Submitted Surnames Starting with N

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Nuur Arabic, Somali
From the given name Nuur.
Nuut Estonian
Nuut is an an Estonian surname meaning "whip". Also, a masculine given name derived form the Scandinavian name "Knut".
Nwankwo Igbo
From the given name Nwankwo.
Nwude Igbo
The surname Nwude is likely of Igbo origin, a major ethnic group in Nigeria. In the Igbo language, Nwude (or Nwodi) can be a combination of two elements:... [more]
Nyaklyayeŭ m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Nikolayev.
Nyasi Swahili
From Swahili meaning "grass, grassland".
Nyaua Indonesian (Rare)
Originally descended from the Pamona tribe, Central Sulawesi which means stinging like a hornet.
Nyblom Swedish
Combination of Swedish ny "new" and blom "bloom".
Nyce English
Variant of Nice.
Nygaard Danish, Norwegian
Danish and Norwegian variant of Nygård.
Nygard English (American), Norwegian (Rare)
Form of Nygård mostly used outside Scandinavia, as well as a (rare) Norwegian variant.
Nygma Popular Culture
The surname of Edward Nygma, also known as the Riddler in DC Comics. The name comes from the term enigma, meaning something that is difficult to understand.
Nygmetov m Kazakh
Means "son of Nygmet".
Nygmetova f Kazakh
Feminine form of Nygmetov.
Nyholm Swedish, Danish, Finland Swedish
Derived from Swedish and Danish ny "new" and holme "islet".
Nyhuis Dutch
Variant of Nijhuis
Nykolaev Ukrainian
Means "son of Nykolai."
Nykolaichuk Ukrainian
From the given name Nykolai.
Nykytyn m Russian (Ukrainianized)
Ukrainianised form of Nikitin.
Nyland Norwegian
Combination of Norwegian ny "new" and land "land, yard".
Nylander Swedish
Combination of Swedish ny "new" (possibly a habitational name from a place named with this element) and the common surname suffix -ander (a combination of land "land" and the habitational suffix -er).
Nymann Danish
Danish form of Neumann.
Nyong’o Luo
Best known as the surname of a certain Lupita.
Nyoo Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Yang via Dutch
Nys Belgian
common surname in belgium and wisonsin
Nystrøm Norwegian, Danish
Norwegian and Danish form of Nyström.