Submitted Surnames Starting with R

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
R Obscure
Meaning unknown.
Raab German
Derived from German rabe "raven". As a surname, it was given to a person with black hair.
Raabe German
Cognate of Rabe.
Rääbis Estonian
Rääbis is an Estonian surname meaning "whitefish".
Raad Dutch
Metonymic occupational name for an adviser, counselor, or member of a town council, from raad "advice, counsel", or derived from a given name containing the element (see rēdaz).
Raaf Dutch, German
Means "raven" in Dutch.
Raag Estonian
Raag is an Estonian surname; a colloquial name meaning "twig" and "leafless branchlet".
Räägel Estonian
Räägel is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "raag" meaning "leafless" and "bare".
Raagmaa Estonian
Raagmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "twig/leafless land".
Rääk Estonian
Rääk is an Estonian surname meaning "Corn crake (Crex crex)".
Raam Estonian
Raam is an Estonian surname meaning "frame" or "carriage".
Raamat Estonian
Raamat is an Estonian surname meaning "book".
Raaper Estonian
Raaper is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "raapiik", meaning "yardarm" (the outer extremity of a ship's yard).
Raasch German
Variant of Rasch.
Rääsk Estonian
Rääsk is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "rääs" meaning "whale-oil".
Rääst Estonian
Rääst is an Estonian surname meaning "baldachin" (a canopy of typically placed over an altar or throne).
Räästas Estonian
Räästas is an Estonian surname meaning "eaves".
Raat Dutch
From Middle Dutch raet "advice, counsel". Could be an occupational name for a member of a council, or a short form of names containing rēdaz, such as Radulf... [more]
Raatikainen Finnish
A family name first registered in the form Radikain in the 16th or 17th century. Derives from the German man's name Konrad which in Finland was shortened to Radi.
Raatma Estonian
Raatma is an Estonian surname meaning a "clearing".
Raba Estonian
Raba is an Estonian surname meaning "bog" or "raised bog".
Rabadanov m Dargin
Means "son of Rabadan".
Rabadanova f Dargin
Feminine form of Rabadanov.
Rabago Spanish
Habitational name from Rábago in Cantabria province.
Rabbani Urdu, Bengali, Persian
Derived from Arabic رباني (rabbani) meaning "divine", ultimately from رب (rabb) meaning "master, lord".
Rabbitte Irish
Adopted for Ó Coinín which is a variant of Ó Conáin or Ó Cuineáin (Queenan) as if it is were from coinín ‘rabbit’ but is actually from a diminutive of cano ‘hound wolf’. It has also been adopted for Mac Coinín (Canning and Rabbitt).
Rabe German
German surname meaning "raven, crow".
Rabea Arabic
From the given name Rabi 1.
Rabek Arabic
Rabik (Rabek,Rabbek); "Lord" ... [more]
Raben German, Dutch, Danish
Derived from Low German rauben meaning "raven".
Rabenschlag German
Means "wing beat of a raven" in German, from German Rabe meaning "raven" and Schlag meaning "flap" or "wing beat" in this context.
Rabenstein German
Habitational name from any of numerous places called Rabenstein.
Rabie Arabic
Derived from the given name Rabi 1.
Rabinovich Yiddish, Russian
Means "son of the rabbi" (through the name Rabin), referring to a scholar or teacher of the Torah in Judaism.
Rabinovitch Yiddish
Variant transcription of Rabinovich.
Rabinowicz Jewish
Polish Jewish name meaning son of rabbi from the root rabi meaning "rabbi" combined with the Polish patronymic suffix -owicz "son of"
Rabinowitz Jewish
Germanized variant of Rabinovich.
Rabinsky Jewish
From the root rabi "rabbi" combined with the Polish suffix -ski
Rabiot French
Occupational name for a radish merchant.
Rabotenko Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian word for "work"
Rabov Russian
Means "son of a slave".
Rabski Polish
Habitational surname from Raba, a former settlement now divided into Raba Niżna and Raba Wyżna.
Rabsztyński Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Lesser Polish village of Rabsztyn.
Rabtoy French
Unknown history, most likely originated in the Americas in Quebec. A large percentage of Rabtoy families are from Vermont.
Rəcəbova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Rəcəbov.
Răceanu Romanian
Designates someone from Răciu, a commune in Mureş County, Romania.
Rachamiym Hebrew
From the given name Rachamim.
Rachedi Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Rashid; this spelling is chiefly used in Algerian Arabic.
Rachel English, German
From the English female given name Rachel or derived from German rau "rough".
Rachels English
This surname is derived from the given name Rachel.
Rachelson English
This surname means “son of Rachel”.
Rachid Arabic
From the given name Rashid.
Rachlyn Jewish (Rare), Polish (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Rachlyn is a Jewish surname derived directly from polish "Rachman". This surname is very rare and apparently only few members in Brazil, descendants of Polish survivors of Holocaust.... [more]
Rachman Ukrainian, Jewish
Rachman is an old Jewish name which means "Merciful" in Hebrew.... [more]
Rachmaninoff Russian
Surname used as a nickname for someone of swarthy appearance.
Rachvalsky Jewish
No history
Racine French
Means "(tree) root" in French, used as an occupational name for a grower or seller of root vegetables or as a nickname for a stubborn person.
Racioppi Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian racioppu meaning "cluster of grapes", hence presumably a metonymic occupational name for someone who sold or produced grapes.
Rackers German
German (Räckers): in the Lower Rhine-Westphalia area, from a reduced form of Rädeker, itself a reduced form of Rademaker.
Rackham English
Means "person from Rackham", Sussex ("homestead or enclosure with ricks"). This surname was borne by British watercolourist and book illustrator Arthur Rackham (1867-1939).
Rackley English
It means ‘mound’ ‘homestead’ and ‘ham’.
Racman Filipino, Maranao, Maguindanao
From the given name Racman.
Rad Old Persian
Meanings: "Honest", "Bounteous"
Radchenko Ukrainian
Derived from the given name Rodion.
Radenković Serbian
Means ''son of Radenko''.
Radenović Montenegrin, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rade".
Rader German
Variation of Rademacher, meaning "maker of wheels" in German ("rat" meaning wheel), later shortened to Rader and other variations such as Redder, Raeder, Redler, etc.
Radford English
Habitational name from any of the various places so named, for example in Devon, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, and Hereford and Worcester. Most are named from Old English read "red" + ford "ford", but it is possible that in some cases the first element may be a derivative of Old English ridan "to ride", with the meaning "ford that can be crossed on horseback".
Radhakrishnan Indian, Tamil, Malayalam
Derived from Sanskrit राधा कृष्ण (rādhā-kṛṣṇa), a combination of Radha and Krishna... [more]
Radi Arabic
Derived from the given name Radi.
Radia Filipino, Maranao
Means "king" in Maranao, ultimately from Sanskrit राज (raja).
Radiab Filipino, Maranao
From Radiyab, the Maranao name for the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, which is ultimately derived from Arabic رَجَب (Rajab).
Radiamoda Filipino, Maranao
From a title for a crown prince, derived from Maranao radia meaning "king" and moda meaning "young".
Radin m Russian
From the old Slavic name element радъ (radŭ), meaning "happy, willing".
Radinović Serbian
Means "son of Radin".
Radler German
Occupational name, which was derived from the kind of work done by the original bearer. It is a name for a wheelmaker or wheelwright. The name stems from the German noun rat, meaning wheel. The origin is more clear in the variant Rademacher
Radley English
From rēadlēah meaning "red clearing". Radley is a village and civil parish in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England.
Radloff Low German
North German: From the Old Norse Radulf.... [more]
Radmilović Serbian
Means "son of Radmilo".
Radnice Czech
This indicates familial origin within the Bohemian town of the same name.
Radoliński Polish
This indicates familial origin within the Greater Polish village of Radolin.
Radolović Croatian
Possibly derived from rado lovi, meaning "glad to hunt".
Radosavljević Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radosav or Radoslav".
Radoslavov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Radoslav".
Radoslavova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Radoslavov.
Radovan Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Croatian
From the given name Radovan.
Radovanović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Radovčić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rade".
Radović Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Răducan Romanian
Means "son of Radu".
Radukan Romanian (Ukrainianized), Romanian (Russified)
Ukrainianised and Russified form of Răducan.
Rădulescu Romanian
Means "son of Radu".
Radulović Serbian
Possibly derived from rado lovi, meaning "glad to hunt".
Radwan Arabic
Variant of Ridwan.
Radyvanyuk Ukrainian
Means "from Radyvanivka".
Radzha Indian, Gujarati, Tamil, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Raja.
Radzhan Indian, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali, Malaysian
Alternate transcription of Rajan.
Raees Urdu, Indian (Muslim), Arabic, Indonesian
From the Arabic tile رَئِيس (raʾīs) meaning "chief, leader".
Raeven Dutch
Variant spelling of Raven.
Rafael Hebrew
From the given name Raphael, means "God heals" in Hebrew. The angel of healing.
Rafaeli Hebrew
From the given name Rafael.
Rafail Greek, Russian
From the given name Rafail.
Rafailov Russian
Means "son of Rafail".
Rafailović Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rafail".
Rafaniello Italian
Probably from Italian ravanello "radish", probably given to someone who grew or sold radishes, or perhaps resembled one in some way.
Rafeeq Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
From the given name Rafiq.
Raffaele Italian
From the given name Raffaele.
Raffensperger German
Altered spelling of Ravensburger or Ravensberger, a habitational name for someone from Ravensburg in Württemberg, but there are a number of similar surnames, for example Raffenberg, a farm name near Hamm, and Raffsberger.
Rafford Scottish, English
From a village called Rafford in Moray, Scotland. The surname itself is derived from Gaelic rath meaning "fort, dwelling", and ford reffering to a river crossing.
Rafi Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Rafi.
Rafik Arabic
From the given name Rafik.
Rafiq Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Rafiq.
Rafique Urdu, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Rafiq.
Rəfiyev m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Rəfi".
Rafter Irish, Scottish
The original Gaelic form of Rafter was O Raithbheartaigh, which was modified to O Raifeartaigh. The surname is derived from the words rath bheartach meaning prosperity wielder.
Raftery Irish
Corrupted version of "Rafferty"
Raftu Romanian
Raftu is a surname who was first use in Greece but now is only use in Romania, the name means ,,Bookshelf" in Romanian
Ragab Arabic
Variant transcription of Rajab.
Ragan English
A variant of Reagan.
Rägapart Estonian
Rägapart is an Estonian surname meaning "garganey" ("Spatula querquedula": a species of dabbling duck).
Ragasa Tagalog
From Tagalog dagasa meaning "reckless hasty, hurrying carelessly".
Ragatz German (Swiss)
Habitational name from Ragaz in Grison canton.
Rageth Romansh
Derived from the given name Rageth.
Ragettli Romansh
Derived from a truncated form of Anrig in combination with the diminutive suffix -ett and the diminutive suffix -li.
Raghavan Indian
(Kerala, Tamil Nadu): Hindu name from Sanskrit raghava ‘derived from Raghu’, ‘descendant of Raghu’ (an epithet of the god Rama, incarnation of Vishnu) + the Tamil-Malayalam third-person masculine singular suffix -n... [more]
Ragonesi Italian
Meaning: People Of Aragon
Ragoonanan Caribbean
Unknown meaning. This surname is mostly Tobagonian.
Ragosta Italian
from aragosta "lobster" used for a shell-fisherman or otherwise as a nickname for someone thought to resemble a lobster in some way.
Ragsdale English
Apparently an English habitational name from Ragdale in Leicestershire, which is probably named from Old English hraca "gully", "narrow pass" + dæl "valley", "dale".
Ragusa Italian
Habitational name from Ragusa in Sicily, or from the ancient city of Dubrovnik on the Dalmatian coast of Croatia (Italian name Ragusa).
Ragusea Italian (Americanized)
Possibly an Americanized form of Ragusa. Adam Ragusea (1982-) is an American internet personality who makes videos about food recipes, food science, and culinary culture.
Raguzin m Russian
Derived from рагу (ragu) meaning stew or soup.
Raha Estonian
Raha is an Estonian surname meaning "money".
Rahal Arabic
From Arabic رحال (rahhal) meaning "voyager, traveller".
Rahamägi Estonian
Rahamägi is an Estonian surname meaning "money mountain".
Rahe German
Nickname for a rough individual, from a North German variant of Rauh.
Rahe Estonian
Rahe is an Estonian surname meaning "hail".
Raheem Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi, Sinhalese
From the given name Rahim.
Rahim Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Rahim.
Rahimian Persian
From the given name Rahim.
Rəhimli Azerbaijani
From the given name Rəhim.
Rəhimov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Rəhim".
Rəhimova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Rəhimov.
Rahimpour Persian
Means "son of Rahim".
Rəhimzadə Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Rahimzadeh.
Rahimzadeh Persian
Means "offspring of Rahim" in Persian.
Rähk Estonian
Rähk is an Estonian surname meaning "rubble".
Rahman Arabic, Bengali, Urdu
From the given name Rahman.
Rahmanian Persian
From the given name Rahman.
Rəhmanova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Rəhmanov.
Rahmanović Bosnian
Means "son of Rahman" in Bosnian.
Rahmanzai Pashto
Means "son of Rahman" in Pashto.
Rahmat Arabic, Pashto, Urdu
Derived from the given name Rahmat.
Rahmat Arabic, Pashto, Urdu
Derived from the given name Rahmat.
Rahmati Persian
From the given name Rahmat.
Rahmatullah Arabic, Pashto, Bengali
Derived from the given name Rahmatullah.
Rahmonov Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Rahmon".
Rähn Estonian
Rähn is an Estonian surname meaning "woodpecker".
Rahn Low German
From the slavic tribe of the Rani on the island of Rügen.
Rahu Estonian
Rahu is an Estonian surname meaning both "peace" and "reef".
Rahula Estonian
Rahula is an Estonian surname meaning "reef area".
Rahumaa Estonian
Rahumaa is an Estonian surname meaning "peaceful" or "quiet" ("rahu") "land" ("maa")".
Rahumägi Estonian
Rahumägi is an Estonian surname meaning "peace(ful) mountain".
Rahumeel Estonian
Rahumeel is an Estonian surname meaning "peaceful minded".
Rahusaar Estonian
Rahusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "reef island".
Raia Italian, Sicilian
Either a topographic name from Sicilian raia ‘smilax’ (a climbing shrub), or else derived from Sicilian raja meaning ‘ray’, or ‘skate’ (the fish), presumably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish or a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman or fish seller.
Raia Arabic
Derived from Arabic رياح (rayah) meaning ‘flag’.
Raid Estonian
Raid is an Estonian surname derived from "raidur"; meaning "hewer".
Raider English
Taken from a village called "Rait".
Raidla Estonian
Raidla is an Estonian surname meaning "sculptural/hewed area".
Raidväli Estonian
Raidväli is an Estonian surname meaning "hewed/sculpted field".
Raie Estonian
Raie is an Estonian surname meaning "cutting", "hewing" and "(tree) lumbering".
Raig Estonian
Raig is an Estonian surname meaning "slough" (a swamplike area)".
Raihan Bengali
Derived from the given name Raihan.
Raij Spanish, Judeo-Spanish, Portuguese, Romani (Caló)
Borrowed from Hindi राइज (raij) meaning "rice". This surname is found among Christian and Jewish Caló families.
Raik Estonian
Raik is an Estonian surname derived from "raikaerik" meaning "oat grass"
Räim Estonian
Räim is an Estonian surname meaning "Baltic herring".
Raimond Estonian, Dutch, French, Croatian
From the given name Raimond.
Raimundez Spanish
Means "son of Raimundo" in Spanish.
Rain English
Variant of Raine.
Rainbird English
From the Old French male personal name Rainbert, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "counsel-bright" (cf. Raginbert). The modern form of the name has been influenced by English rainbird "plover".
Rainbow English
From the Old French male personal name Rainbaut, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "counsel-brave" (cf. Raginbald)... [more]
Rainey Irish, Scottish
An Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Raighne, Ó Ráighne meaning "descendent of Raonull", the given name Raonull being derived from Old Norse Rögnvaldr, Røgnvaldr, Rǫgnvaldr (compare Ronald).
Rainwater English (American)
Americanized form of the German family name Reinwasser, possibly a topographic name for someone who lived by a source of fresh water, from Middle High German reine ‘pure’ + wazzer ‘water’.
Rais Arabic
From the given name Rais.
Räisänen Finnish
From an unexplained personal name (possibly of Russian Orthodox origin) + the common surname suffix -nen. It occurs chiefly in central and eastern Finland.