German Submitted Surnames

German names are used in Germany and other German-speaking areas such as Austria and Switzerland. See also about German names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Freeling Dutch, German (Americanized)
Americanized form of Dutch Vrielink or German Frühling.
Freiburg German
Derives from the German words, frei, which means free, and berg, which means hill, and is the name of a city in Germany.
Freidhof German
Topographical name from the German Fredihof 'graveyard', 'cemetery' (from Middle Low German, Middle High German vrithof 'enclosed farmstead or courtyard', later 'cemetery').
Freier German
Status name of the feudal system denoting a free man, as opposed to a bondsman, from an inflected form of Middle High German vri "free".
Freier German
Archaic occupational name, from Middle High German, Middle Low German vrier, vriger, denoting a man who had the ceremonial duty of asking guests to a wedding.
Freimann German
German cognate of Freeman. from Middle High German vriman "free man" status name in the feudal system for a free man as opposed to a bondman or serf derived from the elements fri "free" and man "man".
Freitag German, Jewish
Means "Friday" in German.
Frey German
Status name for a free man, as opposed to a bondsman or serf, in the feudal system, from Middle High German vri "free", "independent".
Freyer German
Variant of Freier.
Frick German
Variant of Fricke.
Fricke German
Derived from a Low German diminutive of the given name Friedrich.
Frickel German
Elaboration of Frick.
Fricker German
Patronymic form of Frick.
Fricker German, German (Swiss)
Habitational name for someone from the Frick valley in Baden, Germany, or from Frick in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland.
Friddle German
Americanized version of Friedel.
Fridman Yiddish, German (Anglicized)
Derived from the Yiddish "Frid" (see fridu) meaning "peace," combined with "man" meaning "man" or "person." Originally derived from a vernacular form of Shalom, it is also an anglicized spelling of the German name Friedmann.
Friedberg German, Jewish
Combination of either German vride "security, protection" or Friede "peace", with berg "hill, mountain". The name is most often locational, but may in some cases be ornamental.
Friedel German
From the given name Friedrich.
Friedmann German, German (Swiss), Jewish (Ashkenazi)
German and Swiss German from a derivative of Friedrich. ... [more]
Friesen German, Dutch
Patronymic form of Friso (see Fries).
Frisch German
Nickname for someone who was handsome, cheerful, or energetic, from Middle High German vrisch.
Frischkorn German, Jewish
An occupational name for a farmer composed of German frisch "fresh" and korn "grain"... [more]
Friseur German
From German meaning "barber, hairdresser".
Fritsch German
Patronymic name derived from the given name Friedrich.
Fritz German
From the given name Fritz.
Fritzen German
Variant of Fritz.
Fritzsche German
A German patronymic derived from the given name Friedrich.
Froehner German
Derived from Middle High German vröhner meaning "servant".
Fröhlich German
It literally means "happy".
Frosch German
Nickname for someone thought to resemble a frog.
Frühling German (Rare)
Nickname from Middle High German vrüelinc German frühling "spring" in some cases for an early-born child from früh "early" and the suffix -ling denoting affiliation.
Fruth German
nickname from Middle High German vruot ‘clever’, ‘astute’
Frutiger m German
Frutiger is a German surname that is a habitational name for someone from the place called Fruttigen.
Fuhrer German
Originally, an occupational name for a carrier or carter, a driver of horse-drawn vehicles.... [more]
Fulbright German (Anglicized)
Americanized form of German surname Vollbrecht, composed of the elements folk ‘people’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’
Fultz German
All I know is that it's a german name
Funk German
Derived from Middle High German vunke "spark". ... [more]
Funke German
German: variant of Funk.
Furman Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish, Slovene, English, German (Anglicized)
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic), and Slovenian: occupational name for a carter or drayman, the driver of a horse-drawn delivery vehicle, from Polish, Yiddish, and Slovenian furman, a loanword from German (see Fuhrmann)... [more]
Furrer German (Swiss)
Topographic name from the regional term furre ‘cleft in the ground’.
Furth German
German cognate of Ford.
Furtwängler German
Denotes somebody from Furtwangen im Schwarzwald, a city in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
Fust German
Variant of Faust or a nickname for a person who was strong and pugnacious, derived from Old German fust "fist".
Gaa German
Bavarian dialect variant of Gau.
Gaber Jewish, German
In Jewish, from Haber, and in German from Gabrijel.
Galishoff Upper German, German (Austrian)
Derived from the ancient Roman name Gallus, meaning "rooster" in Latin. Hoff meaning house combines the growing or tending to poultry on a farm house, hence the name Galishoff which has been modified over the millennia... [more]
Gangelhoff German
Gangelhoff - German
Gann German
Topographic name for someone who lived near an expanse of scree, Middle High German gant.
Gans German, Dutch
Means "goose" in German and Dutch, either an occupational name for someone who worked with geese, a habitational name for someone who lived by a sign depicting a goose, or a nickname for someone walked oddly or was considered silly or foolish... [more]
Gans German, Dutch
From Old High German ganz "whole, intact, healthy", a nickname for a particularly strong or healthy person.
Ganser German
From the Middle High German word ganser meaning "gander", occupational name for a geese shepherd.
Garson Scottish, French, English, German (Anglicized), Spanish, Jewish
Variant of Scottish Carson and Corston, French Garçon, Spanish-Jewish Garzon and English Garston, or an Americanised form of German Gerson... [more]
Garten German, Jewish
metonymic occupational name for a gardener or overseer of a garden or enclosure. Originally the term denoted the keeper of an enclosure for deer later of a vineyard or smallholding from Middle High German garte "garden enclosure"... [more]
Gartmann German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle High German garte "garden; yard" and German Mann "man", this was occupational name for a gardener. In some cases it may have been a status name referring to the owner of a small (enclosed or fenced) farm or an occupational name for a worker at a deer preserve.
Gassaway German
From the word gasse meaning "alley, street".
Gasser German (Swiss)
Occupational name for a goat herd from Middle High German geiz meaning "Goat" and (n)er an agent suffix.
Gassmann German, Jewish
From German Gasse or Yiddish גאַס (gas), both from Middle High German gazze, meaning "street", denoting someone who lived in a street of a city, town or village.... [more]
Gast German, Germanic
From the Ancient Germanic name element gast.
Gäthje German
Variant of Gathje.
Gathje German
Meaning unknown.
Gatlin German
Possibly an altered spelling of German Göttling, from a Germanic personal name formed with god ‘god’ or god ‘good’ + -ling suffix of affiliation, or, like Gättling (of which this may also be an altered form), a nickname from Middle High German getlinc ‘companion’, ‘kinsman’.
Gatling English, German (Anglicized)
English variant of Gatlin. Possibly a respelling of German Gättling (see also Gatlin).
Gatz German
Habitational name from a place so named in Pomerania.
Gätzi German (Swiss)
Derived from a short form of the given name Pancratius.
Gau German
Habitational name from any of various places named with Middle High German gau, göu ‘area of fertile agricultural land’.
Gauger German
Middle High German gougern 'to wander around or stagger', presumably a nickname for someone with a peculiar gait.
Gaul Scottish (Latinized, Rare), Irish, German
Scottish and Irish: variant of Gall ... [more]
Gawel Polish, English (Americanized), German (Germanized)
Variant of Gaweł, particularly outside of Poland.
Gayer German
Derived from Slavic gaj "grove", this name denoted a forest warden.
Gayheart German (Anglicized), French (Anglicized)
Americanised form of German Gerhardt or possibly French Jolicoeur. A famous bearer is American actress Rebecca Gayheart (1971-).
Gebhard German
From the given name Gebhard
Gebhardt German
From a Germanic given name composed of the elements geb "gift" and hard "hardy", "brave", "strong".
Geidl German
Derived from a Middle High German nickname giudel meaning “braggart” or “squanderer.”
Geigle German
Meaning "violinist" in Swabian German.
Geipelhorst German
This rather rare surname is appears to be the combination of "Geipel", which is a variant of "Geibel" originating from a personal name or topographic name formed with Old High German gawi ‘fertile region’, ‘countryside’ (as opposed to a town), and "Horst" which came from of Old High German, meaning "man from the forest", "bosk" or "brushwood"... [more]
Geisberger German
Regional name for someone who lives in Geisburg, Geisa or near any mountain called Geisberg.
Geiselhart German (Silesian, Rare), Lombardic (Rare), Old High German (Rare)
Possibly after the Geisel, a river in Saxony-Anhalt, which likely received its name from either the Lombardic patronym Giso, meaning "noble, precious promise" or from the Old High German gewi, from the Gothic gavi, or gaujis, a which is a medieval term for a "region within a country", often a former or actual province combined with the suffix Hart, which means "stag", and comes from the Middle English hert and the Old English heort.... [more]
Geiselman German (Silesian)
From the given name Geisler.
Geiser German, German (Swiss)
Occupational name for a goatherd, from a derivative of Middle High German geiz 'goat'.
Geisinger German
Denoted a person from the town of Geising in Germany, which in turn got it's name from the Geisingberg mountain. The Geisingberg most likely got it's name from the Germanic geut or the Early New High German geußen, both meaning "to pour", and the German word Berg meaning "mountain"... [more]
Geist German
Habitational name for someone who lived in a house marked by the sign of the Holy Spirit (normally depicted as a dove), from Middle High German geist 'spirit'.
Geister German (Silesian)
Occupational name for a goatherd, from an agent derivative of Geist
Geller Yiddish, German, Russian
The name may derive from the German word "gellen" (to yell) and mean "one who yells." It may derive from the Yiddish word "gel" (yellow) and mean the "yellow man" or from the Yiddish word "geler," an expression for a redheaded man... [more]
Gemünd German
Regional name for someone who lives in Gemünden.
General German
nickname for a mercenary (employed in royal services).
Gerbracht German, Dutch
From a form of the given name Gerbert, meaning "bright spear".
Gerdes German
Patronymic name, coming from "son of Gerhard.
Gerhart German
From the given name Gerhard
Gerland German
Derived from the given name Gerland.
Gerling German
German patronymic from a short form of a Germanic personal name beginning with the element gar, ger ‘spear’, ‘lance’.
German English, Norman, German, Jewish, Greek
From Old French germain meaning "German". This sometimes denoted an actual immigrant from Germany, but was also used to refer to a person who had trade or other connections with German-speaking lands... [more]
Gersch German, Jewish
Variant of Giersch. ... [more]
Gerson German, Jewish
Variant of Jewish Gershon, or derived from a short form of the German given name Gerhard.
Gerth German (Swiss)
From a reduced form of Gerhardt. Habitational name for someone from Gerthe near Bochum.
Gertsch German (Swiss)
From a short form of any of the Germanic personal names formed with gēr meaning ‘spear’, ‘lance’.
Gertz German
Patronymic from a Germanic personal name meaning "hardy", "brave", "strong."
Gerwig German, French
Derived from the Germanic given name Gerwig, ultimately from the elements gēr meaning "spear" and wīg meaning "battle, fight". This surname is also found in France (mainly in the region of Alsace)... [more]
Gerwin German
From the given name Gerwin.
Gerwulf German
This is an old Germanic name meaning "spear wolf" (ger "spear" and wulf "wolf.")
Gerz German
Variant of Gertz.
Geyer German
Variant of Geier.
Gfeller German
Topographical name for someone who lived by a gorge, Middle High German gevelle, or a habitational name for someone from any of various places in Bavaria and Austria named from this word.
Gier German
Means "greed" in German.
Gierke German
A derivative of the personal names Gerard or Gerald. ... [more]
Giersch German
German from the female personal name Gerusch or Gerisch, pet forms of Gertrud (see Trude), with the Slavic suffix -usch or -isch.
Giesbrecht German
A variant of the given name Giselbert, which in turn is related to Gilbert... [more]
Gieselman German
Variant spelling of Geiselman.
Gieselmann German
Variant spelling of Geiselman.
Giesinger German
Denoted a person from the town of Giesing in Germany. Or perhaps a variant spelling of Geisinger. A famous bearer of this surname is the German singer-songwriter Max Giesinger.
Gilgen German, German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle High German gilge "lily", this was a habitational name from the inflected form of a house name meaning "at the lily".
Gilgen German (Swiss)
Derived from a short form of the given name Aegidius.
Gimpel German, Jewish
German: from a pet form of the personal name Gumprecht (see Gombert). ... [more]
Gindlesperger German
Possibly a topographic name for someone who lived on a mountain near the town of Gindels in Bavaria, Germany.
Gindt German, Alsatian
From the Germanic personal name Gundo, from gund meaning "war", "battle".
Gingrich German (Americanized)
Potentially from German “junge” and “reich,” meaning “rich at a young age.” Anglicized by immigrants as either Gingrich or Guengerich.
Ginsburg German, Jewish
Habitational name for someone who came from Gunzberg in Bavaria, Günsburg in Swabia, or Gintsshprik (Königsburg) in East Prussia. Its origin is from the name of the river Günz, written in early Latin documents as Guntia, which was probably of Celtic origin, and Old High German burg meaning "Fortress, walled town".
Gips German, Dutch
Patronymic derived from a short form of names containing the Old Germanic element gebō "gift", or a Dutch cognate of Gibbs.
Gire English (American), German
Americanized form of German Gaier or Geyer.
Gisbert German
From the given name Gisbert.
Gish German
From a shortened form of the Germanic personal name Gisulf, literally "hostage wolf". It was borne by American actress Lillian Gish (?1893-1993), original name Lillian de Guiche.
Glaessel German (Anglicized)
Anglicized spelling of German Gläßel.
Glandt German
Nickname from Middle High Geman glander meaning "gleam", "sparkle", "shine", for someone with such a temperament.
Glaus German (Swiss)
Derived from a late medieval short form of Niklaus.
Glauser German (Swiss)
Patronymic form of Glaus.
Gleichenhaus German
From Proto-Germanic galīkaz meaning "alike" combined with the word haus meaning "house"
Glock German
Meant "person who lives by a church bell-tower or in a house with the sign of a bell", "bell-ringer" or "town crier" (German Glocke "bell"). It was borne by Sir William Glock (1908-2000), a British music administrator.
Gloff German
German and Swiss German: from the Germanic personal name Egilolf, composed of the elements agi(l) ‘edge’, ‘point’ (of a sword) + wolf ‘wolf’, cognate with Old English Ecgwulf. This was the name of several Lombard kings (ancestors of the Bavarian ducal line of the Agilolfinger), who introduced the name to Italy.
Gmelin German
German nickname for an unhurried person from Middle High German gmēle, based on the adjective gemach meaning "comfortable calm".
Gobert French, German, English
From the given name Gobert a compressed form of Godebert composed of the ancient Germanic elements god "good" or god/got "god" and berht "bright famous".
Gödel German
From an Old German personal name, Godilo, Godila.German (Gödel): from a pet form of a compound personal name beginning with the element god ‘good’ or god, got ‘god’.Variant of Godl or Gödl, South German variants of Gote, from Middle High German got(t)e, gö(t)te ‘godfather’.
Godrich German
German form of Goodrich.
Goebbels German, History
Originally an occupational name for a brewer. Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
Goedel German
Variant of Gödel.
Goeman German
Patronym from a Germanic name: good or god + man.
Goertze German
Probably a variant of Göretz, a reduced form of Gerhards (see Gerhardt), or a variant of Goertz.
Goertzen German
German: probably a variant of Göretz, a reduced form of Gerhards (see Gerhardt), or a variant of Goertz.
Goethe German
From a short form of the personal name Godo, formed with the Germanic element god, got 'god', or from Middle High German göte 'godfather'.
Goettel German
From a pet form of Gottfried, or any of the other personal names formed with Got(t)-.
Goettems German, Brazilian
Brazilian adaptation of the German surname Goedems; altered for easier comprehension by the Portuguese-speaking population of Brazil. All members of the Goettems family in Brazil are descendants of Johann Goedems, born in Oberlöstern, Saarland, on September 17, 1798.
Goetz German
Originally a hypocorism of the given name Gottfried. Variants include the surnames Getz, Götz and the given name Götz.
Goetzinger German
Originally denoted a person who came from an place called Götzing, Götzingen or Goetzingen.... [more]
Gohrband German (Rare)
Contained in a Latin land deed granted to a German for a castle-keep dated February 21, 1308. It is believed to be the first written record and original spelling of the name, generally understood to mean in German, "he who lives by the marsh"... [more]
Goldberg German, Jewish, Danish
From German gold 'gold' and -berg, meaning 'gold-mountain'.
Golder German
Meaning "gold worker, jeweller".
Goldfarb English, German, Jewish
Goldfarb is a Jewish occupational name that was originally derived from the Old German word gold.
Goldman German, Jewish
Possibly meaning goldsmith in German, from Gold and Mann.... [more]
Goldmann German, Jewish
occupational name for someone who worked with gold denoting anything from a gold-miner to a maker of gold jewelry or a gilder (someone skilled in decorating surfaces with a very thin layer of gold leaf)... [more]
Goldner German
"Gold maker, gilder".
Goldring German, English, Jewish
This surname was probably given to someone who wore a gold ring.
Goldschmid German
Variant spelling of Goldschmidt.
Goldschmitt German
Variant of Goldschmidt, meaning "gold smith" in German.
Goldschneider German
Means "gold cutter" in German, from the elements gold "gold" and snidan "to cut".
Goldwasser German
German form of the anglicised surname Goldwater.
Goldwater German (Anglicized), Jewish (Anglicized)
This name is an Anglicized form of the German or Ashkenazic ornamental surname 'Goldwasser', or 'Goldvasser'. The name derives from the German or Yiddish gold', gold, with 'wasser', water, and is one of the very many such compound ornamental names formed with 'gold', such as 'Goldbaum', golden tree, 'Goldbert', golden hill, 'Goldkind', golden child, 'Goldrosen', golden roses, and 'Goldstern', golden star.
Gombert French, German
French and German: from Gundbert, a Germanic personal name composed of the elements gund ‘battle’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’... [more]
Goodbar German (Anglicized), English
Possibly an altered spelling of English Godber, derived from the medieval given name Godebert, or an occupational name for a beer brewer and a nickname for a toper... [more]
Goos German, Flemish, Dutch
Either a metonymic occupational name for a breeder or keeper of geese, from Middle Low German gōs and Middle Dutch goes "goose", or a short form of an Old German personal name containing Gote "Goth" or got "god", particularly Goswin or Gozewijn (a compound name with the second element wini "friend").
Göring German
German surname most commonly associated with Nazi Party leader, Hermann Göring.
Görlitz German
The name of a small town in Saxony. Derived from old Sorbian word "Zgorelc" meaning "settlement on a burned-out forest."
Göschen German, Low German
Patronymic from the German given name Gottschalk.
Gottfried German, Jewish
Derived from the given name Gottfried. A famous bearer was the American comedian and actor Gilbert Gottfried (1955-2022).
Göttgen German
From a Rhenish pet form of the given name Gottfried.
Gottlob German
From the given name Gottlob.
Gottstein German
Topographic name from a field name meaning literally "God's rock" derived from the elements got "god" and stein "stone"... [more]
Götz German
Originally a hypocorism of Gottfried, which is derived from an Old High German given name. Variants include the surnames Getz and Goetz, as well as the given name Götz.
Götze German
From the given name Götz.
Goudier German
Germanic patronym from "godhari" meaning "army of God".
Grabe German
Topographic name for someone who lived by a dike or ditch, or habitational name from either of two places in Thuringia named with this word: Grabe and Graba.
Grabenstein German
Habitational name from Grafenstein near Wohlau, Silesia.
Grable German
Means "digger of ditches or graves" (from a derivative of Middle High German graben "ditch"). A famous bearer was US actress, dancer and singer Betty Grable (1916-1973).
Graef Dutch, German
Variant form of Graf or De Graaf.
Grämlich German
Nickname for an irascible person, derived from Middle High German gramelich, gremlich meaning "angry".
Grammer German, English
Variant of Krämer or a habitational name for someone possibly from German places called Gram or Grammen. It can also be an English occupational name for a scholar or an astrologer, derived from Old French gramaire meaning "grammarian, scholar, astrologer"... [more]
Grass English, German
Topographic name for someone who owned or lived by a meadow, or a metonymic occupational name for someone who made or sold hay, from Middle English gras, Middle High German gras "grass, pasture, grazing".
Gratz German
From a short form of a Germanic personal name reflected by Old High German gratag 'greedy'
Grau German, Jewish
Nickname for someone with gray hair or a gray beard, from German grau "gray".
Graue German
Habitational name from a place so named near Hannover.
Graue German
Variant of Grau.
Graupman German
Occupational name for someone who produced or dealt with grits and legumes, from early modern German graupe "pot barley" (bohemian krupa) and man "man".
Grave German
Either from the northern form of Graf, but more commonly a topographic name from Middle Low German grave "ditch", "moat", "channel", or a habitational name from any of several places in northern Germany named with this word.
Graves English, French, German
Derives from someone who had an occupation as a grave digger or a caretaker for a graveyard.
Grawert Low German, German (East Prussian)
As a Low German name, Grawert is derived from Middle High German grā and Old High German grāo "gray" (originally "shimmery, gleaming"). As a surname, it was a nickname given to someone with gray hair.... [more]
Grebenstein German
Means "stone from the cliff or ridge" from German greben, (cliff or ridge) and stein (stone).... [more]
Greenberger German, Jewish
Anglicized form of the German surname Grünberger, which is formed from the words grün "green", Berg "mountain", and the habitational suffix -er. This name indicated a person who lived on or near a forest-covered mountain.
Greenburgh German, Jewish
The surname Greenburgh is anglicized for the German Jewish surname Greenberg which translates into English as green mountain.
Greenfield English, German (Americanized)
habitational name either from any of numerous minor places called Greenfield, for example in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex, and Yorkshire, from Old English grene "green" and feld "pasture, open country"... [more]
Greet German
Americanized form of German Fried.
Greif German
Means "Griffin" in German. From the mythological creature.
Greiner Upper German, German (Swiss)
Nickname for a quarrelsome or cantankerous person, derived from Middle High German grīner meaning "squabbler, quarreler" (ultimately an agent derivative of grīn meaning "loud, cry, screaming, shouting")... [more]
Grell German
Nickname for an irritable or irascible person, from Middle High German, Middle Low German grellen "to be angry".
Grell German
Habitational name from a place named Grelle.