German Submitted Surnames

German names are used in Germany and other German-speaking areas such as Austria and Switzerland. See also about German names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Seidenberg German, Jewish
Derived from several places with the same name. As an ornamental name, it is derived from German seide meaning "silk" and berg meaning "mountain".
Seider German
Originating in the region of Saxony. Name of a silk merchant, from the German word for silk: seide
Seidman Jewish, German
Derived from Seid.
Seif German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a soap maker, from Middle High German seife, German Seife 'soap'.
Seifert German (East Prussian)
German/Russian/Ashkenazi Jewish this surname derived from the very popular personal name siegfried, introduced for the first time inglaterra in the Anglo-Saxon period, and again as a surname thousand years later... [more]
Seifried German
Variant of Siegfried from its Middle High German form Sīvrid.
Seiler German
German and Jewish occupational surname for a rope maker.
Seim Upper German
German: metonymic occupational name for a beekeeper, from Middle High German seim ‘honey’.
Seinfeld German, Jewish
From the German word sein "to be" and the word of German Jewish origin feld which means "field". It was a name given to areas of land that had been cleared of forest.
Seitz Upper German
A mainly Bavarian surname, from a reduced form of the personal name Seifried, a variant of Siegfried... [more]
Seitzer German
Variant of Seitz.
Seligman German, Jewish
Derived from the given name Selig with the German suffix -man meaning "man" and it's originally a patronymic. The surname Seligman is originated in the Rhineland.
Sellmeyer German
Occupational name for the steward of a hall or manor house from Middle High German sal "hall residence" and meier "steward" (see Meyer 1).
Selmer German
Teutonic name meaning "hall master" for a steward or keeper of a large home or settlement.
Selz German
The Selz is a river in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and a left hand tributary of the Rhine. It flows through the largest German wine region, Rheinhessen or Rhenish Hesse. Also, Seltz (German: Selz) is a commune in the Bas-Rhin department of the Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine region in north-eastern France.... [more]
Seng German
1. Topographic name for someone who lived by land cleared by fire, from Middle High German sengen ‘to singe or burn’. ... [more]
Senn German
Derived from the Middle High German word senne meaning "dairy farmer".
Sensenbach German
A topographic name formed with an unexplained first element + Middle High German bach ‘creek’. Pretty common in Iowa and Pennsylvania.
Sensenbrenner German
Combination of German Sense, meaning "scythe", and Brenner meaning "burner".... [more]
Setzer German, Jewish
Derived from either Middle High German "setzen", used to refer to market inspectors and tax officials, or Yiddish "setser", a typesetter.
Seuss German, Jewish
Means "sweet", "pleasant", or "agreeable".
Sewina German, Polish
The first available record of the Sewina family name is around 1620 in the province of Silesia, a mixed cultural region between Germany and Poland. Once part of the Prussian Empire and Germany. After World War Two, the area is now part of Poland... [more]
Seyfried German
Derived from the given name Siegfried. The American actress Amanda Seyfried (1985-) is a well-known bearer of this name.
Seyler German
Germanic surname
Shadel German (Anglicized, ?)
Derived from the German 'Schadle', meaning cranium or skull.
Shaffer German (Americanized)
Americanized form of German Schäfer.
Shaffner German, German (Swiss)
Americanized version of German occupational name for a steward or bailiff, variant of Schaffner and Schaffer.... [more]
Shainwald German
German for "beautiful forest", probably (?) related to Sheinfeld
Shatner German (Anglicized), Jewish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Schattner. A notable bearer was Canadian actor William Shatner (1931-), who is known for his roles as Captain James T. Kirk in 'Star Trek', T.J. Hooker in 'T.J. Hooker', Denny Crane in 'Boston Legal', and the Priceline Negotiator in commercials.
Shie German
Variant of Schie.
Shilling English, German (Americanized), Dutch (Americanized)
nickname from the Middle English coin name schilling "shilling" (Old English scilling) probably referring to a fee or rent owed or paid... [more]
Shipper German, Jewish, English
German and Jewish Cognate and English variant of Schipper. occupational name from Middle English shippere "shipman sailor seaman" (Old English scipere) perhaps also with the sense "skipper" (Middle Low German schipper).
Shoen German (Anglicized), Jewish
Americanized spelling of German or Ashkenazic Jewish Schön or Schoen.
Shreck German (Americanized)
Americanized form of Schreck.
Shrout German
This surname is related to the German surname Schroder which means cut as in a wood cutter etc.
Shue German (Anglicized), Jewish (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Schuh or Schue. A famous bearer of this name is the American actress Elisabeth Shue (1963-).
Shull German
Derivative of Scholl
Shultz German (Americanized)
Americanized spelling of German Schultz , or a variant spelling of the Jewish name.
Sieber German
The roots of the German surname Sieber can be traced to the Old Germanic word "Siebmacher," meaning "sieve maker." The surname is occupational in origin, and was most likely originally borne by someone who held this position
Siebern German
German. People known with this name are: Emelia Siebern, Hannah Siebern, Caleb Siebern.
Sieck German
The name is originally spelled "Siecke". Eric Siecke came from Norway and settled in Holstein, Germany in the year 1307. The final "e" was dropped by most of the family, though one branch still retains it... [more]
Siegfried German
From a Germanic personal name composed of the elements sigi "victory" and fridu "peace". The German surname has also occasionally been adopted by Ashkenazic Jews.
Siemens German
Derived from the given name Siem.
Sies German, Dutch
From the ancient Germanic name Sigizo formed with the element sigi "victory" (from proto Germanic segiz).
Sievertsen German
Patronymic of Sievert.
Siewert German
Derived from the Frisian and Low German given name Sievert.
Sigel Upper German
Upper German variant of Siegel 1.
Sigmund German, Czech
From the given name Sigmund.
Silber German, Jewish
From Middle High German silber, German Silber "silver"; a metonymic occupational name for a silversmith, or often, in the case of the Jewish surname, an ornamental name.
Silberman German, Jewish
Variant of Silber, with the addition of Middle High German man meaning "man" or Yiddish man meaning "man".
Silbermann German, Jewish
Variant of Silber. from Middle High German silber German silber "silver" and Middle High German Yiddish man "man" an occupation for a man who worked with silver.
Silbernagel German
Occupational for a silversmith from middle high German silber "silver" and nagel "nail".
Silberstein German, Jewish
From Middle High German silber "silver" and stein "stone"; a habitational name from a place so named in Bavaria, or a topographic name.... [more]
Simbeck German
Originates from the German prefix sim meaning "of the head" and the German word becka meaning "bull". When combined in this order, the meaning was "bull-headed", meaning stubborn and obstinant.
Simm German
A shortening of the given name Simon 1.
Simmen German (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from the given name Simon 1.
Sing German, Chinese (Cantonese), Indian
German: probably a variant of Seng. ... [more]
Singer German
variant of Sänger, in the sense of ‘poet’
Single German
Derived from a pet form of a Germanic given name beginning with sing-.
Skelton English, German, Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from places in Cumbria and Yorkshire, England, originally named with the same elements as Shelton, but with a later change of ‘s’ to ‘sk’ under Scandinavian influence.
Sluder German (Americanized)
Americanized form of “Schlüter”
Smalling German
North German (Schmäling): from a derivative of Schmal.
Smoke English, German, German (Austrian)
Possibly a variant of English Smock or an altered form of German Schmuck.
Snearly English (American, Anglicized, Rare), German (Rare)
Ancestors immigrated from Baden-Württemberg, Germany prior to 1741.
Snyder Dutch, English, German, Yiddish, Jewish
Means "tailor" in Dutch, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.... [more]
Soldat Russian, Ukrainian, French, German
Means "soldier" in various languages.
Soldner German
German surname meaning mercenary. German spelling has umlaut over the O, but American spelling is Soldner or Soeldner.
Sommerhalder German (Swiss)
From High German sommer meaning "summer" and halder meaning "holder".
Sondermajer German (Rare)
Rare German surname from Bukovina.
Sonnenberg German, Jewish
From various place names derived from Middle High German sunne meaning "sun" and berg meaning "mountain, hill".
Sonnenblume German
Means "sunflower" in German.
Sonnenschein German
Surname meaning "sunshine".
Sonntag German, Jewish
German cognate of Sunday. As a Jewish name it is ornamental.
Sontag German, Jewish
"sunday;" usually given to a person who was born on a sunday.
Sontheimer German
Derived from any of the places named Sontheim in Germany.
Sovern English, French, German, Dutch
Sovern is a modified spelling of Sovereign meaning a ruler or monarch.
Spader German
Occupational name for a spade maker or for someone who used a spade in his work, derived from Middle High or Middle Low German spade. A notable bearer is American actor James Spader (1960-).
Spah German (?), English (American)
Spah (sometimes spelt Späh) is last name found most commonly in the US that is believed to be of German origin. Unsure of the meaning.
Spangler German
Spangler is an occupational surname for "metal worker" having derived from the German word spange, meaning a clasp or buckle of the sort such a craftsman might have designed.
Spanier German
Means "Spaniard" in German.
Spanjer German
One who came from Spain, a Spaniard.
Spann German
Possibly derived from Middle High German spenne "disagreement, dispute, quarrel".
Spark English, German
Northern English: from the Old Norse byname or personal name Sparkr ‘sprightly’, ‘vivacious’.... [more]
Späth German
Derived from Middle High German spæte "late".
Spatz German
From German meaning "sparrow".
Spaugh German
Was originally "Spach," was changed when first introduced into America
Speck German
Variant of Specker as well as a locational surname from one of various places called Speck, Specke and Specken in northern Germany and Spöck in southern Germany, as well as an occupational surname derived from German Speck "bacon" denoting a butcher who sepcialized in the production of bacon, as well as a derisive nickname for a corpulent person.
Speer German, Dutch, English
German and Dutch cognate of Spear, as well as an English variant of the same surname.
Speicher German
occupational name for someone in charge of a granary. From middle high German spicher meaning "grain store".
Speiser German
German cognate of Spencer.
Spengler German
Occupational surname literally meaning “metal worker” or “tin knocker”.
Sperber German, Jewish
From a nickname for a small but belligerent person from Middle High German sperwære "sparrow hawk" (Old High German sparwāri a compound of sparw "sparrow" and āri "eagle").
Spiegel German, Jewish
Metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel "mirror" (via Old High German from Latin speculum, a derivative of specere "to look").
Spiegelman German (Germanized, Rare, Archaic), Jewish (Ashkenazi, Germanized, Rare, Archaic), Yiddish (Germanized, Rare, Archaic)
The name Spiegelman is a name with both German and Jewish origins. In German the word "Spiegel" translates to "mirror". Also "Mann" translates to "man". So one could interpret the name to mean "mirror man" or less often "man of the mirror"... [more]
Spiegler German, Jewish
Occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel "mirror" and the agent suffix -er.
Spielberg Jewish, German
From Old High German spiegel "lookout point" or German Spiel "game, play" and berg "mountain". Locational surname after a town in Austria. A famous bearer is American director Steven Spielberg (1946-present).
Spieler German, Jewish
Occupational Name For A Tumbler Or Jester German Spieler ‘Player’ Middle High German Spilære An Agent Derivative Of Spiln ‘To Play To Jest To Sport’.
Spies German
While it translates to the plural of "spy" in English, Spies is a semi-common name found throughout Germany and the surrounding nations. This surname is also popular throughout states with a high German population.
Spindler English, German, Jewish
Occupational name for a spindle maker, from an agent derivative of Middle English spindle, Middle High German spindel, German Spindel, Yiddish shpindl "spindle, distaff".
Splinter Low German, German
From Low German splinter ‘splinter’; probably a metonymic occupational name for a woodworker.
Spohr German
Occupational name for a maker of spurs, from Middle High German spor ‘spur’, or a topographic name, from Middle High German spor ‘spoor’, ‘animal tracks’.... [more]
Sprenger German
German form of the surname Springer
Spring German
From Middle High German sprinc, Middle Low German sprink "spring, well", hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a spring or well, or habitational name from Springe near Hannover.
Springborn German
Derived from Middle Low German sprinkborn meaning "spring, well", hence either a nickname for someone who lived by a spring or a water well, or from various place names in Germany.
Springer German, English, Dutch, Jewish
Nickname for a lively person or for a traveling entertainer, from springen "to jump, to leap". A famous bearer was Ludwig der Springer (AKA Louis the Springer), a medieval Franconian count who, according to legend, escaped from a second or third-story prison cell by jumping into a river after being arrested for trying to seize County Saxony in Germany.
Stadtmueller German
From Middle High German stet meaning "place", "town" + müller meaning "miller", hence an occupational name for a miller who ground the grain for a town.
Stahl German, Danish
Metonymic occupational name for a smith or armorer, from Middle High German stahel "steel, armor".
Stähle German
Variant of Stahl.
Stahler German
Occupational name for a foundry worker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German stal 'steel'.
Stahling German (Rare)
Denoted a person who worked with steel. Derived from the name "Stähling", which was derived from "Stalin."
Stallman German
Variant of Staller. German: topographic name for someone who lived in a muddy place, from the dialect word stal. English: habitational name from Stalmine in Lancashire, named probably with Old English stæll 'creek', 'pool' + Old Norse mynni 'mouth'.
Stancel German
Probably an altered spelling of Stancil or possibly of German Stenzel.
Standfuß German
It literally means "pedestal".
Stang German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) from Middle High German stang, German Stange ‘pole’, ‘shaft’, hence a nickname for a tall, thin person, a metonymic occupational name for a maker of wooden shafts for spears and the like, or a metonymic occupational name for a soldier.
Stanislaw Polish, German
Polish from the personal name Stanisław, composed of the Slavic elements stani ‘become’ + slav ‘glory’, ‘fame’, ‘praise’... [more]
Stantz German
Possibly an altered spelling of German Stanz, a habitation name from places called Stans or Stanz in Austria and Switzerland (see also Stentz).
Star German, Jewish
Means "starling (bird)" in German, probably denoting a talkative or perhaps a voracious person. Alternatively, an Anglicized form of Stern 2.
Starke German, Dutch, English
Variant of German and English Stark and Dutch and German Sterk. Nickname for a strong bold person from Middle High German stark Middle Dutch starcke staerke "strong brave".
Starkey English, German
From a diminutive of Stark. This surname is borne by the English musician Sir Richard Starkey (1940-), also known as Ringo Starr.
State German
Nickname from Middle High German stæt(e) meaning "firm", "steadfast", "constant".
Staub German (Swiss), German, Jewish
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) occupational nickname for a miller, from Middle High German stoup, German Staub ‘dust’. The Jewish surname may also be ornamental.
Stauber German, Jewish
An occupational name from Staub, with the addition of the German agent suffix -er.
Stauch German
From Middle High German stuche, a term used to denote both a type of wide sleeve and a headcovering. Also a habitational name from a place called Staucha, near Dresden.
Stauffer German
This surname refers either to various towns named Stauffen or else it might be derived from Middle High German stouf "high rock/cliff/crag".
Steenkamp German
Variant spelling of Steinkamp.
Steffes Dutch, German
A patronymic from a shortened form of the personal name Steffen.
Stegall German
Grandmother marian name
Steger German
From a derivative of Middle High German stec "steep path or track, narrow bridge". The name was likely given to someone living close to a path or small bridge.
Steger German
Means "head miner" or "overman" from the German verb steigen meaning "to climb" or in this case "to lead a climb".
Stehr German
From Middle High German ster ‘ram’, hence probably a nickname for a lusty person, or possibly a metonymic occupational name for a shepherd.
Steier German
Variant of Steiger.
Steiert German
Variant of Steiger and Steier.
Steifvater German
from Middle Low German stēfvader 'stepfather' hence a relationship name.
Steiger German
Occupational name from Middle High German stiger 'foreman', 'mine inspector'
Steinbach German, Jewish
German habitational name from any of the many places named Steinbach, named with Middle High German stein ‘stone’ + bach ‘stream’, ‘creek’. ... [more]
Steinbeck German
Denotes a person hailing from one of the many places in Germany called Steinbeck or Steinbach, from Middle High German stein "stone" and bach "stream, creek". In some cases it is a South German occupational name for a mason... [more]
Steinberg German
From stony mountain. From "stein" meaning stone, and "berg" meaning mountain.
Steinbock German
From German 'stein' meaning "stone" and 'der bock' meaning "goat".
Steinbrecher German
occupational name for someone who worked in a stone quarry from Middle High German stein "stone" and an agent derivative of brechen "to break".
Steinbrenner German
occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German stein "stone" (in this case limestone) and an agent derivative of brennen "to burn".
Steinfeld German
Means "stone field" in German.
Steingräber German
occupational name for a quarry worker from Middle High German stein "stone" and agent derivative of Middle High German graben "to dig".
Steinhagen German
Derived from Old High German stein "stone" and hag "enclosure, hedge, pasture".
Steinhart Jewish, German, Polish, Hungarian
The surname Steinhart is more associated with the locality Steinhart in Bavaria (Germany).... [more]
Steinhaus German, Jewish
topographic name for someone living in a stone-built house from Middle High German stein "stone" and hus "house" or a habitational name from any of the many places called Steinhaus for example near Fulda and near Wels in Austria... [more]
Steinhilber German
Habitational name for someone from Steinhilben, from Old High German stein "stone" and hülwe or hülbe "hollow, depression; pond, puddle".
Steininger German
an occupational name for a stone cutter.
Steinkamp German
North German topographic name for someone living by a field with a prominent rocky outcrop or boulder in it, and derived from Middle Low German sten meaning "rock, stone" and kamp meaning "enclosed field".
Steinmeier German
Distinguishing name for a tenant farmer (Meyer) whose farm was on stony ground or was distinguished by a conspicuous rock formation (Middle High German stein 'rock').
Steinmetz German, Jewish
Occupational name from Middle High German steinmetze, German steinmetz "stonemason", "worker in stone".
Steins German
Variant of Stein.
Steinwedel German
From the German word "stein" and "wedel" which mean "stone frond", which was a name given to someone who lived near a stone wall covered in plants.
Steinwender German (Austrian)
From the German words stein "stone" and wender "turner"
Stellmacher German
occupational name for a cartwright from late Middle High German stelle "carriage" (originally "frame chassis") and mahhon "maker"... [more]
Stellrecht German
Occupational name for a cartwright, from Middle High German stel "framework" and reht (from Old High German wurht-) "maker". Compare English -wright.
Stellwagen German
metonymic occupational name for a carter or a cartwright from Middle High German stelle "cart" and wagen "wagon".
Stelter German
nickname for a disabled person; from Middle Low German stelte, stilt "wooden leg"
Stelzner German
Variant of Stelzer, probably an occupational name for a stilt-maker. Also, a habitational name for anyone from any of the places named Stelzen.
Stem German
Tis is my Surname, of German ancestry.
Stempfer German
Derived from occupation means 'Stump remover'
Stender German
Occupational name for a carpenter.
Stenzel German
German from a reduced pet form of the Slavic personal name Stanisław (see Stencel, Stanislaw).
Sterk Dutch, German
Dutch cognate and German variant of Stark. Nickname from Middle Low German sterk and Middle High German stark Middle Dutch sterke starcke staerke "strong brave".
Sternhagen German
topographic name from Middle High German ster "ram" (and -n- either the plural ending or a folk etymological insert by association with Middle High German stern "star") and hagen "enclosed field or pasture".
Steurer German
Occupational name for someone who collects taxes from Middle High German stiurære "court assistant, tax collector".
Stich German, Jewish
metonymic occupational name for a tailor or cobbler from Middle High German stich German stich "stitch".
Stiefel German
Either from stiefel "boot", which could mean a boot maker or from middle low german stief which means "stiff", a nickname for a stubborn person
Stieglitz German
Meaning goldfinch, Stiglitz was borrowed into German from a Slavic language, probably Old Czech stehlec. Several possible origins: of the surname can be: ... [more]
Stift German (Austrian), Dutch
Means "religious foundation, monastery".
Stifter German, German (Austrian)
Means "founder" in Middle High German, from stiften "to bring about, endow, donate", a name for a tenant farmer on previously unoccupied land, or a habitational name from the related word Stift meaning "endowed monastery, secular convent, church foundation".
Stiglitz German
Variant of Stieglitz
Stinnes German
Indicated that the bearer lived near a prominent stone. See also Stein
Stobrawa Polish, German
Uncommon Polish surname.
Stockhardt German
Nickname for a stiff person, from Stock "stick, staff, trunk" and hart "hard".
Stoehr German
From Middle Low German store ‘sturgeon’, hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who caught or sold sturgeon, or a nickname for someone with some supposed resemblance to the fish... [more]
Stofflet Alsatian (Rare)
Derived from the given name Stoffel in combination with the diminutive suffix -et.
Stogner German (Austrian, Americanized)
Americanized spelling of Stögner, itself a variant form of Steger or Stegen.
Stohr German
North German (Stöhr): see Stoehr.... [more]
Stoller German, Jewish, English
Habitational surname for someone from a place called Stolle, near Zurich (now called Stollen).... [more]
Stollerman German
A man from Stoll, a province of Germany.
Stolte German
Derived from Middle Low German stolt "proud; stately; magnificent".
Stoltenberg German, Norwegian
Habitational name from places so called in Pomerania and Rhineland. A famous bearer is Jens Stoltenberg (b. 1959), Prime Minister of Norway 2000-2001 and 2005-2013.
Stoltzfus German
Stoltzfus is a surname of German origin. It is common among Mennonites and Amish. All American Stoltzfuses are descended from Nicholas Stoltzfus (1719–1774), an Amish man who migrated from Germany to America in 1766.
Stolz German
The surname "Stolz" means "Proud" or "pride" in German.
Storch German, Jewish
From Middle High German storch "stork", hence a nickname for someone thought to resemble the bird.
Storck German
German. from the meaning the House of the Storks. ... [more]
Storr German
Nickname for a crude man, from Middle High German storr 'tree stump', 'clod'.
Stoss German, Jewish
Nickname for a quarrelsome person, from Middle High German stoz 'quarrel', 'fight'.
Stough German (Anglicized)
Americanised spelling of Stauch.
Strahm German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle Hugh German strām "strip of land".
Strandheim German, Jewish
From a location name meaning "beach home" in German, from Middle High German strand meaning "beach" and heim meaning "home". As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
Strasburg German
It is derived from the Old Germanic phrase "an der Strasse," which literally means "on the street." Thus, the original bearer of this name was most likely someone whose residence was located on a street.
Strasse German
It derives either from the ancient Roman (Latin) word "straet" meaning a main road, and hence somebody who lived by such a place, or from a German pre-medieval word "stratz" meaning vain.
Strassmann German, Jewish
Topographic name for someone living on a main street, from Middle High German strasse, German Strasse "street, road" and man "man".
Straube German
Variant of Straub.
Strauss German, Jewish
From the German word strauß, meaning "ostrich." In its use as a Jewish surname, it comes from the symbol of the building or family that the bearer occupied or worked for in the Frankfurter Judengasse... [more]
Strauß German, Jewish
An older spelling of Strauss, which is only used in Germany and Austria.
Strayer German
Americanized form of German Ströher: habitational name for "someone from any of the places called Ströh in Westphalia and Lower Saxony".
Streicher German
Occupational name for someone who measured grain or inspected cloth
Streisand German, Jewish
Possibly an ornamental name, literally meaning "scattersand" in German. This surname is borne by the American singer and actress Barbra Streisand (1942-).
Streiter German
Topographic name from Middle High German struot 'swamp', 'bush', 'thicket' + -er, suffix denoting an inhabitant.
Strelow German, Polabian
Originally an Polabian name from the city Stralsund (pola. Stralov).
Streufert m German (East Prussian)
Probably originated from northern Germany.
Stricker German, Low German, Dutch
Occupational name for a rope maker or knitter (of hose, for example), from an agent derivative of Middle High German, Middle Low German stricken ‘to tie’.
Strigl German
Name given in 1056 a.d. Meaning- Keeper of the Royal Horses.
Stroh English, German
Means "straw" when translated from German, indicating a thin man, a person with straw-colored hair, or a dealer of straw.
Strohm Upper German
From the noble name Strohmeier. Great river and electricity.
Strom German
Variant of Strahm.
Strubel German
German (also Strübel): from a diminutive of Middle High German strūp (see Strub).... [more]
Strutz German
Variant of Strauss.
Studer German (Americanized, Rare), Russian, German
Often found in Switzerland and germany and in a more rare case Russia in north america it's a little more on the rare side
Stuhr German, Danish, German (Austrian)
A nickname for an inflexible, obstinate person.
Stults German
The Stults surname is derived from the German word "stoltz," which means "proud," and as such, it was most likely originally a nickname, which became a hereditary surname.
Stumm German
Descriptive nickname for a mute person, from Middle High German, Middle Low German stum ‘mute’.
Stump German
From Middle Low German stump ‘tree stump’ (borrowed into Middle English), hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a prominent tree stump, or else a nickname for a short, stocky person.... [more]
Sturtz German
Sturtz comes from an alpine village in Germany. It literately means "to stumble".
Stutts German
Variation of Stutz. From the webpage: ... [more]