, Orkney.
Wyckoff East Frisian (Rare)
Means "settlement on a bay", from Old Frisian wik "bay, inlet" and hof "courtyard, farmstead".
Yagami Japanese
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight" and 神 (kami) meaning "god".
Yannotta American
Possibly a variant of Iannotta.
Yasunishi Japanese
yasu means "Peace,Quiet" and nishi means "West". See Anzai for alternative, but similar meaning.
Yelich Serbian (Anglicized, Rare)
Yelich is an Anglicized spelling of the last name Jelić.
Yıldırım Turkish
From the given name Yıldırım.
Yung Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Weng.
Zahirović Bosnian
Means "son of Zahir".
Zaimoğlu Turkish
Means "son of Zaim".
Zak Polish
A nickname given to youthful or studious people. Comes from the Polish zak, meaning "student" or "schoolboy". It originally meant "novice" or "candidate for the priesthood", and so in some cases it is perhaps a nickname for someone who had been destined for holy orders.
Zaremba Polish
Name for a woodcutter, derived from Polish zarabac, meaning ''to hack or chop''.
Zarta South American
Chiefly used in Colombia.
Zec Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Slovene
Means ''rabbit''.
Zečević Serbian
Derived from zec, meaning ''rabbit''.
Zerdali Turkish
Means "wild apricot."
Zidarić Croatian
From zidar meaning ''stonemason, bricklayer''.
Živkov Serbian
Means "son of Živko".
Zlatković Serbian
Means "son of Zlatko".
Zmajlović Croatian
From zmaj meaning ''dragon''.
Zorlu Turkish
Means "strong, powerful" in Turkish.
Žuna Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Žunec Croatian
Derived from žuna meaning ''woodpecker''.
Zvejniece Latvian
Feminine form of Zvejnieks.
Zvejnieks Latvian
Means "fisherman".
Żyła Polish
Means "vein" (figuratively "bore") in Polish.